
110亿欧的瑞典市场 本土平台也来华抢卖家了
作者: 亿邦动力网来源: 亿邦动力网 08:49:32
【亿邦动力网讯】提起,往往第一时间都会想到、、、Wish等,而说到市场,又会立即想起美国、俄罗斯、东南亚等,也正是由于这些市场、平台越来越成熟,竞争力也越大,反而对于跨境新手而言,可能并不是一个很好地选择。其实,全球还有很多新兴和新兴电商市场正处于快速增长状态,瑞典电商平台Fyndiq就是其中一个,对于想要做跨境电商的朋友老说,不妨可以多关注一下。4年增长约45% 瑞典电商市场潜力大据了解,瑞典是北欧地区最大的电商市场国家,约有730万成人消费者,互联网渗透率达95%。瑞典人越来越喜欢在网上购物,有数据显示约有89%的瑞典人会在网上购物,他们认为在线购物价格相对便宜,还能节省时间。同时,出于对英国、中国、美国等产品的喜爱,他们更加喜欢跨境购物。据欧洲报告统计,2016年,瑞典就以24%的线上交易额增长率成为欧洲电商市场发展最快的国家之一。而根据网上支付提供商Dibs的数据显示,瑞典电商市场从2013年近80亿欧元增长到2017年近110亿欧元,也就是说,在过去的4年里,瑞典电商市场增长了约45%。此外,据知情人士透露称,亚马逊下一个要拓展的欧洲站点就是瑞典站。网上银行Avanza前首席执行官、比价网站Pricerunner现任首席执行官NicklasStor?kers称,亚马逊的到来,将对未来瑞典电商市场产生重大的影响,所有的电商企业将受制于亚马逊,本土电商企业将没有存活空间。不过,这也从侧面说明,瑞典电商市场有着较大的发展潜力。本土平台也来抢中国卖家了在各大平台对瑞典市场虎视眈眈之时,本地电商平台也瞄准了中国的跨境电商卖家,Fyndiq则是其中一员。Fyndiq是瑞典第一大折扣促销电商平台,于2010年成立,以销售划算优质的产品吸引了大量的忠实访客。实际上,Fyndiq在瑞典语中,就有折扣的意思。Fyndiq平台现有160万独立用户,每月有200万人的访问量。大部分消费者是年轻消费群体(18-25岁)和家庭消费群体,渗透率超过85%,核心消费群是瑞典千禧一代的女性,品牌知名度高达95%。根据法国乐售调研,Fyndiq在2016年的网站订单总量有100万个,总交易额达到3500万欧元。目前,Fyndiq平台上约有1700个活跃卖家,但大多都是瑞典本土卖家,现在,平台已面向英国和欧洲市场开放,并预计于今年初开放更多市场,在扩大平台特价产品范围的同时,为卖家提供了进入该市场国的一个很好机会。而且去年Fyndiq就开始了在中国的招商,这无疑给国内的欧洲跨境电商打开了新的大门。卖家该如何选品?Fyndiq吸引了1700多个商家入驻,知名品牌包括Adidas、Samsung、Omega、NYX等。作为主打折扣促销商品的平台,Fyndiq经营的大多是低价、非食品类产品,消费者来Fyndiq购物就是为了寻求特价交易,这样才能迎合年轻消费群体和家庭消费群体。所以,一般往往低于20英镑的产品,更受到青睐,会有很好的销量。此外,快时尚和配件、健康和美容产品、家居产品和配件、儿童用品、电子配件、运动和休闲等产品也是热销品。而根据瑞典法律规定,Fyndiq目前无法从瑞典境外出售这些产品:冰箱、冷柜、洗碗机、洗衣机、干衣机、吸尘机、炉子、烤架、微波炉、烹饪板、烤炉、固定电话、手机、路由器、无线网络、网卡、调制解调器、CD播放机、录音机、应答机、MP3播放器、DVD播放器、视频设备、收音机、电视、显示器和游戏机等。因此,卖家在选品时一定要注意以上这些,否则会得不偿失。卖家如何入驻?佣金如何收取?目前,Fyndiq已经开放跨境销售,允许中国地区的公司注册(不对个人,必须要有公司信息),并且必须在其原籍国注册增值税(瑞士增值税25%),Fyndiq希望拥有电商平台(亚马逊、eBay、Wish等)销售经验的卖家加入,为顾客提供更好的服务。同时,Fyndiq方面表示,只要卖家能够提供跨境配送服务,拥有合适的产品类型和促销心态,卖家就会有机会成功开拓一个新的。Fyndiq致力于以公平交易为基础的服务费模式,现在入驻Fyndiq平台无任何注册费和月租金,其盈利模式采用收取“销售佣金”和“产品类目费用”的方式。销售佣金,指平台收取每件产品销售价格的10%(成人产品类为12%)。产品类别费用,指根据每种产品的类别收取4 SEK或8 SEK(瑞典克朗),不包含VAT,类别费用概述:注:SEK为瑞典克朗举个例子:假如你在Fyndiq平台的手机和平板电脑类目下的某个产品售价为100 SEK,平台将会收取10%的佣金即10 SEK(不包含增值税),另外平台还会收取8 SEK的产品类目费用,这样平台收取的费用为18 SEK。此外,Fyndiq平台交易使用瑞典克朗(SEK)结算,卖家可以通过Payoneer收款。写在最后,随着跨境电商行业迅速发展,很多新市场、新平台不断被挖掘出来,对于卖家而言,要把握住市场变化的形势,眼光放远,早点做好充分准备才有更大机会获取成功。针对目前跨境电商情况,建议卖家选择多平台发展,正如那句老话所言, “不要在一棵树上吊死”。(本文为法国乐售投稿 经亿邦动力网整理)
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Fyndiq.se - the Swedish Bargain Superstore, connecting merchants with bargain hunters
