
深圳修改工资支付条例 正常休假与正常工作同酬
  深圳修改员工工资支付条例 “标准工资”改为“正常工作时间工资”  昨天,深圳市人大常委会公布修改《深圳市员工工资支付条例》的决定。其最大的变化是将原条例中“标准工资”的说法统一调整为“正常工作时间工资”,并规定员工依法享受年休假、探亲假、婚假等假期的,用人单位应当视为提供正常劳动并支付工资。这意味着,劳动者休假时收入有望增加。  “标准工资”界定模糊  市人大常委会昨发布公告称,经省第十一届人大常委会第十二次会议批准,对《深圳市员工工资支付条例》进行修改,将原条例中“标准工资”的说法全部调整为“正常工作时间工资”。  原来对何谓“标准工资”,劳资双方的理解可能不同。比如月收入如果由基本工资、住房补贴、交通补贴和双薪等组成,若按原条例,算加班费时资方可以不把双薪和住房补贴纳入基数,而劳动者则认为应按实际收入为基数来计算。  而新条例明确“正常工作时间工资”,是指员工在正常工作时间内为用人单位提供正常劳动应得的劳动报酬。  正常工作时间工资由用人单位和员工按照公平合理、诚实信用的原则在劳动合同中依法约定,没有设定具体项目,且这一工资水平不得低于市政府公布的最低工资标准。今后加班工资也统一以该基数为计算标准。  在此基础上,新条例还明确“员工依法享受年休假、探亲假、婚假、丧假、产假、看护假、节育手术假等假期的,用人单位应当视为提供正常劳动并支付工资”。  也就是说,根据原条例的规定,年休假、探亲假、婚假、丧假,只能按不低于本人标准工资的标准支付假期工资;但今后都必须按照“正常工作时间工资”支付。这意味着,劳动者依法休假时的收入有望增加,劳动者权益将得到更好保障。  而条例的另一个重要变化是,将最低工资每年调整一次改为“每两年至少调整一次”。据悉,在实践中,每年调整一次,幅度难以掌握,调整过频也会给企业带来一定压力。  此外,新条例还将民办非企业单位等组织和与之形成劳动关系的员工也纳入调整范围。
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1、根据《劳动法》第五十一条 【假期工资】劳动者在法定休假日和婚丧假期间以及依法参加社会活动期间,用人单位应当依法支付工资。
2、根据《深圳市员工工资支付条例》第二十二条&&&员工依法享受产假、看护假、节育手术假等假期的,用人单位应当视为提供正常劳动并支付工资。  员工依法享受年休假、探亲假、婚假、丧假等假期的,用人单位应当按照不低于员工本人标准工资的标准支付其假期的工资。
1、《婚姻法》第六条 结婚年龄,男不得早于二十二周岁,女不得早于二十周岁。晚婚晚育应予鼓励。
2、《深圳经济特区计划生育管理办法》第九条 提倡晚婚,推行晚育。男25周岁、女23周岁以上初婚为晚婚;已婚妇女24周岁以上生育第1个子女为晚育。
3、《广东省人口与计划生育条例》第三十五条 职工实行晚婚的,增加婚假十日;实行晚育的,增加产假十五日。城镇其他人员实行晚婚、晚育的,可由当地人民政府给予表扬和奖励。
4、《深圳经济特区计划生育管理办法》第三十四条 实行晚婚的在职国家机关工作人员、企事业单位员工(含劳务工,下同),增加婚假10日;实行晚育的,增加产假15日。农民及其他人员实行晚婚晚育的,由所在区、镇人民政府给予表扬和奖励。
1、《深圳经济特区计划生育管理办法》第三十六条 依本办法第三十四条、第三十五条享受婚假、产假的,所在单位应照发工资和全勤奖金,原有福利待遇不受影响。
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(一)对已做工作按计时工资标准支付的工资; (二)实行结构工资制的单位支付给职工的基础工资和职务(岗位)工资;(三)新参加工作职工的见习工资(学徒的生活费);(四)运动员体育津贴。
(三)劳动竞赛奖;(四)机关、事业单位的奖励工资; (五)其他奖金。
第四条 本条例所称标准工资,是指员工在正常工作时间内为用人单位提供正常劳动应得的劳动报酬,但不包括下列各项:
[解读] 本条是关于标准工资的定义、范围及其支付的规定。
第七条 市、区人民政府劳动保障行政管理部门(以下简称劳动保障部门)负责对本条例的实施情况进行监督、检查。
本条是关于劳动保障行政部门对本条例的监督检查及政府有关部门对本条例的监督检查的规定。 劳动保障行政部门是国家统一管理劳动保障工作的主管部门,负责对企业执行劳动力管理、职工工资、福利、社会保险、劳动安全卫生、职业培训等法律、政策的情况进行监察检查。
本条第二款规定的是工资支付日遇法定休假节日或者休息日时应如何发放工资。本款规定: 工资支付日遇法定休假节日或者休息日时,应当在法定休假节日或者休息日之前的工作日支付员工工资,而不能在法定休假节日或者休息日之后的工作日支付员工工资。
深圳市员工工资支付条例 英文版
Regulations of the Shenzhen Municipality on the Wage Payment to
(No. 116)
颁布日期:  实施日期:  颁布单位:深圳市人大常委会
Regulations of the Shenzhen Municipality on the Wage Payment to
Employees was adopted at the Thirty-Third Meeting of the Standing
Committee of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Congress on
August 27, 2004, approved at the Thirteen Meeting of the Standing
Committee of the Tenth Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress on
September 24, 2004, and is now promulgated. It shall take effect as
of December 1, 2004.
October 28, 2004
Regulations of the Shenzhen Municipality on the Wage Payment to
(Adopted at the Thirty-Third Meeting of the Standing Committee
of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People‘s Congress on August 27,
2004, approved at the Thirteen Meeting of the Standing Committee of
the Tenth Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress on September 24,
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 In order to maintain the right of employees to have
remuneration for labor and standardize the acts of wage payment,
these regulations are hereby formulated in accordance with Labor
