
浙江东大电缆有限公司(上海东大电线电缆有限公司)成立于2003年5月,总部位于中国电器之都柳市镇柳黄路1688号西仁宕工业区。专业生产10KV及以下的各种通用橡套软电缆,矿用防爆电缆,电力电缆,控制电缆,绝缘架空电缆,民用电线,高压电缆,计算机电缆,硅橡胶耐寒耐高温电缆,特种电缆等等。 东大引进当今世界上最先进的生产流水线以及检测设备,拥有一批专业技术人员和一支高素质的员工队伍,让东大公司年产各种电线电缆达3000万公里。 ……【更多】
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“缩骨功”钻门缝 瘦贼连偷5家店 家电行业:空调旺销带动白电收入净利高增长 推荐业绩确定性强的 [BTOB][新闻]170728 陆重烷突袭BTOB宿舍《握拳船笛声》元老陆星材 第27届SFE上海国际连锁加盟展览会圆满闭幕 百余位加盟商选择徽兰庭 肌骨同治 运动复健股骨头(上) 猎场罗伊人真实身份是什么介绍 菅纫姿角色复杂表现超预期 北京市近80万纳税人可在线缴个税 花生霸王双层堡品鉴会在哈尔滨举行 经外奇穴, 对于高血压、手脚麻木、急症有帮助, 按揉一下吧! 关于公开征求《锥(板)栗林下棘托竹荪栽培技术规程》 刺杀阿夫扎尔汗的凶器:印度式封闭握柄型蝎刀 恒大御澜湾在售23#楼高层 均价13500元/平 汪嘉波:中国的发展进入了成熟期 解千忧:今日外汇黄金原油白银行情走势分析操作建议附解套 B站正式推出联通定向免流卡:4月1日零时开放申请 皮脆肉嫩!中秋怎么能少得了这么一道美味硬菜呢 邮储银行洛阳分行参与邮爱公益活动 走进贵州大山深处探访受助学生 高应大54精彩校庆系列活动 好事成三、建燕双喜、一路有你 小伙为面子给车装警报器 见交警就慌鸣响警笛被罚 奔驰被撞驾驶室临时换人 原是醉驾心虚找人“顶包” 人类有望太空移民攻克癌症 曾经风雅曾经俗 8旬老太坐错公交车迷路 戴尔燃7000系统不错 苏宁鑫恒浩电脑官方旗舰店在售5199元 一起断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合症的诊治 藕酥牛筋拌香根,风声水起全是蕌头惹出来的禍 党的十九大报告单行本在湘发行 中网第六比赛日:众名将悉数晋级 中国女单全军覆 深耕智能文娱领域 服务社会甘当“螺丝钉” 江浩:南京市中医院推拿科 副主任、副主任中医师 李玉刚霍尊献唱《捉妖记2》推广曲 诠释东方美学 保山市委宣传部深入汪李村开展“挂包帮”走访工作 一线教育专家谈“学校创新”:警惕“伪创新”与“真折腾” “立马九岭歼顽敌,屡教倭奴弃甲还” 通城重立“立马九岭”抗战 通山县燕厦乡政协委员提案修复龙燕路解决交通难 三亚竹络岭隧道左洞顺利贯通 预计12月底通车 男子将同居多年移情别恋女友捅伤被刑拘 健康养生:缓解手脚冰凉几款汤水能帮忙 深圳市市场和质量监督管理委员会关于注销深圳市绿微康酶制剂有限 关于使用人造草坪减震垫的几点提示 我已厌倦了孤单的滋味,希望有个人陪我体会生活的真谛 沈阳和平区:首届冬季皇寺古玩交流大会将于11月8日启幕 Jasper盯爸妈Kiss 我只盯应采儿瘦小腿绝技!(图) 长江天堑辟通途——中部战区陆军某舟桥旅举行渡江工程保障演练侧记 今天,你在朋友圈“0元砍松下”了吗? 【责任在心 担当在行】孟立祥:将担当融进生活的开拓者 定日洛谐 诺诚光伏发电 成就美好未来 跳什么舞?打什么仗?赚什么钱?看《芳华》前必须上的三堂历史课 科尔比-卡温顿承诺在八角笼对决中迫使泰伦-伍德利放弃 瞧!古人的萌宠世界 料理次元秋夕之梦攻略 秋夕之梦掉落奖励一览 三连胜难掩哈登最大心疾,五千万长枪哑火莫雷损失最强攻击力 中法旷世之恋 两人曾经是师生关系只想叹这才是爱情真正的样子(2) 第36届沙迦国际书展开幕 展出150多万册图书_金羊网新闻 大安美食舒牛肉 书剑合璧 镇江农业:迈上转型升级提质增效新台阶 2017融水苗族芦笙斗马节即将举办 首邀东盟少数民族“打同年” 恒尚为民代表队一名新队员的参赛体会 江阳区三派出所“迁新居” 开创派出所规范化建设新局面 四川省地理信息产业协会来湘调研 2017浙江台州欣合会计师事务所招聘公告【招4人】 中国秦腔优秀剧目会演:展现梆子腔优秀成果 歷史探密/宋朝女人坐凳子或椅子 竟是傷風敗俗之事 2016年中国出口天麻178吨 韩国需求最旺 “刀锋舞者”中国航母舰载战斗机飞行员曹先建 酷派5311手感舒适 苏宁竟纬科技专营店售价349元 莒南县一对情侣花销大 合伙骗6部手机被抓 诺天王拼尽全力扛不起溃败小牛 忠诚斗士难逃科比老路? 阿里钉钉发布会门票收入捐献公益 最贵档1999元秒光 三星也要做无线充电垫,酷似苹果AirPower 微软首席安全官邵江宁:区块链技术面临四大问题 邵阳县百名“三孤”人员获20万元心基金救助 魅蓝Note 6猩焰红开箱图赏:千元机颜值巅峰 奉化日报-数字报刊平台 葡萄酒量降价涨?龙头张裕A难改业绩下滑局面 *ST匹凸(600696) 大爷骑三轮车撞上宾利 赔了一把葱 浅田叹索契冬奥从地狱到天堂 望羽生结弦卫冕2016 SFE上海国际金融机构及银行专用技术设备展览
2016 SFE上海国际金融机构及银行专用技术设备展览会
2016 Shanghai international finance and banking special technical equipment exhibition
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2016 SFE 上海国际金融机构及银行专用技术设备展览会依托上海金融中心辐射力和影响力,观众构成以金融机构及相关领域的专业人士为主,辅以部分社会大众。
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今日搜狐热点Products extracted from a plant of the genus Commiphora, particularly the Commiphora mukul plant, extracts containing same and applications thereof, for example in cosmetics
United States Patent 6630177
Products of formula (I) extracted from a plant of the genus Commiphora, particularly the Commiphora mukul plant, wherein R is (a) a CH2OH grouping, (b) a COOH grouping, and salts or esters thereof are described. These products and the extracts containing them are effective cosmetic agents against wrinkles.
Andre, Patrice (Neuvilles aux Bois, FR)
Lhermite,St&phane (Semoy, FR)
Pellicier,Fran&oise (Loury, FR)
Application Number:
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Parfums, Christian Dior (Paris, FR)
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International Classes:
