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Learning Chinese in China, or anywhere else for that matter, is a process both frustrating and rewarding - often within the same lesson. If you do plan to learn Chinese in China, however, rest assured that you&re in the best place possible to meet your goals. Where you decide to take lessons, however, is up to you. This article will explore the pros and cons of studying Chinese at a university or a language school. & A bit about Mandarin In some ways Mandarin seds like it should be easy, after all,&there&s a limited number of sounds (that&s actually one of the hardest things about i...
Are you looking to get rich but missed the Bitcoin bandwagon? Don&t worry, there will always be new Ponzi schdes coming out. But if you&re looking to put in some hard work, you should most certainly consider a few of the best paid jobs in China for foreigners. If the US was the place to go to realize your (financial) dreams 120 years ago, then China is that place today. Let&s have a look at some the best paid jobs for foreigners in China.& It&s only fair to assume that most people want a job will a high salary, a comfortably decent societal status and job security. Therefore, it also stands to a...
I always knew that parenthood would be a challenge, though I assumed that I’d be doing it in my home country instead of China. In many ways it's what I imagined parenting to be like but raising Chinese-Australians here does present some interesting challenges: Everyday Life The boys’ childhood has been anything but traditional by Chinese standards – actually it’s bordering on rebellious. The...
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