Law of the People‘s Republic of China and other related laws,
regulations, and in the light of the practical conditions of the
Shenzhen City.
Article 2 These regulations shall apply to the enterprises,
individual organizations and other economic organizations
(hereinafter referred to as employing units) within this
municipality‘s administrative areas as well as the employees who
have formed a labor relationship with these employing units.
These regulations shall be complied with in implementation by
government offices, institutions, social organizations and the
employees who have formed a labor relationship with these employing
units except civil servants, the personnel who are administered by
referring to the rules concerning civil servants, etc.
Article 3 The wage referred to in these regulations shall mean
the remuneration for labor paid to employees in a monetary form by
employing units according to the related rules of the state and an
agreement between both parties of a labor relationship. But the
following expenses which employing units bear for or pay to
employees according to laws, regulations, rules shall not fall into
(1) social insurance expenses; (2) labor protection expenses;
(3) welfare expenses; (4) a lump-sum severance pay for the
termination of a labor relationship between an employing unit and
an employee; (5) birth control expenses; (6) other expenses that
are not part of wages.
Article 4 The standard wage referred to in these regulations
shall mean the remuneration for labor that an employee earns by
providing normal labor for an employing unit within normal working
hours, but not including the following items:
(1) the remuneration for labor which has a payment term
exceeding 1 month such as quarterly bonus, half year bonus,
year-end bonus, year-end double pay, business royalty calculated on
the basis of quarter, half year, year; (2) the remuneration for
labor which has no regular payment term such as lump-sum bonuses,
allowances, subsidies, etc.; the standard wage paid by an employing
unit to an employee shall not be lower than the minimum wage.
Article 5 An employing unit shall pay its employees wages on
time and in full.
Article 6 Wages shall be paid in a monetary form, and it shall
not be allowed to pay wages in non-monetary form such as pay in
kind, etc.
An employing unit shall pay wages to employees at least once
every month.
Article 7 The administrative departments of labor security of
the municipal, district people‘s governments (hereinafter referred
to as the department of labor security) shall be responsible for
supervision and inspection of the implementation of these
The related departments of public security, industrial and
commercial administration, construction shall, within their
respective authorities, help the departments of labor security to
have the wage payment of employing units well supervised and
Chapter II General Rules on Wage Payment
Article 8 An employing unit shall formulate a wage payment
system according to law through collective consultation or in other
democratic ways, and make it public to all the employees of the
Article 9 An employing unit shall have agreements with employees
on wages, payment term, date of payment, etc.
