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age where you're pimple-free. Never happens. Don't fret! New research
suggests that you can hit up your herb garden instead of shelling out bucks at
the pharmacy. A little bit of thyme could clear your skin up better than any
Researchers from Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK have been testing
out herbal treatments on Propionibacterium acnes—the bacteria which infect pores
to produce all sorts of spots, from innocent white heads through to puss-filled
cysts. In the process, they've found that thyme is more effective than most acne
creams and washes.
Most commercially available treatments rely on benzoyl peroxide to work as
an antibacterial. Turns out, thyme contains the exact same active ingredient in
high concentrations. Across the researchers' tests, a tincture made from thyme
beat remedies you'd find at your pharmacy, hands down. The researchers are
presenting their work this week at the Society for General Microbiology's Spring
But what the hell is a tincture, and how do you make one? Dr Margarita
Gomez-Escalada, one of the researchers, explains to EurekAlert:
"The plant material is steeped in alcohol for days or even weeks to prepare
a tincture. This process draws out the active compounds from the plant."
Whether a DIY tincture made using vodka and homegrown thyme will be up to
the job, I'm not entirely sure. Worth a shot, though.
Many acne sufferers wonder how they can ever clear up their acne. After
trying many conventional acne treatments like antibiotics, cleansers and even
the so-called wonder drug Accutane - without good results - many look to natural
treatments for acne.
I was once in a similar position having suffered personally from acne in
the past for many years. So I would like to give some tips for how I went about
clearing up my skin after all those years. Here I want to talk about what to
drink for significantly clearer skin.
Research has yet to determine the precise cause of acne, but the medical
profession does assume there are a number of factors involved that cause the
skin disorder. One important factor is an increase in hormones called androgens
(a male sex hormone). These androgen hormones increase during puberty
drastically which results in the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum that can
lead to acne.
One possible cause is heredity or genetics. Many medical researchers assume
acne is inherited. For instance, studies have shown that many school-age teens
with acne have a family history of this skin disorder. Another is the use of oil
based cosmetics which alter follicles making them stick together plugging the
skin pore.
Understand what could cause acne:
- Hormonal level changes in women days before the menstrual cycle.
- Greasy make-up and other oil based skin products.
- Additional pressure against the skin from sporting equipment, collars or
- Air pollution, high humidity and other environmental irritants.
- Squeezing or picking at blemishes.
- Scrubbing the skin to hard.
- Daily tension.
What doesn't cause acne.
Medical research has yet to prove that dirty skin, eating certain foods and
sweets can lead to acne in teens and young adults. However, research does
suggests that for people who have acne, excess stress can make it worse.
So Who Gets Acne?
Individuals of all ages can get acne regardless of their race. Studies show
that acne skin problems are most common in adolescents and young adults. And at
various times 80 percent of all individuals between 11 and 30 years old will
have experienced some sort of acne. For many people, acne tends to go away by
the time they reach their thirties, but for some people their acne skin problems
will carry on to their forties and fifties.
How Should You Care for Your Skin?
Gently Wash Your Skin.
With acne you should always wash your face using a mild soap once in the
morning, once the evening before bed, after taking off your make-up or after any
heavy exercise.
Check with your doctor or dermatologist for advice on the best type of skin
cleanser to use. Using strong soaps or rough scrub pads are not helpful and may
make your acne problem worse.
Astringents are not recommended unless your skin very oily and they should
be used only on oily spots. It is also important to shampoo your hair frequently
and consider shampooing daily if you have oily hair.
Avoid Unnecessary Touching of Your Skin.
Refrain from rubbing or touching your skin lesions. Squeezing, pinching or
picking blemishes could development into acne scars or dark skin blotches.
When You Shave, Shave Cautiously.
Men who have facial acne should experiment with both electric and safety
razors to find which method is more comfortable. When using a safety razor make
sure the blade is sharp and soften your beard thoroughly with soap and water
before applying shaving cream. Shave with care and only when required to cutback
the chance of nicking your blemishes.
The first drink is water. The benefits of drinking a good two liters of
water everyday cannot be underestimated both for general good health and skin
health. The main benefit to drinking lots of water is that it flushes out toxins
from the body that would otherwise come out from the skin and cause
One extra thing to know about water is that there of course different types
of water with different quality or purity. The main types of water for drinking
are tap water, filtered water and spring water. Obviously unless you have your
own spring you're going to have to buy bottled spring water which can be
expensive. Tap water has many impurities in it and so although better than
nothing this leaves filtered water. You can get a good filter fairly
inexpensively these days and then you just pour tap water into it and it filters
out the impurities (toxins).
The other drink which is by far the best for clearing up acne, although
it's unpleasant to drink (unlike water) is juiced vegetables (vegetable juices).
You can buy this is some specialist stores and they usually taste like a mix of
carrot juice and tomato juice. Or you can get a juicer and some vegetables and
juice your own.
Vegetable juices are great for clearing acne because they contain lots of
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also have a cleansing effect on the
blood,which is good for skin as well. And finally green vegetables balance
This last point is important for acne sufferers because the root cause of
acne is imbalanced hormones. And balancing them is the way to permanently cure
acne. This makes juiced vegetables the number one drink for clearing up even
severe acne, like I once had.
Once you start drinking plenty of water everyday and add vegetable juice as
well you'll notice your skin start to clear up and combining this with the other
ways to balance hormones will result in completely clear skin for life.
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