A61K8/00; A61K8/35; A61K8/365; A61K8/37; A61K8/96; A61K8/97; A61K36/18; A61K36/328; A61P17/00; A61Q1/00; A61Q1/10; A61Q19/00; A61Q19/08; C07C45/78; C07C49/743; C07C59/82; C07C59/90; C07C69/007; C07C69/738; C07C403/08; C07C403/20; (IPC1-7): A61K35/78; A01N25/00; A61K31/22
Field of Search:
514/944, 424/195.18, 424/401, 514/844, 560/174, 514/846, 424/195.15, 568/374, 424/748, 514/549, 514/847, 424/725
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US Patent References:
5972341Andre et al.424/195.15690948McCook et al.424/4015521223Piazza et al.514/7855273747Bombardelli et al.424/195.15151272Engstrom et al.424/450
Primary Examiner:
Hartley, Michael G.
Attorney, Agent or Firm:
Dennison, Schultz & Dougherty
Parent Case Data:
This application is a continuation of Ser. No.
09/029,851, filed May 20, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,972,341,
which is a 371 of PCT/FR96/01415, filed Sep. 13, 1996.
What is claimed is:
1. A method for cosmetic skin care, comprising applying to areas of the skin in need thereof an effective amount of an anti-wrinkle agent consisting essentially of at least one extract of a plant of the genus Commiphora for promoting stimulation of synthesis of intracellular triglycerides or promoting inhibition or lowering degredation of intracellular triglycerides, and thereby reducing depth of large and small wrinkles and giving the skin a smooth appearance.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein said extract of a plant of the genus Commiphora is an extract of the plant Commiphora mukul.
3. The method according to claim 1, wherein said extract is an extract of the resin of the plant Commiphora mukul.
4. The method according to claim 3, wherein said extract is obtained by grinding resin aggregates followed by extraction with a solvent having a polarity p′ less than 5.5.
5. The method according to claim 4, wherein the solvent used to perform the extraction is selected from the group consisting of n-pentane, n-hexane, petroleum ether, cyclohexane, n-decane, dichloromethane, isopropanol, n-propanol, chloroform, ethanol, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol.
6. The method according to claim 1, wherein said extract is obtained by extraction of Commiphora mukul with carbon dioxide in a supercritical state.
7. The method according to claim 1, wherein said extract is enriched in at least one product of formula (I):
in which R is:a) a CH2OH group or b) a COOH group, and salts and esters thereof.
8. The method according to claim 7, wherein said extract is enriched in a product of formula (II):
in which R is:a) a CH2OH group, the product being denoted by formula IIa, b) a COOH group, the product being denoted by formula IIb, c) a group
in which R1 is a linear or branched alkyl group of 1 to 6 carbon atoms, d) a group COOM, where M is an alkali metal, e) A group COO(M′0.5′,) where M′ is an alkaline earth metal, or f) a group COOR2, where R2 is a linear or branched alkyl group containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms.
9. The method according to claim 8, wherein said extract is enriched in a product of formula (IIa):
10. The method according to claim 8, wherein said extract is enriched in a product of formula (IIb):
11. The method according to claim 7, wherein said composition contains from 0.001 to 1% by weight of said product of formula (I).
12. The method according to claim 7, wherein said composition comprises from 0.005 to 5% by weight of said enriched extract.
