马云演讲中Manufacturing partnerpartner是什么意思思?

分析:本段首句主语是&本研究院&,其中研究院可以用institute,&本&的翻译会让考生小小纠结,可考虑用定冠词或代词,&the institute&和&our institute&较常用。&隶属&是比较专业的词汇,可选词汇有&be subordinate to&,&be attached to&、&be affiliated with/to&等。中国航天科技集团公司属于专有名词,译为&China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)&。
从句法上看,前三个小句是&简介&类文本经常出现的&表达信息组合&,具备现代汉语的典型特征,后面两句均为无主句,翻译时需要补充主语,或考虑将四个小句整合为一个复合句,例如:Founded on Feburary 20th, 1968 and affiliated with China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the institute has become a major base of space technology and product development and has become Chinese backbone force in China&s space industry after 40 years development.但是,这样处理使结构略显臃肿,建议将其译为两句。&本研究院成立于日。隶属中国航天科技集团公司。&译为:Founded on February 20th, 1968, the institute is affiliated to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).译为&Affiliated to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the institute was founded on February 20th, 1968.&也能被接受。
第四句也是个无主句,翻译时需要先补充主语,其主干结构为The institute is mainly engaged in...后面是并列的几个宾语。第五句话仍然是无主句,是上一句该研究所机构功能的补充,在语句衔接上需要使用链接手段,如:also、besides等。主句可使用&We also participate in ..., study...,undertake researches on...,and provide services...&,词汇选择上需要注意&外层空间outerspace&、&航天器spacecrafts&、&地面应用设备ground application equipment&的专业属性。
Founded on Feburary 20th 1968, the institute is affiliated to the China Aerospce Science and Technology&Corporation. After 40 years of development, it has become/emerged as a major base of Chinese space technology and product development, and turns into the most powerful backbone of China&s space industry. Our institute is mainly engaged in services like space technology and aerocrafts development, spacecrafts development, international exchange and cooperation in space industry, and application of space technology. Besides, we also participate in the national space technology development planning, research on technical approaches relevant to outerspace exploration, development and exploitation, undertake researches and provide services as required on various aircrafts and ground application equipments develop.
分析:本段首句出现的专业化词汇较多,对考生可构成一定挑战,如&下设研究机构&可译为&subsidiary research organs&;&上市公司&可译为&listed company&;&全资子公司&为&wholly owned subsidaries&;&国家重点实验室&为&national key laboratory&。在句法上,本句包含&本研究院下设&,拥有&&、&建立了&&、&形成了&体系&三个相对独立完整的义群,所以建议拆成两或三个独立的英文语句。
第二句话主干结构为&本研究院拥有&人,其中包括8名&&,12名&和1700多名&&。可以选择&there be&句型表示拥有,后面采用&8 of which&这种带有前置词的非限制性定于从句,也可以采用其他句式。最后一句结构单一,词汇简单。
Consisted of subsidiary organs like research institute and satellite manufacturer,the&institute owns a listed company and several wholly-owned subsidiaries,establishing mutiple national key laboratories and a college for postgraduate education, internal training as well as customers training. &With seven industrial bases, the institue has formed a complete reserach and production system which are qualified in overall design of spacecrafts, subsystem development and production, satellite assembly test, environmental experiment, ground equipment manufacturing, satellite application, and service assurance, etc. There are more than 10,000 staff in our institute, 8 of which are numbers of Chinese Academicians, 12 national Outstanding &contribution experts and more than 1,700 senior professionals. Our institue has established wide link to areospace coporations and space research organizations in more than 10 countries and regions.君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~
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You work for PJT Ltd, a manufacturing company. You need more staff in your department and your line manager has asked you to write a report explaining why.
Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.
Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.
Write 120-140 words.
The purpose of this report is to explain why we need more staff in our department.
We compare the number of staff in our department between 2001 and 2003, it only increased five staff. But the average number of ordered units grow up from 200000 to 400000 between 2001 and 2003.
Our sales department has announced a big new order from an international company recently. It will bring us much more workload. And the annual holiday increased to 5 weeks per year. That means that we have more workload and less working days.
If we had more staff the order should be on time. We should save our company&s reputation. And the workflow will be improved.
