
根据《 外贸 函电》课程的性质及学习目的与要求,《 外贸 函电》是一门操作性很强的课程。&联盟  也就是说,要达到正确拟写 外贸 业务信函的目的,仅有理论是远远不够的,必须学习大量外贸实务中有一定代表信的信函,深入何为七个&C'S&[Completness完整Conciseness简练Consideration得体Concreteness具体Clarty清楚Courtesy谦恭Correctness正确]等等的基础理论知识,更重要的是通过学习信例,熟悉大量 外贸业务 中各个环节中常用语,包括 词汇 、短语、句型以及习惯表达方式等等,再通过一定量的练习,对常用语进行操练运用,从而达到掌握并熟练使用的目的。因此,起来,学习方法有三步:&  1.学习信例。俗语说,&熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会偷&。这说明了一个从量变到质变的过程。学习《 外贸函电 》的道理也一样。《 外贸函电 》是一门讲述专门用途课程,它有别于一般性的语言。尽管当今 外贸函电 的语言趋于简单化,口语化,但毕竟专业性很强,有一定的格式。从许许多多具有代表性的信例中,我们可以总结出: 外贸业务 书信的开头句子通常是:&  (1)介绍性的,告诉对方什么诱惑你写封信,你写这封信的目的是什么。例如:&  We have been looking for a reliable manufacturer to supply us with cotton ladies's dress on a regular basis. recently from the advertisement in "China Daily" we have learned that you are a firm who is engaged in import and export business and believe that you can meet our requirements.
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黄世敏摘要:外贸英语函电是商务英语专业的核心课程,而词汇学习是学好英语函电的重要环节。针对中职生的学习特点,介绍了商务英语函电词汇教学的几个步骤,其每个步骤都有别于传统教法,以生为本,效果显著。教育期刊网 http://www.jyqkw.com关键词 :中职;外贸函电;词汇教学;中职生学习特点作者简介:黄世敏,女,广东省东莞理工学校讲师,主要研究方向为英语教学。中图分类号:G712
文章编号:(2-03随着经济全球一体化的发展,中国经济越来越融入世界经济,中国与世界各国的贸易与信息的交流已越来越频繁。事实上,业务能力强、能熟练运用外语的实用型商务人才已成为企业、特别是外资企业的竞争优势。需求决定出路,大部分中职学校适应市场的需求开设了商务英语专业,近年招生情况良好,一般都开设了听、说、读、写等专业英语课程。近年来,随着高校扩招和高中规模的不断扩大,报考中职商务英语专业的学生总体素质不高,英语功底不够好,相当一部分学生连最基础的普通英语写作都难以学好,更不用说进行专业性很强的外贸英语函电写作。[1]学生怕学、厌学,很难达到预期的学习目标与教学效果。在近几年的教学实践中,笔者认为,要有效解决中职生学函电写作的教与学,让学生喜欢这门课,掌握好这门课的知识内容,首要任务是解决单词记忆的问题。专业词汇是函电学习的核心,也是学习难点。这些词汇和普通英语的词汇有着显著的不同。(1)单词量大。[2]以教材(《BUSINEES ENGLISH》,高等教育出版社)为例,一个单元平均要记六七十个单词;(2)单词生僻。因为函电里的英文单词大部分是专业术语,在日常口语对话较少使用到,比如“购买”这个词,平时都是用“buy”,而函电里就常常用“purchase”,有些甚至在一般的字典里都查不到,比如单词proforma invoice(形式发票);(3)单词拼写长。有的学生本来就不善于记忆单词,课本里出现的许多长达十几个字母的专业词汇令他们大伤脑筋。正因为如此,常有学生抱怨函电英语单词太多、太难,记不住,费时不少但效果不佳。一个学期下来,只有很少几个学习很勤奋努力的学生跟得上教学进度。笔者认为,这固然有主观能动性的因素,但是作为英语教师,如果我们给予他们一些科学的方法加以指导,化难为易,化繁为简,就会使他们能轻松学习,掌握方法,树立信心,更好地掌握这门课程。[3]在多年的商务英语函电课程的教学中,笔者总结出一套有效的单词教学方法。一、巧用记忆规律呈现新单词(一)不在信息孤岛中教新词汇由于现行教材(《BUSINEES ENGLISH》,高等教育出版社)里编排的单词表词汇量与一般中职学生的实际词汇量不同步,比如说教材中第二单元信函4,单词表的词汇只有5个,而对大部分学生基础而言,该信函里除了那5个新词汇,还有大约15个单词是他们不懂的。因此,笔者不单独教单词,而是在讲信件文章时呈现,也就是说把单词融入句子和篇章结构中学,这样可以丰富学生的联系记忆。笔者把学生不懂的单词制作成简单明了的PPT,见图1。句子里出现一个新单词,就在PPT中呈现此单词,给学生留下第一个认知印象。(二)运用联想记忆法教授单词函电词汇很枯燥,但只要用心,还是可以把词汇教得有声有色。比如笔者教“level”这个词时就在黑板上很工整地写了一个很大的level,让学生把它想像成一个天平,两个le是天平的两个秤竿,v是支点。这样学生就把单词的拼写和水平的意思联系起来了。再有handle(处理),谐音为“很多”,manage(处理)想像为man+age男人到了一定年纪就可独立处理事物,cargo(货物)car+go,货物装好车就走。还有笔者讲“finance”这个词时,提到英国11岁男孩成为全世界最年轻爸爸的新闻,因为当时记者采访他问他“what are you going to do financially?”他居然问记者“what is financially?”他连这个词都听不懂就做了爸爸。学生听了这个故事印象深刻,同时,也马上记住了这个词,还活跃了课堂气氛。良好的记忆在于为记忆对象构造一个生动形象的联想。对于英语单词,如果按通常的方法逐个字母地死记硬背,则多数是杂乱无章,很难形成任何联想,所以记忆效果也不理想。而若采用趣味联想法去教单词,不仅可以开拓学生的思维,更会让他们在轻松气氛里牢记单词。二、善用记忆规律复习单词第一次单词复习的时间安排在讲完信件内容之后,这次复习形式是用PPT显示。学生读一个英文单词,然后说出该词的中文意思,例如:quotation报价。在这个阶段,老师不带读,学生尝试自己把单词读出来,可能读不准音,老师纠正发音。这种读单词方式学生一直处于主动状态,比起传统的老师读一次,学生跟读一次,效果好很多。在这阶段,循环3次PPT,学生读3次,基本会读所学单词。第二次单词复习的时间安排在下次课一开始的时候。这次复习形式继续是用PPT显示,学生读一个英文单词,然后说出该词的中文意思。在此阶段,学生仍然还有不会读的单词,教他们或纠正他们。学生循环读3次所有上次课所学的单词。第三次复习是在这次课下课前10分钟。学生拿出作业本把PPT里的单词包括中文意思一个一个抄下来。这一步骤看似可有可无,但是学生的注意力比单纯从课本单词表里抄要好很多。况且,前面笔者提到这本教材单词表里的单词远远少与学生应该掌握的单词量,所以他们要抄下应该记住的所有单词。学生在抄的过程中,由于他们抄写的时间比笔者读的时间长,因此,笔者读一个单词会重复几次,这样一来,他们在抄的过程中强化了对单词发音的听觉记忆。早读复习,使用单词闪卡与遗忘作斗争。在英语学习中,人们遇到的最大困难就是遗忘。心理学实验表明,人的遗忘是按一定的曲线有规律地变化着。一般刚学习过的内容,短时间内能记住80%以上,一周后只记得50%左右,随着时间的推移,记住的内容越来越少。因此,及时、反复记忆是非常有必要的。笔者把PPT里每个单元要记忆的单词用A4纸制作成一张简单的flash card,见图2,交给班上的科代表。笔者要求她每天早读期间用两分钟复习上一次课所学的单词。她只需一张一张呈现词卡,学生看着词卡读一次英文和说一次单词的中文意思。这样做的目的是让学生每天都能和这些单词“见见面”,这样他们头脑里会留下这些单词类似图像的记忆,有利于他们将来的深层记忆——单词拼写。这种复习用时很短,学生注意力高度集中,对学习主动性不强的中职学生而言,效果比早读半小时还好。三、用循环记忆法抄写单词大脑有一个特点,对某个信息要反复刺激才能记住。有关科学实验表明,当人脑第一次接触某个信息时,该信息在大脑里仅维持1毫秒的时间;第二次接触该信息,记忆维持1秒左右;第三次接触,维持一分钟左右;第四次接触,维持半个小时;第五次维持一、二个小时;第六次,维持七八个小时;第七次可维持十几个小时。若在第二天复习一次,则记忆可持续更久。只要在传入大脑的信息将要消逝、但还没有消逝之前就及时复习,巩固5~10次,就可用最少的时间把该信息牢固记住,提高记忆效果。例如:一个单词一口气连续念5遍,就不如分5次记忆,每次在似忘非忘之前各念—遍,记忆效果会更好。因此,循环是克服记忆过程中遗忘的最有效手段。及时的复习和巩固,将大大缩短学习者记忆单词的时间,达到事半功倍的效果。循环记忆法就是基于这点,在不断的快速循环记忆中记牢单词。传统的单词抄写作业是学生一个单词抄一行的做法,这只会使得学生敷衍完成作业,而不是有质量地为达到学习目的——记忆单词做作业。意识到这一点,笔者要求学生在课堂上把PPT上的单词(包括中文意思)抄下来以后,课后再抄4次。但不是在同一时间抄完4次,而是要他们在一个星期之内分别在不同的4天不同时间段抄,每次每个单词只抄一次,并且标上抄写日期,这么做主要是防止他们一次性把单词抄完。在整个过程中,作业量不大,但是每个单词对大脑都在不同的时间刺激了5次,记忆记效果远比一次性抄写一行单词要好。学生的学习畏难情绪减轻了,同时,也增加了他们学英语的成就感。四、合理安排课堂检测,由简到难学生学习一段时间后,需要检测他们对学习内容的掌握程度。除了期中和期末进行考试,课堂上安排检测也是很有必要的。学生学习要有一定的压力,才会有动力,所以给他们合理有规律的检测是有必要的。但是如果压力太大,而且学生在尝试几次都无法达到老师的要求之后,常常会索性放弃这门学科的学习。因此,合理安排单词检测,使学生“跳一跳就能摘到果子”,更多地体验到成功,才会使他们更有信心地学习。笔者在课堂上对他们的单词检测分三步走:(1)本次课学的新单词在下次课时不抽查,只是全班一起复习,对单词的要求是两会——会读,会说出中文意思。在第二次课时以抽签的方式单独抽查个别学生,要求是两会,学生看PPT读单词和说中文意思,分数记录到平时成绩。(2)第三次课时抽查学生听写单词,这个时候学生要达到四会——会听、会读、会说、会写。(3)一个单元学完后,全部单词集中抽查一次,包括看PPT读单词和说中文意思和听写,目的是要求学生自己全面复习一次该单元知识,查漏补缺。对这种检测方式,虽然每次抽签时气氛有点紧张,学生还是很乐意接受的,尤其是学完一个单元后他们发现原来一点都不会的单词,现在不知不觉居然掌握了几十个,他们很有满足感。最近几年,英语函电课程已成为商务英语专业中高职对口升学考试中的必考课程。要学好这门课,就必须先解决单词的记忆。这就好像搭一座房子,一块块好的砖头是房子构成的基础。笔者在单词呈现、复习和作业上改变了以往的教学方式,尽量减轻学生的记忆负担,取得最佳记忆效果。笔者所教的商务英语专业学生参加广东省番禹职业技术学院的对口自主招生考试,在全省招生比例为1:4的激烈竞争下,达到超过70%的录取率,成绩在全省中职学校中名列前茅。教育期刊网 http://www.jyqkw.com参考文献:[1]宋德伟.新概念英语单词循环速记手抄本[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2013.[2]喻互助.浅谈外贸英语函电的词汇特点[J].武汉工程职业技术学院学报,2010(2):55-57.[3]桂永霞.商务英语函电词汇特点研究[J].价值工程,2013(8):77-78.[责任编辑
