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7 - Fatal Error: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000] [1049] Unknown database - Drupal Answers
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I have a development site (site1) and created a second (site2) using drush, copied over all modules/themes and continued development. Both were working and I continued module updates in both.
When I returned to site1, I found an error message as follows:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000] [1049] Unknown database 'mydevelopmentDB' in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of mywebsite/includes/lock.inc).
There features and nodes I would like to use in site2 but I cannot access it. So I created a new site (site3) using drush, copied the contributed modules & themes from site2, and imported the database from site1 into site3, only to get the same error message as from site1.
As I interpret this, situation, the core and contributed module files in site3 should be good, the core is a fresh copy and contributed modules are taken from site2, which is working fine. The settings.php files are identical except for the database, username and password settings match the individual database name. The only difference is the database itself.
Can anyone help identify the table(s) that might have a setting that might cause this problem?
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This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:&Questions on programming, PHP, SQL, etc. that do not relate directly to Drupal are off-topic here, but can be asked on .& & Letharion, kiamlalunoIf this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the , please .
This isn't a problem with tables, it's a problem with the name of the database.
Drupal is successfully connecting to your database server, but it isn't finding a database with the name mydevelopmentDB (which must be the name of the database specified in settings.php).
To isolate the problem:
Open up PHPMyAdmin for the server in question and run this query:
SELECT * FROM mydevelopmentDB.users
If you get a similar error then you know that you've definitely got the wrong database name.
Make sure that the name of the database on the server matches the case of the database name in settings.php. Depending on your MySQL settings the server may or may not be enforcing case sensitivity on database/table names.
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Drupal Answers works best with JavaScript enabledHaving experienced this error message myself not long ago when updating apps on a Mac, and some time in the ,
we received a
(yes, you can
and ask us questions!) about the exact message as well. While it’s frustrating, the good news is that it’s usually very easy to fix with either one or both of verifying the Apple ID, and – here’s where it really gets fun – accepting everyones favorite iTunes Terms And Conditions.
Verifying the Apple ID in Use is the Same in iTunes & App Store
Verify in both the Mac App Store and iTunes apps that the same Apple ID account is used for both apps – if it’s not, log out so that both apps have the same Apple ID account
Quit out of the Mac App Store and quit out of iTunes (yes, quit out of iTunes if it’s open)
Relaunch the Mac App Store and try updating or downloading the app again, it should work flawlessly
Simple solution, right? The problem appears to be triggered by an issue with the Apple ID accounts associated with the App Store, making it frequently experienced by users who have different Apple ID’s for whatever reason. This is yet another reason to try and keep a single Apple ID in use for all of your user activity, though there are certainly times where that’s not possible, particularly for international users.
Check & Accept iTunes Terms & Conditions
Still seeing the “Unknown Error” error message and it’s preventing you from downloading anything? You may have an issue with the iTunes Terms & Conditions. Yes, seriously. All 50+ pages of those exciting terms and conditions may be the cause of your inability to download and update apps. The good news is this is also super simple to fix:
Launch iTunes, or quit it if it’s already opened but has just been updated and then relaunch iTunes
Accept the new Terms & Conditions, after reading them thoroughly of course!
Quit and relaunch App Store
You should now be able to download from the App Store as intended.
This solution was found by one of our commenters (thanks Mike!) , who
that if you update iTunes without choosing to accept the Terms and Conditions that have changed, this error persists in both iTunes and the Mac App Store until those new Terms & Conditions are accepted. Curious, indeed.
A similar issue is
or an , which is also resolved by simply logging out and back in to the App Store in question, whether iTunes or the Mac App Store.
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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in ,
Leave a ReplyvSphere 5.5 Client and WindowsXP/Windows2003 – Unknown Connection Error
If you try to install the new vSphere5.5 C# Client to WindowsXP/Windows 2003, you will receive warning during the installation of possible problems. The problems is caused by the lack of support for some SSL ciphers on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Although the install will succeed and you’ll be able to connect to vSphere5.1 (and older) ESX hosts, if you attempt to connect to a vSphere5.5 host then you will receive this error message:
An unknown connection error occurred. (The Client could not send a complete request to the server. (The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
The actual error looks like this:
There is a fix but only for Windows 2003 and WindowsXP 64-bit. This means Windows 2003 and XP 32-bit clients cannot use the ye olde vSphere Client. That’s was my situation so the fix wouldn’t install for me…
The link for the fix is below. It’s one of those where you have to supply an email, and then they email you a link to the hotfix. I’m assuming that’s so Microsoft and track and trace those people who need the fix.
It’s also worth mentioning that the vSphere Client no longer installs to a Windows system running the Domain Controller role:
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