
- 实体滚针轴承 - NSK RLM2010轴承_进口轴承
RLM2010轴承,我司有部分库存,您可致电销售人员免费咨询RLM2010轴承图纸、价格、使用方法或同型号其他品牌替换等详细资料!如果您对mm×mm×mm RLM2010轴承有什么疑问,请联系我们获取更多信息。&&&&&&&&&&
基本参数RLM 2010型号实体滚针轴承1系列外形尺寸20Fw27D10C0.5r min额定载荷7 950Cr额定动载荷(N)9 150C0r额定静载荷(N)810Cr额定动载荷(kg)930C0r额定静载荷(kg)极限转速11 000Grease 脂润滑18 000oil 油润滑轴承代号RLM 2010无内圈LM 2010有内圈内圈外形尺寸15d 内径10.2B 厚度安装尺寸19da23Da0.5raMass重量(kg)0.014 0.025approx参考
<span id="NSK轴承RLM2010样本图">NSK轴承RLM2010样本图
逛了这许久,何不进去瞧瞧?RLMObject Class Reference
(100% documented)
RLMObject Class Reference
@interface RLMObject : RLMObjectBase
In Realm you define your model classes by subclassing RLMObject and adding properties to be persisted.
You then instantiate and use your custom subclasses instead of using the RLMObject class directly.
@interface Dog : RLMObject
@property NSString *name;
@property BOOL
@implementation Dog
@end //none needed
Supported property types
NSInteger, int, long, float, and double
BOOL or bool
NSNumber&X&, where X is one of RLMInt, RLMFloat, RLMDouble or RLMBool, for optional number properties
RLMObject subclasses, so you can have many-to-one relationships.
&X&, where X is an RLMObject subclass, so you can have many-to-many relationships.
You can query an object directly via the class methods: allObjects, objectsWhere:, and objectsWithPredicate:.
These methods allow you to easily query a custom subclass for instances of this class in the
default Realm. To search in a Realm other than the default Realm use the interface on an
for more details.
Key-Value Observing
All RLMObject properties (including properties you create in subclasses) are
except for realm and objectSchema. There are several Realm-specific things
to keep in mind when observing Realm objects:
Unlike NSMutableArray properties,
properties do not require
using the proxy object returned from -mutableArrayValueForKey:, or defining
KVC mutation methods on the containing class. You can simply call methods on
directly and the changes will be observed by the containing
Standalone RLMObjects cannot be added to a Realm while they have any
observed properties.
Modifying persisted RLMObjects in -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:
is problematic. Properties may change when the Realm is not in a write
transaction (for example, when -[ refresh] is called after changes
are made on a different thread), and notifications sent prior to the change
being applied (when NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior is used) may be sent at
times when you cannot begin a write transaction.
Initialize a standalone
Initialize an unpersisted instance of this object.
Call addObject: on an
to add standalone object to a realm.
- (nonnull instancetype)init;
Initialize a standalone
with values from an NSArray or NSDictionary
Initialize an unpersisted instance of this object.
Call addObject: on an
to add standalone object to a realm.
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithValue:(nonnull id)value;
Helper to return the class name for an
+ (nonnull NSString *)className;
Return Value
The class name for the model class.
in the default Realm with a given value.
Creates an instance of this object and adds it to the default Realm populating
the object with the given value.
If nested objects are included in the argument, createInDefaultRealmWithValue: will be called
When passing in an NSArray, all properties must be present, valid and in the same order as the properties defined in the model.
+ (nonnull instancetype)createInDefaultRealmWithValue:(nonnull id)value;
The value used to populate the object. This can be any key/value coding compliant
object, or a JSON object such as those returned from the methods in NSJSONSerialization, or
an NSArray with one object for each persisted property. An exception will be
thrown if any required properties are not present and no default is set.
in a Realm with a given object.
Creates an instance of this object and adds it to the given Realm populating
the object with the given object.
If nested objects are included in the argument, createInRealm:withValue: will be called
+ (nonnull instancetype)createInRealm:(nonnull RLMRealm *)realm
withValue:(nonnull id)value;
The Realm in which this object is persisted.