BEC中级的大作文题型一般以写报告、书信为主,因此,这些必考问题的具体格式必须掌握。英文商务报告的格式有五个部分组成,其中包括报告的Subject, Introduction (This report aims/sets out to&&),Findings (it was found that), Conclusions(It was decided/agreed/felt that&&), Recommendations (It is suggested that&..) 括号中是每段开头固定的表达方式,考生不宜自己去创造。同样写信也有格式化的表达方式,再此恕不展开。 和第一部分一样,大作文的写作审题是第一步,所有给出的已知条件必须用足。
1.考生的习文字数恰当。但没有把报告应有的四个部分写完整,这将导致大量失分。 在以上的习文中,考生表现出了不错的语言驾驭能力。
2.在审题上还有一些欠缺,比如 Another reason for more staff is that we will have fewer delays. 在题目中给出的已知条件中,有一份客户的投诉信件,应当作为佐证被引用,否则order should be on time无从谈起。
3.除了没有按照报告的固定格式外,考生语言太随意。比如说,our sales department has announced a big new order,没有出处,而根据文章中给出的已知条件,这是公司Newsletter所通告的,那么根据报告的要求,应该指出信息来源。
4.中国学生还普遍特别敏感的就是企业的信誉,因此经常会看到学生动辄就是喊口号的语言,比如说文中We should save our company&s reputation. 这样空洞无物的话应该避免。
5.还有就是细节处理,句子和段落之间连接忽略了。比如说,It will bring us much more workload. And the annual holiday increased to 5 weeks per year. 以及最后一句话And the workflow will be improved.其中的and 这个词用在这里显随意了些,可以考虑用Meanwhile 有&祸不单行&的意思。后面的And 应该删除。That means that we have more workload 这里两个that离的太近,可以考虑把后面一个去掉,同时时态应该是we will have。
Report on: More staff in our department
Date: 27.03.2004
This report aims to explain why our department needs more staff.
Statistics show that there exists a big gap between the number of staff in our department and staff workload. While the number of ordered units grew up from only 200000 to 400000 in 2 years, the number of staff grew only by 5 people. According to the Staff Newsletter dated February 2004, we have won a big new order from an international company. That will bring us more work. At the same time, annual holiday has been increased to 5 weeks per year, meaning there won&t be enough staff for all the work. Our customer service department recently received a complaint from one of our clients about a tremendous delay in our delivery.
There are many reasons which explain the need of more staff. It is especially important for reducing the number of delays in delivery and to optimize the workflow.
More staff does not only mean more costs, it also means improved customer satisfaction.演讲视频_ 当时尚遇到科技 (有声)_沪江英语
当时尚遇到科技 (有声)
编辑点评:编程马拉松(Hackathon)是指一种快节奏的编程竞赛。图形设计者、软件开发者以及有创意的人聚在一起,在24小时之内开发出移动设备的应用来。Decoded Fashion是一个这样的把编程的科技人员与时尚界人士聚到一起,开发时尚应用的公司。
When It Comes To Fashion, Shouldn't There Be An App For That?
Graphic designers and software developers at this year's Fashion Week in New York participated in a 24-hour &hackathon& to build fashion apps.
RENEE MONTAGNE, HOST:&It's the last day of New York Fashion Week, and some cutting-edge design will be presented in the tents at Lincoln Center.&&in a way. Standing on the runway will be computer&&types rather than models. This follows an event that kicked off Fashion Week - something called a hackathon.
Here to explain it all is Liz Bacelar. She's the founder of Decoded Fashion, a company that brings together people working in the tech industry with people working in the fashion industry. Good morning.
LIZ BACELAR: Good morning.
MONTAGNE: Why don't we start by you telling us what a hackathon is.
BACELAR: A hackathon, it's a fast-paced competition in which graphic designers, software developers and people with ideas, they come together to build an app in 24 hours.
MONTAGNE: Twenty-hours. And in the case of Fashion Week, the fashion hackathon involved what? How many teams? How many apps came out of it?
BACELAR: We brought together 550 registered people, and 78 apps were created in the matter of a day.
MONTAGNE: Well, now, the other part of it is many of the designers at Fashion Week are part of really big companies. So why a contest to build an app?
BACELAR: The interesting thing about fashion is that they're trendsetters, right. But right now the industry could really use some . They have kind of lagged behind in technology and how to run a business in a lean way using the power of tech. So we came up with the idea of leveraging technology in a very quick way, to pitch them ideas for them to consider trying.
MONTAGNE: Well, yeah, I gather Fashion Week is a trade show that people go into almost just with pen and paper.
BACELAR: Yes. That's true. And what happens with the fashion industry, you have the designers showing their collections, you have the buyers placing their orders, and you'd be surprised that a lot of top, top brands, they use very little to no technology. And you have startups, like small companies, they are launching brands online and reaching revenue much faster.
MONTAGNE: I gather just as fashion editors travel to New York and Milan and Paris to see all the latest fashion, you, with Decoded Fashion, you travel around the world and see all the latest technology. So just talk to us about a couple of trends you're seeing.
BACELAR: So two trends I'm seeing that are quite interesting and growing very rapidly, it's 3-D printing and visual searches. 3-D printing, we know that in the past 10 years it's been used for machine parts, for airplanes, and now in the past couple years it became jewelry, metal. We see keys, we see rings being printed.