13. The method according to claim 12, wherein said enriched extract is an extract of resin of Commiphora mukul.
14. A method for cosmetic skin care, comprising application to an area of the skin in need thereof an effective amount of at least one product of formula (I):
in which R is:a) A CH2OH group or b) a COOH group, and salts and esters thereof,wherein said effective amount is applied by means of a cosmetic composition comprising from 0.005 to 5% by weight of an anti-wrinkle agent consisting essentially of an extract of Commiphora mukul containing said product of formula (I) in an amount sufficient for promoting stimulation of synthesis of intracellular triglycerides or promoting inhibition or lowering degradation of intracellular triglycerides, and thereby reducing depth of large and small wrinkles and giving the skin a smooth appearance.
15. A cosmetic composition comprising 0.001 to 1% by weight of at least one compound selected from the group consisting of:
in which R is:a) a CH2OH group or b) a COOH group, and
in which R is: a) a CH2OH group, b) a COOH group, c) a group
in which R1 is a linear or branched alkyl group containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, d) a group COOM, where M is an alkali metal, e) a group COOM′0.5, where M′ is an alkaline earth metal, or f) a group COOR2 where R2 is a linear or branched alkyl group containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, and salts and esters thereof,said compound having been obtained by process steps comprising treating resin of Commiphora mukul by extraction with an organic solvent to prepare an extract G, subjecting said extract G to at least one fractionation step in order to isolate a fraction consisting essentially of at least one product of formula I or formula II, with a cosmetically acceptable excipient.
16. The composition according to claim 15, comprising 0.01 to 0.1% of said at least one compound.
17. The composition according to claim 15, wherein said at least one compound is selected from the group consisting of:
18. The composition according to claim 15, containing 0.005 to 5% by weight of an extract of Commiphora mukul containing said at least one compound.
19. The composition according to claim 18, containing 0.05 to 1% by weight of said extract.
20. The composition according to claim 15, additionally comprising a cosmetically effective amount of a product acting on fibronectin synthesis, a product acting on collagen synthesis, or a mixture thereof.
21. The composition according to claim 20, wherein the product acting on fibronectin synthesis is selected from the group consisting of galactolipids, galactoglycerides and mixtures thereof.
22. The composition according to claim 20, wherein the product acting on collegen synthesis is vitamin C.
23. A cosmetic composition comprising a plurality of anti-wrinkle active agents, one of said agents comprising 0.001 to 1% by weight of at least one compound selected from the group consisting of:
in which R is:a) a CH2OH group or b) a COOH group, and in which R is:a) a CH2OH group, b) a COOH group, c) a group
in which R1 is a linear or branched alkyl group of 1 to 6 carbon atoms, d) a group COOM, where N is an alkali metal, e) a group COO(M′0.5), where M′ is an alkaline earth metal, or f) a group COOR2, where R2 is a linear or branched alkyl group containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, and salts and esters thereof,said compound having been obtained by process steps comprising treating resin of Commiphora mukul by extraction with an organic solvent to prepare an extract G, subjecting said extract G to at least one fractionation step in order to isolate a fraction consisting essentially of at least one product of formula I or formula II, and a cosmetically acceptable excipient.
24. The composition according to claim 23, additionally comprising a cosmetically effective amount of a product acting on fibronectin synthesis, a product acting on collagen synthesis, or a mixture thereof.
25. The composition according to claim 24, wherein the product acting on fibronectin synthesis is selected from the group consisting of galactolipids, galactoglycerides and mixtures thereof.
26. The composition according to claim 24, wherein the product acting on collegen synthesis is vitamin C.
27. A cosmetic composition comprising an anti-wrinkle agent consisting essentially of at least one compound selected from the group consisting of:
in which R is:a) a CH2OH group or b) a COOH group, and
in which R is: a) a CH2OH group, b) a COOH group, c) a group
in which R1 is a linear or branched alkyl group of 1 to 6 carbon atoms, d) a group COOM, where M is an alkali metal, e) a group COO(M′0.5), where M′ is an alkaline earth metal, or f) a group COOR2, where R2 is a linear or branched alkyl group containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, and salts and esters thereof,said compound having been obtained by process steps comprising treating resin of Commiphora mukul by extraction with an organic solvent to prepare an extract G, subjecting said extract G to at least one fractionation step in order to isolate a fraction consisting essentially of at least one product of formula I or formula II, said at least one compound being present in said composition in an amount of 0.001 to 1% by weight, and optionally, a cosmetically effective amount of a compound acting on fibronectin synthesis, a compound acting on collagen synthesis, or a mixture thereof, with a cosmetically acceptable excipient.
28. The composition according to claim 27, wherein the product acting on fibronectin synthesis is selected from the group consisting of galactolipids, galactoglycerides and mixtures thereof.
29. The composition according to claim 27, wherein the product acting on collegen synthesis is vitamin C.
30. A method for cosmetic skin care, comprising applying to areas of the skin in need thereof an effective amount of an anti-wrinkle agent consisting essentially of a compound for improving fibronectin synthesis and at least one extract of a plant of the genus Commiphora for promoting stimulation of synthesis of intracellular triglycerides or promoting inhibition or lowering degradation of intracellular triglycerides, and thereby reducing depth of large and small wrinkles and giving the skin a smooth appearance.