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国贸综合课程设计国 际 函 电 写 作学生姓名:王乾隆 学号: 刘 茜
学院。系:商学院国际经济与贸易专业 班 级:12 级金融一班 指导老师:高 静 张群卉2015 年 9 月 9 日 The first tradeSet new business relationship7 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I am a Qianlong International Co., Ltd., general manager of Chian lung Wang, you can call me Jack, I am to see you publish information on the layout of the advertising company. I understand that you need to export a number of high-quality wood. We just need to import a batch of wood, do not know whether we can establish a partnership. Our company is a foreign trade company America, specializing in the import and export trade. Our Corporation address is USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109, Fax:
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Inquiry8 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Very high heart received your letter, we have learned through the network of your company, we are very happy to cooperate with you. We are ready to have three kinds of high quality wood, poplar, oak wood and Matsuki Ki, do not know you need that kind of. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9910 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: After our investigation, we decided to import oak. We hope that you will be able to detail the specific details of the oak and the specific details of the transaction and ask us, we will make the purchase plan, we will purchase 10000 tons. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Offer12 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Glad to be your inquiry, our high quality oak reputation overseas, excellent workmanship, price concessions, absolutely let you satisfied, in the past year, we have exported to fourteen countries, have been very high evaluation. For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows: Product No: 01005 Product:CANNED SWEET CORN Description: 1 TONS /CARTON Unit Price :USD 110 PER CARTON CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 CARTON S AMOUNT:USD1100000 Quality: As per samples No.MBS/006 and CBS/002 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Packing: 1 CARTON/ CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: High quality wood U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Shipment: Within 1 weeks of receiving L/C Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK Insurance: To be effected by the seller for 110% invoice value against Marine all risks . & War Risk. Documents Required:Certificate of Quality,Certificate of Quantity/Weight,Health Certificate and Certificate of phytosanitary all in 3 originals and 3 copies This quotation is valid for 3 days. We feel you may be interested in some of our other products and enclose descriptive booklets for use with your customer. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Counter offer14 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received your sample of quality wood, thank you very much, we are very satisfied with the sample, but your price is too high, we can not accept, through the market survey we find that the price can also be reduced by 10%-15%. Therefore, we put forward the price is $90 / carton, the other conditions we have no meaning, we hope you can take our price. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 15 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received your letter, for your suggestion, we have seriously considered, although we acknowledge that the price can be reduced, but the price is too low, it is too low, we can not accept this, we are ready to compromise, our new offer is $100 / carton, this is our bottom line, I hope you can consider accepting. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99Acceptance16 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: Thank you 15 letter, for your proposal, after discussion, we agree to traded at $100 /carton CIF NewYork. Other matters in accordance with the previous offer to implement. Believe that this cooperation will give us a special harvest. Next, please draw the same. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. The signing of the contract18 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack I have drawn up a contract, and sent to your mailbox, please check it. Have any questions, please inform me, I will change in time. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9919 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I have received your contract, after careful examination and no problem, this is a satisfactory contract. I have signed and sent to your mail box. Please check. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Letter of credit20 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack There is no problem with the contract. So, let's start the business. Please open a letter of credit for us. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9921 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have applied to the bank for opening the L / C, and the bank is in the process of examination and approval. I believe you will receive a notification from the bank for a few days. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 23 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received a letter of credit, after a careful reading of some of the inadequacies of the discovery, so we made a number of amendments to modify the contents of the annex will be sent to you together. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9923 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We were surprised to receive your email. We read the letter of credit in detail. We also have a few comments on our proposal. The new letter of credit will be sent to you through the attachment. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 24 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We study you modify the letter of credit, the satisfaction of basic, but there are still a little, about legal terms, we still i hope you you will consider. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9924 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: To be able to complete this work smoothly, we agree to your proposal, so please make a formal letter to the bank to amend the L / C, We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 24 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for your understanding, we have a comprehensive view of the parties, the amendment of the L / C, and formally to the bank for the application, please be patient. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9925 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice from the bank, the revised letter of credit has been satisfactory. We have agreed. We'll pay the bank later. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Shipping AdviceSHIPPING ADVICE FROM: Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 TO: Qianlong International Co., Ltd. DATE:AFTER
WE HEREBY INFORM YOU THAT THE GOODS UNDER THE ABOVE MENTIONED INVOICE HAVE BEEN SHIPPED.THE DETAILS OF THE SHIPPMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: Product No: 17001 Product: BEDSHEET Description: 6 OZ OF ORGANIC COTTON, SIZE: 250*250CM, PACKING: 1PCS/PASTIC BAG,100PCS/CARTON Unit Price :USD 100 PER PC CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 PC S AMOUNT:USD1000000 Quality: As per samples 8455 and 7ty58 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Pa cking: 100PCS/CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: BEDSHEET U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK DATE OF SHIPPMENT: October.10.2015 VESSEL’S NAME:CMA CGM NEPTVNE V.485W B/L NO:CGLSHA 0303088NA ETD(Expected Time of Delivery): October.25.2015 ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival): October.30.2015Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.Insurance10 October 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice of shipment and your delivery speed is satisfactory. The cooperation of this time is very pleasant. Now you will have the insurance. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 11 October 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack That is what we should do, we have the insurance as well as the relevant certificate to handle, and then will be sent to you. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9925 October 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received the goods and the relevant evidence. For the goods, we are very satisfied, this is a very good cooperation. We also look forward to the next cooperation. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 25 October 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for such a high evaluation, and your cooperation, also let us very happy, we also look forward to the next cooperation. Give my best wishes to you Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 The Second tradeSet new business relationship1 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I am a Qianlong International Co., Ltd., general manager of Chian lung Wang, you can call me Jack, I am to see you publish information on the layout of the advertising company. I understand that you need to export a number of high-quality wood. We just need to import a batch of wood, do not know whether we can establish a partnership. Our company is a foreign trade company America, specializing in the import and export trade. Our Corporation address is USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109, Fax:
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Inquiry1 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Very high heart received your letter, we have learned through the network of your company, we are very happy to cooperate with you. We are ready to have three kinds of high quality wood, poplar, oak wood and Matsuki Ki, do not know you need that kind of. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 992 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: After our investigation, we decided to import oak. We hope that you will be able to detail the specific details of the oak and the specific details of the transaction and ask us, we will make the purchase plan, we will purchase 10000 tons. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Offer2 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Glad to be your inquiry, our high quality oak reputation overseas, excellent workmanship, price concessions, absolutely let you satisfied, in the past year, we have exported to fourteen countries, have been very high evaluation. For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows: Product No: 01005 Product:CANNED SWEET CORN Description: 1 TONS /CARTON Unit Price :USD 110 PER CARTON CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 CARTON S AMOUNT:USD1100000 Quality: As per samples No.MBS/006 and CBS/002 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Packing: 1 CARTON/ CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: High quality wood U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Shipment: Within 1 weeks of receiving L/C Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK Insurance: To be effected by the seller for 110% invoice value against Marine all risks . & War Risk. Documents Required:Certificate of Quality,Certificate of Quantity/Weight,Health Certificate and Certificate of phytosanitary all in 3 originals and 3 copies This quotation is valid for 3 days. We feel you may be interested in some of our other products and enclose descriptive booklets for use with your customer. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99Counter offer2 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received your sample of quality wood, thank you very much, we are very satisfied with the sample, but your price is too high, we can not accept, through the market survey we find that the price can also be reduced by 10%-15%. Therefore, we put forward the price is $90 / carton, the other conditions we have no meaning, we hope you can take our price. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 3 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received your letter, for your suggestion, we have seriously considered, although we acknowledge that the price can be reduced, but the price is too low, it is too low, we can not accept this, we are ready to compromise, our new offer is $100 / carton, this is our bottom line, I hope you can consider accepting. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99Acceptance3 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: Thank you 15 letter, for your proposal, after discussion, we agree to traded at $100 /carton CIF NewYork. Other matters in accordance with the previous offer to implement. Believe that this cooperation will give us a special harvest. Next, please draw the same. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. The signing of the contract3 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack I have drawn up a contract, and sent to your mailbox, please check it. Have any questions, please inform me, I will change in time. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 994 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I have received your contract, after careful examination and no problem, this is a satisfactory contract. I have signed and sent to your mail box. Please check. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Letter of credit5 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack There is no problem with the contract. So, let's start the business. Please open a letter of credit for us. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 995 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have applied to the bank for opening the L / C, and the bank is in the process of examination and approval. I believe you will receive a notification from the bank for a few days. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 5 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received a letter of credit, after a careful reading of some of the inadequacies of the discovery, so we made a number of amendments to modify the contents of the annex will be sent to you together. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 995 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We were surprised to receive your email. We read the letter of credit in detail. We also have a few comments on our proposal. The new letter of credit will be sent to you through the attachment. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 6 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We study you modify the letter of credit, the satisfaction of basic, but there are still a little, about legal terms, we still i hope you you will consider. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 996 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: To be able to complete this work smoothly, we agree to your proposal, so please make a formal letter to the bank to amend the L / C, We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 6 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for your understanding, we have a comprehensive view of the parties, the amendment of the L / C, and formally to the bank for the application, please be patient. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 996 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice from the bank, the revised letter of credit has been satisfactory. We have agreed. We'll pay the bank later. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Shipping AdviceSHIPPING ADVICE FROM: Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 TO: Qianlong International Co., Ltd. DATE:AFTER