In fashion, what's happening now, it's fabrics. And I think they're going to go to hardware - the buttons, the zippers, and
more and more of this manufacturing comes back to the U.S., because it's very complex manufacturing.
MONTAGNE: Because it needs hi-tech workers who can do this. But also, you were just saying is a dress one would put it into a printer, which is really your own little factory. You put in material and it comes out as...
BACELAR: You can have a dress with no seams. You design the dress in your computer, you hook it up to the printer, you put the kind of , right, that you want the dress to be made of, if it's silk or whatever it is. It's so crazy to talk about it this way, but when you see it, the visuals are just incredible.
MONTAGNE: So the second one you spoke of, visual search. What is that exactly?
BACELAR: Right now the search is word-based, and more and more search is becoming image-based. So we're going to see browsers, we're going to see websites that we can go to and add an image and be presented all the images that look just like it.
MONTAGNE: That's pretty amazing. I mean considering you look at somebody on the street or in the store and you think I'd love that outfit and you can pretty much, as long as they don't mind you taking their picture, go find it.
MONTAGNE: What about today? Thursday, last day of Fashion Week. What can we expect to see?
BACELAR: So today, finalists of the hackathon, they're going to be pitching to top fashion judges, so it will be a
of fashion and technology. There's a lot of misunderstanding on both sides. Like on the tech side we keep building solutions that we think the industry needs, but we don't quite know exactly how the fashion industry works. And from the fashion side, they have these problems, and they just don't know how to solve them, the conversation never happens. So it's happening for the first time, and it's quite exciting.
MONTAGNE: Liz Bacelar is the founder of Decoded Fashion. Thank you very much.
BACELAR: Thanks so much, Renee.
Fiat's agony spreads to workers as 8,100 jobs go
THE giant Mirafiori plant in Turin is the heart of Fiat Auto, the troubled car division of the Fiat group. As the early shift trooped home at 2pm on October 9th, the mood was pessimistic. The workers knew that the bosses were meeting union leaders later that afternoon in Rome to announce 8,100 job cuts across the group's car factories. This is on top of 3,000 job losses announced earlier this year. Workers expect one-third of Mirafiori's 12,000 employees to be gone by next July. Fiat says that all but 500 of the total are temporary lay-offs, to last about a year. But the morose workers passing through Mirafiori's gates doubt that the jobs will ever come back, whatever the firm says about new models and future investment.
Fiat Auto will lose around ?1 billion ($987m) this year, wiping out profits in other parts of the group, which makes everything from lorries and tractors to robots. Fiat's bosses have been in denial for years about the company's massive over-capacity, the cause of growing losses as sales slumped. Five years ago Fiat Auto made 2.6m cars a year and profits of ?758m. Since then it has recorded a loss in every year bar one. This year it will produce barely 1.9m cars. Its banks forced a restructuring in May, and the chief executive of its Fiat group parent had to resign a few weeks later.
The pain is bad enough in northern Italy, where unemployment is barely 4%, but it will be felt more elsewhere. The Termini Imerese plant in Sicily is to lay off 1,800 workers. Unions say that cuts among suppliers could double the number of people hit. The local official jobless rate is already 18% (though this ignores a lively &informal& economy). This is posing a nasty problem for the government of Silvio Berlusconi, which polled strongly in Sicily but is not inclined to aid troubled firms.
Fiat's belated willingness to take tough steps to align capacity with demand is down to the group's new boss, Gabriele Galateri, chosen in June to rescue the firm, which is 30% owned by Agnelli family interests. His aim is to restore credibility, arrest the alarming plunge in the company's share price and persuade the banks that he is sorting out the Fiat Auto mess, so as to win their support for a further recapitalisation.
Closely watching this Italian drama are bosses of General Motors, owners of 20% of Fiat Auto. The Italians have an option to sell the remaining shares to GM from January 2004. GM, which has its own problems in Europe, is desperate for Fiat Auto to sort itself out before it can be forced to take over. Although the Agnelli family patriarch, the ailing 81-year-old Gianni Agnelli, is opposed to such a sale, most analysts expect that Italy's proudest manufacturing company will end up in American hands.
注(1):本文选自E10/12/2002, p59-59, 3/5p, 1c;
注(2):本文习题命题模仿1999年真题text 4第3题(1),2004年真题text 4第2题(2),2002年真题text 5第3题(3)和text 3第4题(5),和1998年真题text 2第4题(4);
1.The workers in Fiat&s plant were pessimistic because_________.
[A] the car division of the Fiat group was in trouble
[B] new models and future investment promised no hope of getting their jobs back
[C] there will be heavy job losses in the giant Mirafiori plant
[D] they were facing the threat of losing their jobs
2.We learn from the second paragraph that___________.