31. A method for cosmetic skin care, comprising applying to areas of the skin in need thereof an effective amount of an anti-wrinkle agent consisting essentially of a compound for improving collagen synthesis and at least one extract of a plant of the genus Commiphora for promoting stimulation of synthesis of intracellular triglycerides or promoting inhibition or lowering degradation of intracellular triglycerides, and thereby reducing depth of large and small wrinkles and giving the skin a smooth appearance.
The invention relates to the use in cosmetics of extracts of a plant of the genus Commiphora, particularly the plant Commiphora mukul, especially as an agent with antiwrinkle activity. It further relates, by way of novel industrial products, to two particularly active products isolated from these extracts, and to derivatives of these novel products.It is known that the plant Commiphora mukul belongs to the family of the Burseraceae. Commiphora mukul is a plant of Indian origin which is very widely used in traditional Indian medicine and in ayurvedic medicine. A resin produced by Commiphora mukul, which is also called guggul, is used in particular in these applications. This ayurvedic treatment was known to comprise the treatment of obesity and lipidic disorders, as well as rheumatic diseases.It should be noted that the term “guggul” denotes both the plant and the resin it produces. Also, this plant is a small tree or a shrub of 1.2 to 1.8 m in height, which grows essentially in India, and the gum resin can be harvested in the ordinary way by making an incision in the plant.Patents U.S. Pat. No. 4,847,071, U.S. Pat. No. 4,847,069, U.S. Pat. No. 4,946,671 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,954,332 have recently described topical compositions, containing free radical absorbers and an anti-inflammatory agent, for protecting against UV radiation. Guggal or guggul extract is among the numerous anti-inflammatory agents mentioned.Furthermore, document EP-A-513 671 has also disclosed compositions containing, as the active ingredient, a total lipophilic extract of the plant Commiphora mukul, which is obtained in particular from the resin of the bark of Commiphora mukul. This extract contains a high proportion of guggulsterones. This composition is described as having an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating or antiandrogenic activity for the treatment of acne and benign hypertrophy of the prostate.It has now been discovered, surprisingly and unexpectedly, that extracts of a plant of the genus Commiphora, particularly the plant Commiphora mukul, have an antiwrinkle activity and can thus be used as cosmetic agents for improving the surface appearance of the skin and particularly for reducing the depth of large wrinkles and eliminating small wrinkles.On the basis of this discovery, the Applicant carried out complementary systematic studies aimed at identifying particularly active fractions responsible for this activity. It found in particular that these fractions contained two novel products which were particularly active as regards the activity in question. These products could be isolated and totally identified from extracts of the plant Commiphora mukul. They therefore constitute novel industrial products which have a remarkable activity as cosmetic agents for combating wrinkles.The invention further relates to derivatives of the two novel products isolated according to the invention.Thus, according to a first aspect, the invention relates to the products of formula (I): in which R is:a) a C H2OH group orb) a COOH group,and their salts or esters.The invention relates very particularly, by way of novel industrial products, to the products of formula (II): in which R is:a) a CH2OH group, the product being denoted by formula IIa,b) a COOH group, the product being denoted by formula IIb,c) a group in which R1 is a linear or branched alkyl group containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, particularly the methyl group,d) a group COOM, where M denotes an alkali metal, preferably sodium or potassium, or a quaternary ammonium or amine group,e) a group COOM′0.5, where M′ denotes an alkaline earth metal, preferably calcium, orf) a group COOR2, where R2 denotes a linear or branched alkyl group containing from 1 to 6 carbon atoms.The invention relates very particularly to the two novel industrial products denoted respectively by IIa and IIb and having the following formulae: The two products could be isolated from the plant Commiphora mukul and were completely identified by different analytical techniques, as will become apparent from the following description.The product of formula IIa, the empirical formula of which is C30H50O3, will be referred to as “commipherol”. Its nomenclature is as follows:(5R, 10S,8R,9R)-3-oxopolypoda-13E,17E,21E-triene-8,30-diol.The acid derivative of formula IIb, the empirical formula of which is C30H48O4, will be referred to as “commipherin”. This is (5R,10S,8R,9R)-8-hydroxy-3-oxopolypoda-13E,17E,21 E-trien-30-oic acid.The nomenclature used to denote the products of formulae IIa and IIb above is based on the name of the corre this is the triterpene α-polypodatetraene, which is well known in the literature, for example in the publication by Yoko Arai et al., Tetrahedron Letters, () 1325-8, relating to the plant Polypodiodes formosane. The carbon atoms are numbered as indicated below: It should be noted that various triterpene derivatives possessing the polypodane carbon skeleton have been identified in other plants, particularly in ferns of the families of the Polypodiaceae, such as Polypodium vulgare, P. fauriei and P. virginianum (Y. Aral et al., Phytochemistry, () ; K. Shiojima et al., Tetrahedron Lett., (33), the Aspidiaceae (M. Nishizawa et al., J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. (1984) no. 7, 467-8) and the Cheiropleuriaceae (R. Karnaya et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. () 2130-2).According to