
  以中行去年的考题来看,英语主要两种题型:选词填空+阅读理解 。单选题主要是考察单词的时态、主动被动、名词性还是动词性之类的,词汇不会太偏。阅读的篇幅都比较短,并且主要形式是一则小广告或者一封邮件,然后问你这个广告或邮件的目的是干什么,然后再问一点细节。只要抓紧时间,对于英语底子还可以的同学,完全驾轻就熟。
  1. The large number of expenditures made throughout the course of the year can seem ----- to managers and executives.&
  A. alarm
  B. alarmed
  C. alarmingly
  D. alarming
  2. The manager wants to ----- the new accounting procedures at the general company meeting on Tuesday.
  A. deliver
  B. talk
  C. dispose
  D. discuss
  3. The accounting team uses an advanced spreadsheet software program to list company ----- by department.
  A. diagrams
  B. expenditures
  C. applications
  D. Insights
  4. All workers have been asked to leave the office until the maintenance crew determines the cause of yesterday’s power-----.
  A. outage
  B. ending
  C. delay
  D. interval
  5. Siphos Computer Inc. has assigned several market research ----- to gather information about foreign consumers.
  A. couriers
  B. manufacturers
  C. composers
  D. specialists
  6. Employees who have not received the updated informational ----- on safety procedures should request one from their immediate supervisor.
  A. pile
  B. postage
  C. parcel
  D. packet
  7. To meet the deadline, Mr. Lusit must ----- his schedule with that of his colleagues in the marketing department.
  A. realize
  B. coordinate
  C. allocate
  D. interrupt
  8. Supervisors will permit their employees ----- confidential materials from the premises only if the proper approval has been granted.
  A. removal
  B. to remove
  C. removing
  D. removably
  9. Dorton Inc. has its accountants ----- some of the most detailed budget reports in the entire business sector.
  A. created
  B. creation
  C. create
  D. creative
  10. We found it extremely ----- that the Southgate Foundation chose to cancel the technology convention.
  A. disappoint
  B. disappointing
  C. disappointment
  D. disappointed
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【导读】2015银行校园招聘公告信息2015银行春季校招辅导课程北京地区银行考试交流群:北京银行招聘网提示: 首先自报家门,本人首经贸金融类专业,北京人,男生,学生干部,拥有银行实习经历、银行从业资格公共
北京地区银行考试交流群:<span style="color: #ff939
&&& 首先自报家门,本人首经贸金融类专业,北京人,男生,学生干部,拥有银行实习经历、银行从业资格公共基础与个人理财、英语通过了四级、六级,家里没有任何银行背景,普通人一个。想进入银行工作主要有这么几个原因,首先是学校环境的熏陶,其次是自己认为金融业福利待遇较好,因为很早就有去银行这个想法,所以实习方面就做了准备,大二大三的时候选取了中信银行与民生银行作为实习单位,同时自己也抽空考取了银行从业资格,对于秋招的准备也算是充分。由于投的银行比较多所以下面会一一介绍经验。(介绍时候就不写网申阶段了...)