The value used to populate the object. This can be any key/value coding compliant
object, or a JSON object such as those returned from the methods in NSJSONSerialization, or
an NSArray with one object for each persisted property. An exception will be
thrown if any required properties are not present and no default is set.
Create or update an
in the default Realm with a given object.
This method can only be called on object types with a primary key defined. If there is already
an object with the same primary key value in the default
its values are updated and the object
is returned. Otherwise this creates and populates a new instance of this object in the default Realm.
If nested objects are included in the argument, createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithValue: will be
called on them if have a primary key (createInDefaultRealmWithValue: otherwise).
This is a no-op if the argument is an
of the same type already backed by the target realm.
When passing in an NSArray, all properties must be present, valid and in the same order as the properties defined in the model.
+ (nonnull instancetype)createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithValue:(nonnull id)value;
The value used to populate the object. This can be any key/value coding compliant
object, or a JSON object such as those returned from the methods in NSJSONSerialization, or
an NSArray with one object for each persisted property. An exception will be
thrown if any required properties are not present and no default is set.
Create or update an
with a given object.
This method can only be called on object types with a primary key defined. If there is already
an object with the same primary key value in the provided
its values are updated and the object
is returned. Otherwise this creates and populates a new instance of this object in the provided Realm.
If nested objects are included in the argument, createOrUpdateInRealm:withValue: will be
called on them if have a primary key (createInRealm:withValue: otherwise).
This is a no-op if the argument is an
of the same type already backed by the target realm.
When passing in an NSArray, all properties must be present, valid and in the same order as the properties defined in the model.
+ (nonnull instancetype)createOrUpdateInRealm:(nonnull RLMRealm *)realm
withValue:(nonnull id)value;
The Realm in which this object is persisted.
The value used to populate the object. This can be any key/value coding compliant
object, or a JSON object such as those returned from the methods in NSJSONSerialization, or
an NSArray with one object for each persisted property. An exception will be
thrown if any required properties are not present and no default is set.
The Realm in which this object is persisted. Returns nil for standalone objects.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, nullable) RLMRealm *realm;
The ObjectSchema which lists the persisted properties for this object.
@property (readonly, nonatomic) RLMObjectSchema *_Nonnull objectSchema;
Indicates if an object can no longer be accessed.
An object can no longer be accessed if the object has been deleted from the containing realm or
if invalidate is called on the containing realm.
@property (readonly, getter=isInvalidated, nonatomic) BOOL invalidated;
Return an array of property names for properties which should be indexed. Only supported
for string and int properties.
- returns: NSArray of property names.
+ (nonnull NSArray&NSString *& *)indexedProperties;
Return Value
NSArray of property names.
Implement to indicate the default values to be used for each property.
+ (nullable NSDictionary *)defaultPropertyValues;
Return Value
NSDictionary mapping property names to their default values.
Implement to designate a property as the primary key for an
subclass. Only properties of
type RLMPropertyTypeString and RLMPropertyTypeInt can be designated as the primary key. Primary key
properties enforce uniqueness for each value whenever the property is set which incurs some overhead.
Indexes are created automatically for primary key properties.
+ (nullable NSString *)primaryKey;
Return Value
Name of the property designated as the primary key.
Implement to return an array of property names to ignore. These properties will not be persisted
and are treated as transient.
+ (nullable NSArray&NSString *& *)ignoredProperties;
Return Value
NSArray of property names to ignore.
Implement to return an array of property names that should not allow storing nil.
By default, all properties of a type that support storing nil are considered optional properties.
To require that an object in a Realm always have a non-nil value for a property,
add the name of the property to the array returned from this method.
Currently Object properties cannot be required. Array and NSNumber properties
can, but it makes little sense to do so: arrays do not support storing nil, and
if you want a non-optional number you should instead use the primitive type.
+ (nonnull NSArray&NSString *& *)requiredProperties;
Return Value
NSArray of property names that are required.
Get all objects of this type from the default Realm.
+ (nonnull RLMResults *)allObjects;
Return Value
of all objects of this type in the default Realm.
Get objects matching the given predicate for this type from the default Realm.
+ (nonnull RLMResults *)objectsWhere:(nonnull NSString *)predicateFormat, ...;
The predicate format string which can accept variable arguments.