WE HEREBY INFORM YOU THAT THE GOODS UNDER THE ABOVE MENTIONED INVOICE HAVE BEEN SHIPPED.THE DETAILS OF THE SHIPPMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: Product No: 17001 Product: BEDSHEET Description: 6 OZ OF ORGANIC COTTON, SIZE: 250*250CM, PACKING: 1PCS/PASTIC BAG,100PCS/CARTON Unit Price :USD 100 PER PC CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 PC S AMOUNT:USD1000000 Quality: As per samples 8455 and 7ty58 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Pa cking: 100PCS/CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: BEDSHEET U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK DATE OF SHIPPMENT: November.11.2015 VESSEL’S NAME:CMA CGM NEPTVNE V.485W B/L NO:CGLSHA 0303088NA ETD(Expected Time of Delivery): November.20.2015 ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival): November.25.2015Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.Insurance21 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice of shipment and your delivery speed is satisfactory. The cooperation of this time is very pleasant. Now you will have the insurance. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 22 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack That is what we should do, we have the insurance as well as the relevant certificate to handle, and then will be sent to you. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9922 November 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received the goods and the relevant evidence. For the goods, we are very satisfied, this is a very good cooperation. We also look forward to the next cooperation. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.23 November 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for such a high evaluation, and your cooperation, also let us very happy, we also look forward to the next cooperation. Give my best wishes to you Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 The Third tradeSet new business relationship7 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I am a Qianlong International Co., Ltd., general manager of Chian lung Wang, you can call me Jack, I am to see you publish information on the layout of the advertising company. I understand that you need to export a number of high-quality wood. We just need to import a batch of wood, do not know whether we can establish a partnership. Our company is a foreign trade company America, specializing in the import and export trade. Our Corporation address is USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109, Fax:
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Inquiry8 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Very high heart received your letter, we have learned through the network of your company, we are very happy to cooperate with you. We are ready to have three kinds of high quality wood, poplar, oak wood and Matsuki Ki, do not know you need that kind of. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9910 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: After our investigation, we decided to import oak. We hope that you will be able to detail the specific details of the oak and the specific details of the transaction and ask us, we will make the purchase plan, we will purchase 10000 tons. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Offer12 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Glad to be your inquiry, our high quality oak reputation overseas, excellent workmanship, price concessions, absolutely let you satisfied, in the past year, we have exported to fourteen countries, have been very high evaluation. For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows: Product No: 01005 Product:CANNED SWEET CORN Description: 1 TONS /CARTON Unit Price :USD 110 PER CARTON CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 CARTON S AMOUNT:USD1100000 Quality: As per samples No.MBS/006 and CBS/002 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Packing: 1 CARTON/ CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: High quality wood U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Shipment: Within 1 weeks of receiving L/C Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK Insurance: To be effected by the seller for 110% invoice value against Marine all risks . & War Risk. Documents Required:Certificate of Quality,Certificate of Quantity/Weight,Health Certificate and Certificate of phytosanitary all in 3 originals and 3 copies This quotation is valid for 3 days. We feel you may be interested in some of our other products and enclose descriptive booklets for use with your customer. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99Counter offer14 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received your sample of quality wood, thank you very much, we are very satisfied with the sample, but your price is too high, we can not accept, through the market survey we find that the price can also be reduced by 10%-15%. Therefore, we put forward the price is $90 / carton, the other conditions we have no meaning, we hope you can take our price. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 15 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received your letter, for your suggestion, we have seriously considered, although we acknowledge that the price can be reduced, but the price is too low, it is too low, we can not accept this, we are ready to compromise, our new offer is $100 / carton, this is our bottom line, I hope you can consider accepting. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99Acceptance16 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: Thank you 15 letter, for your proposal, after discussion, we agree to traded at $100 /carton CIF NewYork. Other matters in accordance with the previous offer to implement. Believe that this cooperation will give us a special harvest. Next, please draw the same. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. The signing of the contract18 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack I have drawn up a contract, and sent to your mailbox, please check it. Have any questions, please inform me, I will change in time. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9919 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I have received your contract, after careful examination and no problem, this is a satisfactory contract. I have signed and sent to your mail box. Please check. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Letter of credit20 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack There is no problem with the contract. So, let's start the business. Please open a letter of credit for us. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9921 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have applied to the bank for opening the L / C, and the bank is in the process of examination and approval. I believe you will receive a notification from the bank for a few days. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 23 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received a letter of credit, after a careful reading of some of the inadequacies of the discovery, so we made a number of amendments to modify the contents of the annex will be sent to you together. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9923 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We were surprised to receive your email. We read the letter of credit in detail. We also have a few comments on our proposal. The new letter of credit will be sent to you through the attachment. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 24 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We study you modify the letter of credit, the satisfaction of basic, but there are still a little, about legal terms, we still i hope you you will consider. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9924 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: To be able to complete this work smoothly, we agree to your proposal, so please make a formal letter to the bank to amend the L / C, We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 24 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for your understanding, we have a comprehensive view of the parties, the amendment of the L / C, and formally to the bank for the application, please be patient. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9925 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice from the bank, the revised letter of credit has been satisfactory. We have agreed. We'll pay the bank later. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Shipping AdviceSHIPPING ADVICE FROM: Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 TO: Qianlong International Co., Ltd. DATE:AFTER
WE HEREBY INFORM YOU THAT THE GOODS UNDER THE ABOVE MENTIONED INVOICE HAVE BEEN SHIPPED.THE DETAILS OF THE SHIPPMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: Product No: 17001 Product: BEDSHEET Description: 6 OZ OF ORGANIC COTTON, SIZE: 250*250CM, PACKING: 1PCS/PASTIC BAG,100PCS/CARTON Unit Price :USD 100 PER PC CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 PC S AMOUNT:USD1000000 Quality: As per samples 8455 and 7ty58 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Pa cking: 100PCS/CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: BEDSHEET U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK DATE OF SHIPPMENT: October.10.2015 VESSEL’S NAME:CMA CGM NEPTVNE V.485W B/L NO:CGLSHA 0303088NA ETD(Expected Time of Delivery): October.25.2015 ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival): October.30.2015Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.Insurance10 October 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice of shipment and your delivery speed is satisfactory. The cooperation of this time is very pleasant. Now you will have the insurance. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 11 October 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack That is what we should do, we have the insurance as well as the relevant certificate to handle, and then will be sent to you. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9925 October 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received the goods and the relevant evidence. For the goods, we are very satisfied, this is a very good cooperation. We also look forward to the next cooperation. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 25 October 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for such a high evaluation, and your cooperation, also let us very happy, we also look forward to the next cooperation. Give my best wishes to you Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 The Fourth tradeSet new business relationship7 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I am a Qianlong International Co., Ltd., general manager of Chian lung Wang, you can call me Jack, I am to see you publish information on the layout of the advertising company. I understand that you need to export a number of high-quality wood. We just need to import a batch of wood, do not know whether we can establish a partnership. Our company is a foreign trade company America, specializing in the import and export trade. Our Corporation address is USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109, Fax:
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Inquiry8 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Very high heart received your letter, we have learned through the network of your company, we are very happy to cooperate with you. We are ready to have three kinds of high quality wood, poplar, oak wood and Matsuki Ki, do not know you need that kind of. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9910 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: After our investigation, we decided to import oak. We hope that you will be able to detail the specific details of the oak and the specific details of the transaction and ask us, we will make the purchase plan, we will purchase 10000 tons. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Offer12 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Glad to be your inquiry, our high quality oak reputation overseas, excellent workmanship, price concessions, absolutely let you satisfied, in the past year, we have exported to fourteen countries, have been very high evaluation. For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows: Product No: 01005 Product:CANNED SWEET CORN Description: 1 TONS /CARTON Unit Price :USD 110 PER CARTON CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 CARTON S AMOUNT:USD1100000 Quality: As per samples No.MBS/006 and CBS/002 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Packing: 1 CARTON/ CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: High quality wood U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Shipment: Within 1 weeks of receiving L/C Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK Insurance: To be effected by the seller for 110% invoice value against Marine all risks . & War Risk. Documents Required:Certificate of Quality,Certificate of Quantity/Weight,Health Certificate and Certificate of phytosanitary all in 3 originals and 3 copies This quotation is valid for 3 days. We feel you may be interested in some of our other products and enclose descriptive booklets for use with your customer. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99Counter offer14 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received your sample of quality wood, thank you very much, we are very satisfied with the sample, but your price is too high, we can not accept, through the market survey we find that the price can also be reduced by 10%-15%. Therefore, we put forward the price is $90 / carton, the other conditions we have no meaning, we hope you can take our price. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 15 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received your letter, for your suggestion, we have seriously considered, although we acknowledge that the price can be reduced, but the price is too low, it is too low, we can not accept this, we are ready to compromise, our new offer is $100 / carton, this is our bottom line, I hope you can consider accepting. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99Acceptance16 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: Thank you 15 letter, for your proposal, after discussion, we agree to traded at $100 /carton CIF NewYork. Other matters in accordance with the previous offer to implement. Believe that this cooperation will give us a special harvest. Next, please draw the same. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. The signing of the contract18 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack I have drawn up a contract, and sent to your mailbox, please check it. Have any questions, please inform me, I will change in time. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9919 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: I have received your contract, after careful examination and no problem, this is a satisfactory contract. I have signed and sent to your mail box. Please check. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Letter of credit20 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack There is no problem with the contract. So, let's start the business. Please open a letter of credit for us. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9921 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have applied to the bank for opening the L / C, and the bank is in the process of examination and approval. I believe you will receive a notification from the bank for a few days. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 23 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We have received a letter of credit, after a careful reading of some of the inadequacies of the discovery, so we made a number of amendments to modify the contents of the annex will be sent to you together. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9923 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We were surprised to receive your email. We read the letter of credit in detail. We also have a few comments on our proposal. The new letter of credit will be sent to you through the attachment. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 24 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack We study you modify the letter of credit, the satisfaction of basic, but there are still a little, about legal terms, we still i hope you you will consider. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9924 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: To be able to complete this work smoothly, we agree to your proposal, so please make a formal letter to the bank to amend the L / C, We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 24 September 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for your understanding, we have a comprehensive view of the parties, the amendment of the L / C, and formally to the bank for the application, please be patient. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9925 September 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice from the bank, the revised letter of credit has been satisfactory. We have agreed. We'll pay the bank later. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Shipping AdviceSHIPPING ADVICE FROM: Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 TO: Qianlong International Co., Ltd. DATE:AFTER
WE HEREBY INFORM YOU THAT THE GOODS UNDER THE ABOVE MENTIONED INVOICE HAVE BEEN SHIPPED.THE DETAILS OF THE SHIPPMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: Product No: 17001 Product: BEDSHEET Description: 6 OZ OF ORGANIC COTTON, SIZE: 250*250CM, PACKING: 1PCS/PASTIC BAG,100PCS/CARTON Unit Price :USD 100 PER PC CIF NEWYORK QUANTITY:10000 PC S AMOUNT:USD1000000 Quality: As per samples 8455 and 7ty58 submitted by seller on September 12, 2015. Payment: By 30 days' L/C Pa cking: 100PCS/CARTON Means of transport: BY SEA SHIPPING MARK: BEDSHEET U.S.A C/NO. 1-10000 MADE IN CHINA Port of Shipment:SHANGHAI Port of Destination:NEWYORK DATE OF SHIPPMENT: October.10.2015 VESSEL’S NAME:CMA CGM NEPTVNE V.485W B/L NO:CGLSHA 0303088NA ETD(Expected Time of Delivery): October.25.2015 ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival): October.30.2015Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.Insurance10 October 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received a notice of shipment and your delivery speed is satisfactory. The cooperation of this time is very pleasant. Now you will have the insurance. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 11 October 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack That is what we should do, we have the insurance as well as the relevant certificate to handle, and then will be sent to you. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 9925 October 2015 Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99 Dear Miss Liu xi: We have received the goods and the relevant evidence. For the goods, we are very satisfied, this is a very good cooperation. We also look forward to the next cooperation. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Yours faithfully Jack Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. 25 October 2015 Qianlong International Co., Ltd USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA. Dear Jack Thank you for such a high evaluation, and your cooperation, also let us very happy, we also look forward to the next cooperation. Give my best wishes to you Yours faithfully Liu Xi Jinhua Export Co., Ltd. China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
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