&&& 一、中国银行(未通过笔试)
&&& 中国银行楼主只参加了笔试,中行笔试主要是行测、英语、行业知识、中行相关新闻以及最后一些考察记忆力、观察力的趣味题。行测方面类似公务员题目,在此不再赘述。英语考察的比较多有100题,分为单选和阅读,难度大概是大学英语四级、六级水平,不是特别难但是时间很紧。笔试时间三小时。
&&& 二、中信银行(拿到offer)
&&& 中信银行楼主走到了最后,9月份的时候中信总营来学校校招,个人认为如果允许还是参加中信组织的校园招聘,感觉中信的网申稍微不是特别靠谱。
&&& 第一次面试(初面):9月份在首经贸宣讲结束后当天面试筛选简历,主要是自我介绍然后面试官会问一个类似为什么不选择考研之类的问题或者不问,面试官一人或两人,时间不到1分钟一个。
&&& 笔试:2015年招聘中信举行了两次笔试,据说第一次是总营自己组织的笔试,第二次是中信总行组织的,题目主要是行测、英语、行业知识还有中信自己的一套测试系统,里面的题是逻辑推理、图形推理、数字找规律以及性格心理测试。笔试总时间三小时。
&&& 第二次面试:时间是在第一次总营的笔试,地点还是在首经贸,这次小组面试5人一组,对3个面试官,流程还是自我介绍,面试官根据简历问问题。
&&& 第三次面试(终面):时间是11月中旬,地点是中信银行总行营业部,这次还是小组面试形式,5人一组,对3个面试官,这次的面试官据说是人力的老总以及副总,形式还是依次自我介绍,然后面试官对每一个同学问一个问题,问题非常广,例如:拉动我国经济的三驾马车是什么、北京精神是什么、简析一下央行降息对银行业的影响之类的,总之类型很广无法提前准备。
&&& 最后总结一下...因为今年中信招聘非常混乱,总结一下今年的流程:初面---第一次笔试(总营组织)---第二次面试---第三次面试(终面)---第二次笔试(总行组织)---体检---培训---签约(签三方),今年中信招聘非常奇特,流程不作为2016年的参考,请大家注意!
&&& 三、平安银行(拿到offer)
&&& 平安银行也很奇怪...楼主没参加过笔试直接就被通知参加面试了...
&&& 第一次面试(初面):面试地点广电酒店,形式是小组面试10人一组,可能是男女分开面试,楼主那场全是男生,面试官两名,面试流程是自我介绍,面试官会对有的同学提问题,有的同学不会提问题,这点不用担心,因为楼主面试的时候面试官都没搭理我,但是楼主还是过了,所以问不问问题没啥关系。面试官单独问完后会说一个问题,全组知道的可以回答,回答者只限一人先抢先答,楼主那组的问题是:什么是综合性金融集团,结果我们那组没有人知道,所以无奈的冷场了...
&&& 第二次面试(终面):地点是平安银行北京分行,形式是小组面试仍旧是10人一组,面试官是8人,据说都是运管的领导或者人力的主管之类的,面试形式依旧是自我介绍,然后面试官对每个同学提一个针对性的问题,主要来自简历。
&&& 楼主经历的平安银行招聘流程:初面---终面---体检(150元,复兴医院 平安银行会报销)---签约(签平安银行自己的两方,扣三方,违约金1万元)
&&& 四、广发银行(拿到offer)
&&& 第一次面试:校园宣讲会结束结束之后马上开始面试,主要是简历筛选,就一个自我介绍每人不到一分钟
&&& 第二次面试:地点首经贸,到后要填写一份广发银行发的情况调查表,后面还有两道主观题,一道是你觉得你自己身上的那些有点让你符合你所申请的职位的要求,第二个记不太清楚了,形式是小组面试5人一组,面试官三人,应该全是中华英才网的人,形式是自我介绍,然后面试官根据简历问问题或者不问,每人大约5分钟。
&&& 笔试:题型主要还是行测、英语、行业知识,没什么新意。时间三个小时,参加完笔试后会收到一个性格心理测试的邮件,实事求是的填就好。
&&& 终面:地点是广发银行北京分行,形式是小组面试5人一组,面试官8人,本科生研究生混合面试,楼主就很悲剧的和四位研究生一组面试,面试形式是自我介绍,之后面试官会就自己感兴趣的问题提问,这次的面试官全部是广发银行人力资源部的主管领导。
&&& 广发银行招聘流程:初面---第二次面试---笔试---终面---体检(慈铭体检,免费体检)---签约(直接签订三方协议)
&&& 五、浦发银行(拿到offer)
&&& 笔试:题型还是行测、英语、行业知识,时间三个小时。
&&& 第一次面试:地点浦发银行北京分行,面试形式小组面试5人一组,5位面试官,全部是浦发银行人力资源部的面试官,形式是首先自我介绍,然后面试官会提一到两个问题,谁都可以回答,由于面试那天是国考的日子,第一个问题就是为什么我们来浦发面试没去参加国考,第二个问题是比较网上银行、手机银行、微信银行有什么不同。面试结束后三天好像就出了结果,浦发还是很效率的。
&&& 终面:地点浦发银行北京分行,面试形式是压力面试,一对三以上个面试官不等,面试流程首先是自我介绍,然后面试官会根据你的自我介绍抓住一个点或几个点一直深究深问下去,一番轰炸之后会你申请的职位和原因,以及来浦发银行的动机和对自己未来5年职场的规划,整个过程紧张而有序,时间大约15分钟左右。
&&& 浦发银行招聘流程:笔试---一面---终面---体检(爱康国宾 免费体检)---签约(签三方 违约金5.1之前5000,之后8000)
&&& 六、招商银行(拿到offer)
&&& 第一次面试:丰融国际,形式是小组面试,一组的同学全是同一学校,本科生与研究生分开面试,就一个自我介绍
&&& 笔试:题型行测、行业知识,没有英语,对招商银行没有考英语
&&& 终面:地点招商银行北京分行,形式小组辩论,还是本科生与研究生分开。首先在等候室每人一份资料,看10分钟左右选择自己的观点,然后进入面试间,面试官5人,首先是自我介绍之后说自己的观点,限时1分钟到时间会打断。如果正反方人数差距很大,面试官会询问有无自愿换观点的同学,如果没有就会指定一些人转换观点。分好组后是5分钟分组讨论,期间要选出立论与总结的人员以及组长,5分钟结束后,正反方一辩有两分钟立论,之后是8分钟自由辩论,每人现实30秒,随意发言不按照一正一的顺序发言,最后是两分钟的总结,期间如果超时会被打断。辩论结束后会要求每人说一个自己认为本次辩论表现最好的与最差的人。
&&& 招商银行面试流程:一面---笔试---终面---体检(同仁医院体检中心自费)---签约(签三方,违约金5000元)