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<div class="cb-display-inline" innerhtml="Fyndiq is an e-commerce platform through which we offer a range of products for bargain hungry shoppers. We provide a sales channel for all types of e-tailers who want to boost their sales in an accessible way. Through Fyndiq individual retailers can effect fully sell of its overstock, while consumers have a one stop shop for bargain products online. Fyndiq offers more then 220 000 products
to consumers from over 1 100 merchants in Sweden. Fyndiq was founded in Stockholm in August 2009 and launched its platform in august 2010. Since then we have been growing rapidly both in terms of turnover and employees. In 2012 our sales was 56 million SEK, a number we doubled in 2013 to sales of almost 124million SEK. In November 2014 Fyndiq raises $20M to take the platform internationally. The funding is notable in that it was led by one of the more prominent VCs based in the Nordics, Northzone, which was an early investor in Spotify. The other investor in this round, Industrifonden, is a VC backed by the Swedish government that invests in startups from the country to help scale them internationally. Currently we are 75 dedicated and motivated team members who make it all happen.">Fyndiq is an e-commerce platform through which we offer a range of products for bargain hungry shoppers. We provide a sales channel for all types of e-tailers who want to boost their sales in an accessible way. Through Fyndiq individual retailers can effect fully sell of its overstock, while consumers have a one stop shop for bargain products online. Fyndiq offers more then 220 000 products
to consumers from over 1 100 merchants in Sweden. Fyndiq was founded in Stockholm in August 2009 and launched its platform in august 2010. Since then we have been growing rapidly both in terms of turnover and employees. In 2012 our sales was 56 million SEK, a number we doubled in 2013 to sales of almost 124million SEK. In November 2014 Fyndiq raises $20M to take the platform internationally. The funding is notable in that it was led by one of the more prominent VCs based in the Nordics, Northzone, which was an early investor in Spotify. The other investor in this round, Industrifonden, is a VC backed by the Swedish government that invests in startups from the country to help scale them internationally. Currently we are 75 dedicated and motivated team members who make it all happen.
