fibera wet blankett是耐火材料还是绝缘

发布:<FONT color=#7/6/18 21:33:40  来源: 中国瓷都科技在线 [字体:
  1. 土质耐火砖(简称粘为砖)。含AL O 30---45%,SiO 50---65%,碱金属与碱土属氧化物5-7%。它采用含AL O 不小30%耐火粘土人原料,一部分预先烧成熟料,研碎作瘠性材料,其余一部分不预烧的软质粘土作粘结剂,便于成型,成型后在℃烧成。粘土砖属于弱酸性耐火材料,热稳定性较好,荷重软化开始温度在℃以上,软化开始和终了温度间隔很大。粘土砖在工业上使用甚广,广泛用于砌筑陶瓷工业窑炉,使用温度在1300℃以下。
  2. 高铝砖:含AL O 46%以上。以天然高岭石和含水铝氧石(波美石,水铝石)为主要矿物组成的高铝矾土为原料,在℃左右烧成。高铝砖的耐火度和荷重软化点比粘土砖的高,开始软化温度在℃以上,抗化学腐蚀性也较好,但其热稳定性较低。使用温度,根据含AL O 的多少在℃。普通高铝砖的理化指标,参考〈〈筑炉工手册〉〉表2-2.6。另外,以硅线石矿物为主制成的高铝质硅线石砖,是筑窑的好材料。
  3.硅砖:含SiO 93%以上。以石英岩为原料,加入铁磷,石灰乳作矿化齐,以亚硫酸纸废液等作粘结剂,在℃烧成,属酸性耐火材料,荷重软化开始温度高,一般在1620℃以上,热稳定性差,不适宜砌筑间歇性的窑炉。
  4.刚玉砖:在耐火材料中应属高铝砖类,只是AL O 含量更高(90%-99%),矿物组成基本上是刚玉。它是以电熔刚玉砂或工业氧化铝为原料制成,使用温度在1800℃以下。
  A. 粘土结合碳化硅质耐火制品这是最初的一种碳化硅质制品,工艺比较简单,价格较低,其粘土地含量为3%-5%。粘土的耐火性质在很大程度上影响制品的性能;加一方面,粘土的含量也大大地影响制品的性能,合其远良碳化硅的优良性能。这种制品现已不能满足现代陶瓷炉的要求。
  B. 氧化的结合碳化硅质耐火制品最常用的是氧化硅结合的,由于不用粘土,碳化硅含量高,杂质少,因此这种制品具有良好的耐火性。也有用单纯AL O 或高铝原料与粘土地混合的结合剂。这种制品的性能优于粘土结合的。
  C. 氮化硅结合碳化硅质耐火制品此类制品具有强度高(耐压强度大于100Mpa,1400℃抗折强度大于35Mpa),耐热震性好(900℃水冷大于100次)以及荷重软化开始温度高(大于1800℃)等特点。因此在现代陶瓷窑炉上广泛用于烧嘴喷口,棚板,横梁及辊道窑辊子等部位。
  D. 自结合碳化硅质耐火制品  自结合碳化硅质耐火制品也称重结晶 碳化硅质耐火制品。它是利用重结晶方法制得,碳化硅含量达到99%,其高温抗折强度很高,而且随温度升高其强度还有所增加,其耐热震性也很好是理想的窑具材料,辊道窑辊子和烧嘴喷口材料。
  6.合成谨青石-莫来石质耐火制品  莫来石和谨青石都是高温性很好的矿物,但是在传统耐火材料生产工艺中,这两种矿物都是依靠在制品烧成和以后的使用中形成,由于原料混合不够均匀及温度不够高,致使制品中这两种矿物含量有限,结晶大小也不理想,影响了制品的高温性能。现代耐火材料生产工艺采用人工预合成的莫来石和谨青石原料,这种合成谨青石-莫来石质耐火制品具有优异的耐热震性和高温力学性能,而且价格也较重结晶碳化硅和氮化硅结合碳化硅质耐火制品低。我国近年来引进的大多数窑炉都使用这种材料。
  7.不定形耐火材料  陶瓷窑炉也常用耐火浇注料的特点是不经预先烧成,可以直接浇注使用。浇注料可以浇注复杂形状制品,制成所需开头的窑体构件,也可以用于预制砌块,经烘烤后砌筑。耐火浇注料的使用有利于窑炉制造的专业化,施工机械化,降低成本,加快施工进度,降低劳动强度。耐火浇注用于砌筑窑炉,使用寿命有的和耐火砖相近,有的比耐火砖长。耐火浇注料为窑炉结构改革提供了有利条例。现代陶瓷窑炉轻质耐火浇注料比重质耐火浇注料应用更为普遍。
  1) 轻质耐火砖  现代陶瓷窑炉上大量使用轻质耐火砖,不仅用于夹层隔热,而且更多用于工作面。使用的轻质耐火砖品种有:粘土质,高铝质,谨青石-莫来石质等。与传统的轻质耐火砖不同,现代陶瓷窑炉用轻质耐火砖由于多用于工作面,而且由于快速烧成和快速烘窑,停窑的要求,其耐热震性及体积稳定性要好得多。表4-5为某厂引进窑炉上使用的几种国外轻质粘土砖及轻质高铝砖的性能。表4-6为高耐热震性的轻质谨青石-莫来石砖质的基本性能数据。
  2) 耐火纤维制品  耐火纤维又称陶瓷棉,是一种新型耐火轻质材料,它在陶瓷窑炉上可做为散装填充材料,也可以制成毯,毡,板,纸,绳等制品使用,具有轻质,高耐火度,低导热系数,低蓄热,耐热震,耐机械振动,耐腐蚀及吸音等优异性能,是当今现代陶瓷窑沪很重要的耐火材料。耐火纤维制品不同品种的区别如下:  A. 耐火纤维棉(Bulk Refractory Fiber)为制成的耐火纤维散装状态,也叫散棉。体积密度为48-192kg/m 。  B. 耐火纤维毯(Refractory Fiber Blanket)为采用干法针刺加工工艺,不加或加微量粘结制 成的耐火纤维制品,体积密度为48-160 kg/m ,以128-160 kg/m 应用较多,厚度10-50MM。耐火纤维毯子是应用最多的制品。  C. 耐火纤维毡(Refractory Fiber Felt)为采用湿法加工工艺,加入有机粘结剂制成的制品,体积密度96-192 kg/m , 厚度6-38mm,柔软性不如毯。  D. 耐火纤维板(Refractory Fiber Board)为采用压制而成的板状耐火纤维制品,有较高的机械强度,体积密度较大240-450 kg/m ,厚度15-50mm。  E. 耐火纤维纸(Refractory Fiber Paper)用类似造纸工艺的方法将加有或不加鸨剂的耐火纤维制成纸状制品,厚度0.5-5mm,体积密度96-240 kg/m 。  F. 耐火纤维砖(Refractory Fiber Brick)为加入耐火粉料及结合剂压制而成砖形制品,体积密度450-600 kg/m 。  G. 耐火纤维绳(Refractory Fiber Rope)在耐火纤维中加入15%-20%的有机纤维并纺成纱,制成绳或帶,作为衬垫材料,绳径10-19mm。  H. 耐火纤维单层折叠块 这种耐火纤维制品又称Z形砌块(Z),是将耐火纤维毯呈"Z"字折叠而成,再压缩,护以硬纸板并用帶子捆上。每个砌块上装有一个耐热钢凸条做为悬吊砌块用,而与凸条配合的凹槽固定在窑体钢板上。安装砌块只需将砌块凸条插入固定件凹槽中,然后割去捆扎帶,去掉护板,由于砌块内部蓄积着机械膨胀应力,此时被压缩的砌块膨胀,互相挤紧,在使用中即使耐火纤维毯有些收缩,也不致产生缝隙,因剩余的膨胀应力会予以抵消。Z形砌块在现代陶瓷窑炉上广泛使用,砌块尺寸已标准化。  I. 耐火纤维双层折叠块 对于高温窑炉,为了节省昂贵的高温耐火纤维材料,将砌块做成双层,工作面用用高温耐火纤维毯,内层则用低温耐火纤维毯。这种双层折叠块德国Gossler 公司称之为G形砌块(G-Block).