a second aspect, the invention further relates to processes for the preparation of the two products IIa and IIb from the plant Commiphora mukul, as well as the acylation derivatives of the product IIa, particularly the acetylation product, and the salts and esters of the product IIb.Different processes can be used to isolate the products of formulae IIa and IIb from the plant Commiphora mukul. In these processes, it is advantageous to start from the resin of Commiphora mukul, which is subjected to different successive extraction and fractionation steps.Thus, particularly advantageously, the resin of Commiphora mukul is subjected to a first so-called extraction step with a solvent or a mixture of solvents, after which the extract is subjected to different separation steps for isolating a particularly active fraction containing at least one of the products of the invention.The first extraction step can be carried out using a wide range of solvents of very different polarities.The following may be mentioned, in order of increasing polarity, as examples of solvents which can be used to carry out this step:petroleum ether, with which 16% by weight of the crude resin can be extracted,dichloromethane, with which 26% by weight of the crude resin can be extracted,ethyl acetate, with which 30.5% by weight of the crude resin can be extracted,ethanol, with which 26.5% by weight of the crude resin can be extracted.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIG. 1 schematically represents different protocols for preparing the products of formulae IIa and IIb from an extract of the resin of Commiphora mukul according to the invention.According to the scheme of FIG. 1, a first extract according to the invention, called extract G, is prepared from the resin of Commiphora mukul. This extract G is obtained by extraction of the resin with 96% ethanol at 45° C. after grinding of the aggregates.In a first step, the extract G is subjected to a series of fractionations by high performance liquid chromatography. Each fraction is tested for its lipogenic activity on fibroblasts in culture using the method explained below. These different fractionations ultimately yield an active fraction, FIIB, whose characteristic peaks are identified on the chromatogram.More precisely, in this first step, the extract G will be subjected initially to a protocol B for isolating the most active fractions, whereby high performance liquid chromatography makes it possible to separate the extract G into three fractions: F representing 92.5% of the extract G, FIII representing 4.5% of this extract, and FIV representing 3%. The fraction FIII could be identified as consisting essentially of sterols, and fraction FIV is composed essentially of the products resulting from the rinsing of the chromatography column with dichloromethane.The fraction F is then subjected to protocol C for separation by liquid chromatography, which yields two fractions called FI and FII respectively. The fraction FI, which is substantially inactive, is discarded. It represents 21.5% of F and consists essentially of sterones (Z- and E-guggulsterone).The fraction FII, which has a lipogenic activity, is in turn subjected to a fractionation by liquid chromatography, whereby it can be separated into three fractions: FIIA representing 19.5% of the extract G, FIIB representing 20% of the extract G, and FIIC representing 31.5% of the extract G. The fraction FIIB is the most active of these three fractions. The positions of the corresponding peaks are identified on the chromatogram.It is then possible, in a second step, to obtain an active fraction called FIIB1, corresponding to the peaks of the fraction FIIB, directly from the extract G by fractionation according to protocol E.The two products of formulae IIa and IIb can then be separated from the extract FIIB1 by preparative high performance liquid chromatography.The two products IIa and IIb, whose activities were found to be substantially equivalent, were perfectly purified and could be isolated by liquid chromatography under the following conditions:Column: RP 18 Lichrospher 5 μm 125×4 mmMixtures: Water+0.1% CF3COOHAcetonitrileUV detection: λ=210 nmThe product of formula IIa can then be subjected to a conventional acylation step, particularly acetylation step, in order to prepare the corresponding acylated derivatives, particularly the acetylated derivative.The product IIb can easily be converted to one of its salts, described above, by neutralization of the acid fraction at the end of the chain with a corresponding base.Likewise, the esterification products of the product IIb may easily be obtained by reacting it in conventional manner with a low molecular alcohol.These reactions for acylating the product IIa or esterifying or salifying the product IIb can also be carried out directly on a mixture containing both the active products IIa and IIb, particularly on the mixture FIIB1 described above.For example, the acetylation of IIa with acetic anhydride can be effected by treating the extract FIIB1 in the following manner: FIIB1 is dissolved in dichloromethane (1 volume), 1 volume of pyridine is added, followed by 1.2 equivalents of acetic anhydride per equivalent of FIIB1, and the reaction is allowed to proceed at room temperature overnight.The Applicant found, totally surprisingly, that the extracts of the plant Commiphora mukul, especially the extracts particularly rich in products of formula IIa or IIb, had a stimulating activity on lipogenesis inside the fibroblasts. This results in an increase in the cellular volume of the fibroblasts, leading to better contact with the extracellular protein network. This tones the dermis, making it possible to reduce the depth of the large and small wrinkles and, consequently, to make them less obvious. This activity therefore enabled the Applicant to propose a particularly novel solution for improving the surface appearance of the skin.Thus, according to a third aspect, the invention relates to