
发布人:吴绍朋&&发布时间:&& 浏览次数:<span class="WP_VisitCount" url="/_visitcountdisplay?siteId=94&type=3&articleId=
仪器和测量是一切科学技术研究的基础。没有测量就没有科学,测量是科学和现实世界的桥梁。仪器(含传感器)是实现测量的工具,是信息系统的源头。现代仪器的智能化、虚拟化、自动化、系统化和网络化的发展离不开计算机、通信和控制技术的支持。仪器和测量(IM)和计算机、通信、控制(CCC)是相互作用和促进的。本次会议目的是为上述领域的研究者和实践者提供互相接触机会及学术交流平台,以促进学科发展。IMCCC系列会议分别于2011年、2012年、2013年分别在北京、哈尔滨、沈阳召开三届,分别录用250篇及388篇、375论文,会议论文集由IEEE计算机学会出版,第一、二届已全部进入IEEE Xplore并EI收录,第三届按照惯例会在本月底或下月初底进入IEEE Xplore并EI收录。由于IEEE对所支持的会议进行严格的质量审查,IMCCC系列会议除了保证质量之外,同时受到IEEE Instrument and Measurement Society 以及IEEE CPS论文出版的支持,IMCCC系列会议顺利通过IEEE审查。经仪器测量、计算机通信与控制(IMCCC)系列国际会议筹委会及IEEE 哈尔滨分会共同商定,IMCCC 2014会议由哈尔滨工业大学承办,定于2014年9月18-20日在美丽的哈尔滨召开。IMCCC2014国际会议征文通知
和网络化的发展离不开计算机、 通信和控制技术的支持。 仪器和测量 (IM) 和计算机、 通信、 控制 (CCC)
最新发布&|&深研院与IEEE SMC学会成功主办网络信息处理国际研讨会
&&& 近日,哈工大深研院网络环境智能计算重点实验室与国际电气和电子工程师协会系统、人与控制论学会(IEEE System,Man and Cybernetics,下称IEEE SMC学会)共同主办的第三届网络信息处理国际研讨会(2012 Third International Workshop on Web Information Processing)在西安成功举行。
&&& 本届研讨会由深研院计算机科学与技术学院(以下简称计算机学院)王晓龙教授、香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理学系黄锦辉教授、IEEE SMC学会前任主席杨苏教授担任会议主席,深研院计算机学院陈清才副教授和上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系赵海副教授担任常务主席。研讨会开幕式由程序委员会主席、深研院计算机学院徐睿峰副教授主持。会议期间,徐睿峰获IEEE SMC学会颁发突出贡献奖。
&&& 本届研讨会主要集中讨论应用自然语言处理及理解技术、数据挖掘等技术最新的研究进展以及在大数据背景下面临的新挑战,吸引了来自多个国家和地区的高质量投稿,录用论文全部被EI收录,部分文章将被SCI检索期刊出版。来自哈工大以及北京大学、清华大学、香港城市大学、香港中文大学等高校的40余名研究人员分别在会议报告和海报研讨环节中介绍了自己的最新研究成果。
&&&&据悉,网络环境智能计算重点实验室将与IEEE SMC学会继续合作,第四届网络信息处理国际研讨会拟定于2013年7月在长春举办。
徐睿峰副教授获IEEE SMC学会颁发突出贡献奖
最新发布&|&IMCCC 2012 - 2012 Second International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC)
IMCCC 2012 - 2012 Second International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC)Date : Deadline:Venue: Hangzhou,
Keywords: Website:
Topics/Call fo PapersInstrumentation and Measurement is the base of all the science and technology research. No measurement and no science. Measurement is the bridge between science and real world. Instrument (including sensors) is the tool of measurement and the source of information system. The technical support from computer, communication and control is necessary for the development of intelligent, virtualization, automation, systematic and networked modern instrumentation. Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control are interactive and promoted each other. This conference aims to provide opportunities for researchers and engineers to contact with each other and academic exchange platform to facilitate disciplinary development.
Track I: Instrument and Sensor
o Modeling and simulation
o Reliability design and analysis
o Testability Design
o Wide-band analog signal conditioning technology
o Dynamic local and reconfigurable FPGA technology
o Embedded systems and micro electromechanical systems technology and applications
o High-speed ADC & DAC and testing
o Real-time signal processing technology
o Bus Interface Technology
o Digital, intelligent, virtual, automatic, systematic, networked, modular and micro technology
o Advanced sensors, perceptor, actuator and RFID technology
o Novel Remote Sensing and Space information system architecture
Track II: Measurement, Test and Metrology
o Measurement signal processing
o Voltage, power, frequency and impedance precision measurement
o Quantum etalon and transfer
o Processed surface detection technology and instrument
o Light and laser wavelength, power and spectrum measurements
o RF、MW、MMW、OW、LASER and Radiation measurement
o Thermal property measurement
o Function, structure, bypass, boundary scan and built-in test
o Virtual Test and Measurement
Track III: Computer
o High-performance processors and intelligent instrument
o Parallel, array and network computing and data processing on satellite
o Pervasive computing and terminal equipment
o Artificial intelligence and expert system based computer fault diagnosis
o Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition
o Simulated testing of computer equipment and network connectivity discovery
o Software module design and system integration technology
o Software bug mining
o Information security and network protection
Track IV: Communication
o Advanced encoding / decoding, modulation / demodulation and multiplexing, analysis of MIMO space channel and digital correction
o Novel access, switching, routing technology
o Private mobile radio
o Corporative diversity radio (CDR)
o Software Defined Radio (SDR)
o Cognitive radio
o Wireless network fusion technology
o Wireless network protocols analysis
o Data Communication Tester and Analyzer
o Fiber and Laser Communication
o High rate & anti-disturbant space communication
o Satellite networking communication
Track V: Control
o Adaptive, robust, distributed and optimized control
o Self-control and automatic equipment
o Navigation, Guidance, Control and Instrumentation
o Flight vehicle control and Drone Technology
o Thermal and electrical process control and instrumentation
o Automotive Instrumentation and Control
o Automatic online test and diagnosis for control equipment
Paper Submission
All papers must be unpublished and should not be under simultaneous review for any other conferences and workshops. Papers in special sessions are also invited to provide forums for focused discussions on new topics and innovative applications of established approaches. A special session consists of at least four related papers. Papers must be written in English and formatted according to the double columns IEEE format. Research papers should be a full paper of at least 4 pages but no more than 6 pages including references and illustrations. Position papers and system demos are also welcome. Electronic submissions in PDF format are recommended.
All papers should be submitted electronically via Online Paper Submission System, which is located at “” . The format of both the initial submissions and the final accepted papers must be in PDF. All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the IMCCC 2011 program committee and selected reviewers. Papers are selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.
Session Proposal
Researchers are also invited to propose special sessions on specific topics of interest and new trends in
Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control, and Applications. All proposals should be sent to the Invited Session Chairs.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission
June 25, 2012
Notification of acceptance
July 5, 2012
Camera-ready deadline
July 25, 2012
Dr. Jun-Bao Li
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Tel: +86 (0)451
Email:junbaolihit-Other CFPs


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