Article 10 If an employing unit has a yearly salary system or it
pays wages according to an assessment term, the unit shall pay part
of wages in advance every month which should not be lower than the
minimum wage.
The payment term of overtime wages shall not exceed one
Article 11 If a wage payment term is less than 1 month, an
agreed date of wage payment shall not be later than the 7th day
after the term expires; if a wage payment term is more than 1 month
but less than 1 year, an agreed date of wage payment shall not be
later than 1 month after the term expires; if a wage payment term
is 1 year or more than 1 year, an agreed date of wage payment shall
not be later than 6 months after the term expires.
If a date of wage payment happens to be a legal holiday or a
non-business day, the payment shall be made in a preceding business
Article 12 If an employing unit is not able to pay wages at an
agreed date of wage payment for a reason, the date of wage payment
may be extended for 5 days; if the extension has to be more than 5
days because of difficulties in production and operation, a written
agreement with the unit‘s trade union or employees themselves shall
be reached, but the extension shall be no more than 15 days.
Article 13 When a labor relationship between an employing unit
and an employee is canceled or terminated according to law, the
wages shall be paid in full within 3 business days from the date of
cancellation or termination of the labor relationship if the wage
payment term is less than 1 month; if the wage payment term is more
than 1 month, the wages may be paid on an agreed date of wage
Article 14 An employee‘s wages shall be calculated to be paid
from the date of starting a labor relationship with an employing
unit to the date of cancellation or termination of such
If an employee‘s monthly bonus, quarterly bonus, year-end bonus
have not become due on the date of cancellation or termination of
the labor relationship, they shall be calculated and paid according
to the actual working hours.
Article 15 An employing unit shall formulate a wage payment
table for paying wages.
A wage payment table shall have records of the name of the unit
to make payments, period of wage calculation and payment, date of
wage payment, names of employees, normal working hours, overtime
working hours, items payable such as standard wages, overtime
wages, etc., and items of deduction, amount, and account numbers of
wages, etc.
A wage payment table shall be kept at least for 2 years.
When paying employees wages, an employing unit shall provide pay
lists for the employees who should sign after receiving their pay
lists. The contents of pay lists shall be in accord with those of
wage payment tables, if employees take issue on their pay lists, an
employing unit shall reply.
Article 16 An employing unit shall pay wages to employees
If an employing unit entrust a bank with wage payment, the wages
shall be deposited into employees‘ personal accounts.
If an employing unit makes wage payment to employees by cash,
the employees shall take their wages in person and sing on the wage
payment tables. If an employee cannot take wages in person for a
reason, other persons may be entrusted with taking the wages
instead, but a written authorization shall be provided. If an
employee died, the heir or the devisee of this employee shall take
the wages.
Article 17 If an employing unit pays its employees wages on the
basis of week, day, hour, the wages shall be calculated according 8
hours per day, 40 hours per week, 21.75 days per month on an
Chapter III Rates of Overtime Wage Payment
Article 18 If an employing unit is in one of the following
situations, overtime wages shall be paid to employees according to
the following rates:
(1) in case of arrangement for an employee to work at the time
beyond normal working hours, the overtime pay shall be no less than
150% of the employee‘s standard wage or piecework wage; (2) in case
of arrangement for an employee to work on a non-business day, the
pay shall be no less than 200% of the employee’s standard wage or
piecework wage; (3) in case of arrangement for an employee to work
on legal holidays, the pay shall be no less than 300% of the
employee‘s standard wage or piecework wage.
Article 19 Within the term of comprehensive calculation of
working hours for the employees under the work system of
comprehensive calculation of working hours, if an employing unit
makes an arrangement for such an employee to work after the actual
working hours of this employee have reached the normal working
hours, it shall be regarded as overtime working, and the overtime
pay shall be no less than 150% of the employee‘s standard wage or
piecework wage.
If an employing unit arranges for an employee under the work
system of comprehensive calculation of working hours to work on a
legal holiday, the overtime pay shall be no less than 300% of the
employee‘s standard wage or piecework wage.
Article 20 If an employing unit arranges for an employee under
the work system of non-scheduled working hours to work on a legal
holiday, the overtime pay shall be no less than 300% of the
employee‘s standard wage or piecework wage.
Chapter IV Rates of Vacation Wage Payment
Article 21 If an employee takes a vacation on legal holidays, an
employing unit shall pay wages.