[A] the market demand for Fiat cars now is far lower than it was five years ago
[B] Fiat Auto is the only part of the group that is running at a loss
[C] Fiat Auto is selling cars more than they can produce
[D] the cause of Fiat&s trouble is the sluggish Italian economy
3.According to the text, Fiat&s job cuts _____________.
[A] trigger a wave of job cuts in other companies
[B] become a headache of Italian government
[C] double the number of jobless people in northern Italy
[D] force Italian government to aid it
4.Which of the following is NOT a measure Fiat Auto took to combat growing losses?
[A] Preventing share price from falling
[B] Laying off workers
[C] Reducing production
[D] Replacement of the boss
5.We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that___________.
[A] Fiat Auto can hardly solve its own problems
[B] GE will be happy to buy the remaining shares of Fiat Auto
[C] the Agnelli family has a final say to whether Fiat Auto should be sold out
[D] Americans are better at running car campanies
morose: [mE5rEJs] adj. 坏脾气的;忧郁的
slump: [slQmp] n. (物价)暴跌,跌落
belated: [bI5leItId] adj. 来得太迟的
recapitalisation: 重新投资
patriarch:[5peitrB:k] n. 家长,族长,创办人
ailing: [5eIlIN] adj. 生病的
Fiat's belated willingness to take tough steps to align capacity with demand is down to the group's new boss, Gabriele Galateri, chosen in June to rescue the firm, which is 30% owned by Agnelli family interests.
主体句式:Fiat&s belated willingness ..is down to the group&s new boss.
1. 答案为D,属事实细节题。根据文章第一段第提到,工厂老板将和工会领导就裁员的问题进行会晤,并宣布大批裁员,这是一年之内的第二次大规模裁员。虽然公司许诺大多数人只是暂时被解雇,但工人们怀疑工作是否还会回来。可见,令他们悲观的是自己将被解雇。
2. 答案为A,属事实细节题。文章第二段提到菲亚特汽车公司五年前生产260万辆汽车仍然能够盈利,而现在只生产190万辆汽车但仍然面临亏损的局面,可见菲亚特汽车的市场需求比以前下降很多。
3. 答案为B,属事实细节题。根据文章第三段,菲亚特裁员将会使地方失业率上升,让不想援助困难公司的贝卢斯科尼政府犯难(pose a nasty problem)。可见菲亚特裁员成了令意大利政府头痛的事情。
4. 答案为A,属事实细节题。文中谈到菲亚特汽车公司的问题时,也谈到了相应的措施(尽管没有直接说明),比如裁员,换总裁,减少产量等。防止股价下跌是新任总裁制定的目标。这和措施不能混为一谈。
5. 答案为A,属推理判断题。根据文章最后一段,GE希望菲亚特自己把问题解决好,免得由GE接管。然而大多数分析人士认为菲亚特公司最终将落入美国人的手里,也就是说菲亚特的问题已经不是自己能够独立解决的了。
位于都灵的米拉菲奥里(Mirafiori)大工厂是菲亚特集团下属菲亚特汽车公司的核心部门,该公司最近麻烦不断。10月9日下午2点早班工人下班回家的时候,悲观的情绪笼罩着人们。工人们知道工厂老板将于当天下午晚些时候在罗马会见工会领导人,宣布集团所有工厂范围内裁员8100人。这是继今年早些时候宣布裁员3000人之后的又一次裁员。工人们预计到明年七月,米拉菲奥里工厂的12000名员工中将有三分之一的人丢掉工作。菲亚特说除了500 人外,所有其他人都只是暂时被解雇一年。但闷闷不乐的工人们在走出米拉菲奥里工厂大门时怀疑不论公司把新车型和未来的投资说得如何天花乱坠,工作也不会回来了。
菲亚特汽车公司今年将亏损近10亿欧元(合9.87亿美元),这把集团其它部门的利润全部抵销了,这些部门制造的东西从卡车,拖拉机到机器人应有尽有。菲亚特的老板们多年来一直否认公司产能严重过剩,而这正是销售额下降,损失不断上升的原因。五年前菲亚特汽车公司每年生产260万辆汽车,年利润达到 7.58亿欧元。从那以后,除了一年业绩稍好,其它几年是年年亏损。今年该公司计划只生产190万辆汽车。五月菲亚特公司迫于银行压力进行了结构调整,短短几星期后,菲亚特集团母公司的首席执行官就辞去了职务。
意大利北部的失业率虽然只有4%,但这对该地区仍然是一次重创。不过其它地方遭受的打击更为严重。位于西西里的泰尔米尼-伊梅雷塞工厂将要裁员 1800人。工会说供应商的减少可能会使失业人数增加一倍。当地官方统计的失业率已经达到了18%(虽然这个数字忽略了活跃的&非正式&经济)。这给西尔维奥&贝卢斯科尼政府出了一道难题,他的政府虽然在西西里获得的民意支持很高,但并不打算帮助那些陷入困境的公司。


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