
威高集团有限公司始建于1988年3月,以医疗器械和药品为主业,发展了房地产、投资等产业,下辖医用制品、血液净化、骨科、医疗装备、药业、心内耗材、医疗商业、房地产等8大产业集团、30多个子公司。其中集团控股子公司山东威高集团医用高分子制品股份有限公司为香港上市公司。 威高医疗器械和药品主要包括:输注耗材、输血器材、心脏支架及心内耗材、留置针及各种异型针、血液净化设备及耗材、骨科材料、手术设备及附件、创伤护理、微创器械及设备、ICU产品及附件、大容量注射液及其它药品、肾科产品、生物诊断试剂、人造血浆、手术缝合线、生物种植体、PVC及非PVC原料等30多个系列,400多种、6万多个规格,目前已发展成为全球品种齐全、安全可靠、值得信赖的医疗系统解决方案制造商之一,同时积极进入医疗健康和服务领域,开展肾透析服务。 威高坚持以技术创新调整产品结构,大力提高自主创新能力,成为国家863产业化基地、国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,建有国家级技术中心、植入器械国家工程实验室、国家重点实验室、院士工作站、博士后工作站等研究实体,并与中国科学院、中国工程院、中国工程物理研究院、浙江大学等单位开展产学研合作,建立了20家研发中心或联合实验室,拥有发明专利50多项,自主知识产权产品340多项,高科技含量和高附加值产品达80%以上。威高坚持科学管理,实施了ERP、SRM、BPM等信息化管理平台,提高了决策水平、管理效率和质量。威高大力实施名牌战略,产品销往国内30多个省市区,三级医院全国覆盖率达到81.3%,血站覆盖率达到77.2%,并远销到世界70多个国家和地区。 威高始终秉承&携同白衣使者,开创健康未来&的使命,树立&良心、诚心、忠心&的核心价值观,大力弘扬威高文化,坚持承担社会责任,促进和谐社会建设。先后开展了威高光明行动、威高爱心工程、威高情十大孝星评选等活动,同时大力资助学校、贫困村、贫困职工、贫困家庭、贫困学生。威高致力于打造全球化公司,实现&进军世界强企之列、亚洲领先、中国最强,最受人尊敬的医疗器械和医药企业&的愿景目标,为中国医疗健康事业繁荣发展做出应有的贡献。 WEGO HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED (&WEGO&) was established in March 1988, and it principal business focus on medical devices and pharmaceuticals. In addition, WEGO develops some other business such as real estate and investment. WEGO has 8 industry groups and more than 30 subsidiaries. WEGO Holdings subsidiary ---SHANDONG WEIGAO GROUP MEDICAL POLYMER CO., LIMITED is listed in Hong Kong. The main products of WEGO are infusion sets, syringes, blood transfusion equipments, heart stents, intracardiac consumables,IV catheters and special needles, blood purification equipments and consumables, orthopedic materials, operating room equipments and accessories, wound care products, minimally invasive instruments and equipments, ICU products and accessories, high-capacity injections and pharmaceuticals, renal products, biological diagnostic reagents, PVC & non-PVC materials and so on. WEGO now has products in more than 30 series, 400 categories and 60,000 specifications products, and has become one of the most reliable suppliers of medical system solutions in the world. At the same time, WEGO actively takes part in healthcare service and provides renal dialysis service. WEGO insists on adjusting industry structure by technology innovation and improving the ability of independent innovation, and has been qualified as the &Industrialization Base of the National High-tech R&D Program(863 Program)& and the &Key High & New Technology Enterprise of the China Torch Program&. WEGO has also built up a state-level enterprise technology center, a national engineering laboratory of implantable medical device, a national key laboratory, a academician working center, a post-doctoral working center, a Taishan scholar working center, and also cooperates with scientific research institutions, universities and hospitals setting up 20 R&D centers or joint laboratories. Today WEGO has 50 products with patent for invention, more than 340 products with independent intellectual property, and more than 80% of total products being the high-tech and high added-value products. WEGO insists on scientific management, and implements various of information system such as ERP, SRM, and BPM. which effectively promote the decision-making level and management efficiency and quality . In addition, under the branding strategy, the WEGO products are sold in more than 30 provinces and municipalities, which covered 81.3% of tertiary hospitals and 77.2% of blood banks in China, and also exported to over 70 countries and areas.- WEGO has always been adhering the mission of &Your health, We care& and the core values of&Conscience, Integrity, Loyalty&. Such spirit makes WEGO insist on undertaking social responsibilities, and promoting the construction of harmonious society. In recent years, WEGO carries out WEGO Light Action, WEGO Loving Care Project and actively subsidizes schools, villages, workers and students with poverty. WEGO is trying to become an international company, trying to achieve the vision of &To be one
Pioneer in A Most respectable medical device and medication enterprise&, and trying to make contributions to Chinas medical and healthcare industry.
本科、研究生 应届毕业生
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
大专 应届毕业生
大专 应届毕业生
本科 应届毕业生
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
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硕士 应届毕业生 CET-4 + CET-6
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本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
研究生、硕士 应届毕业生 CET-4
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本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
本科 应届毕业生 CET-4
威高集团bbs讨论区国务院参事张纲视察威高集团 “威高产品质量”获得认可_凤凰资讯
国务院参事张纲视察威高集团 “威高产品质量”获得认可
原标题:国务院参事张纲视察威高集团 “威高产品质量”获得认可3月31日,国务院参事,中国质量检验协会理事长张纲前往威高集团进行考察调研,威高产品质量与威高高科技产品是此次考察的重点之一,省质监局相关领导陪同考察。集团董事长陈学利热情接待了张纲一行并汇报了公司的各项基本情况,“威高产品质量及高科技”获得认可。 国务院参事张纲视察威高集团,陈学利董事长热情接待陈学利董事长在威高产品展厅向张纲参事详细汇报了公司的组织架构、工业园区建设、产学研合作等情况。张纲参事在威高工业园区沙盘前驻足良久,详细询问了威高的产业发展情况,对威高坚持与时俱进,开拓创新,抓住发展机遇,把人才、科技转化为生产驱动力,紧抓威高产品质量,不断攀登行业高峰表示出了高度的认可。在威高产品质量展示区,张纲的目光被药物涂层心脏支架、聚砜膜透析器、牙种植体系统、DR、敷料等威高自主研发并生产的高科技代表威高产品质量的高端产品深深吸引,他对各产品的研发历程、市场份额、技术特性以及发展前景产生了浓厚兴致。他得知威高拥有发明专利150多项,自主知识产权产品580多项,高科技含量和高附加值产品达80%以上,其中120多种达到国际先进、国内领先水平,100多种由于威高产品质量过强过硬而打破国外垄断,为政府和国内患者节约了大量开支,不禁连声赞叹。他指出,国家如今大力提倡工匠精神, 威高产品质量正是对这种精神的最好诠释。他鼓励威高继续发挥产学研合作平台的人才、技术优势,多出高质量、高科技的产品,继续保持良好的威高产品质量发展势头,打造民族医疗器械品牌。张纲参事此次威海之行的目的是对威高等企业的质量工作进行考察调研。


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