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Transportation Options
Beijing's primary airport is the Capital Airport Beijing (PEK), which is about 30 kilometers northeast of the city center. Most domestic and nearly all international flights arrive at and depart from Capital Airport. Capital Airport is the main hub for Air China and links Beijing with almost every other Chinese city with regular air passenger service. The airport is linked to central Beijing by the Airport Expressway and is a roughly 40 minute drive from the city center during good traffic hours. Private car t please contact the hotel to arrange this service.
The extensive Beijing Subway system has expanded to nine lines, with six underground and three above ground. Service from the airport is also available. There are nearly 700 bus and trolley bus routes in Beijing, including three bus rapid transit routes. Taxis are an excellent mode of transportation and can be found throughout Beijing.
If you are traveling by car, please see , from the airport or any other location.
Getting Here
Beijing Capital International Airport
Travel Distance: Approximately 31.0 km/19.26 miles
Options for getting to and from the hotel include:
Airport Express Rail
25 CNY; Fee does not include taxi fare.
Travel Time:
Take the Express Rail to Dongzhi Gate Station. From here you can take a taxi to the hotel, which is just 12 kilometers from the station.
Hours: 24 hours
Hotel Private Car Service
Starting at 800 CNY
Hours: 24 hours
Travel Time:
40 minutes
(86)(10) / (86)(10) ; Reservation Required
Please contact the hotel concierge 24 hours in advance to make arrangements for a private Audi A6 with a driver to transport you from the airport to the hotel.
Fuxingmen Subway Station
Travel Distance: Approximately 1.61 km/1.0 miles
Options for getting to and from the hotel include:
Forbidden City
Travel Distance: Approximately 3.22 km/2.0 miles
Options for getting to and from the hotel include:
Beijing Shouqi
400 810 9090
Travel Distance: Approximately 3.22 km/2.0 miles
Options for getting to and from the hotel include:
Beijing Shouqi
400 810 9090
Getting Around
3 CNY within 6 4 CNY between 6-12 5 CNY between 12-22 6 CNY between 22-32 An extra 1 CNY charge per 20 km applies for trips over 32 km.
Hours of operation:
The nearest station is Fucheng Gate station on line 2. The station is 10 minutes walking distance from the hotel. To get to the station, turn left from the hotel entrance and walk towards 2nd Ring Road. At the first traffic signal, turn right and walk 5 minutes towards the station. All major tourist attractions, such as Tiananmen square, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, and Olympic Park are reachable by subway.
14 CNY for the first 3 2 CNY per additional kilometer.
Hours: 24 hours
It is easy and convenient to get around by taxi in Beijing. Drivers' English-speaking abilities will vary, so we recommend you have the Concierge write the address of your destination as well as the hotel's address (for your return trip) in Chinese.
By Rental Car
Avis Rent A Car
Hours: 24 hours
Hertz Car Rental
Hours: 24 hours
(800) 988 1336 or (400) 888 1336
Jinri Xin 'Gai 'Nian
Hours: 24 hours
(400) 810 9001
Shouqi Car Rental
Hours: 24 hours
400 810 9090
By Private Car Service
Private Car
500 CNY; minimum 2 hours.
Hours: 24 hours
Guests may enjoy the ease of getting around Beijing in an Audi 6 with a private chauffer. Please contact the Concierge or our Travel Desk to make arrangments for the "Private Car" service.
Note: Estimated charges, fees and schedules are not guaranteed by hotel. Driving distance may be affected by local conditions and traffic.电话:010-地址:北京市西城区金融大街乙9号星级:五星-豪华-会议酒店-亲子酒店-温泉酒店-休闲度假-看动物-购物便捷-森林氧吧-商务出行-游览园林-游乐园周边


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