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磨蚀性, 抗磨性] Abrasion resistant parts [涵义:耐磨 件] Abrasion resistant refractories [涵 义:耐火耐磨材料] abrasion wear [涵义:磨损] abrasion-ability [涵义:耐磨性] abrasion-proof [涵义:耐磨的] abrasion-resistant [涵义:耐磨的] abrasion-resistant silicon carbide product [涵义:耐磨碳 化硅制品] abrasion-resistant strength [涵义: 耐磨强度] abrasion-test [涵义:磨损试验] abrasive [涵义:磨损的,磨蚀的;磨料] Abrasive material [涵义:耐磨材料] abrasive action [涵义:磨损作用] abrasive brick [涵义:耐磨砖] abrasive disc [涵义:砂轮] abrasive disc cutter [涵义:砂轮切 割片] abrasive equipment [涵义:研磨设备] abrasive industry [涵义:磨料工业] abrasive material [涵义:磨料] abrasive media [涵义:磨料] abrasive resistance [涵义:耐磨性, 抗磨性] Abrasive sands [涵义:磨料砂] abrasive stick [涵义:油石] abrasive surface [涵义:研磨面] abrasive wear [涵义:磨损,磨耗] abrasive wheel [涵义:砂轮] abrasiveness [涵义:磨损性,磨蚀性] abrupt change of temperature [涵义: 温度骤变] abscess [涵义:气孔(泡)] abscissa [涵义:横坐标 absence [涵义:缺乏,缺少] absolute [涵义:绝对的] absolute altitude [涵义:绝对高度] absolute atmosphere [涵义:绝对大气 压] absolute black body [涵义:绝对黑体] absolute error [涵义:绝对误差] absolute ethyl alcohol [涵义:无水酒 精,无水乙醇] absolute humidity [涵义:绝对湿度 absolute specific gravity [涵义:真 比重] absolute temperature [涵义:绝对温 度] absolute value [涵义:绝对值] absolute water content [涵义:绝对 含水量] absolute1 alcohol [涵义:无水酒精] absorb [涵义:吸收;减震] absorbance [涵义:吸收率,吸收系数] absorbed heat [涵义:吸收热] absorbed moisture [涵义:吸收水分] absorbent carbon [涵义:活性碳] absorbent charcoal [涵义:活性碳] absorbing column [涵义:吸收塔] absorbing tower [涵义:吸收塔] absorption [涵义:吸收,吸收作用] absorption heat [涵义:吸收热] absorption method [涵义:吸收法] absorption peak [涵义:吸收峰值] absorption tower [涵义:吸收塔] absorption water [涵义:吸附水] abstract [涵义:提取;文摘,提要] abuse coefficient [涵义:误差率] abutment brick [涵义:拱角砖] academy [涵义:学会;科学院] accelerant [涵义:催化剂;促进剂] accelerating agent [涵义:催化剂;促 凝剂] acceleration [涵义:加速度] acceleration of gravity [涵义:重力 加速度] accelerator [涵义:促凝剂] accelerator for setting [涵义:促凝 剂]2acceptance [涵义:验收] access eye [涵义:检查孔] access hole [涵义:检修孔] accessory equipment [涵义:辅助设备, 附属设备] accessory machinery [涵义:辅助机械 设备] accessory material [涵义:辅助材料] accessory mineral [涵义:伴生矿物;副 矿] accident [涵义:事故,故障] accompanying impurity [涵义:伴生杂 质] accordion pipe products [涵义:波纹 管成品] accretion [涵义:添加(物),炉瘤,结 瘤,熔瘤] accretive crystallization [涵义:聚 集结晶] accretive recrystallization [涵义: 聚集再结晶] accumulation [涵义:聚集,堆积] accumulation of heat [涵义:蓄热] accuracy [涵义:精确度;精确,准确] accuracy to gauge(size) [涵义:尺寸 精确度] acetate [涵义:醋酸盐,乙酸盐] acetylene [涵义:乙炔,电石气] acetylene cylinder [涵义:乙炔瓶] acetylene gas [涵义:乙炔气] achieve [涵义:完成,达到] achromatic [涵义:消色(差)的] achromatism [涵义:无色,消色差(性)] acicular [涵义:针状的] acicular corona-discharge electrode [涵义:针状电晕电极] acicular crystal [涵义:针状结晶] acicular habit [涵义:针状习性] acicular needles [涵义:针状晶体] acicular structure [涵义:针状结构] acid [涵义:酸(类,性物)] acid anhydride [涵义:酸酐] acid attack [涵义:酸侵蚀] acid binding agent [涵义:酸结合剂] acid brick [涵义:酸性砖] acid clay [涵义:酸性粘土] acid cleaning [涵义:酸洗] acid compound [涵义:酸性化合物] acid group [涵义:酸根;酸基] acid lining [涵义:酸性衬里,酸性炉衬] acid open hearth furnace [涵义:酸 性平炉] acid oxide [涵义:酸性氧化物] acid refractory [涵义:酸性耐火材料] acid refractory brick [涵义:酸性耐 火砖] acid resistance [涵义:抗酸性] acid resistance test [涵义:耐酸性试 验] acid resistant [涵义:抗酸性的,耐酸 的] acid resistant brick [涵义: 耐酸砖] acid slag [涵义:酸性渣] acid slip [涵义:酸性泥浆] acid treatment [涵义:酸处理] acid washing [涵义:酸洗] acid-base [涵义:酸碱的] acid-base indicator [涵义:酸碱指示 剂,酸碱指示器] acid-deficient [涵义:弱酸的] acide-proof brick [涵义:耐酸砖] acid-firebrick [涵义:酸性耐火砖] acidity [涵义:酸性,酸度] acidness [涵义:酸性] acid-proof [涵义:耐(防)酸的] acid-proof material [涵义:耐酸材料] acid-proof normal brick [涵义:普通 耐酸砖] acid-proof refractory [涵义:耐酸耐 火材料] Acid-resistant refractory bricks [涵 义:耐火耐酸砖] acieration [涵义:渗碳;增碳] acmite [涵义:锥辉石] act [涵义:作用;影响;法则] actified [涵义:再生的] actinia ware [涵义:氧化锕制品] actinides [涵义:锕系元素]3actinium [涵义:锕 Ac] actinolite [涵义:阳起石] action [涵义:措施,办法;作用] activated alumina [涵义:活性氧化铝] Activated calcium [涵义:活化钙] activated carbon [涵义:活性碳] activated charcoal [涵义:活性炭] activated sintering [涵义:活化烧 结] activating agent [涵义:活化剂] activation [涵义:活性] activation energy [涵义:活化能] activation furnace [涵义:活化炉] activator [涵义:活化剂,催化剂,触 媒剂] active [涵义:主动的;活化的] active agent [涵义:活化剂] active area [涵义:有效面积,活动面 积] active clay [涵义:活性粘土] active lime [涵义:活性石灰] active material [涵义:活性物质,活 性材料] active recrystallization [涵义:活化 再结晶] Active spinel powder [涵义:活性尖 晶石粉末] activity [涵义:活性] actual error [涵义:实际误差] actual plasticity [涵义:实际塑性] actual size [涵义:实际尺寸] acute angle [涵义:锐角] acute-angled grain [涵义:锐角颗粒] adamantine spar [涵义:刚玉] adamellite [涵义:石英二长石] adamic earth [涵义:红粘土] adaptability [涵义:可用性,适应性] added material [涵义:添加剂] adding [涵义:加入,添加] addition [涵义:添加剂,杂质] addition agent [涵义:添加剂,附加 剂] addition compound [涵义:添加物] additional grinding [涵义:再粉碎] additional grinding of grain [涵义: 颗粒的再粉碎] additional pressing [涵义:再压成型] additives [涵义:添加剂,添加物] adherence [涵义:粘附] adhesion [涵义:粘附性,粘附能力] adhesion force [涵义:粘附力] adhesion strength [涵义:附着强度] adhesive [涵义:粘结剂] adhesive bonding [涵义:粘结] adhesive power [涵义:粘附性(力)] adhesive strength [涵义:粘结强度] adhesiveness [涵义:粘性,粘度] adhesives [涵义:粘结剂] adiabatic [涵义:绝热的] adiabatic plate [涵义:绝热板] adicity [涵义:原子价;化合价] adjusting [涵义:调节;(料浆)调整 浓度] administration [涵义:管理,操作] administration of refractory plant [涵义:耐火材料厂的管 理(机构)] admissible error [涵义:允许误差] admix [涵义:混合;掺合] admixing [涵义:混合,掺合;掺和物,外加剂] adsorption [涵义:吸附] advance [涵义:推进,前进,提升] advanced external wall building material [涵义:新型建筑 外墙材料] Advanced external wall building materials [涵义:新型建 筑外墙材料] Advanced oxidation resistant MgO-C bricks [涵义:新型抗 氧化镁碳砖] advanced sintering [涵义:再烧结; 高温烧结] aeolotropism [涵义:有向性,各向异性] aeolotropy [涵义:(物)各向异性,有 方向性] aerated concrete [涵义: 加气混凝土] aeroclay [涵义:风化粘土] aerocrete [涵义:加气混凝土] aerodynamic condition of kiln [涵义: 窑的空气动力学制 度]aerodynamic resistance [涵义:气体动 力阻力] aerodynamic resistance of brick setting [涵义:砖垛气体 阻力] aerodynamic sealing system [涵义:空 气动力密封系统] aerofall mill [涵义:无介质球磨机, 自磨机] affect [涵义:影响,作用] affinage [涵义:精炼] affinage furnace [涵义:精炼炉] affix [涵义:添加剂;添加] after-burning [涵义:重烧] after-contraction [涵义:重烧收缩; 残余收缩] after-effect [涵义:后效(作用);副 作用] after-expansion [涵义:重烧膨胀,残 余膨胀] after-hardening [涵义:滞后硬化] afterheat [涵义:余热] after-shrinkage [涵义:残余收缩] after-sintering [涵义:再烧结] afwillite [涵义:硅钙石] agalite [涵义:纤滑石] agalmatolite [涵义:蜡石,寿山石] agaphite [涵义:绿松石] agate [涵义:玛瑙] agate mill [涵义:玛瑙磨机] agate mortar [涵义:玛瑙钵] age [涵义:寿命,使用期限] ageing [涵义:困泥,困料;风化,陈化; 失效] agent [涵义:剂,试剂;介质] agglomerate [涵义:烧结矿,球团] agglutinant [涵义:粘结剂,浇结剂] agglutinate [涵义:烧结;胶结物] agglutination [涵义:粘结;烧结] aggregate [涵义:集料,骨科] aggregate of crystal [涵义:结晶聚 集体] aggregation grain [涵义:集聚颗粒] aggregation state [涵义:集聚状态] aggressive effect [涵义:侵蚀性介质]4 