the use of at least one extract of a plant of the genus Commiphora, particularly the plant Commiphora mukul, as a cosmetic agent for modifying the surface of the skin by reducing the depth of the large and small wrinkles to give the skin a smoother appearance.Different extracts of the plant Commiphora mukul, particularly extracts rich in compounds of formula I, II, IIa or IIb, in a mixture thereof or in derivatives of these products, as defined above, may be used in this application.In a first variant, the gum resin called guggul may be used as the extract of the plant Commiphora mukul. In another variant, an extract obtained after grinding of the aggregates of the resin, followed by extraction with a solvent, is used as the extract of the plant Commiphora mukul. As seen above, a wide range of solvents may be used for this purpose.However, referring to the classification of solvents by polarity, as published in particular by Veronika R. Meyer in Practical High-performance Liquid Chromatography (1988), John Wiley & Sons, pp. 120-121, solvents which will preferably be chosen are those whose polarity parameter p′ is less than 5.5 and preferably between 0.1 and 4.5.The above extract is advantageously obtained by extraction with an organic solvent or a mixture of organic solvents selected from the group consisting of n-pentane, n-hexane, petroleum ether, cyclohexane, n-decane, dichloromethane, isopropanol, n-propanol, chloroform, ethanol, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol.In other variants of the invention, the extract may be made up of different products which share the characteristic of being enriched in at least one of the products of formula I or II, particularly of formula IIa or IIb, obtained from the extract described above.As clearly illustrated in the examples given with reference to the scheme of FIG. 1, the products enriched in product(s) of the invention can be obtained for example from the extract G by subjecting this extract to different successive separation steps, especially involving high performance liquid chromatography or supercritical carbon dioxide extraction.In one particularly advantageous variant of the invention, at least one of the products of formula I or II, particularly of formula IIa or IIb, will be used as the cosmetic agent for modifying the surface of the skin as indicated above.According to a fourth aspect, the invention further relates to a composition, in particular for cosmetic use, characterized in that it contains at least one of the products of formula I or II, particularly IIa or IIb, or plant extracts containing at least one of these products, particularly extracts of a plant of the genus Commiphora and very particularly extracts of the plant Commiphora mukul, preferably in combination with an acceptable, in particular cosmetically acceptable, excipient or carrier.Advantageously this composition contains from 0.001 to 1% by weight of at least one of the products of formula (I) or (II), particularly (IIa) or (IIb), preferably from 0.01 to 0.1%.Alternatively this composition very advantageously contains from 0.005 to 5% by weight, preferably from 0.05 to 1% by weight, of an extract of Commiphora mukul containing at least one of the above-mentioned products, particularly an extract of the resin of this plant.The cosmetic compositions of the invention can be in different forms, in particular in the form of solutions, milks, gels or creams.In one variant of the invention, the cosmetic composition also contains a cosmetically effective amount of a product acting on fibronectin synthesis and/or collagen synthesis.Examples which may be mentioned of products acting on fibronectin synthesis are galactolipids and particularly galactosylglycerides, the use of which is 30 described in the French patent application filed on Feb. 15, 1995 under the number 95.01714, which has not yet been published.Vitamin C may be mentioned as an example of a product acting on collagen synthesis.The invention further relates to a method of cosmetic treatment for modifying the surface of the skin by reducing the depth of the large and small wrinkles to give the skin a smoother appearance, characterized in that an effective amount of a product or a plant extract containing said product is applied to the areas of skin to be treated, particularly to the face, in order to obtain said surface modification, said product or said extract preferably being incorporated in a cosmetically acceptable excipient.In one variant of this method of cosmetic treatment, the above-mentioned plant extract is an extract of the plant Commiphora mukul.Other characteristics and advantages of the invention will become apparent from the following Examples, which are given purely in order to illustrate the invention.EXAMPLESExample 1Preparation of the Extract G According to the InventionThis extract is prepared by extraction of the resin of Commiphora mukul after grinding of the aggregates.The extract is produced with 96% ethanol at 45° C. in the following manner: 10 g of resin and 200 ml of ethanol are introduced into a 500 ml round-bottomed flask fitted with a condenser and a stirrer and heated by means of a heating plate.Stirring and extraction take a minimum of 2 h, but it is advisable to allow 4 to 5 h in order to improve the yield.Extraction is followed by filtration and then by evaporation under vacuum.The extraction yield is about 25% by weight.Example 2Preparation of the Fraction FIIB1 From the Extract GThis Example is given with reference to the scheme of FIG. 1. Table 1 below gives details of protocols B, C, D and E as regards the nature and characteristics of the chromatography columns used, the type of detector and the nature of the eluents used.TABLE 1Commiphora mukulProductto beFractionspurifiedColumnDetectorEluentobtainedProtocolextractkromasil 100 C18220 nmmethanolF, FIII,BG150 × 21.7 mmFIV13 μmProtocolfractionkromasil 100 C18210 nmmethanol/FI, FIICF150 × 21.7 mmwater13 μmgradientProtocolfractionkromasil 