If an employee under the hourly wage system, day wage system and
piecework wage system takes a vacation on legal holidays, an
employing unit shall pay this employee the wages during the legal
holidays which should be no less than the employee‘s own standard
Article 22 When an employee enjoys a maternity leave, a nursing
leave, a leave for birth control surgery, etc., according to law,
an employing unit shall see it as providing normal labor and pay
When an employee enjoys a yearly vacation, a home leave, a
marriage leave, a funeral leave, etc., according to law, an
employing unit shall pay the employee the vacation wage which
should be no less than the employee‘s own standard wage.
Article 23 If an employee is ill or injured for a reason not
related to work and has to stop working for medical treatment, an
employing unit shall, within the period of medical treatment
prescribed by the state, pay the employee the wages for sick or
injury leave which should be no less than the 60% of the employee‘s
own standard wage, but may not be less than 80% of the minimum
Article 24 If an employee is injured in line of duty, the wages
or work-related injury benefits shall be paid according to the
related rules of employment injury insurance.
Article 25 If an employee takes a leave for private affairs, an
employing unit may not pay the employee wages during the leave.
Article 26 Within the term of comprehensive calculation of
working hours for the employees under the work system of
comprehensive calculation of working hours, taking a break after
the actual working hours have reached the normal working hours
shall be seen by an employing unit as providing normal labor and
the wage shall be paid for the break.
Chapter V Wage Payment in Special Situations
Article 27 If an employee is in one of the following situation
within normal working hours, an employing unit shall regard it as
providing normal labor and pay wages:
(1) exercising the right to vote and stand for election; (2)
attending the meetings of the organizations such as the peoples
congress and its standing committee, governments, parties, labor
unions, Communist Youth League, Women‘s Federation, etc. at
district level or higher levers as an elected representative or
member; (3) participating in trials as a people’s juror or taking
part in the activities of litigation, arbitration as a witness; (4)
participating in the activities of a trade union as a member of a
grassroots committee of the trade union who is not released from
production according to Law of the People‘s Republic of China on
Trade Unions; (5) other situations stipulated by laws,
Article 28 If an employing unit partly or entirely suspends
production, operation
for a reason which is not employee‘s own fault, the employing
unit shall pay wages to the employee suspended from work during the
period of suspension according to the following rates:
(1) in case of being suspended from work for less than 1 month,
the pay shall be 80% of the employee‘s own standard wage; (2) in
case of being suspended from work for more than 1 month, the pay
shall be no less than 80% of the employee’s own standard wage.
Article 29 If an employee is suspended from work for the
employee‘s own fault, an employing unit may not pay the employee
wages during the period of suspension except that the suspension is
verified as a result of a work-related injury.
Article 30 If an employee is sentenced to public surveillance or
penal servitude, placed on probation for fixed-term imprisonment or
paroled, serving a sentence outside prison, out on bail to await
trial with restricted liberty of moving, and the labor relationship
has not been canceled, an employing unit shall pay wages according
to the labor that the employee provides.
Article 31 If enforcement measures have been taken to restrict
an employee‘s right to freedom of the person because the employee
is suspected of violating law or an administrative penalty to
restrict the employee’s right to freedom of the person has been
imposed, an employing unit may not pay wages during the period when
the employee‘s right to freedom of the person is restricted.
Article 32 When an employing unit goes into liquidation
according to law because of bankruptcy, dissolution, or being
terminated, the liquidating organization shall, according to the
liquidation order stipulated by the related laws, pay the wages due
to employees first.
Chapter VI Withholding and Deduction of Wages
Article 33 An employing unit shall withhold or pay the following
expenses from employees wages on behalf of the employees according
(1) the personal income taxes of the employees‘ own wages; (2)
the social insurance premiums born by the employees themselves; (3)
the expenses of bringing up children, expenses of supporting family
members, expenses of supporting parents and grandparents which
should be paid by the employees according to a court decision put
into execution with assistance of the employing unit; (4) other
expenses that should be withheld or paid from the employees wages
by the employing unit according to laws, regulations.