aggressive slag medium [涵义:侵蚀 性炉渣介质] aggressiveness [涵义:侵蚀性] aging [涵义:时效处理,时效] agitate [涵义:搅拌,搅动] agitation [涵义:搅动,振荡] agitator [涵义:搅拌机,混合机] agraphitic carbon [涵义:无定形(非 结晶)碳] agraphitic carbon [涵义:不定型碳] agron flushing station [涵义:吹氩 站] agron gas [涵义:氩气] air [涵义:空气] air agitation [涵义:空气搅拌] air bonding [涵义:气硬性的] air burning [涵义:空气燃烧,空气氧 化] air chamber [涵义:空气蓄热室 ] air classification of quartzite grit [涵义:石英砂的风力分 级] air compressor [涵义:空气压缩机] air consumption [涵义:空气耗量] air content [涵义:空气量] air cooling [涵义:空气冷却] air curing [涵义:空气养护] air curing binder [涵义:空气硬化 粘结剂] air curtain [涵义:气幕] air dry [涵义:风干] air drying [涵义:风干] air drying loss [涵义:风干失重] air drying machine [涵义:空气干燥 器] air duct [涵义:空气管道;通风管] air entraining admixture [涵义:引气 外加剂] air filter [涵义:空气过滤器] air gap [涵义:间隙,气隙] Air graders [涵义:气流分级机] air hammer [涵义:风镐,气锤] air hardening [涵义:气硬性]air hardening refractory cement [涵 义:气硬性耐火水泥 air heat content [涵义:空气热容] air hole [涵义:气孔,砂眼] air line [涵义:空气管道 ] air mortar gun [涵义:泥浆喷补机] air permeability [涵义:透气性,透气 率] air pollution [涵义:空气污染] air port [涵义:风口,进气口] air preheater [涵义:空气预热器] air preheating [涵义:空气的预热] air pressure [涵义:空气压力,大气压 力] air pump [涵义:风泵] air quenching-cracks determination method [涵义:空气 急冷-裂纹判定法] air rammer [涵义:气锤;风镐] air ramming [涵义:风动捣打] air ring [涵义:环形垫] air segregation [涵义:气选,空气分 离] air separation [涵义:风选;空气分 离] air separator [涵义:空气分离器;风 力选矿机] air set [涵义:气硬] air set binder [涵义:气硬性结合剂] air setting [涵义:自硬,气硬] air setting mortar [涵义:气硬性水泥] air stove [涵义:热风炉] air strength [涵义:风干强度] air swept ball mill [涵义:转子式风 扫磨机;竖式风扫磨机] air swept mill [涵义:雷蒙式磨机] air-dried raw material [涵义:风干原 料] air-dried shrindage [涵义:风干收缩] air-dried state [涵义:风干状态] air-dried strength [涵义:风干强度] air-entrained [涵义:加气混凝土,加 气水泥] air-lift pump [涵义:风动泵] air-locked [涵义:密闭的]5 air-setting refractory cement [涵义: 气硬性耐火泥] akermanite [涵义:钙镁黄长石] Al2O3-ALON composites [涵义: Al2O3-ALON 复合材料] Al2O3-C stopper [涵义:铝碳塞棒] Al2O3-MgO-C brick [涵义:铝镁碳砖] alabandine [涵义:硫锰矿] alabandite [涵义:硫锰矿] albedo [涵义:反射率] albertite [涵义:黑沥青] albite [涵义:钠长石] alcali [涵义:碱;强碱] alcaline-earth metal [涵义:碱土金属] alcium oxalate [涵义:草酸钙] alcohol [涵义:乙醇,酒精] alcohol lamp [涵义:酒精灯] alcohol method [涵义:乙醇法] alipuation [涵义:偏析] alite [涵义:硅酸三钙,岩盐] alkali [涵义:碱(性,质);强碱; (pl.)碱金属] alkali fastness [涵义:抗碱性,耐碱 性] alkali metal [涵义:碱金属] alkali oxide [涵义:碱金属氧化物] alkali resistant bricks [涵义:耐碱 砖] alkali resistant refractory [涵义: 耐碱浇注料] alkali-feldspar [涵义:碱性长石] alkaline [涵义:强碱的;碱性的] alkaline covering powders [涵义:碱 性覆盖剂] alkaline earht metal compound [涵义: 碱土金属化合物] alkaline earth metal [涵义:碱土金属] alkaline kaolin(e) [涵义:碱性高岭土] alkaline metal oxide [涵义:碱金属氧 化物] alkaline proof [涵义:耐碱的] alkaline reagent [涵义:碱性试剂] alkaline resistant [涵义:耐碱的,抗 碱的]6alkaline silicates [涵义:碱性硅酸盐] alkaline-earth metal oxide [涵义:碱 土金属氧化物] alkalinity [涵义:碱度,碱性] alkalinous [涵义:碱性的;含碱的] alkali-resistance [涵义:耐碱性] alkalis [涵义:碱金属] all-basic [涵义:全碱性的] all-basic cpen-hearht furance [涵义: 全碱性平炉] alligator [涵义:鄂式破碎机;龟裂] alligator-hide crack [涵义:龟裂] allite [涵义:铝土岩,铝铁土] allophane [涵义:铝英石] allophanite [涵义:水铝英石] allotriomorphic structure [涵义:他 形结构] allotrope [涵义:同素异形体] allotropism [涵义:同素异晶(现象)] allotropy [涵义:同素异晶(现象)] allotypic bricks [涵义:异型砖] allowable error [涵义:公差,允许误 差] allowable pressure [涵义:允许压力] allowable variation [涵义:允许偏差 (指尺 寸),公差] allowale toleance [涵义:允许公差] allowance [涵义:余量,公差] alloy [涵义:合金,熔合物] alluvial clay [涵义:冲积粘土] alluvial rebble [涵义:冲击卵石] alpha phase [涵义:a 相] alpha rays [涵义:a 射线] alpha-alumina [涵义:a 氧化铝] alpha-aluminum oxide [涵义:a 氧化铝] altered layer [涵义:变质层] alternating current drying [涵义:交 流电干 燥 ] alum [涵义:明矾] alumdum [涵义:人造刚玉] alumdum end [涵义:刚玉套管] alumdum powder [涵义:刚玉粉,氧化铝 粉] alumdum alumdum alumia [涵义:product [涵义:电熔刚玉制品] tube [涵义:人造刚玉管] ziconia carbon slide plates 铝锆碳质滑板]alumina [涵义:氧化铝;铝氧] alumina ball [涵义:氧化铝球] alumina brick [涵义:高铝砖] alumina bubble brick [涵义:高铝质 泡沬砖] alumina carbon brick [涵义:铝碳砖] alumina carbon refractory [涵义:铝 碳质耐火材料] alumina cement [涵义:高铝水泥] alumina coats [涵义:氧化铝含量] alumina electrolytic cell [涵义:铝 电解槽] alumina fiber [涵义:氧化铝纤维] alumina firebrick [涵义:氧化铝耐火 砖,高铝砖] alumina hydrate [涵义:含水氧化铝] alumina industry [涵义:氧化铝工业] alumina light-weight brick [涵义:氧 化铝轻质砖] alumina modulua [涵义:铝氧率] alumina monohydrate [涵义:一水氧化 铝] alumina powder [涵义:氧化铝粉] alumina products [涵义:氧化铝质耐 火材料] alumina refractory [涵义:氧化铝耐火 材料] alumina refractory bubble products [涵义:氧化铝耐火空 心球制品] alumina scale [涵义:氧化铝结瘤] alumina silica brick [涵义:铝硅砖] alumina silica refractory raw materials [涵义:硅酸铝质耐 火原料] alumina single-phase fiber [涵义: 单相氧化铝纤维] alumina trihydrate [涵义:三水氧化铝, 氢氧化铝]alumina ware [涵义:氧化铝制品] alumina-based castable [涵义:刚玉质 浇注料] alumina-based refractories [涵义: 氧化铝基耐火材料] alumina-chrome brick [涵义:铝铬砖] alumina-graphite submerged nozzle [涵 义:铝碳侵入式水 口] alumina-magnesia brick [涵义:铝镁 砖] alumina-magnesia castable [涵义:铝 镁质刚包浇注料] alumina-rich brick [涵义:高铝砖] alumina-rich spinel [涵义:富铝尖晶 石] alumina-spinel slurry [涵义:刚玉- 尖晶石复合浆料] aluminate [涵义:铝酸盐] aluminate cement [涵义:铝酸盐水泥] Alumina-zirconia-carbon slide plate [涵义:铝锆碳滑板] aluminio-silicate [涵义:铝硅酸盐] aluminium [涵义:铝 AL] aluminium carbide [涵义:碳化铝] aluminium dust [涵义:铝粉] aluminium flakes [涵义:铝粉] aluminium fluoride [涵义:氟化铝] aluminium hydrate [涵义:氢氧化铝, 含水氧化铝] aluminium hydroxide [涵义:氢氧化铝] aluminium monohydrate [涵义:一水化 铝] aluminium nitrate [涵义:硝酸铝] aluminium nitride [涵义:氮化铝] aluminium orthophosphate [涵义:正磷 酸铝] aluminium oxide [涵义:氧化铝] aluminium oxide fiber [涵义:氧化铝 纤维] aluminium pallet [涵义:铝质托板] aluminium phosphate [涵义:磷酸铝] aluminium silicate fiber [涵义:硅酸 铝纤维]7 Aluminium smelting furnace [涵义: 熔铝炉] aluminium sub-oxide [涵义:低氧化铝] aluminium sulphate [涵义:硫酸铝] aluminium titanate [涵义:t 三水铝石, 三水氧化铝] aluminium titanate [涵义:钛酸铝] aluminochrome phosphate binder [涵 义:铝铬磷酸盐结合 剂] aluminophosphate bonded siliconcarbide ramming mass [涵义:磷酸铝结合碳化硅捣打料] aluminosilicate [涵义:硅酸铝,铝代 硅酸盐] aluminosilicate fibre [涵义:硅酸铝 纤维] aluminosilicate gunite mixture [涵义: 硅酸铝喷补料] aluminosilicate refractory [涵义:硅 酸铝质耐火材料] aluminosilicate refractory laboratory [涵义:硅酸铝耐火材 料研 究室] alumino-silicon-carbide calibrated nonswirl nozzle [涵 义: 高铝碳化硅定径水口] alumino-silicon-carbide product [涵 义:高铝碳化硅制品] aluminothermic method [涵义:铝热法] aluminothermic reaction [涵义:铝热 反应] aluminothermy [涵义:铝热法] aluminous [涵义:含铝的,含铝土的] aluminous cement [涵义:矾土水泥, 高铝水泥] aluminous cement bond [涵义:矾土水 泥结合剂] aluminous ceramic [涵义:氧化铝陶瓷] aluminous firebrick [涵义:高铝砖] aluminous spinel [涵义:铝尖晶石] aluminum fluoride [涵义:氟化铝] aluminum nitride powder [涵义:氮化 铝粉体] aluminum phosphate [涵义:磷酸铝]alumnothermic reduction nitridation [涵义:铝热还原氮 化] alumo-calcium cement [涵义:铝酸钙水 泥] alumoferrite [涵义:铁酸铝] alumo-magnesia spinel [涵义:铝镁尖 晶石] alumo-potassium alum [涵义:铝钾明 矾] alumyte [涵义:铝土矿] alundum [涵义:人造刚玉;棕刚玉;烧 结刚玉] alundum powder [涵义:刚玉粉;氧化铝 粉] alundum refractory [涵义:刚玉耐火 材料] alunite [涵义:明矾石] amargosite [涵义:膨润土,膨土岩] ambient compressive strength [涵义: 常温耐压强度] ambient condition [涵义:环境条件] ambient temperature [涵义:常温] ambient temperature [涵义:环境温度; 室温] amiantus(amianthus) [涵义:石棉,石 棉绒] amine [涵义:胺 ammeter [涵义:电流表,安培计] ammonia [涵义:氨] ammonia aqua [涵义:氨水] ammonia spirit [涵义:氨水] ammonia water [涵义:氨水] ammonium [涵义:铵;铵基] ammonium citate [涵义:柠檬酸铵] ammonium phosphate [涵义:磷酸铵] amorphism [涵义:无定形,非结晶] amorphous [涵义:无定形的,非结晶的] amorphous carbon [涵义:无定形碳] amorphous graphite [涵义:无定形石 墨] amorphous magnesite [涵义:无定形镁 石]8 amorphous phase [涵义:非晶相] amorphous quartzite [涵义:无定形硅 石] amorphous state [涵义:无定形状态] amorphous structure [涵义:非晶型组 织] amortization [涵义:减震,缓冲] amount [涵义:量,数量] amount of vacuum [涵义:真空度] amouphous modification [涵义:非晶形 态] amouphous silica [涵义:无定形硅酸, 无定形氧化硅] amouphous silicate [涵义:无定形硅 酸盐] amouphous substance [涵义:非晶型物 质] ampere [涵义:安培] amphibole [涵义:角闪石] amphodelite [涵义:钙长石] amphoteric compound [涵义:两性化合 物] amphoteric of vibration [涵义:振幅] amphoteric oxide [涵义:两性氧化物] analar [涵义:分析纯的] analogue computer [涵义:模拟计算机] analyser [涵义:检偏镜;分析仪器;分 件人员;试验装置] analysis [涵义:分析, 分解] analysis of spectra [涵义:光谱分析] analyst [涵义:化验员] analytical balance [涵义:分析天平] analytical curve [涵义:分析曲线] analytical error [涵义:分析误差] analytical instruments [涵义:分析 仪器] analytical laboratory [涵义:分析室] analytical methods [涵义:分析方法] analytically pure [涵义:分析纯] analytically pure alumina [涵义:分 析纯氧化铝] analyzer [涵义:分析仪器;分析人员] anatase [涵义:锐钛矿] anauxite [涵义:富铝高岭土]9anchor [涵义:锚固件] andalusite [涵义:红柱石] andalusite based refractry [涵义: 红柱石基材料] andalusite concentrate [涵义:红柱石 精矿] andalusite hornstone [涵义:红柱石角 岩] andalusite product [涵义:红柱石制 品] andalusite refractory [涵义:红柱石 耐火材料] andesine [涵义:中长石] andesine [涵义:中长石] angle [涵义:角] angle [涵义:角] Angle beads [涵义:护角] angle of caving [涵义:陷落角] angle of caving [涵义:陷落角] angle of contact [涵义:接角角] angle of incidence [涵义:迎角,相遇 角] angle of kiln inclination [涵义:回 转窑的坡度] angle of reflection [涵义:反射角] angle of refraction [涵义:折射角] angle of repose [涵义:安息角] angle of skew [涵义:斜拱角] angle of slide [涵义:滑落角] angle runner brick [涵义:斜角流钢砖] angular grain [涵义:棱角流钢砖] angular grain [涵义:棱角状颗粒] anhydrite [涵义:硬石膏] anhydrous [涵义:无水的] anhydrous alumina [涵义:无水氧化铝] anhydrous aluminium silicate [涵义: 无水硅酸铝] anhydrous lime [涵义:未消化石灰] anhydrous silicate [涵义:无水硅酸盐] anion [涵义:阴离子,负离子] anisortopisation [涵义:各向异性作 用] anisotropic [涵义:各向异性的,非均 质的] anisotropic acicular cristobalite [涵义:各向异性针状方石 英] anisotropic crystal [涵义:各向异 性晶体] anisotropic crystal [涵义:各向异性 晶体] anisotropic flaky cristobalite [涵义: 各向异性鳞片状方石 英] anisotropic stable cristobalite [涵 义:各向异性稳定性方石 英] anisotropism [涵义:各向异性(现象)] anisotropy of pore [涵义:气孔的非均 质性] anisotropy of structure [涵义:结构 的各向异性] ankerite [涵义:铁白云石] annaling [涵义:退火] anneal [涵义:退火] annealing curve [涵义:退火曲线] annealing furance [涵义:退火炉] Annealing furnace [涵义:退火炉] annual average [涵义:年平均] annual capacity [涵义:年产量] annual inspection [涵义:年检] annual output [涵义:年产量] annual production [涵义:年产量] annual rate [涵义:年产量] annular [涵义:环状的] annular furnace [涵义:环形炉] anode [涵义:阳极] anorthic [涵义:三斜的] anorthic system [涵义:三斜晶系] anorthite [涵义:钙斜长石] anorthitic light-weight brick [涵义: 钙斜长石轻质砖] anorthitic light-weight product [涵 义:钙斜长石轻质制品] anorthose [涵义:斜长石] anthracene oil [涵义:蒽油] anthracite [ 涵 义 : 无 烟 煤 ] anthracite coal [涵义:无烟煤] anti-corrosion [ 涵 义 : 耐 蚀 性 ] anti-foaming agent [涵义:消泡剂] antigorite [涵义:叶蛇纹石] antimony10ore [涵义:锑矿] antioxidant [ 涵 义 : 抗 氧 化 剂 ] antioxidation mechanism [涵义:抗氧 化机理] antipollution [涵义:环境保护,防污 染] antisticking agent [涵义:脱模剂] anti-strip(ping) [ 涵 义 : 抗 剥 落 ] anti-stripping high allumina bricks [涵义:抗剥落高铝砖] anti-wear [涵义:抗磨的,耐磨的] AOD furnace [涵义:AOD 炉] apatite [涵义:磷灰石] aperture [涵 义:开口;洞, 孔;缝隙] apex [涵义:顶,顶点] apex angle [涵 义:顶角] apparatus [涵义:设备;仪器,仪表] apparent porosity [涵义:显气孔率] apparent specific gravity [涵义:假 比重] apparint initial softening point [涵 义:软化开始点] apparint specific gravity [涵义:假 比重] appearance [涵义:外观] appearance test [ 涵 义 : 外 观 检 查 ] applicability [涵义:可用性,适应性] application [涵义:应用,使用;用途] approximate analysis [涵义:近似分析] approximate evalution [涵义:近似计 算] approximate method [涵义:近似法] approximate reading [涵义:近似读 数] approximate value [涵义:近似值] approximateness [涵义:近似,大概] approximation [涵义:接近,近似] apron [涵义: 挡板, 沙封板 (窑车) apyre ] [涵义:红柱石] aqua [涵义:水;液体] aqua ammonia [涵 义:氨水] aqua regia [涵义:王水] aquamarine [涵 义:海蓝宝石] aqueous [涵义:水的;多水的] aqueous solution [涵义:水溶液] Ar=argon [涵义:氩] arabic gum [涵义: 阿拉伯树胶] arbitrary test [ 涵 义 : 促 裁 试 验 ] arbitrary test [涵义:仲裁试验] arbitration test [涵义:仲裁试验] arc [涵义:弧;电弧;拱形] arc brick [涵义:弧型砖] arc furance [涵义:电弧炉] arc furnace [ 涵 义 : 电 弧 炉 ] Arc-embedded slags [涵义:埋弧渣] arch [涵义:拱,拱顶] arch brick [涵 义:楔形砖] arch brick [涵义:拱型砖] arch crown [涵义:圆形窑顶] arch expanding [涵义:炉顶膨胀] arch roof [涵义:拱顶] arch thickness [涵义:拱顶厚度,炉顶 厚度] arching [涵义:棚料] area [涵义:区域,部位;面积;地区, 范围] areolar structure [涵义:蜂窝 状结构,网眼状结构] areopycnometric method [涵义:液体比 重测定法(测体积 密度)] argil [涵义: 白粘土,陶土] argillaceous dolomite [涵义:含粘土 的白云石] argillaceous marl [涵义: 粘土质泥灰岩] argillite [涵义:硬质粘土;泥板岩] argon [涵义:氩] argon blowing [ 涵 义 : 吹 氩 ] Argon blowing lances [涵义:氩枪] argon-nitrogen station [涵义:吹氩站] argon-nitroger-oxygen refining [ 涵 义:氩氮氧精炼] argon-oxygen decarburizaiton [涵义: 氩 氧 脱 碳 ] argon-oxygen decarburization vessel [涵义:AOD 炉, 氩 氧精炼炉] argon-oxyger decarburization process [ 涵 义 : 氩 氧 脱 碳 法 ] argon-oxyger refining [涵义:氩氧精炼] aridity [ 涵 义 : 干 燥 度 ] armoured concrete [涵义:钢筋混凝土] arrangement [涵义:布置,安排] arrow [涵义:箭头,指针] arsenate [涵义:砷酸盐] arsenic [涵11义:砷] arsenium [涵义:砷 As] art [涵义:技 术,工艺,艺术;人工] article [涵义:项目,科目;论文;物 品,商品] artificial corundum [涵义: 人造刚玉;人造金刚砂] artificial crystal [涵义:人造晶体] artificial diamond [涵义:人造金刚石] artificial dolomite [涵义:人造白云 石] artificial fibre [涵义:人造纤维] artificial forming [涵义: 手工成形] artificial graphite [涵义:人造石墨] artificial minersl [涵义:人造矿物] artificial mullite [涵义:人工合成莫 来石] asbestos [涵义:石棉] asbestos board [涵义:石棉板] asbestos braid [涵义: 石棉绳] asbestos card-board [涵义:石棉纸板] asbestos cloth [涵义: 石棉布] asbestos cord [涵义:石棉绳] asbestos fiber [ 涵 义 : 石 棉 纤 维 ] asbestos fibre sheet [涵义:石棉纤维 板] asbestos insulation [涵义:石棉绝缘] asbestos milk [涵义:石棉乳] asbestos paper [涵义: 石棉纸] asbestos paper [涵义:石棉纸] asbestos plate [涵义: 石棉板] asbestos rope [涵义:石棉绳] asbestos tile [涵义:石棉瓦] asbestos wire [涵义:石棉线] asbestos wool [涵义:石棉绒] asbestus [涵义:石棉] asbestus [涵义:石棉] aseismatic test [涵义:抗震试验] ash [涵义: 灰渣, 灰分] ash analysis [涵 义:灰分分析] ash constituent [涵义:灰分] ash-free [涵义:无灰的] askanite [涵义:蒙脱石] ASMT sieve [涵 义:美国标筛] aspects [涵义: 概况] asphalt [涵义: 