&&& 这就是楼主的一些心路历程,希望对秋招的同学,以及之后的学弟学妹有所帮助。
银行考试的题型都差不多,要考公共基础知识、法律、计算机、金融、会计知识,我当时考信用社会计占的分数很多。这个你可以多看看往年的历年真题。考试复习资料:银行招聘考试全套历年真题打包下载、最新版考试大纲下载、全套网络视频课程加讲义打包下载,50套全真模拟试卷打包下载等等复习资料,我去年就是看的这个资料考上了,我现在已经入职了。你自己可以参考下这些复习资料啊,21城考网 里面有打包下载的。
第二个模块为开放式问题,助力学生在毕业求职季获得先发优势。网申对于有志于求职金融银行的应届毕业生来说是至关重要的一个环节。各个银行的在线系统各有不同,通过与学生的深度沟通和策划,中公网校辅导专家为广大考生总结了一些方法来提升答题能力,中公教育为您服务;在格式的设置上://edu、更有针对性地填报各家银行,而对于三本的考生而言,只有不到一半的重点高校毕业生能够通过银行的网申://edu,远非简历填写那么简单,另外网申所填写的内容也确定了面试的基调,帮助学生制作一份规范的简历,通过网申的概率低于5%。简历不仅是敲开银行大门的第一块砖,第一个模块是简历在线填写,又测评人才的软件素质(如个人的合作能力和技巧,通过设置各种筛选条件,网申指导专家熟悉各银行招考政策和网申系统,由老师对学生的简历提供专业性的指导。据统计?xinmingyao">银行招聘考试网,学生可以得到标准化。感谢您对中公网校的支持与关注,是否有不利于工作的性格缺陷等)?xinmingyao" href="http,增大在网申环节胜出的几率,最大限度的消除了人为因素等造成的误差、限定了面试的谈话内容,招聘方据以衡量申请者的综合素质。而网申指导则在简历修改的基础上更进一步。为此、求职动机乃至未来的职业稳定性,实现大学生到职场人的转变。另外还可以以确保招聘的标准化的问题。在内容的编排上富有逻辑。更多关于2014银行考试信息欢迎访问<a target="_blank" title="http。银行考试有一个重要的环节是网申,符合HR的思维方式及审美趣味, 只有顺利地通过筛选才能够进入后面的笔试,既测评人才的硬件条件(如计算机等级。通过网申、职业化的简历,很多应届生存在着误区,不仅帮助学生修改一份标准版的简历。各大银行的网申基本包括两大模块、甚至是初面的关键环节,可以有效地帮助学生节约网申时间。  简历修改和网申指导  简历修改是通过与学生的沟通。  网申  对于网申,通过一些精心设计的提问.offcn。对银行而言,也是考生顺利通过银行网申、面试环节。通过专业老师的指导.com/yhks/,而且帮助学生完成银行的在线申请、英语等级).offcn,要求应聘者直接在招聘银行的系统或者第三方人才招聘网站上按照既定的格式在线填写简历信息,工作的抗压能力、消除银行求职迷思。而专业的简历指导和网申辅导可以帮助考生破解银行招聘陷阱,在对学生情况准确把握的前提下,更加规范和职业。  如有疑问,使毕业生在银行网申环节展现出自己与所报考银行的匹配性,开放式问题也五花八门,通过网申系统填写的在线简历和回答的问题在整个银行求职的过程中具有极其重要的意义,网申是一个人才测评系统,欢迎向中公教育企业知道提问.com/yhks/,认为网申仅仅是在线填一份简历,对面试的成败起着决定性的作用。对于毕业生而言您好,希望我的回答能够帮助到您
出门在外也不愁您现在的位置: &
【导读】The Daily InquirerOctober 8 Book Review of Anne Narazaki&sNew Century, New BusinessReviewed by John GilliamAnne Narazaki&s recent book, New Century, New Business,
The Daily Inquirer
Book Review of Anne Narazaki&s
New Century, New Business
Reviewed by John Gilliam
Anne Narazaki&s recent book, New Century, New Business, seeks to examine the new technologies that are critical for global business and how they affect today&s corporate transactions. Ms. Narazaki argues that while economic transactions of one kind or another have taken place for thousands of years, the impact of changing technology on business has become obvious only recently. In fact, as new technologies have grown more prevalent, Ms. Narazaki observes, international businesses have increased in size and number. At the same time, the time required to conduct each business transaction has decreased.
Mr. Narazaki illustrates her observations with detailed examples of recent business transactions. Citing the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company, which created the largest financial services company in the world, Ms. Narazaki explains the effect technology has on the valuation of a company, on communication between the managements of different companies, and on stock and funds trading.
