
两汉魏晋时鸳鸯象征兄弟情——良田闲话28277_ 股票博文世界
两汉魏晋时鸳鸯象征兄弟情——良田闲话28277_ 股票博文世界
两汉魏晋时鸳鸯象征兄弟情——良田闲话28277_ 股票博文世界
   鸳鸯,现代人都把它视为爱情的象征,但在古代,鸳鸯的象征意义并不局限于此。它有时象征夫妻,有时象征兄弟、朋友,甚至有时是艳妓的代称。而在两汉至魏晋期间,人们只把鸳鸯视为兄弟和好友的象征。    如果设一道问答题,内容是:古代文学、艺术作品中的鸳鸯象征什么?相信绝大多数人毫不犹豫作答:象征夫妻相亲相爱、白头偕老。但实际上,鸳鸯的象征意义在不同的历史时期,有不同的含义。    史上最早出现鸳鸯意象的文学作品是《诗经》,其中《诗经·小雅》中有两首诗都以鸳鸯比喻夫妻。    两汉以后,文学作品中的鸳鸯才转向比喻兄弟及贤者。如《文选》中辑录的《苏武李陵赠答诗》,其中有“昔为鸳和鸯,今为参与商”两句,描写苏武与李陵之间的友情。三国魏曹植的《释思赋》,则以“乐鸳鸯之同池,羡比翼之共林”之句比喻兄弟之情;另一首《赠王粲》诗,用“中有孤鸳鸯,哀鸣求匹俦”比喻王粲怀才不遇,急求志同道合的朋友。三国魏嵇康的《四言赠兄秀才入军》诗开篇即曰:“鸳鸯于飞,肃肃其羽。朝游高原,夕宿兰渚。邕邕和鸣,顾眄俦侣。俛仰慷慨,优游容与。”用“鸳鸯于飞”比喻自己和兄长过去的优游生活,惜别之情溢于言表。    这种“基情四射”的文化现象,从两汉一直持续到魏晋,达数百年之久。按常理,鸳鸯为雌雄形影不离的“匹鸟”,“人得其一,则一思而死”,用于比喻男女之情,十分恰当,而两汉魏晋人偏偏喜用鸳鸯表达同性之“恋”,个中原因,至今令许多人百思不得其解。    魏晋以后,风气又变,鸳鸯的意象,又重新回归到“传统”文化意蕴。晋人干宝的《搜神记》,有一篇名为《韩妻》,讲述了韩凭与妻子何氏至死不渝的爱情故事,他们死后,其“精魂”化为鸳鸯,栖息于墓旁两棵根枝交错的大树上,“晨夕不去,交颈悲鸣,音声感人”。后来,很多文人又用诗歌来表达这些传说,使鸳鸯在人们心目中成为挥之不去的永恒爱情象征。此后,鸳鸯的象征意义,便基本固定下来,一直延续至今。我国艺术品中最早的鸳鸯纹,出现在西周时期。镇江博物馆藏有一件西周青铜鸳鸯尊,造型写实逼真,形制十分罕见。春秋战国时的鸳鸯纹器物,有彩绘鸳鸯纹木雕漆豆等。两汉时期有云南省博物馆收藏的西汉鸳鸯形铜镇、西汉鸳鸯杖头铜饰等。魏晋南北朝时期据诗文所述,已有鸳鸯纹卧具。    鸳鸯纹的大量涌现从唐代开始,不仅出现在金银器上,还出现在铜器、丝织品等上面。西安何家村出土的唐代鸳鸯莲瓣纹刻花金碗,是迄今发现的唐代金银器中最富丽堂皇的作品。宋以后,鸳鸯纹大量出现在绘画、瓷器、玉器、家具等上面,成为百姓最喜爱的吉祥纹饰之一,鸳鸯被、鸳鸯枕等成为新婚必备的用品。年轻人常将绣有鸳鸯图案的物品,送给自己喜欢的人,以表达爱意。    明清时期以鸳鸯为题材的纹饰,形式多样,寓意丰富多彩。如鸳鸯和桂花的组合,称为“鸳鸯贵子”,用于祝贺新人婚姻美满,早生贵子;绘有鸳鸯和长春花的,称为“鸳鸯长乐”;绘鸳鸯在荷花池中顾盼游戏的,称为“鸳鸯戏荷”。绘有这些吉祥图的物品,多用于祝贺新婚。
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Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is delivering a statement marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two.
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  In addition, the US is stepping up implementation of the &Southeast Asia Maritime Security initiative&(SAMSI), proposed by US Defense Secretary Ash Carter in June 2015. The US will invest more to upgrade the partners& Maritime Domain Awareness, and considers Japan to be the most powerful partner for the US.。   The African Union for one has refused to recognise the result -saying the elections were not free and fair. Nkurunziza's government says it's now time to repair relations.。 股票开户 上海 深圳ddygp★点点盈是业界领先的股票投资咨询(投顾服务)平台,平台有海量专业投顾和顶级操盘手能够为广大投资者提供股票开户咨询、互动问答、大盘观点、个股诊断、投资策略等综合服务。实战有方,点点有术,就在点点盈投顾。  Two blasts ripped through a warehouse storing dangerous chemicals in north China's Tianjin Port on August 12th. The cause of the blasts is still being investigated.。   China has said the parade is part of activities to remind the world of the suffering of and contributions by its people during the war. CCTV reporter Han Bin interviewed some Chinese military soldiers and experts, who say the message of the parade is the one of peace and capabilities to maintain peace.。   The ambassador's essay comes ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's first state visit to the United States in September. Cui closes by saying he hopes this meeting between President Xi and Obama will &give further guidance to the building of a new model of major country relations, and bring greater benefits to the two peoples.&。   South Korea's Unification Ministry says Pyongyang sent another letter, saying it was willing to resolve the issue even though it considered the broadcasts a declaration of war.。   Rafa missed the tournament last year due to injury but looked in good form.。   In 1940, the war entered its third year. The Japanese General Nobuyuki Abe wrote in his dairy that the Kuomintang government, which had already retreated to the remote city of Chongqing, was no longer a threat. The Communist Party, instead, became Japan&s first enemy.。   The squadron trained by Claire Chennault was key in helping China drive out Japanese invaders starting in 1941.。   China has urged Tokyo to refer to the statements and commitments it has made to Beijing on historical issues, since the normalization of its bilateral diplomatic relations, and called on Japan to recognize and reflect on its history of aggression through concrete actions, and to follow the path of peaceful development to win over the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community as well.。   Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said last week that the debris recently found on the Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean was confirmed to be part of the aircraft.。   The DPRK's top leader Kim Jong Un has ordered the country's frontline combined forces to enter state of war from 5p.m. (0830 GMT) Friday, the official KCNA news agency reported.。   The work is proceeding in accordance with regulations on management of dangerous chemicals and on workplace safety.。   Residents living in the area close to the blast site have returned to their apartments for the first time since the disaster.。


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