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2018新的新,新兴不可小嘘,亚马逊最近势头不太好啊,美国站竞争越来越激烈,英国站VAT税收问题随时爆发,德国站前几天刚刚发生VAT事故,日本站没有语言优势,澳洲站迟迟等不到邀请链接,去还是不去,留下还是离开,难以抉择。 下面小编盘点了2018新的跨境市场和平台,赶快抓住新机会,多平台发展找出路。跨境物流新渠道2018年中欧集装箱班列将改变物流格局,为跨境卖家提供新的物流渠道。 班列1 中蒙欧班列,可以到达俄罗斯和蒙古。 班列2 钦蓉欧班列,可以到达波兰-马拉舍维奇(Malaszewicze)、德国-纽伦堡(Nuremburg)和荷兰-蒂尔堡(Tilburg)。 班列3 渝桂新集装箱班列,可以到达新加坡。跨境新市场目前跨境市场最火的莫过于美国站,很多卖家都把货发往美国,导致美国市场越来越难做。 其实,全球还有很多新兴电商市场正处于迅速增长状态,值大家关注。 1.瑞典 据悉,瑞典人在网上购物的越来越多,数据显示共有89%的瑞典人在网上购物,尤其偏爱跨境购物,对美国,中国,英国等网站钟爱有加,购物偏向服装,家具类产品,他们大多数因为在线购物价格相对便宜,而且节省时间。 现在已经有知情人士称,亚马逊下一个拓展的欧洲站点就是瑞典站。 2.荷兰 荷兰的互联网渗透率高达90%,该国的消费者已经彻底地习惯了网购。2016年,荷兰人网购消费2300万美元,总体增长23%。 3.俄罗斯 这个世界上最大的国家,有着8500万以上的互联网用户,被视为电商市场的下一个大阵地。尽管近年来遭受了严重的经济危机,俄罗斯的电子商务市场却有着巨大的增长。2016年,其在线销售总额增长20%,超过260亿美元。 4.东南亚市场 印度尼西亚 印度尼西亚是世界上增长最快的移动电商市场、东南亚增长最快的电商市场,电商年复合增长率达23.7%,蕴藏的发展机遇可想而知。 而且,印尼是“移动优先”策略的先行者之一,70%以上的电商流量来自移动端。这意味着,“移动友好型”的跨境网站或APP在印尼将受青睐。 新加坡 研究表明,60%的新加坡人都属于网购一族。未来五年,新加坡电商将以11%的速度增长。 此外,新加坡互联网渗透率达82%。跨境新平台1.瑞典跨境电商平台Fyndiq Fyndiq已经开放跨境销售,目前允许中国地区的公司注册(不对个人,必须要有公司信息),并且必须在其原籍国注册增值税(瑞士增值税25%),Fyndiq希望有其他电商平台(亚马逊、eBay等跨境电商)销售经验的卖家的加入,为顾客提供最好的服务。&2.东南亚在线购物网——Lazada和Shopee 这两个平台2017年竞争非常激烈,都在拼谁是老大。 Lazada相对成熟一点,规则也是越来越明确,Shopee是发展最快,而且市场都涉及到台湾。 想做东南亚市场的卖家,这两个平台不容错过。&3.中东电商平台——Souq Souq平台作为阿拉伯世界中最大的电商网站,几乎近半数阿拉伯网购人群的首选网站,从跨境电商卖家拓展业务的角度来看,Souq平台是一片尚未被开发的沃土,如果能够在此时快速切入,无疑可以攫取丰厚的利润。 拥有Souq平台账号最好的方式就是通过中东本地的朋友协助注册,对于本地的个人或者公司来说,注册其实是一件很简单的事。4.Linio:它是在2012年进入拉丁美洲市场,主要服务于拉丁美洲西班牙语区域的消费人群。在这个市场Linio拥有八个独立站点,其中有六个国家已经开通了国际业务,主要是墨西哥、哥伦比亚、智利、秘鲁等,这个市场包括了5亿消费者,其中有60%都是通过Linio进行网上购物。&跨境电商行业发展迅速,卖家需要擦亮眼睛多发现新市场、新平台,早一点做准备才可以成功。现在的跨境情况,卖家都选择多平台发展,一缺一补进行发展
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at FyndiqEducationCompany placeholder imageV?ster?s Fria Gymnasiumshow aboveshow belowAre you a Customer Relations?Create a free profile to get recognized for what you doPast experienceKurs?ppnare at FAR AkademiCustomer Relations at Fyndiq ABCompany placeholder imageSvea Direkt at Svea Ekonomi ABDeliver Contract Manager at EricssonEducationCompany placeholder imageS?dert?rns h?gskolaStockholms universitetCompany placeholder imageTullinge Gymnasiumshow aboveshow belowCR Training and Competence Specialist at FyndiqPast experienceFlow manager at FyndiqCustomer relations at FyndiqButikss?ljare at BlomsterlandetCompany placeholder imageCafébitr?de at Cafe MacchiatoEducationCompany placeholder imageLedare/f?retagare i detaljhandelnCompany placeholder imageK?rrtorps gymnasiumshow aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageSenior Consultant Customer Service and