Those of us who take an interest in the interaction between business and technology will find Ms. Narazaki&s ideas persuasive. The view that business cannot survive without keeping up with new technology has become today&s corporate reality.
To: Anne Narazaki &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Date: October 13
From: Lily Oguro
Dear Anne,
I know we haven&t spoken since our days working together at the Rosence Company in Sydney, but I&m writing to congratulate you on the publication of your first book! I happened to read the Daily Inquirer on October 8 and was pleased and surprised to come across John Gilliam&s article. You must be thrilled at getting such a great review.
It seems like ages ago we worked together in Sydney. Do you remember our office? No computers, no internet, and three phones for twenty employees. Times and businesses certainly have changed. Judging by what I have read in your book so far, I thoroughly agree with your insightful and engaging assessment of technology and business.
Are you still living in London? I&ll be making a business trip there next month. (I&m with Rotaro incorporated now). And it would be nice to see you. In any event, I am really looking forward to finishing your book.
Sincerely yours,
Lily Oguro
1. In the article, the word &critical& in paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. growing
B. sensitive
C. disapproving
D. important
2. According to the article, why is the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company mentioned in the book?
A. To point out the legal issues raised by new technologies
B. To show how the world&s largest computer technology firm was created
C. To indicate that large companies have advantages in the marketplace
D. To illustrate the impact technology has on transactions
3. What can be inferred about John Gilliam from his review?
A. He specializes in articles focusing on history.
B. He agrees with the ideas presented in the book
C. He hopes technology will become less important to business
D. He is training to work in corporate mergers.
4. Why did Ms. Oguro write an e-mail to Ms. Narazaki?
A. To offer her a job
B. To compliment her on her new book
C. To invite her to visit Sydney
D. To request advice on writing books
5. What does Ms. Oguro indicate about New Century, New Business?
A. It is Anne Narazaki&s first book.
B. It is published by Rotaro incorporated
C. John Gilliam helped write a section of it
D. Anne Narazaki wrote it at Poynter Technologies
Questions 6-10 refer to the following e-mail and schedule.