沥青,柏油] asphalt binder [ 涵 义 : 沥 青 粘 结 剂 ] asphalt cement [涵义:沥青水泥] asphalt coating [ 涵 义 : 沥 青 涂 层 ] asphaltite [涵义:沥青岩] asphaltum [涵义:沥青] assay [涵义: 化验,检测] assay curve [涵义:试验曲线] assayer [涵义:化验员] assembling [涵义:装配,组装;收集] assembly [涵义:骨料;装置] assimilation [涵义:同化(作用),吸 收(作用)] assistant [涵义:助手; 助理] assistant engineer [涵义:助理工程师] assorting room [涵义:筛分工段;分选 工段] assortment [涵义:品种,种类;分类, 分配] asymmetric [涵义:不对称的] asymmetric system [涵义:三斜晶系] atm(atmosphere) [涵义:大气,大气压 (力)] atmosphere control [涵义:气氛控制] atmosphere pressure [涵义:大气压] atmospheres [ 涵 义 : 气 氛 , 大 气 ] atmospheres [涵义:气氛,大气] atmospheric contamination [涵义:空 气污染] atmospheric oxidation [涵义: 空气氧化] atmospheric oxidation [涵义:空气氧 化] atmospheric pollution [涵义:空 气污染] atmospheric pollution [涵义:空气污 染] atmospheric pressure [涵义:大气 压] atmospheric pressure [涵义: 大气压] atmospheric temperature [涵义:常温] atmospheric temperature [涵义:大气 压] atmospheric temperature [涵义: 常温;大气温度] atmospheric temrerature [涵义:常温] atmospheric vacuum distillation furnace [涵义:常减压炉] atom absorption spectrophotometer [涵 义 : 原 子 吸 收 分 光 光 度 计 ] atom12absorption spectrophotometry [涵义: 原子吸收分子 光光谱法] atom absorption spestrophotometer [涵 义 : 原 子 吸 收 分 光 光 谱 法 ] atomic weight [涵义:原子量] atomic weight [ 涵 义 : 原 子 量 ] atomization [涵义:雾化,粉化] atomization [涵义: 雾化, 粉化] atomize [涵义:雾化,粉化] atomize [涵义: 雾化,粉化] atomizer [涵 义:喷雾器;雾化器] atomizer [ 涵 义 : 喷 雾 器 ; 雾 化 器 ] atomizer jet [涵义:雾化干燥器] atomizer jet [ 涵 义 : 雾 化 烧 嘴 ] atomizing drier [涵义:雾化干燥器] atomizing tower drier [涵义:塔式喷 雾干燥器] atomizing tower drier [涵 义:塔式喷雾干燥器] atomizing water [ 涵 义 : 结 合 水 ] attached water [涵义:结合水] attachment [ 涵 义 : 粘 附 , 粘 着 ] attachment [涵义:粘附,粘着] attack [涵义:腐蚀,侵蚀] attack [涵 义:腐蚀,侵蚀] attack by corrosion [涵义:腐蚀作用] attack by corrosion [涵义:腐蚀作用] attack zone [涵义:侵蚀带] attack zone [涵义:侵蚀带] attendance [ 涵 义 : 维 护 ; 看 管 ] attendance [涵义:维护;看管] attention [涵义:注意;维护,保养] attention [涵义:注意;维护,保养] attrited [涵义:磨损的] attrited [涵 义:磨损的] attrition [涵义: 磨损, 摩擦] attrition [涵义:磨损,摩擦] attrition mill [ 涵 义 : 碾 泥 机 ] attrition mill [涵义:碾泥机] attrition-resistant [ 涵 义 : 耐 磨 的 ] attrition-resistant [涵义:耐磨的] attritor [涵义:磨碎机] attritor [涵 义:磨碎机] atypic refractories for industrial furnaces [涵义:工业炉用 不定形耐火 材料] auerbachite [涵义:锆石] auerbachite [涵义:锆石] augite [涵 义:辉石] augite [涵义:辉石] augmentation [涵 义:增加,上升] augmentation [ 涵 义 : 增 加 , 上 升 ] austenite [涵义:奥氏体] autoclave [涵义: 高压釜] autoclave [涵 义:高压釜] autogenous gernding mill [涵义:无介 质磨机] autogenous grinder [涵义:自 磨机] autogenous grinder [ 涵 义 : 自 磨 机 ] autogenous grinding mill [涵义:无介 质磨机] autogenous mill [涵义:无介质磨机] automat [涵义:自动装置,自动控制器] automat [涵义:自动装置,自动控制器] automatic adjustment [涵义:自动调节] automatic adjustment [涵义:自动配料 器] automatic bacther [涵义:自动配 料器] automatic belt-conveyer batcher [ 涵 义 : 带 式 自 动 配 料 器 ] automatic belt-conveyer batcher [涵义:带式自 动配料器] automatic charging [涵义:自动给料] automatic charging [涵义:自动给料] automatic control [涵义:自动控制] automatic control system [涵义:自动 控制系统] automatic controller [涵义:自动调节 器] automatic feeder [涵义:自动给料 器] automatic feeding [涵义:自动给料] automatic feeding system [涵义:自动 加料系统] automatic furnace [涵义:自动化炉] automatic furnace [涵义:自动化炉] automatic particle-size analysis [涵 义 : 自 动 粒 度 分 析 ] automatic particle-size analysis [涵义:自动粒 度分析]13automatic perss [涵义:自动化压砖机] automatic proportioning [涵义:自动 配料] automatic puller [涵义:自动化取砖机] automatic puller [涵义:自动取砖机] automatic regulation [涵义:自动控制] automatic regulation [涵义:自动控制] automatic regulator [涵义:自动调节 器] automatic regulator [涵义:自动 调节器] automatic rotary cutting table [涵义: 自 动 旋 转 切 坯 机 ] automatic rotary cutting table [涵义:自动旋转切坯机] automatic shaft kiln [涵义:自动化 竖窑] automatic system [涵义:自动装 置] automatic system [ 涵 义 : 自 动 装 置 ] automatic unloaded material permanent magnetism recycle machine [涵义:自 动卸料永磁回收机] automatic weighting [涵义:自动称重] automatic weighting [涵义:自动称重] automatic weighting feeder [涵义:自 动 重 量 配 料 机 ] automatic weighting feeder [涵义:自动重量配料机] automatic weighting machine [涵义: 自动重量配料机] automatic weighting machine [涵义:自动重量配料机] automatic weighting machine [涵义: 自动重量配料机] automatics [涵义:自 动装置] automatics [ 涵 义 : 自 动 装 置 ] automation [涵义:自动化] automation [涵义:自动化] automobile [涵义:汽车] automobile [涵义:汽车] autoweighing feeders [涵义:自动计量加料器] autoweighing feeders [涵义:自动计量 加料器] autuminte [涵义:钙铀云母] autunite [涵义:钙铀云母] auxiliary equipment [涵义:辅助设备] auxiliary equipment [涵义:辅助设备] auxiliary material [涵义:辅助材料] auxiliary material [涵义:辅助材料] availability [涵义:效率] availability [涵义:效率] available volume [涵义:有效容积] available volume [涵义:有效容积] average [涵义:平均] average [涵义:平均] average fineness [涵义:平均细度] average fineness [ 涵 义 : 平 均 细 度 ] average life [涵义:平均时间] average life period [涵义:平均寿命] average life period [涵义:平均寿命] average life time [涵义:平均寿命] average sample [涵义:平均试样] average thermal expansion coefficient [涵义:平均热膨胀 率] average value [涵义:平均值] average(particle)size [涵义:平均粒 度] average(particle)size [涵义:平 均粒度] axial continuous furnace [涵义:轴向 连续加热炉] axial cracking [涵义:轴 向断裂] axis [ 涵 义 : 轴 ; 中 心 线 ] axis of abscissa [涵义:横坐标轴] axis of coordinates [涵义:坐标轴] axis of ordinate [涵义:纵坐标轴] azorite [涵义:锆(英)石] azote [涵 义:氮] B B.H.N(brinell hardness number) [涵义: 布氏硬度] back insulation [涵义:保 护性隔热层] back shift [涵义: 中班; 夜班] back wall [涵义:后墙] background [涵义:背景,基础] backing layer [涵义:永久层(炉衬)] back-up lining [ 涵 义 : 安 全 衬 ] baddeleyite [涵义:斜锆石;二氧化锆 矿] baddeleyite concentrate [涵义:斜锆 石精矿] baddeleyite corundum product [涵义:锆刚玉制品] baddeleyite corundum refractory [ 涵 义 : 锆 刚 玉 耐 火 材 料 ] baddeleyite14product [涵义:斜锆石制品] baffle [ 涵 义 : 挡 板 , 隔 板 ] baffle crusher [涵义:反击式破碎机] baffle wall [涵义:挡火墙] bag [涵义: 袋] bag dust collectors [涵义:袋式除尘 器] bag filter [涵义:袋式除尘器,袋 式过滤器] bag wall [涵义:挡火墙] bagging [涵 义:打包,装袋] baghouse preciptators [涵义:滤袋除 尘器] bag-type filters [涵义:袋式除 尘器,袋式过滤器] bainite [涵义:贝氏体] Baisc covering powders for steel-making, tundishes and ladles [涵义:炼钢、中间包、钢水 碱性覆盖剂] ba ball crusher [涵义:球磨机] ball loading [涵义:装球量(磨机)] ball mill [涵义: 球磨机] ball mills [涵 义:球磨机] ball pulverizer mill [涵义:滚筒球磨 机] ball stuff [涵义:炮泥;堵出铁口 泥] balling [涵义:成球,造粒] ball-tube mill [涵义:筒磨机] balter [涵义:筛;筛分机] bamlite [涵 义:绿硅线石] banded structure [涵义:层状结构] banked specific gravity [涵义:堆比 重] banked structure [涵义:层状结构] bar [涵义:棒;模芯;棒材] barbadoes earth [涵义:硅藻土] barite [涵义:重晶石] barite binder [涵义:重晶石结合剂] barium [涵义:钡 Ba] barium aluminate binder [涵义:铝酸 钡结合剂] barium cement [涵义:钡水 泥] barium hydroxide [涵义:氢氧化钡] barium orthosilicate [涵义:正硅酸钡] barium silicide [涵义:硅化钡] barium sulphide [涵义:硫化钡] barrel [涵义:包壁] barrel and bottom impact pad [涵义:包壁、包底冲击区] barrel safety [涵义:包壁永久层] barrow [涵义:手推车] baryte [涵义:重晶石] barytite [涵义: 重晶石] base [涵义:基,底;碱] base metal [涵义:碱金属] base metal ladle [涵义:装入包] base-to-silica