100 C18210 nmmethanol/FIIA,DFII150 × 21.7 mmwaterFIIB,13 μmgradientFIICProtocolextractkromasil 100 C18light scatteringmethanol/FIIB1EG150 × 21.7 mmdetector (LSD)water13 μmgradientExample 3Preparation of the Products IIa and IIb From the Fraction FIIB1The two products IIa and IIb were separated by preparative liquid chromatography and purification on a C18 column using isocratic elution by the recycling technique. The products IIa and IIb can be visualized by detection at 210 nm.The two products of formulae IIa and IIb were totally identified by mass spectrometry, which made it possible to verify the empirical formulae established by NMR.The results obtained by carbon NMR for the two products IIa and IIb are given in Tables 2 and 3 below:TABLE 2Chemical shifts of the different hydrocarbon groups of the product IIaAtom no.13C δ ppmMultiplicity138.35CH2234.02CH23217.16Cquat447.57Cquat555.18CH621.41CH2743.80CH2873.82Cquat960.36CH1039.39Cquat1125.80CH21231.20CH213124.83CH14135.47Cquat1539.34CH21626.33CH217124.54CH18134.68Cquat1939.67CH22026.16CH221126.04CH22134.71Cquat2321.41CH32426.33CH32514.89CH32623.62CH32716.06CH32816.27CH32913.77CH33068.97CH2TABLE 3Chemical shifts of the different hydrocarbon groups of the product 11bAtom no.13C δ ppmMultiplicity138.28CH2234.02CH23217.10Cquat447.57Cquat555.18CH621.35CH2743.59CH2874.54Cquat960.48CH1039.39Cquat1125.85CH21231.44CH213125.15CH14134.71Cquat1539.38CH21626.28CH217125.47CH18134.55Cquat1938.03CH22025.92CH221143.82CH22133.43Cquat2321.41CH32426.33CH32514.89CH32623.54CH32716.09CH32815.88CH32912.27CH330171.14CquatExample 4Supercritical CO2 ExtractionExtraction is carried out in the following two steps on about 240 g of ground crude resin:Step 1:This step is performed in a conventional apparatus with pure CO2 at 150 bar and 40° C.The CO2 consumption is 2000 kg of CO2 for 24 kg of resin to be extracted.The extraction yield is about 12.50% based on the initial batch. The extract obtained is discarded.Step 2:This step is performed in the same apparatus with a mixture containing 98% by weight of 98% CO2 and 2% by weight of ethanol.1000 kg of CO2 are used for 24 kg of crude resin (i.e. 18 kg of CO2 for 240 g of resin).The extraction yield is about 10% based on the initial batch. This gives a so-called SFE (supercritical fluid extraction) enriched in molecules IIa and IIb with a concentration factor of 6 to 8 relative to the crude resin.Example 5Demonstration of the Activity of the Extracts and Products According to the Invention1. CultureThe cells used are 3T3 F442A, which constitute a line of murine preadipocytes selected for their ability to convert to adipocytes if the culture conditions allow, in accordance with the method of Green, H. & Kehinde, C., Cell 1 (.This line actually constitutes a model for studying the differentiation of adipocytes in vitro.As a monolayer during the multiplication phase, 3T3 F442A have the morphology and enzymatic characteristics of fibroblasts.The initially confluent cells cease to divide in order to enter their early differentiation phase. This differentiation leads to the formation of colonies of cells which undergo conversion to adipocytes.This differentiation is accompanied by changes in the biosynthesis of several proteins and by an increase in different enzymatic activities (acetyl CoA carboxylase, ATP citrate lyase, fatty acid synthetase, phosphoenolpyruvate kinase and glycero-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, called G3PDH).The aim was to measure the expression of two differentiation markers, namely glycero-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH) on the one hand and cyclic AMP (cAMP) on the other.It is pointed out here that the enzyme G3PDH allows the formation, in the fibroblast, of glycerol 3-phosphate, a molecule which is subsequently involved in the synthesis of the intracellular lipids (triglycerides). Thus an increase in the activity of the G3PDH is directly linked to an increase in this synthesis.Furthermore, it is known that the amount of cAMP, an intracellular mediator, increases during the intracellular lipolysis reaction. The cAMP formed in the cell is then excreted thereby into the extracellular medium. Thus a decrease in the cAMP content of the culture medium represents a decrease in the degradation of the triglycerides and hence an intracellular accumulation of these lipids.The resin of Commiphora mukul (extract G), the fraction FIIB1 and the products IIa and IIb were therefore studied with these two differentiation markers.The fibroblasts are inoculated at the bottom of Petri dishes of diameter 35 mm in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM), in the presence of 5% of calf serum (CS) and 5% of fetal calf serum (FCS). Each experiment is performed in triplicate.During the treatment phase, the medium consists of DMEM+10% of fetal calf serum.The product or extract according to the invention is dissolved in ethanol and used on the cultures at a final concentration of 5 μg/ml.The culture operations are carried out as follows:On day D=0: inoculation in DMEM+5% CS, 5% FCSOn day D+2: change of mediumOn day D+5: treatment with resin of Commiphora mukul (extract G), FIIB1 or IIa or IIb at 5 μg/ml in DMEM, 10% FCSOn day D+6: assay of cAMP in culture mediumOn days D+7 and D+9: treatment identical to that performed on D+5On day D+12: grinding of the cells for assay of G3PDH.2. Assay of the Cyclic adenosine 3.5-Monophosnhate (cAMP)The assay of the cAMP, which is performed by radioimmunoassay or RIA (kit from Immunotech, a French Company, reference 1117), is based on the principle of antigen-antibody competition. The samples and standards are incubated, in the presence of cAMP radiolabeled with iodine 125, in tubes where anti-cAMP antibodies have been fixed beforehand.After incubation, the contents of the tubes are sucked out and the residual radioactivity is counted with a gamma counter. A standard curve is prepared with 6 known concentrations of cAMP and the concentration of the