bluesign 环保认证禁止c8防水剂生产吗

意大利保温棉面料品牌Thermore近日宣布,其Classic、 Ecodown、Rinnova和Thermosoft系列产品通过了全球极具权威的纺织品环保标准认证——蓝标认证(Bluesign)。这些产品将同Thermore公司2013上市的最新创新产品——第二代Aria共同在即将举办的2014ISPO慕尼黑展进行展出。Thermore的Aria保温棉被视为可完全替代羽绒的保温面料产品,50%由可回收面料制成。第二代Aria产品采用新的可回收混合面料,更为耐用和环保,符合公司排斥PFOA和PFOS等有毒成分的发展战略。关于Bluesign由瑞士蓝色标志科技公司推动的蓝色标志标准(Bluesign Standard)认证是极为严格的纺织品环保标准认证,是一个由学术界、工业界、环境保护及消费者组织代表共同订定的生态环保规范,由蓝色标志科技公司于日在德国汉诺威公诸于世。由这个公司所授权商标的纺织品牌及产品,代表着其制程与产品都符合生态环保、健康、安全标准,是全球最新的环保规范标准与让消费者使用安全的保障。关于Thermore品牌作为保温棉产品的专家,意大利Thermore产品拥有多项专有技术以及不同功能系列,有超过100款产品供应市场。从1972年至今,Thermore在运动、户外和时尚服饰领域与众多著名的国际品牌合作无间,为各种户外、运动以及时尚服饰的应用提供了专业的选择,可极大地满足各种类型服装设计和应用的需求,让穿着者在各种环境中都保持温暖舒适。Thermore也是全球第一家推出环保产品的保温棉生产商,且多年来不断研究如何减少原料浪费,降低运输成本,以及寻找新的环保资源。PS:凡注明来源本网的所有作品,均为本网合法拥有版权或有权使用的作品,欢迎转载,注明出处。
下载客户端:FTC bluesign&reg approved fabric
&FTC bluesign&reg approved fabric
Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd. is the first Asian company to receive the bluesign&reg Award.
Companies who gear their production to the bluesign&reg Standard guarantee their direct customers and the consumer that, throughout the entire manufacturing chain, only those components and processes are used which are safe for humans and the environment. In 2001, FTC was the first company in Asia to anchor the bluesign&reg standard as its "production statute". And in March 2008, the Taiwanese textile Producer became the first company in Asia to receive the bluesign&reg Award for system partnership.
Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd (FTC) is a globally integrated textile manufacturer located in Taiwan. FTC was established by a joint investment of Formosa Chemicals & Fiber Corporation (a subsidiary of the Formosa Plastic Group) and a select number of private investors in April 1973. With its business line in the middle stream industry such as weaving, dyeing, printing and finishing, FTC became a public listed company in 1985.
FTC has its head office and factory in Touliu City. FTC established Formosa Textile (Zhong Shan) Co.,Ltd. in China in December 1992 and Formosa Taffeta Vietnam Co.,Ltd. in Vietnam in June 1999.
FTC's production in Taiwan with about 3'500 employees is about 20 Mio yards per month. From its total production the majority of the products (about 60%) are dyed and finished, about 30% represent products which are coated or laminated and about 10% are printed fabrics. FTC is fully integrated and manufactures woven fabrics only. FTCˇs overseas factories are primarily producing regular filament woven fabrics. This reflects a shift at FTCˇs main factory in Touliu to high-value-added and high-functional fabrics.
FTC's product lines represent nearly the entire textile products for woven fabrics which include:
-fashion wear (ladies and men)
-sports wear (active and casual)
-outdoor fabrics for equipments such as tents, sleeping bag, hiking etc.
-barrier fabrics such as clean room, medical etc.
-high performance fabrics such as fire retardant, bullet proof etc.
-home textiles
-cotton, polyester cotton blends, braided goods
-EMI shielding fabrics (metallic yarns)
-technical fabrics such as tyre cords
bluesign technologies and FTC:
In the year 2001 FTC decided as the first textile producer in Asia to implement bluesign technologies in their production facilities.
The initial bluesign&reg screening in 2001 covered the following departments, the screening was depending on the production of PES fabrics.
In 2002 FTC decided to go ahead with bluesign technologies and the next production range, the Polyamide production was implemented with the bluesign system.As a result of the first screenings and bluesign&reg homologation of the components two product lines (polyester and polyamide) which are confirm with the bluesign&reg standard could be created.
At this point it should be mentioned, that FTC is one of the biggest integrated textile finishing company. Implementation of a highly sophisticated EHS-management as it is represented by the bluesign&reg system, is surely a long-term project regarding the complexity of the companies structure.
The bluesign&reg screening at hand evaluates all the components (textile raw materials, textile auxiliaries, dyestuffs and chemicals) against the background of the requirements given by the bluesign&reg standard.
The most important input/output streams which are of environmental relevancy are identified.
The following aspects are regarded:
water pollution control,
air emission control,
occupational health,
consumer safety,
benchmarking of the resource consumption with the "Best Available Techniques" (BAT),
resource productivity (calculation of the resource inflation factor (rif) and cost inflation factor (cif)).
The following list gives an overview on the most important toxicological and eco-toxicological properties of the substances which are registered in the homologation list:
carcinogenic substances
mutagenic substances
teratogenic substances
reproductive toxic substances
neurotoxic substances
endocrine disruptors
sensitizing substances
respiratory irritating substances
smell intensive substances
substances which are dangerous to the environment as substances which are not readily biodegradable or substances which are very toxic to aquatic organisms.
System partners of bluesign technologies ag () hold the key to manufacturing sustainable and ethically responsible products which are both modern and uncompromising in design, function and comfort. Companies wishing to become system partners commit themselves to using bluesign&reg analysed and approved raw materials and processes for their "bluesign&reg products" and to submitting themselves to screening. This generally optimizes the entire production process, orients the company to the demands of the future and, in addition, leads to higher cost efficiency.
"This year we inaugurated the bluesign&reg Award in order to provide our system partners with a "visual sign of their future-oriented mindset", says Detlef Fischer, VP of bluesign technologies ag, at the presentation of the first Asian Award in Taipei. "It is clear that the first Asian Award had to go to FTC because of the forthinking in case of environment health and sustainability of the entire textile production at FTC
Lawrence Liu
Tel: 886-2-
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bluesign system 蓝标认证 环境健康产品安全
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