求问anylogic 破解的行业应用有哪些

最新版本AnyLogic7的建模与仿真软件将在2014年初发布。AnyLogic7更快,更简单模型的建立与改进能力 ,特点包括多方法建模支持,减少需要重新编码,多功能库,和其他的可用性改进。 最新AnyLogic...
第三届亚洲工业工程与管理创新国际学术会议(IEMI2012)将于-11日在中国北京召开。 IEMI2012 由中国机械工程学会工业工程分会主办,清华大学工业工程系承办,旨在汇集致力于...
省大学副教授 Nathaniel Osgood 运用AnyLogic开展基于智能体建模的医疗制度方面的MIT研究生课程。任何参与此医疗保健仿真中的人均可学习并评估多种 材料 (截图、视频和音频):讲座、...
AnyLogic今天发布更新:6.8.1 版本。它在行人行为方面有显著改善,尤其是高密度区域行人行走和等待的交互性上。新版本同时也修正了之前版本的一些小缺陷。更多详情请参见 更新历程...
The Big Book of AnyLogic新增三章节内容: 仿真建模的三种方法 、 外部世界数据交换 、 三维动画 。这三章讲述建模者如何区别并成功运用三大仿真方法,如何创建高质量、交互三维动画,...
以AnyLogic仿真软件为核心,通用动力(General Dynamics)利用被称为船舶大规模计算仿真建模系统(LSMSe)的定制分析系统,为当前生产和潜在的新工作提供高度细节和精确的容量分析。 了...
在热烈庆祝载人空间飞行国际日之际,我们隆重推出最新版本AnyLogic,新增功能值得关注。行人流建模者,通过运用新算法,即使模型墙体结构复杂、人流密度大,也能够让行人避免阻...AnyLogic 2018会议
仿真提供了一种对不同假设情景进行测试和探索的安全方式。 在做出真实的改变之前即可做出正确的决策。
仿真模型可表现为2D / 3D动画,使概念和想法更容易验证、传达和理解。
& 模拟通用业务流程或工作流程。
& 模拟矿业、石油和天然气等行业的散装货物和液体转移。
& 模拟铁路运输、码头和场站。
& 模拟机场、体育场、车站或购物中心的人流。
& 模拟车辆、卡车、公共汽车在道路、停车场、工厂等的移动。
物料处理库(2018年开发完成) & 模拟制造和仓储过程。
We use AnyLogic to understand better, improve and demonstrate how complex systems work. My personal favorite aspect of AnyLogic is the fact that it compiles the simulation models into a general purpose, fully object-oriented program language, like Java. Which allows us to embed optimization algorithms into simulations without writing unnecessary code.
Onur Dulgeroglu, Senior Analytics Engineer,General Electric
I go back with AnyLogic to the very beginning: over ten years now. Ten years ago, AnyLogic was what I call the only industrial strength product that had a hope of doing both system dynamics, agent based, and discrete event in one package. As best as I can tell, it’s still the only package that has that capability. As we do more especially in the realm of agent based models, there are some open-source tools, but none of them has anything close to the functionality that AnyLogic does.
Dr. Mark Paich, Director,PwC
AnyLogic was the clear choice after comprehensive evaluation of multiple systems and further prototyping in those that were shortlisted.
Furthermore, it continues to impress the deeper we get. There's no doubt the right simulation and modelling tool was selected for the majority of our current and future needs.
Jay Ta'ala, Senior Modeller, Supply Chain Analytics,BHP Billiton
We chose AnyLogic to tackle our large complex problem because of the multimethod models you can use, the mix of agent based, discrete event and system dynamics is a very useful combination. My favorite part of AnyLogic is all the dashboard features, the great charts and business intelligence you can get from the agents that are working in the model.
Kyle Johnson, Global Business Services, Advanced Analytics and Optimization,IBM Global Business Services
AnyLogic has a nice object-oriented feature that allows you to create a component and reuse it, which is very useful to us, plus, the user interface has many built in charts. The most valuable feature of AnyLogic to me is to export a model, and let anyone run it on their computer without a software license.
Victor Chang, Software Engineer,Intel
We use simulation tools, including AnyLogic, to analyze alternative capital investment solutions in order to help decide on the best investment decision. AnyLogic has helped with that decision process by providing our company with a tool that is flexible/adaptable to build models in different groups within our company using the team license server.
We can easily use and combine multiple simulation methods to create the best modeling approach for each problem.
Jeremiah Dirnberger,CSX Technology
In my opinion, AnyLogic is one of the most flexible and efficient simulation tools on the market, that can be applied for solving operational and strategic tasks in a wide range of industries, including retail and logistics.
Andrey Semenov, Sr. Manager, Supply Chain Management,Deloitte
Although I am still a new user of AnyLogic, I have been very impressed with its flexibility, ease of use, and the multimethod capabilities. AnyLogic’s versatility and standard libraries allow us to address a large number of different business process automation questions very quickly and with one software tool. I also believe the ability to customize ours models with Java code is invaluable when modeling the complex interactions in today’s real-world systems and operations.
Dr. Gregory Kott, Principal Research Scientist, PARC. a Xerox Company,Xerox
AnyLogic support team has been very proactive in supporting my projects and meeting my deadlines. I’ve been working with AnyLogic software less than a month and I'm feeling confident moving forward as I continuously learn a lot from the support team. AnyLogic support team to me is brilliant, fast, energetic and fully equipped with technical knowledge. Fear no more as anyone can easily learn simulation with AnyLogic's perfect support team guidance and user-friendly software.
Ching-synn Teo,AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
One of the most important AnyLogic features is the ability to build our own libraries. We only have to build them once, but can use them multiple times in different models.
Gunnar Feldmann, Assistant Operations Research Specialist,Norfolk Southern Corporation
We chose AnyLogic because of its flexibility. We have many customers in many industries that have very different requirements because their supply chains are different, and we’ve been very easily able to change our models quickly to interact with the customers. The agent based tool is very powerful for us, our automated robots are highly intelligent, and AnyLogic is able to handle the complexity of the interactions amongst those 500 robots and able to do computations efficiently.
Dr. Larry M. Sweet, CTO,Symbotic
The benefit of agent-based modeling in AnyLogic is to truly model our supply chain. Each of the agents we use in our simulation can correspond to vessels, distribution centers, ports of loading, ports of discharge, our retailers, etc. with their own behaviors. AnyLogic makes it easy for me to give our many agents their own customizable behaviors and let them interact together in a fully integrated software.
Beth Tyrie,Fruit of the Loom
I've used AnyLogic and a number of other simulation tools as part of hospital services design over many years. I prefer AnyLogic for its flexibility and multimodal capabilities and wholeheartedly recommend it.
Keith Stockman,Monash Health
I’ve been using AnyLogic for about three or four years now, and I found that it’s probably one of the better solutions out there for really being able to implement models if you don’t necessarily have a very extensive coding background to start with.
Joseph Simkins,Battelle Memorial Institute


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