ratio [涵义:碱度] basic [涵义:碱性的;基本的,根本的] basic brick [涵义:碱性砖] basic capacity [涵义:碱度] basic carbonate [涵义:碱式碳酸盐] basic characher [涵义:碱性] basic cinder [涵义:碱性炉渣] basic cinder [涵义:碱性渣] basic electric are furnace [涵义:碱性电弧 炉] basic firebrick [涵义:碱性耐火材砖] basic gunning materials [涵义:碱性 喷补料] basic ion [涵义:阳离子,正离子] basic level [涵义:碱度] basic lining [涵义:碱性炉衬] basic magnesium carbonate [涵义:碱式碳酸 镁] basic metal [涵义:碱金属] basic open hearth funace [涵义:碱性平炉] basic oxide [涵义:碱性氧化物] basic oxygen furnace [涵义:氧气顶吹砖炉] basic refractories [涵义:碱性耐火材 料] basic refractory [涵义:碱性耐火 材料] basic refractory raw materials [涵义: 碱性耐火原料] basic roof [涵义:碱性 炉顶] basic slag [涵义:碱性渣] basic slag [涵义:碱性炉渣] basic slag brick [涵义:炉渣砖] basicity [涵义:碱性,碱度] basify [涵义: 碱化] basin-hydrator [涵 义:水化池]15basin-thickener [涵义:浓缩池] basis [涵义:基,底;基本原理] bat [涵义:砖片,半砖;碎耐火砖] bat grain [涵义:碎粒] batch [涵义:混合料; 配料;批料] batch agitator [涵义:间歇式搅拦器] batch blending [涵义:调整配方] batch composition [涵义:配料成分] batch drying [涵义:间歇干燥] batch formula [涵义:配方] batch hopper [涵义:配料料槽] batch kiln [涵义:间歇窑] batch mark [涵义:配料标号] batch mixer [涵义:间歇式混合机] batch mixing [涵义:分批混合] batch mixture [涵义:配料混合物] batch oven [涵义:间歇式炉] batch weigher [涵义:配料秤] batcher [涵义:配料器] batching [涵 义:配料] batching car [涵义: 配料车] batch-type kiln [涵义:间歇式窑] batch-type kiln [涵义: 间歇式窑] baths [涵义:熔池] battery [涵义:电池] baume [涵义:波 美(度)] bauxite [涵义: 矾土, 铝矾土, 铝土矿, ] Bauxite aggregates [涵义:高铝矾土骨 料] bauxite brick [涵义:矾土砖] bauxite cement [涵义:矾土水泥] bauxite chamotte [涵义:高铝矾土熟料] bauxite clay [涵义:铝质粘土] bauxite refractory [涵义:铝矾土耐火 材料] bauxite with low iron content [涵义:低铁铝土矿] bauxite-based castable [涵义:矾土基 浇注料] bay [涵义:跨距;工段;间距] Bayer process [涵义:拜尔法] bayerite [涵义:三水铝石,白叶石] beaker [涵义:烧杯] beam [涵义:射线; 条形砖;光束] bear [涵义:结瘤] Beaume [涵义:波美 度(浓度单位)] bed [涵义:矿床] bedding out [涵义: 堆料,混料] bedding plant [涵义:料场] beded structure [涵义:层状组织] beginning [涵义: 开始, 起点] beginning of fusion [涵义:熔点] behaviour [涵义:行为,特性;表现; 效应] beidellite [涵义:拜来石] Belgian kiln [涵义:比利时窑] belite [涵义:硅酸二钙] bell [涵义:漏斗砖;钟形物;喇叭口] bell damper [涵义:料钟;测温锥] bell type kiln [涵义:钟罩式间歇窑] belly [涵义:(高炉)炉腰] belt [涵义: 圈带, 带, 皮带] belt batcher [涵义:带式配料器] belt conveyer [涵义:皮带运输机] belt conveyer scale [涵义:皮带秤] Belt Conveyor [涵义:皮带输送机] belt dryer [涵义:带式干燥器] belt elevated [涵义:带式提升机] belt elevator [涵义:斗式提升机] belt feeder [涵义:带式给料机] belt kiln [涵义:带式窑;步进式加热炉] bemdomg test [涵义:抗折试验] bench board [涵义:操纵台] bend [涵义: 扭曲, 弯曲] bend stream [涵 义:抗弯强度] bending [涵义:弯曲] bending strength [涵义:抗弯强度,抗折强度] bending stress [涵义:弯曲应力] Beneficiated iron ore powders [涵义: 铁精矿粉] beneficiated laboratory [涵义:选矿 研究室 ] benefit [涵义:利润,利益] bentonite [涵义: 膨润土, 陶土] benzene [涵义:苯 C6H6] benzol(e) [涵义:苯] bergmeal [涵义: 硅藻土] beryl [涵义:绿柱石] beryllia [涵义: 氧化铍] beryllia refractories [涵义:氧化铍 耐火材料] beryllia refractory [涵义: 氧化铍耐火材料]16beryllia ware [涵义:氧化铍制品] beryllium [涵义:铍 Be] beryllium aluminosilicate [涵义:铝 代硅酸铍] beryllium carbide [涵义: 碳化铍] beryllium chloride [涵义:氯化铍] beryllium concentrate [涵义:铍精矿] beryllium flouride [涵义:氟化铍] beryllium lightweight brick [涵义: 铍质轻质砖] beryllium orthosilicate [涵义:正砖 酸铍] beryllium oxide [涵义:氧化铍] beryllium sulphate [涵义:硫酸铍] Bessemer convertor [涵义:贝氏转炉] Bessemer ladle [涵义:底注盛钢桶;酸 性盛钢桶] Bessemer ladle [涵义:底注 盛钢桶] beta phase [涵义:β 相] beta rays [涵 义:β 射线] beta-cristobalite [涵义:β -方石英] bevel brick [涵义:斜角砖] bevel end brick [涵义:楔形砖] BF trough castables [涵义:铁沟浇注料] BF trough monolithics [涵义:铁沟料] biaxial crystal [涵义:双轴晶体] biaxial mineral [涵义:双轴矿物] bicarbonate [涵义:碳酸氢盐] bichromate [涵义:重铬酸盐] big(capaital,heavey,major) repair [涵义:大修] billet [涵义: 方钢; 方钢坯] billets [涵 义:坯料;条, 块] bin [涵义:仓] binary [涵义:二元的] binary compound [涵义:二元化合物] binary constitution diagram [涵义: 二元系平衡图] binary eutectic [涵义:二元共熔体] binary mixture [涵义:二元系相图] binary silicate [涵义:复式硅酸盐] binary system [涵义:二元系] bind [涵义:页岩;结合;扎,捆] binder [涵义:结合剂,粘结剂] binder burnout [涵义:排胶] binder phase [涵义:结合剂] binders for granite dust-collector [涵义:麻石除尘器胶黏 剂] binding [涵 义:结合,固结,粘合] binding agents [涵义:粘结剂,结合剂] binding clay [涵义:结合剂] binding component [涵义:结合剂] binding elemint [涵义:结合剂,粘结剂] binding material [涵义:结合剂;胶凝 材料] binding mechanism [涵义:结合 机理] binding phase [涵义:粘结相] binding power [涵义:结合能力] binding prorerty [涵义:粘结性] binding system [涵义:结合体系] biotite [涵义:黑云母] biphase [涵义: 二相,双相] biphase area [涵义:双相区] birefringence [涵义:双折射,重折率] bischofite [涵义:水氯镁石] bisilicate [涵义:二硅酸盐] bitter earth [涵义:苦土(氧化镁)] bitter spar [涵义:纯晶白云石] bitumen=bitum [涵义:沥青] bituminous coal [涵义:烟煤] bituminous compound [涵义:沥青混全 物] bivalence [涵义:二价] ivalent [涵义:二价的] bivariant system [涵义:双变量系统] black body [涵义:黑体] black carbon [涵义:碳黑] black carborundum [涵义:黑色碳化硅] black core [涵义:黑芯] black dolomite powder [涵义:黑白云 石粉] black fused alumina [涵义:青 刚玉] black heart [涵义: 黑芯] black iron ore [涵义:黑铁矿,磁铁矿] black iron oxide [涵义:四氧化三铁] black lead [涵义:石墨] black lead crucible [涵义:石墨坩埚] black oil [涵义:重油] black oil [涵义:黑油] black oxide coating [涵义:发黑]17black oxide of manganese [涵义:二氧 化锰] black serpentine [涵义:黑色蛇 纹石] black silicon carbide [涵义:黑碳化 硅] blacking carbon [涵义:碳黑] black-lead lubrication [涵义:石墨润 滑] blackness [涵义:黑度] blacktop [涵义:沥青质原料] blank [涵 义:粗坯,荒坯;半成品] blank sample [涵义:空白试样,粗坯试 样] blank test [涵义:空白试验] blast [涵义:鼓风] blast cement [涵 义:高炉矿渣水泥] blast furnace [涵义:高炉] blast furnace [涵义:高炉] blast furnace bottom [涵义:高炉炉 底] blast furnace brick [涵义:高炉 砖] blast furnace slag [涵义:高炉渣] blast furnace stoves [涵义:热风炉] blast furnaces [涵义:高炉,鼓风炉] blast nozzle [涵义:风口] blast tuyere [涵义:风口] blast-furnace lining [涵义:高炉炉衬] blast-furnace production [涵义: 高 炉寿命] blast-furnace production campaign [涵义:高炉寿命] bleaching powder [涵义: 漂白粉] blende [涵义:闪锌石] blender [涵义:掺和器, 混合器] blending [涵义:配料;级配] blind roaster [涵义:马弗炉] bloating [涵义:膨胀;炉衬膨胀] bloating perlite sand [涵义:膨胀珍 珠岩砂] bloating vermiculite [涵义: 膨胀性蛭石] block [涵义:块;部件;大块砖] block carrier [涵义:大砖转运机] block diagram [涵义:方框图] bloom [涵 义:钢坯,钢锭] blow [涵义:送风;吹炼] blow sand [涵 义:喷砂] blower [涵义:鼓风机] blowholes [涵 义:缩孔] blowing [涵义:鼓风, 送风, 吹炼] blowing process of fiber-making [涵 义:喷吹制纤维法] blowing unit [涵义: 喷吹装置] blow-out [涵义:喷洗,吹灰] lue vitriol [涵义:蓝(胆)矾] bluntness [涵义:纯化,变纯] board [涵义:板,护板,挡板] Boards for baking and firing [涵义:烧烤板] body [涵义:主体,机体] body preparation [涵义:坯体制备] boehmite [涵义:单水铝矿,勃母石] boehmited bauxite [涵义:一水软铝石 型铝土矿] BOF [涵义:转炉] BOF furnace [涵义: 氧气顶吹转炉] BOF gunning mixes [涵义:转炉喷补料] BOF trough monolithics [涵义:铁沟料] bogie hearth furnace [涵义:活炉底] bogie kiln [涵义:梭式窑] bogie kiln [涵义:梭式窑,活底窑] boiler [涵义:锅炉] boiler refractory [涵义:锅炉耐火材 料] boiler slag [涵义:炉渣] boiler wall [涵义:炉墙] boiling point [涵义:沸点] boiling up [涵义:沸腾,起泡(电熔砖缺 陷)] boil-off [涵义:蒸发] bolter [涵义:筛,筛选(分)机] boltonite [涵义:镁橄榄石] bond [涵义:结合;链合] bond fireclay [涵义:结合粘土] bonded brick [涵义:结合砖,不烧砖] bonded roof [涵义:错缝炉顶] bonder [涵义:粘结剂,结合物] bonder [涵义:粘结剂,结合物] bonder component [涵义:结合剂] bonding [涵义:结合剂;键] bonding [涵义:结合剂;键] bonding agent [涵义:结合剂] bonding clay [涵义:结合粘土] bonding material [涵义:结合剂,结合材料] bonding material [涵义:结合剂,结合18材料] bonding property [涵义:结合性 能] bonding property [涵义:结合性能] bonding strength [涵义:结合强度] bonding strength [涵义: 结合强度] bone dry [涵义:干透的] bone dry [涵义:干透的] bonite [涵义: 博耐特] boost [涵义:压送;压浇] boost [涵义: 压送;压浇] borate [涵义:硼酸盐] borate [涵义: 硼酸盐] borax [涵义:硼砂] borax [涵义:硼砂] border [涵义:边,棱] border [涵义: 边,棱] bore [涵义:内径,孔] bore [涵义:内 径,孔] boric acid [涵义:硼酸] boric acid [涵 义:硼酸] boric acid [涵义: 硼酸] boric magnesium ore [涵义:硼镁矿] boride [涵义:硼化物] boride [涵义: 硼化物] boride products [涵义:硼化物制品] boride products [涵义:硼化物制品] boride raw material [涵义:硼化物原 料] boride raw material [涵义:硼化 物原料] boride refractories [涵义:硼化物耐 火材料] boride refractories [涵义: 硼化物耐火材料] borides [涵义:硼化物] borides [涵义: 硼化物] boron [涵义:硼 B] boron carbides [涵 义:碳化硼] boron fiber [涵义:硼纤维] boron nitride [涵义:氮化硼] boron oxide [涵义:氧化硼] borosilicate [涵义:硅酸硼] borosilicate glass [涵义:硅酸硼玻璃] bosh [涵义:充填,填满;炉腹] bosh [涵义:(高炉)炉腹] bosh repair [涵义:炉腹修补] bottom [涵义:底,底部,炉底] bottom beating [涵义:底部加热] bottom block [涵义:包底大砖,炉底大 砖] bottom block [涵义:(盛钢硧)桶底 大砖] bottom blowing [涵义:底吹] bottom blowing converter [涵义:底吹转 炉] bottom blowing elements [涵义:底吹 供气元件] bottom blowing elements [涵 义:底气共吹元件] bottom brick [涵义:炉底砖] bottom casting [涵义:底铸] bottom grate [涵义:炉底栅] bottom insulating course [涵义:池底保温层] bottom part [涵义:下压板,下冲头] bottom plate brick [涵义:流钢砖,汤 道砖] bottom plug [涵义:底吹透气砖] bottom pour(ing) ladle [涵义:底注盛钢桶] bottom pouring [涵义:底注法] bottom pouring [涵义:底注] bottom pouring ladle [涵义:底铸盛钢 桶] bottom ramming [涵义:打结炉底] bottom repair [涵义:炉底修补] bottom safety [涵义:包底永久层] bottom sintering [涵义:炉底的烧结] bottom sub safety [涵义:包下永久层] bottom wear mechanism [涵义:炉底损 毁机理] boule [涵义:人造刚玉] bounce [涵义:反射,回弹,弹开] bound water [涵义:结合水分] bound(combined) water [涵义:结(化) 合水] boundary of grain [涵义:晶界] box [涵义:箱,盒,套] box feeder [涵 义:箱式给料机] box furnace [涵义: 箱式炉] box kiln [涵 义:箱式窑] box kiln [涵义:箱式窑] Box type electric resistance furnaces [涵义: 箱式电阻炉] boxing-in [涵义:匣钵浇成法] braced-suspension roof [涵义:支撑吊 挂炉顶] branch flue [涵义:支烟道] branch pipe [涵义:套管,连接管]19branch standard [涵义: 行业标准] brand [涵义:标志,牌号] brand mark [涵义:商标] brass [涵 义:黄铜] brazilian pebble [涵义:石英(水晶)] brbble [涵义:气泡;水泡;起泡;气孔] breader operator [涵义:破碎工] break [涵义:破裂,破坏;间歇时间] break up [涵义:破坏,分解] breakage [涵义:损伤,损坏] breakage temperature [涵义:破裂温度] breakdown [涵义:破坏,破裂] breakdown test [涵义:耐压试验] breaker [涵义:破碎机] breaker operator [涵义:破碎工] breaker plate [涵义:破碎机衬板] breaking [涵义:破碎] breaking [涵义: 破碎] breaking machine [涵义:破碎机] breaking machine [涵义:破碎机] breaking size [涵义:破碎块度] breaking up [涵义:分解,分离] breaking up [涵义:分解 ,分离] breakout [涵义:漏钢,跑钢] breakthrough [涵义:临界点,转折点; 穿透] brecciated structure [涵义:角 砾岩状结构] breunerite [涵义:铁菱镁矿] breunerite [涵义:铁菱镁矿] brff [涵义: 抛光,减震, 缓冲] brick [涵 义:砖] brick [涵义:砖] brick clay [涵义: 制砖粘土] brick course [涵义:砖层] brick cutting saw [涵义:切砖机] brick flaking [涵义:砖剥落] brick for wedge use [涵义:楔形砖] brick laid on edge [涵义: 竖砌砖] brick laid on end [涵义:竖(立)砌砖] brick laid on flat [涵义: 平砌砖] brick laying [涵义:砌砖] brick lining [涵义:砖衬] brick machines [涵义:压砖机] brick making [涵义:制砖] brick molding machine [涵义:压砖机,制砖 机] brick stamping [涵义:制品打印] brick wear compensation [涵义:使砖砌体损 坏均匀] brick wear mechanism [涵义:砖的损毁 机理] brick yard [涵义:砖场] bricked ladle [涵义:砖砌盛钢桶] Bricks for rotary kiln lining [涵义: 回转窑窑衬用复合砖] bricks in backing layers [涵义:永久 层] brickwork [涵义:砌筑,砖砌体] brick-work joint [涵义:砖缝] bridge formation [涵义:棚料] bridge wall [涵义:挡火墙,隔墙] bridging [涵义:棚料] brief [涵义: 提要,摘要] brightness [涵 义:光亮度,发光度] brimstone acid [涵义:硫酸] brine [涵 义:卤水,盐水] brine magnesia [涵义:盐湖氧化镁,盐 湖镁砂] Brinell hardness [涵义:布氏 硬度] brinell(ball)hardness [涵义:布氏 硬度] bring down [涵义:浓缩,收缩] briquette [涵义:毛坯,粗坯;料球] briquetting [涵义:压坯,压球,压块] briquetting machine [涵义:压球装置] briquetting press [涵义:压坯机,压球 机] briquetting press [涵义:压球机] British standard sieve [涵义:英国标 准筛] brittle fracture [涵义:脆性断裂] brittle materials [涵义:脆性材料] brittleness [涵义:脆性] brittleness [涵义:脆性] broden piece [涵义:碎块,碎砖,碎片] broken brick [涵义:废砖,碎砖] broken curve [涵义:虚线] broken joints [涵义:错缝] bronze [涵义:青铜] brown coal [涵义: 褐煤]brown corundum ceramic brick work [涵 义:棕刚玉陶瓷砌 体] Brownian movement [涵义:布朗运动] Brownian movement [涵义:布朗运动] brownmillerite [涵义:铁铝酸四钙] brownmillerite [涵义:铁铝酸四钙] brucite [涵义:水镁石] brucite [涵义:水镁石] bruden [涵义: 配料] bruden [涵义:配料] bruiachite [涵义: 萤石] bruiachite [涵义:萤石] bubbiy clay [涵义:多孔粘土] bubbling [涵义:鼓泡;形成气孔] bubbly clay [涵义:多孔粘土] bucker elevator [涵义:斗式提升机] bucket [涵义:料罐,料箱] bucket conveyor [涵义:斗式输送机] bucket elevator [涵义:斗式提升机] buffing machine [涵义:抛光机] build and clogging mechanism [涵义:附着堵 塞机理] building block [涵义:预制件] bulge [涵义:瘤,小结] bulging [涵义:膨胀,肿胀;鼓肚] bulk [涵义:容积,体积;尺寸] bulk analysis [涵义:全分析] bulk cargo [涵义:散状料] bulk cement transporter [涵义:水泥 罐车] bulk density [涵义:体积密度] bulk density test [涵义:测定体积密 度] bulk refractories [涵义:散状耐 火材料;不定形耐火材料] bulk volume [涵义:容积] bulk weight [涵义:毛重;单位体积重量] bulk weight of mortar [涵义:水泥的 堆比重] bulking [涵义:体积膨胀] bulking [涵义:体积膨胀] bull ladle [涵义:大型盛钢桶] bull nose [涵义:牛鼻砖] bung [涵义: 塞头;塞子] bung [涵义:料斗,料仓] bunsenite [涵 义:绿镍矿] burdening rest [涵义:配料试验]20 burette [涵义:滴定管] buring out addition agent [涵义: 可燃性加入剂] burn [涵义:燃烧] burn back [涵义:(炉衬)减薄] burn coarse-grained dolomite [涵义:烧结 粗颗粒白云石] burn fine-grained dolomite [涵义:烧 结细颗粒白云石] burnability [涵义: 烧结性] burned bottom [涵义:烧结炉底] burned fireclay [涵义:粘土熟料] burned fire-clay [涵义:粘土熟料] burned impregnated dolomite bricks [涵义:烧成油浸白云 石砖] burned impregnated magneisadolomite bricks [涵义:烧 成油浸镁白云石砖] burned linear change rate [涵义:烧 后线条变化率] burned product [涵义: 烧成制品] burned product [涵义:烧成制品] burner [涵义:烧嘴,燃烧器] burner (nozzle) [涵义:烧嘴] burner block [涵义:烧嘴砖] burner tile [涵义:烧嘴砖] burnet port [涵义:烧嘴口,喷火口] burning [涵义:烧成,煅烧,燃烧] burning [涵义:烧毁] burning chamber [涵义:燃烧室] burning microporous alumina-carbon brick [涵义:烧成微 孔铝碳砖] burning out [涵义:烧掉,烧火] burning schedule [涵义:烧成制度] burning schedule [涵义:烧成制度] burning schedule [涵义:烧成制度] burning techniques [涵义:烧成工艺] burning temperature [涵义:烧成温度] burning theory [涵义:烧成理论] burning time [涵义:烧成时间] burning zone [涵义:烧成段] burning zone [涵义:烧成带,煅烧带] burnish [涵义:抛光] burn-out [涵义:烧毁,烧尽] burnt [涵 义:过烧]burnt brick [涵义:烧成砖] burnt dolomite brick [涵义:烧成白云石砖] burnt lime [涵义:煅烧石灰] burnt magnesite [涵义:烧成镁砂] burnt product [涵义:烧成制品] burnt tine [涵义:烧成时间] burst [涵义:开裂,龟裂] bursting [涵 义:膨胀,爆裂] bursting expansion [涵义:爆裂,炸裂] bushes [涵义:套管] bushing screen [涵义:套筛] bustamite [涵义:钙蔷薇灰石] bustle pipe [涵义:(高炉)热风管] bytownite [涵义:培长石] C cabinet drier [涵义:干燥箱,干燥室] cacolasite [涵义:钙铝黄长石] cadmium [涵义:镉 