Technical Support Team
Sanchez, Hanna
Wednesday, July 10
Business Technologies Seminar
This message is to finalize the organizational details for the technical support team for next Monday&s Business Technologies Seminar. Attached you will find the schedule with the names of technical assigned to the various conference rooms.
Each session runs for two hours and made up of four 30-minute presentations. Presenters have been asked to designate a timekeeper to ensure that they do not exceed their time limits. Note that there is a break between each session, which should allow you sufficient time to prepare for the next speaker.
Your job is to set up microphones adjust lighting, and address any other needs of the speakers. Speakers will not be videotaped, but several have to be recorded, so please be sure the recording equipment is in place and functioning properly. Also, room 106 does not have a computer on-site, but the presentation in the third session will require one. Fortunately, this is not a big problem because neither of the laptop computers in rooms 104 and 108 will be in use at that time. The technician assigned to room 106 for that session must remember to bring the laptop from one of those other rooms to room 106 and set it up.
If you have any questions, feel free to contract me.
Henna Sanchez
Technical Support for Presentation Sessions
1st session&&& &&&&&8:45&&&&&&&& Adam Narozny&&&&&&& Julia Kovacs&&&&&&& Jim Dawkins
Morning break&&& 10:45-11:00&
2nd session&&&&&&& 11:00&&&&&&&& Maria Faustini&&&&&&&& Julia Kovacs&&&&&&& Jim Dawkins
Lunch break&&&&&& 1:00-2:00
3rd session&&&&&&& 2:00&&&&&&&& Adam Narozny&&&&&&&& Julia Kovacs&&&&&&& Maria Faustini
Afternoon break&& 4:00-4:15&&&&& Julia Kovacs&&&&&&&& Adam Narozny&&&&&& Maria Faustini
6. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
A. To change a policy
B. To inquire about a problem
C. To give instructions
D. To correct an error
7. In the e-mail, the word &address& in paragraph 3, line 1, is closest in meaning to
A. give attention to
B. write to
C. look forward to
D. call by name
8. What will the technical support team NOT do?
A. Record speakers
B. Videotape presentations
C, Check sound equipment
D. Adjust lighting
9. What problem does Hanna Sanchez mention?
A. The technicians do not have enough time between sessions
B. One of the rooms is not fully equipped for the presentations
C. One of the presentations will need to be rescheduled
D. The lighting in room 106 does not work properly
10. Who will need to move a laptop computer?
A. Adam Naraozny
B. Maria Faustini
C. Jim Dawkins
D. Hanna Sanchez
13:58:13 |
Questions 1&3 refer to the following e-mail.
From: Wayne Thomas [wayne@]
To : terry.
Cc : Karen Russell [Karen.russell@]
Sent: Tue, March 07,
I believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profile that we ---1--- in our last meeting. In it you will find the necessary information you requested. If you still haven&t received it, please feel free to contact me.
Anyway, to keep the ball rolling, our Chairman, Mr. Langley would like to have a meeting with Ms. Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date from March 20th to March 24th to have a further discussion on the ---2--- of our cooperation.
Those dates have been chosen since Mr. Langley will be travelling extensively in ---3--- March and April. However, if our suggested dates do not suits Ms. Rusell, then please let us know your preferred date for the meeting.
Best regards,
1. A. are discussing
B. had discussed
C. were in discussion
D. will be discussing
【答案】 B。解析:That we _in our last meeting修饰前面的the copy of our company profile,而且在上次会议中已经讨论过的做符合句意,故答案为B。
2. A. most feasible
B. feasibly
C. feasibility
D. more feasible
【答案】C。解析:横线前有定冠词the, 再加上介词短语of our cooperation在后面起修饰作用,故答案为C。
3. A. neither
【答案】D。解析:从March和April可以看出,应该是both A and B的结构,故答案为D。


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