Article 34 An employing unit may deduct the following expenses
from& employee‘s wages:
(1) the compensation for the economic loss of the employing unit
caused by the employees themselves; (2) the economic penalties for
violation of disciplines imposed on the employees by the employing
unit in compliance with the regulations and rules formulated
according to law; (3) other expenses agreed on by the employee
The remaining sum of an employee‘s wages after every month’s
deduction by an employing unit of the expenses referred to in Items
(1), (2) of the preceding section shall not be lower than the
minimum wage.
Chapter VII Minimum Wage
Article 35 The minimum wage referred to in these regulations
shall mean the minimum remuneration of labor that an employing unit
should pay after an employee has provided normal labor within
normal working hours. But the following items shall not be included
as part of the minimum wage:
(1) overtime wage; (2) allowances for working in special
conditions of night shift, high temperature, low temperature,
underpit operation, exposure to toxic and harmful materials, etc.;
(3)other expenses which do not fall into wages according to the
Article 36 The minimum wage shall be determined by taking the
minimum living cost of employees themselves and their supported
family members on an average as a base and taking the following
factors into comprehensive consideration:
(1) the average wage level of a society; (2) the level of labor
productivity and the level of economic development; (3) the state
of employment; (4) the social insurance standards.
The municipal department of labor security shall, jointly with
the municipal department of state assets management, municipal
federation of trade unions, municipal federation of chambers of
commerce, study and determine the minimum wage, and report it to
the municipal people‘s government (hereinafter referred to as the
municipal government) for approval.
Article 37 The minimum wage shall be adjusted once every year.
The methods of such adjustment shall be decided separately by the
municipal government.
Article 38 The minimum wage shall be announced during the last
ten days of June every year by the municipal government
respectively in this city‘s major newspapers, radio stations and
television stations. The units of press shall publish, broadcast it
Article 39 An implementation year of the minimum wage shall be
from July 1 of the year to June 30 of the next year.
Article 40 The minimum wage shall take hourly wage as its basic
form. As for the wage forms such as piecework wages or deduction
wages, etc., their hourly wages shall be calculated according to
normal working hours, and the corresponding sum as a result of
calculation shall not be lower than the minimum hourly wage.
Article 41 The municipal government may fix different minimum
wages for the different administrative areas of this municipality
on the basis of their specific conditions.
Article 42 Within one month from the date when the municipal
government announces the minimum wages, an employing unit shall
notify its employees in writing of the rules of the municipal
government on the minimum wages of the current year.
Chapter VIII Supervision and Inspection
Article 43 The municipal, district people‘s governments shall
establish a system to monitor the wage payments of employing units
and to supervise and inspect the credit information of the wage
payments of these units.
Article 44 The departments of labor security shall supervise and
inspect the wage payments of employing units, and deal with illegal
acts according to law. Employing units shall make truthful reports
and provide the related materials and evidence when accepting such
supervision and inspection.
Article 45 When the departments of labor security supervise and
inspect the wage payments of employing units according to law, the
related departments of public security, industrial and commercial
administration, and construction, etc., shall give assistance at
the request of the departments of labor security.
Article 46 The trade unions at various levels shall supervise
the acts of wage payment of employing units according to law, have
the right to stop the illegal acts of employing units and ask the
departments of labor security to deal with the illegal acts of
employing units.
Article 47 Any organizations and individuals shall have the
right to report to the departments of labor security and indict for
the acts violating the laws, regulations on the wage payment.
Article 48 If an employing unit is in one of the following
situations, employees shall have the right to report to the
departments of labor security:
(1) the paid wages are lower than the minimum wage; (2)
embezzling or defaulting employees‘ wages without reason; (3) the
legal representative or the person in charge of operation has
diverted assets, or escaped, hidden so that the wage payment to
employees might be affected; (4) other situations which might
affect the wage payments to employees.
Article 49 After receiving a report, a department of labor
security shall deal with and finish the case within 30 days from
the date of accepting the case; if the circumstances are
complicated, the deadline to close the case may be extended, but
the longest time limit shall be no more than 60 days, and the
reporter shall have a feedback on the settlement.
Article 50 If an employing unit has embezzled, defaulted
employees‘ wages without reason, or paid wages which are lower than
the minimum wage, a department of labor security shall have the
authority to ask the employing unit to submit the wage payment
tables on the regular basis within one year.
Article 51 If an employing unit has embezzled, defaulted
employees‘ wages without reason, or paid wages which are lower than
the minimum wage, a department of labor security may make it public
according to the seriousness of circumstances.
