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your_old_electronics_are_actually_mini_gold_mines_640_01.jpg (25.66 KB, 下载次数: 449)
08:56 上传
your_old_electronics_are_actually_mini_gold_mines_640_02.jpg (27.43 KB, 下载次数: 473)
08:57 上传
Collect any gold-containing metal scraps to which you have access, including jewelry, computer processors, old telephone wiring or gold tooth crowns. Keep in mind that outdated electronics are likelier to produce parts with a high enough level of gold to make the procedure worthwhile.
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08:57 上传
This is the gold I collected in a bucket over three months.
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08:58 上传
Sort the gold into circuits that need cleaning, gold plated parts, gold plated pins, gold fingers, and solid gold large and small. Use a magnet to separate all gold plated steel this needs a different process than I am demonstrating.
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08:58 上传
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08:59 上传
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08:59 上传
Step 2: Stripping the Fingers and Clean Circuits
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08:59 上传
Apply all safety gear correctly before working with chemicals and do this outside as the fumes are nasty.
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08:59 上传
Put the gold fingers and clean circuit boards in the coffee pot, in another container mix two parts muriatic acid and one part hydrogen peroxide and add to the coffee pot until it just covers the gold fingers and wait a week giving it a stir daily. Since I have a week I will move on to processing my solid low grade gold parts.
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09:01 上传
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09:01 上传
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09:00 上传
Step 3: My Scale
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09:02 上传
My RCBS scale is accurate to 1/10th of a grain when setup right however do not go by the Oz to grain chart on the scale. A grain is a grain however a troy Oz is 1/12th of a troy pound and a regular Oz is 1/16th of a pound so a Troy Oz is 480 grains not 437.5 grains. Setup the scale remembering to zero it by adjusting the screw on the left.
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09:02 上传
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09:02 上传
Step 4: Cupellation
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09:02 上传
Cupellation is a process where ores or alloyed metals are treated under high temperatures and controlled operations to separate noble metals, like gold and silver, from base metals like led, copper, zinc, and others present in the ore or alloyed metal. The process is based on the principle that precious metals do not oxidize or react chemically,
so when they are heated at high temperatures, the precious metals remain apart and the others react forming slags or other compounds. This process has been in use since the Bronze Age and still used today able to raise the gold and silver content to 95%, however the process cannot separate silver from gold, but this is good enough for me.
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09:02 上传
Cupellation is simple weigh the solid pieces of low grade gold, burn the crap out of it until you get no more slag and it becomes a nice bright yellow bead, and then you weigh it after it cools.
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09:03 上传
My solid low grade gold parts with garbage attached went from 180 grains to 75.9 grains of high grade gold with no garbage attached.
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09:03 上传
Step 5: Gold Flakes and Dust
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09:03 上传
A week has passed and it is time to collect your gold flakes and dust from your cleaned fingers and circuit boards, after a week the acid darkens and with a stir the flakes of gold can be seen floating around in the pot.
Powered by中国武汉的一处电子垃圾回收工厂,工人正在分类废旧电池。《中国日报》报道称,到2050年,可再生能源将占中国能源消费的1/3。而在哥本哈根举行的全球气候变化会议指出,目前全球对化石能源的依赖仍很大。日本东京,利泰姆株式会社的一家工厂,工人正拿着一部废旧手机。该公司研发了稀土金属回收技术,而稀土金属对电子设备的制造非常关键。日本科技公司正面临高昂的稀土金属采购成本。中国合肥,一家废品回收工厂,一名工人正搬运一台废旧电视机。东京附近的本庄,日本同和控股下属的生态系统回收公司,一名工人捧起从废旧电子产品中获得的金属原料。从废旧手机中可以提取金、银、铜,以及其他多种金属。随着金属价格的飞涨,全球这一行业正快速发展。巴西东南部城市Jundiai,Itautec公司的电子垃圾回收部门,一名员工正在分拣废旧电脑部件。该公司生产消费电子设备和ATM机,提供IT解决方案,并积极回收电子垃圾。印度Mankhal的电子垃圾回收工厂,技术员正在拆解施乐的电子设备。武汉一家新开的电子垃圾回收工厂,一名员工正在整理废旧电脑。菲律宾马尼拉金融区的贫民窟,一些小孩正在分拣废旧电子设备,从中取出铜质部件出售。日本同和控股下属的生态系统回收公司,一名工人正将融化的黄金倒入模具。这些黄金回收自废旧手机和其他电子设备。罗马尼亚演员艾林-泰格拉斯(Alin Teglas)在布加勒斯特的家中展示了用废旧光盘制作的台灯。泰格拉斯表示,他使用废旧计算机部件手工制作装饰品和灯具。台湾桃园县的电子垃圾回收工厂,一名男子走过成堆的废旧计算机部件。利泰姆株式会社回收工厂中的CPU芯片。阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家回收工厂,废旧显示器堆积如山。
产品定位 屏幕尺寸


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