Co-founder at CronWik Consulting ABPast experienceActing Head of Customer Relations at FyndiqChef Kundservice / Head of Customer Service at AMFHead of Customer Service at Folkia ASNordic Customer Operations Director at mySafety F?rs?kringar ABSummaryCustomer Service Manager with 16 years experience in various customer operations organizations, both in-house and outsourced operations,...show aboveshow belowProduct Quality Manager at FyndiqCustomer Relations at FyndiqPast experienceCompany placeholder imageLedare at EnebybergsgymnasternaLagermedarbetare/kundtj?nstmedarbetare at Efva Attling Stockholm ABCompany placeholder imageButikss?ljare at Flügger F?rg DanderydEducationCompany placeholder imageJENSEN Gymnasium Norrashow aboveshow belowInformation Communication Manager at FyndiqPast experienceCustomer Relations at FyndiqFreelance Blogger at Blogg Esse AB (Blogg.se)Company placeholder imageButiksmedarbetare at ICA KvantumEducationCompany placeholder imageSundbybergs folkh?gskolaCompany placeholder imageSundbybergs folkh?gskolaS?dert?rns h?gskolashow aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageCustomer Service at KivraPast experienceCustomer Relations at Fyndiqshow aboveshow belowCustomer support agent at Cision SverigePast experienceKundtj?nst at Sergel GroupCompany placeholder imageBarchef/hovm?stare at Rollers n bowlersReceptionist at Jurek Rekrytering & BemanningCustomer relations at FyndiqEducationCompany placeholder imageKattegattCompany placeholder imageBond nattklubbshow aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageCustomer Relations at Fyndiqshow aboveshow belowCustomer Service Officer at AMF InsuranceEducationCompany placeholder imageKungsg?rds Gymnasiumshow aboveshow belowCR Quality and Analyse Specialist at FyndiqPast experienceFlow Manager at FyndiqCustomer Relations at FyndiqF?retagssupport at Telia Sverigeshow aboveshow belowCustomer Advisor at KlarnaPast experienceGerman Customer Relations at FyndiqCompany placeholder imageRestaurant Supervisor at Waipuna Hotel and Conference CentreCompany placeholder imageRestaurant Supervisor at Stamford Plaza HotelCompany placeholder imageRestaurant Duty Manager at The Beach House RestaurantEducationAuckland University of TechnologyCompany placeholder imageManukau Institute of TechnologyCompany placeholder imageManukau Institute of Technologyshow aboveshow belowProduct Leader Digitalization at Volvo Car Retail SolutionsProduct Manager B2C payments at Collector BankPast experienceHead of Merchant Services at Collector BankOperations & Development Manager Customer Relations at Fyndiq ABCustomer Support Manager at Fyndiq ABCompany placeholder imageCEO & Owner at Seglarshoppen Sverige ABEducationCompany placeholder imageSales and Marketing School of Sweden (S?lj & Marknadsh?gskolan)Company placeholder imageSwedish armed forces AMF 4Company placeholder imageV?xj? Fria GymnasiumSummaryI am an entrepreneurial, organized and target orientated person who always takes on the challenge to improve what I do and myself!