Chapter IX Legal Liabilities
Article 52 If an employing unit is a partnership, its partners
shall have joint and several liability, a partner who paid the
defaulted wages first may recover the payment from other partners
later according to law.
Article 53 When undertaking construction activities, if units
such as a unit in charge of construction, an enterprise as a
general contractor of construction, etc., have given out a
contract, subcontract or subletting contract, in violation of law,
to an organization or individual unqualified as an employing
subject for failure to go through industrial and commercial
registration or unqualified in terms of appropriate aptitude, and
this organization or individual has defaulted employees‘ wages, the
unit giving out the contract shall pay the defaulted wages of
employees for such an organization or individual.
Article 54 In case of contracted management of an employing
unit, if a contractor defaults employees‘ wages, the party giving
out contract shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility
according to law.
Article 55 If an employing unit is in one of the following
situations, a department of labor security shall give a warning,
order correction by a deadline; in case of failure to make
correction after the deadline, a fine of more than 10,000 but less
than 50,000 RMB shall be imposed:
(1)failure to make or keep the wage payment tables according to
these regulations; (2) failure to provide the pay lists for
employees according to these regulations; (3) failure to provide
the wage payment tables for employees to sign when paying wages by
Article 56 If an employing unit is in one of the following
situations, a department of labor security shall order correction
by a deadline; in case of failure to make correction after the
deadline, a fine of more than 30,000 but less than 50,000 RMB shall
be imposed according to the seriousness of circumstances:
(1) paying employees wages lower than the minimum wage; (2)
embezzling or defaulting employees‘ wages without reason; (3)
paying employees wages in non-monetary forms such as wage in kind,
Article 57 If an employing unit has paid employees wages lower
than the minimum wage, the deficiency shall be made up, and the
economic compensation equivalent to 200% of the gross amount of the
deficiency shall be paid to employees as well.
Article 58 If an employing unit has embezzled or defaulted
employees‘ wages without reason, the employees’ wages shall be paid
in full, and the economic compensation equivalent to 25% of the
gross amount of the embezzled or defaulted wages shall be paid to
employees as well.
Article 59 If an employing unit, whose violation is reported,
complained of, has refused to provide the related materials of the
wage payments of the unit or hidden facts, provided false materials
or hidden, destroyed the related materials when a department of
labor security is supervising and inspecting the wage payments, a
department of labor security shall impose a fine of more than
10,000 but less than 50,000 RMB according to the seriousness of
circumstances, and may also impose a fine of more than 5,000 but
less than 20,000 RMB on the chief responsible person and directly
responsible persons of the employing unit.
Article 60 If the party concerned has refused to accept a
decision on administrative penalties made by a department of labor
security, an application for administrative review may be filed
according to law or an administrative action may be taken. If the
party concerned has failed to apply for administrative review, to
take administrative action, and to carry out the decision on
administrative penalties, the department of labor security shall
apply for coercive execution to the people‘s court according to
Article 61 When supervising and inspecting the wage payments of
employing units, the personnel of the departments of labor security
and the related departments shall abide by the related rules and
present valid certificates.
Article 62 If the departments of labor security and the related
departments have failed to execute duties according to these
regulations, administrative sanctions shall be imposed on directly
responsible chief officers and directly responsible persons
according to law.
If the personnel of the departments of labor security and the
related departments have abused power, practiced favoritism and
engaged in irregularities, and neglected duties, administrative
sanctions shall be imposed according to law; if a crime has been
constituted, the criminal responsibility shall be ascertained
according to law.
Chapter X Supplementary Provisions
Article 63 The meaning of the following terms used in these
regulations shall be as follows:
(1) normal working hours shall mean the working hours fixed by
an employing unit within legal working hours;
(2) normal labor shall mean the labor that employees provide
within normal working hours according to an agreement of both
parties of the labor relationship;
(3) embezzling wages shall mean the acts of an employing unit to
withhold and cut employees‘ wages in violation of these
(4) defaulting wages without reason shall mean the acts of an
employing unit to fail to pay or to pay in full employees’ wages
not because of force majeure after a deadline stipulated or
endorsed by these regulations.
Article 64 The municipal government may formulate detailed
implementation rules according to these regulations.
Article 65 These regulations shall take effect as of December 1,


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