Return Value
of objects of the subclass type in the default Realm that match the given predicate
Get objects matching the given predicate for this type from the default Realm.
+ (nonnull RLMResults *)objectsWithPredicate:(nullable NSPredicate *)predicate;
The predicate to filter the objects.
Return Value
of objects of the subclass type in the default Realm that match the given predicate
Get the single object with the given primary key from the default Realm.
Returns the object from the default Realm which has the given primary key, or
nil if the object does not exist. This is slightly faster than the otherwise
equivalent [[SubclassName objectsWhere:@&primaryKeyPropertyName = %@&, key] firstObject].
This method requires that primaryKey be overridden on the receiving subclass.
+ (nullable instancetype)objectForPrimaryKey:(nullable id)primaryKey;
Return Value
An object of the subclass type or nil if an object with the given primary key does not exist.
Get all objects of this type from the specified Realm.
+ (nonnull RLMResults *)allObjectsInRealm:(nonnull RLMRealm *)realm;
The Realm instance to query.
Return Value
of all objects of this type in the specified Realm.
Get objects matching the given predicate for this type from the specified Realm.
+ (nonnull RLMResults *)objectsInRealm:(nonnull RLMRealm *)realm
where:(nonnull NSString *)predicateFormat, ...;
The predicate format string which can accept variable arguments.
The Realm instance to query.
Return Value
of objects of the subclass type in the specified Realm that match the given predicate
Get objects matching the given predicate for this type from the specified Realm.
+ (nonnull RLMResults *)objectsInRealm:(nonnull RLMRealm *)realm
withPredicate:(nullable NSPredicate *)predicate;
The predicate to filter the objects.
The Realm instance to query.
Return Value
of objects of the subclass type in the specified Realm that match the given predicate
Get the single object with the given primary key from the specified Realm.
Returns the object from the specified Realm which has the given primary key, or
nil if the object does not exist. This is slightly faster than the otherwise
equivalent [[SubclassName objectsInRealm:realm where:@&primaryKeyPropertyName = %@&, key] firstObject].
This method requires that primaryKey be overridden on the receiving subclass.
+ (nullable instancetype)objectInRealm:(nonnull RLMRealm *)realm
forPrimaryKey:(nullable id)primaryKey;
Return Value
An object of the subclass type or nil if an object with the given primary key does not exist.
Get an NSArray of objects of type className which have this object as the given property value. This can
be used to get the inverse relationship value for
- (nonnull NSArray *)linkingObjectsOfClass:(nonnull NSString *)className
forProperty:(nonnull NSString *)property;
The type of object on which the relationship to query is defined.
The name of the property which defines the relationship.
Return Value
An NSArray of objects of type className which have this object as their value for the property property.
Returns YES if another
points to the same object in an . For
with a primary, key, isEqual: is overridden to use this method (along with a corresponding
implementation for hash.
- (BOOL)isEqualToObject:(nonnull RLMObject *)object;
The object to compare to.
Return Value
YES if the object represents the same object in the same .:>>生化试剂>常规生化试剂>AM1700,FirstChoice&#174; RLM-RACE Kit
AM1700,FirstChoice&#174; RLM-RACE Kit
更新时间: 23:23:25
This kit is a major improvement over the basic rapid amplification
of cDNA ends (RACE) protocol. The RLM-RACE procedure selects only
full-length mRNA&no rRNA, tRNA or degraded RNA&and facilitates the
cloning of sequences from the 5' ends of messages.
& From RNA to PCR product in less than a day
& Yields single, specific product from rare transcripts
& Selects 5' and/or 3' ends of true messages
& Efficient - all enzymatic reactions are optimized to ensure detection of even the rarest mRNA
Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5'-RACE) is a polymerase chain
reaction-based technique developed to facilitate the cloning of sequence
from the 5'-ends of messages. The FirstChoice RLM-RACE Kit is a major
improvement to the basic RACE protocol.
Selects Full-length mRNA - No rRNA, tRNA or Degraded mRNA
In the FirstChoice RLM-RACE procedure, full-length mRNAs are selected
by treating total or poly(A) RNA with calf intestinal phosphatase (CIP)
to remove the 5'-phosphate from all 更看更多
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