Cd] caesium [涵义: 铯 CS] cafrbonic acid gas bleb [涵义:二氧 化碳气泡] cage crushers [涵义:笼式 破碎机] caking [涵义:粘结,烧结] caking quality [涵义:粘结性] caking qulity [涵义:烧结性,烧结程度] caking stength [涵义:烧结强度] calcareous [涵义:石灰结合剂] calcareous [涵义:含钙的,石灰质的] calcareous bonding agent [涵义:石灰 结合剂] calcareous dolomite [涵义: 石灰质白云石] calcareous iron mix [涵义:石灰铁粉 混合物] calcareous iron slip [涵义: 石灰铁粉泥浆] calcareous magnesite [涵义:石灰质镁 石] calcareous oligoclase [涵义:拉 长石] calcareous spar [涵义:方解石] calcareous spar [涵义:方解石] calcareous tufa [涵义:石灰华] calcia [涵义:氧化钙] calcia [涵义:氧化钙] calcia ware [涵 义:氧化钙制品] calcic [涵义:钙质的] calcinate [涵21 义:烧毁] calcination [涵义:煅烧] calcination process [涵义:煅烧过程] calcination ratio [涵义:煅烧系数] calcination temperature [涵义:煅烧 温度] calcination zone [涵义:煅烧带] calcinator [涵义:煅烧炉,熔烧炉] calcined alumina [涵义:煅烧氧化铝] calcined alumina [涵义:煅烧(的)氧化 铝] calcined alumina [涵义:煅烧(的)氧化 铝] calcined clay [涵义:焦宝石] calcined dolomite [涵义:煅烧白云石] calcined kaolin [涵义:煅烧高岭土] calcined magnesia [涵义:烧结氧化镁] calcined material [涵义:煅烧物质] calcined(fired) dolomite [涵义:烧 结白云石] calciners [涵义:煅烧炉] calcining [涵义:煅烧] calcining expansion [涵义:热膨胀] calcining kiln [涵义:烧成窑] calcining kiln [涵义:煅烧窑] calcining oven [涵义:焙烧炉] calcining zone [涵义:煅烧带] calcining zone [涵义:烧成带] calcio-olivine [涵义:钙橄榄石] calcite crystal [涵义:方解石晶体] calcite limestone [涵义:方解石] calcium [涵义:钙] calcium aluminate [涵义:铝酸钙] calcium aluminate cement [涵义:铝酸 钙水泥] calcium aluminoferrite [涵义: 铁铝酸钙] calcium bicarbonate [涵义:碳酸氢钙] calcium carbide [涵义:碳化钙] calcium carbonate [涵义:碳酸钙] calcium carbonate [涵义:碳酸钙] calcium chloride [涵义:氯化钙] calcium compounds [涵义:钙化合物] calcium dialuminate [涵义:二铝酸钙] calcium ferrite [涵义:铁酸钙] calcium fluiride [涵义:氟化钙] calcium hexaluminate [涵义:六铝酸钙]22calcium isostope [涵义:钙同位素] calcium lime [涵义:生石灰] calcium monotitamate [涵义:一钛酸钙] calcium orthosilicate [涵义:正硅酸 钙] calcium oxide [涵义: 氧化钙,生石灰] calcium oxide [涵义:氧化钙] calcium oxide cdramics [涵义:氧化钙 陶瓷] calcium oxide products [涵义: 氧化钙制品] calcium ozide refractoriea [涵义:氧 化钙耐火材料] calcium phosphate [涵 义:磷酸钙] calcium silicat [涵义: 硅酸钙] calcium silicate [涵义:硅酸钙] calcium silicate board [涵义:硅酸钙 板] calcium sulphate [涵义:硫酸钙] calcium supper-phosphate [涵义:过磷 酸钙] calcium titanate [涵义:钛酸钙] calcium tungstate [涵义:钨酸钙] calcium zirconate [涵义:锆酸钙] calcium-magnesium brick [涵义:钙镁 砖] calciyum hydroxide [涵义:含水硅 酸钙] calcspar [涵义:方解石,冰洲石] calc-tufa [涵义:石灰华] calculated data [涵义:计算数据] calculating [涵义:计算尺] calculating scale [涵义:计算尺] calculation [涵义:计算,概算,估计] calibrated nonswirl nozzle [涵义:定 径水口] calibration [涵义:标定] calibre [涵义:卡尺,量规,口径] caline [涵义:煅烧] caliper [涵义:卡尺,卡钳] caliper vernier [涵义:游标卡尺] calorie [涵义:卡] calorific balance [涵义:热平衡] calorific effect [涵义:热效应] calorific loss [涵义:热损失] calorific radiation [涵义:热辐射] calorific value [涵义:发热量,热值] calorifier [涵义:空气预热器] calory [涵义:卡] calx [涵义:生石灰] cam press [涵义: 偏心压力机] camber [涵义:弧度,扭曲] campaign [涵 义:使用期限,寿命,连续操作时间,炉龄,] campaign length [涵义:炉龄] campaign life [涵义:炉龄] campaign life [涵义:使用年限;炉龄, 炉期] camsellite [涵义:硼镁石] can [涵义:槽,筒] canister [涵义:槽] cannister [涵义:槽,筒] cap [涵义: 帽,罩] cap cover furnace [涵义:罩式炉] cap for crucible [涵义:坩埚罩] capacity [涵义:容积,容量;功率] capacity to resist oxidation [涵义: 抗氧化性] capillarity phenomenon [涵义:毛细现 象] capillarity predssure [涵义:毛 细压力] capillary [涵义:毛细管] capital repair [涵义:大修] car [涵义:车,窑车,小车,车辆] car deck [涵义:隧道窑车台面] car top [涵义:窑车台面] CARB=carburize [涵义:碳化,渗化] carbide [涵义: 碳化物, 电石] carbide analysis [涵义:碳化物分析] carbide refractory [涵义:碳化物耐火 材料] carbide refractory [涵义:碳化 物耐火材料] carbide refractory [涵义:碳化物耐火 材料] carbidising [涵义:渗碳] carbohydrate [涵义:粘土结合碳化硅砖 (商品名)] carbohydrate [涵义:碳水 化合物] carbon [涵义:碳] carbon analyser [涵 义:碳质炮泥] carbon anode [涵义:炭素阳极] carbon bar [涵义:碳棒] carbon block [涵义:碳砖] carbon bond [涵义:炭素结合剂] carbon composite refractories [涵义: 碳复合耐火材料] carbon content [涵义: 碳含量]23carbon deposit [涵义:碳沉积] carbon dioxide [涵义:二氧化碳] carbon dioxide [涵义: 二氧化碳] carbon fiber [涵义:碳纤维] carbon fine particle [涵义:炭素细粒] carbon granule [涵义:碳粒] carbon granules [涵义:碳粒] carbon lining [涵义:碳质内衬] carbon loam [涵义:碳质泥料] carbon mass [涵义:碳质泥料] carbon material [涵义:碳材料] carbon mix [涵义:碳质泥料] carbon monoxide [涵义:一氧化碳] carbon mortar [涵义:碳质火泥] carbon oxidation mechanism [涵义: 碳的氧化机理] carbon paper [涵义:复 写纸] carbon paste [涵义:碳糊] carbon penerration [涵义:渗碳] carbon products [涵义:炭素制品,碳 砖] carbon ramming material [涵义: 碳质的捣打料] carbon reducing agent [涵义:碳还原 剂] carbon reduction [涵义: 碳还原 (法) ] carbon refractory [涵义:碳质耐火材 料,含碳耐火材料] carbon refractory [涵义:碳质耐火材料] carbon refractory with organic bond [涵义:有机物结合碳 质耐火材料] carbon resistance furnace [涵义:碳 阻炉] carbon rod [涵义:碳棒,碳电极] carbon skeleton [涵义:碳架,碳骼] carbon thermal reduction [涵义:碳热 还原] carbon tube [涵义:碳管] carbonaceous [涵义:碳质炮泥] carbonaceous [涵义:含碳的,碳质的] carbonaceous brasque [涵义:碳质炮泥] carbonaceous clay [涵义:碳质粘土] carbonaceous schist [涵义:碳质页岩] carbonate [涵义:碳酸盐] carbonate mineral [涵义:碳质盐矿物] carbon-bearing refractories [涵义: 含碳耐火材料] carbon-bonded basic refractories [涵 义:碳结合碱性耐火 材料] carbon-containing material [涵义:碳 复合材料] carbon-free [涵义:不含碳的] carbonic acid [涵义:碳酸] carbonide [涵义:碳化物] carbonifefrous material [涵义:含碳 材料] carboniferous [涵义:含碳的] carboniferous [涵义:含碳的] carbonization [涵义:渗碳,增碳] carbonization retort [涵义:焦炉] carbonizing [涵义:渗碳,增碳] carbonizing flame [涵义:还原焰] carbonous [涵义:含碳的] carborundum [涵义:金刚砂(碳化硅)] carborundum brick [涵义:碳化硅砖] carborundum heating elements [涵义: 碳化硅加热件] carborundum refractory [涵义:碳化硅 耐火材料] Carbothermal reduction nitridation [涵义:碳热还原氮化] Carbothermal reduction-nitridation [涵义:碳热还原氮化 法] carboxymethyl cellulose [涵义:羧甲 基纤维素] carburet [涵义:增碳,渗碳,碳化物] carburetion [涵义:增碳,渗碳] carburetion agent [涵义:增碳剂] carburize [涵义:渗碳] carburizing [涵义:渗碳,增碳,碳化 处理] carburizing furnace [涵义:渗碳炉] carburizing resistant furnaces [涵义: 抗渗碳炉] carbyrizing flame [涵义:还原焰] card [涵义:卡片,图] career [涵义:寿命,炉役,炉龄] carnallite [涵义:光卤石] carnegiete [涵义:三斜霞石] case [涵义:箱,盒]case hardening [涵义:表面硬化,表 面淬硬] casehardening [涵义:胶结,渗碳] casing [涵义:外壳,炉壳,架框] cassete [涵义:箱,架砖] cassiterite [涵义:锡石] cassiterite refractory [涵义:锡石耐 火材料] cast brick [涵义:浇注砖] cast house [涵义:(高炉)出铁场,铸 造浇注场,铸造车 间] cast refractory [涵义:浇注(整体) 耐火材料] cast refractory [涵义:整体耐火材料] cast steel [涵义:坩埚钢,铸钢] castable [涵义:浇注料] castable [涵义:浇注料] castable for cover ladle [涵义:包盖 浇注料] castable for venter quality [涵义: 母材浇注料] castable refractory [涵义:耐火浇注 料] castables for iron trough [涵义: 铁沟浇注料] Castables of lance for Steel Desulfurization [涵义:钢水脱 硫喷枪 浇注料] Castables Performance Testing [涵义: 浇注料性能检测] castble refractory [涵义:耐火浇注料] casted lining [涵义:浇注内衬] cast-fused refractories [涵义:熔铸 耐火材料] casting [涵义:浇注,连铸,出铁,铸 (件)] casting characteristic [涵义:浇注特 性] casting ladle


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