...show aboveshow belowOnline analyst at Byggmax ABPast experienceCRO and Analyst Trainee at KeybrokerCRO intern at OnlinePizza / DeliveryHero Sweden ABCustomer Support Representative at ReachMeeCustomer Relations at FyndiqEducationMedieinstitutetshow aboveshow belowJr Staffing Coordinator at KRYPast experienceJr Sales Operations at NOWOTechnology Support Technician at MTR Corporation Limited 香港鐵路有限公司Marketing Administrator at Atea Sverige ABFront Office Receptionist at MTR TunnelbananEducationKungliga tekniska h?gskolanCompany placeholder imageNTICompany placeholder imageNacka Gymnasiumshow aboveshow belowPraktik, Projektledare at Bauer Media Group SverigeEventcrew at People Partner Sweden ABPast experiencePraktik, Marknadsassistent at Bavaria BilCustomer Relations at FyndiqReceptionist at Bavaria StockholmReceptionist at KontorsfixarnaEducationCompany placeholder imageTEC, Travel Education Centreshow aboveshow belowF?rel?ser om det Intuitiva ledarskapet at LILLIONPast experienceCustomer Relations Agent at BalansekonomiTr?nare at BalansekonomiCompany placeholder imageCustomer Relations Agent at InterpressCustomer Consultant at Elverket Vallentuna ABEducationCompany placeholder imageBlair singer academyCompany placeholder imageSuccess ResourcesCompany placeholder imageBalansekonomishow aboveshow belowPast experienceInternship as Back-end Developer at FyndiqCustomer Relations Representative at Fyndiq ABSecond Assistant Manager at Netto SverigeUsher & Cash assistant at SF Bio ABEducationKungliga tekniska h?gskolanSummaryThings that I&#39;ve played around with: git, c, python (django), java, javascript (es6, node.js, express, vue.js), php (laravel), html5, css3,...show aboveshow belowAdministrat?r/support Backoffice at Yallotrade ABPast experienceCustomer Relations at FyndiqButiksmedarbetare at BAUHAUS & Co KBCompany placeholder imageButiksmedarbetare at Kahls The & KaffeHandelEducationStockholms universitetCompany placeholder imageBlackebergs GymnasiumCompany placeholder image?rvingeskolanshow aboveshow belowDigital Analyst (Intern) at Oriflame CosmeticsPast experienceE-Commerce Optimization Trainee at NostoCustomer Relations Representative at FyndiqEducationMedieinstitutetSummaryInterested in Digital Analytics projects.show aboveshow belowInterim Kundcenterchef at VafabMilj? Kommunalf?rbundCompany placeholder imageSales and Leadership Coaching & Consulting at Egen regiPast experienceTeam Leader, Customer Service at Handicare GroupS?ljare at Hemfrid ABHead of Customer Relations at Fyndiq ABKundservicechef at BisnodeEducationCompany placeholder imageCoachCompanionCompany placeholder imageCoachCompanionCompany placeholder imageCoachCompanionshow aboveshow belowShow moreShow lessLearn the skills to be a Customer RelationsLearn a new skill online, on your own time. Get started today with video instruction from recognized industry experts.Course by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningCourse by LinkedIn LearningShow moreShow less


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