samples is defined by means of this calibration curve.As the cAMP is produced and excreted by the cells, one is therefore measuring the cAMP contained in the culture medium. More precisely, one is measuring the amount of cAMP excreted into the culture medium in 24 hours.3. Determination of the Glycero-3-phosilhate Dehydrogenase (G3PDH) ActivityThe cellular monolayer is recovered by scraping and vigorously homogenized in TRIS-HCl buffer (25 mM, pH 7.4), 1 mM EDTA, at 4° C. The G3PDH activity is determined on the supernatant of the ground cellular material immediately after centrifugation.G3PDH catalyzes the following reaction: The conversion of the coenzyme NADH (hydrogenated nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) to NAD as a function of time, which represents the rate of the enzymatic reaction and hence the activity of the enzyme G3PDH, is measured by spectrophotometry at 340 nm.It is possible to calculate an absorption difference (ΔAbs)/min, which corresponds to the initial rate of the enzymatic reaction.The results are expressed in terms of specific activity, i.e. in nmol of NADH converted/min/mg of cellular proteins (the total cellular protein content is evaluated by the method of BCA—PIERCE: protein assay reagent).4.1. G3PDH ActivityThe experimental results of the evaluation of the activity of the enzyme G3PDH are shown in Table 4 below.The activity Al of the products according to the invention on stimulation of the activity of this enzyme is calculated according to the following formula: A1=Vp-VtVt×100in which:Vp is the mean value, over the three experiments, of the rate of conversion of NADH, expressed in nmol/min/mg of cellular proteins, in the cultures treated with the products according to the invention,Vt is the mean value of this rate in the control cultures.TABLE 4Rate of conversion of NADHActivity A1Culturesnmol/min/mg of proteins%Control cultures 49.6 ± 3.390Extract G156 ± 43215Fraction FIIB1242 ± 42394IIa222 ± 88348IIb352 ± 62610It is therefore very clear from Table 4 that the products according to the invention, whether they be the extract G, the fraction FIIB1 or the products IIa or IIb, very greatly increase the activity of the enzyme G3PDH in the fibroblast cultures, compared with the activity of this enzyme in the control cultures. In fact, it is seen that the activity of this enzyme is increased 3-fold by the action of the extract G and 7-fold by the action of the compound IIb. Thus it is demonstrated that the products according to the invention contribute to a substantial increase in the synthesis of intracellular triglycerides.4.2. Assay of cAMPThe quantity of cAMP excreted in 24 hours into the medium of the different cultures prepared is shown in Table 5. It is expressed in nmol/liter of medium. The activity A2 of the products according to the invention on the excretion of cAMP by the cells, which is directly related to the intracellular lipolysis reaction, is calculated according to the following formula: A2=qp-qtqt×100in which:qp represents the mean quantity, over the three experiments, of cAMP excreted into the medium of the cultures treated with the products according to the invention, expressed in nmol/liter/24 hours,qt represents this mean quantity in the case of the control cultures.TABLE 5CulturescAMP excreted nmol/liter/24 hoursA2 %Control cultures
66 ± 3.50Extract G56.8 ± 3.8-13.9FIIB142 ± 2-36.4These results given in Table 5 show that the quantity of cAMP excreted into the culture medium is smaller in the case of the cultures treated with the products of the invention than in the case of the control cultures.Thus, in the cells of the treated cultures, it is apparent that the lipolysis is very considerably reduced compared with that which occurs in the cells of the control cultures.In conclusion, these experiments clearly demonstrate that the products according to the invention act via two complementary routes to increase the quantity of intracellular lipids, on the one hand by favoring their synthesis, which is demonstrated by the increase in the activity of the enzyme G3PDH, and on the other hand by limiting their degradation, which is demonstrated by the reduction in the cAMP content of the treated cultures.It will moreover be observed that the two molecules IIa and IIb give the best results and in fact appear to be the basis of the lipogenic activity of the extracts and fractions according to the invention.Thus the products according to the invention accelerate the adipocyte differentiation in the fibroblasts. Furthermore, because of the accumulation of the lipids, these cells increase in volume and thus allow better contact with the extracellular protein network, thereby consolidating the dermis. The result of this tonicity of the dermis is to decrease the depth of large and small wrinkles and give the surface of the skin a smoother appearance.Example 6Antiwrinkle CreamAn antiwrinkle cream is prepared by mixing the constituents below, given with their percentages by weight based on the final composition, in accordance with the following preparative protocol:A mixture A consisting of:Brij 72 (R)0.8Brij 721 (R)2.2Tegin 90 (R)1.7Stearyl alcohol1.8Stearine3.0Silicone oil (Fluid 200 (R))0.20Squalane10.0Miglyol 812 (R)10.0D,L-α-Tocopherol acetate0.2Phénonip0.5SFE of Example 40.5is prepared.A mixture B consisting of:A:Glycerol5.00Water58.53Carbopol 9400.20is addedand then C, D and E consisting respectively of:C: 10% sodium hydroxide solution0.07D: Wheat proteins5.00E: Perfume0.30are added.Example 7Eye Contour Gel with Antiwrinkle ActivityA composition is prepared by mixing the components A, B, C, D and E below, the constituents of which are given with their percentages by weight based on the final composition.A:Carbopol 1342 (R)0.40Water83.20B: 10% sodium hydroxide solution0.40C:Product IIa according to the invention0.1Miglyol 829 (R)10.00Phénonip0.50D,L-α-Tocopherol acetate0.20D: Wheat proteins5.00E: Perfume0.20
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