
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see .
Captain Marvel is the name of several
appearing in
published by . Most of these versions exist in Marvel's main , known as the .
Following a trial in which
for breach of , claiming Fawcett's Captain Marvel was too similar to , the latter stopped publishing . In the late sixties Marvel gained the
"Captain Marvel" with their first series, forcing DC to call their Captain Marvel comic book .
To retain their trademark, Marvel has had to publish a Captain Marvel title every year or two since, leading to a number of , , and
featuring a range of characters using the Captain Marvel alias.
Main article:
The first Captain Marvel was created by
#12 (December 1967). This character is an
military officer, Captain Mar-Vell of the
Imperial Militia, who is sent to observe the planet
as it is developing technology to travel into space. Mar-Vell eventually wearies of his superiors' malign intent and allies himself with Earth, and the Kree Empire brands him a traitor. From then on, Mar-Vell fights to protect Earth from all threats.
He was later revamped by
and . Having been exiled to the Negative Zone by the , the only way Mar-Vell can temporarily escape is to exchange atoms with
by means of special wristbands called Nega-Bands. He is also given superpowers and his Kree military uniform is replaced with a form fitting costume.
With the title's sales still flagging, Marvel allowed
to conceptually revamp the character, although his appearance was little changed. Mar-Vell is freed from the Negative Zone and becomes a cosmic champion, the "Protector of the Universe" appointed by the cosmic entity . Together, Mar-Vell and Rick continue to battle against evil, most notably battling the Death-worshipping . Mar-Vell became a close ally of the , and one of their number, , became his lover.
His career was cut short when he developed inoperable cancer, the result of an earlier exposure to toxic
during a battle with . He died from this cancer on Titan in the presence of the Marvel Universe's superhero community, as chronicled in Marvel's first large-format , The Death of Captain Marvel.
Main article:
The second Captain Marvel is Monica Rambeau, a police lieutenant from
who possesses the power to transform herself into any form of . Her powers were briefly altered so that she cannot transform to energy, but instead can generate a personal force field. Sometime later,
returned her energy transformation abilities. She is a member of the , and at one point served as their leader. She eventually ceded the Captain Marvel name to the original Captain Marvel's son after which Rambeau took the name Photon, using that for quite some time, until Genis-Vell adopted the same name. Genis-Vell and Monica discussed this and Monica decided on the name Pulsar.
Rambeau later joined H.A.T.E. (the Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort) in the new series titled . In this series created by
and , H.A.T.E. (a subsidiary of the ) forms a team to fight the Bizarre Weapons of Mass Destruction. Members include Monica Rambeau, a man known only as , , , and . She most recently returned to the Avengers using the codename Spectrum.
Main article:
The third Captain Marvel is , the genetically-engineered son of Mar-Vell and his lover Elysius, created from the late Mar-Vell's cell samples and artificially aged to physical, if not emotional, maturity. Genis, like his father, wears the Nega-Bands, possesses Cosmic Awareness and is, for a time, bonded with . Although the pair do not get along at first, they eventually become good friends. Genis goes insane and threatens to destroy the universe.
After dying and resurrecting himself - with the secret aid of
- Genis-Vell joins the
under the name Photon. However, in accelerating his resurrection, Zemo links Genis to the ends of time, causing a degenerative effect on the universe. To prevent the inevitable destruction of all existence, Zemo scatters pieces of Genis-Vell's body through time and the
Main article:
The fourth Captain Marvel is Phyla-Vell, Genis-Vell's younger sister. Her name is a
pun on the part of , who created the character. Phyla is created when Genis, an only child, recreates the universe and, in doing so, creates various anomalies which result in his mother being restored to life and his sister coming into existence. She is last seen romancing .
Phyla-Vell appears in the
event, fighting alongside 's
in an effort to stop the destructive armies of . She becomes the new
after the original one is killed by Annihilus.
Phyla has superhuman strength. She can fire energy blasts, fly, and act like an "energy sponge", absorbing any energy attacks directed at her and returning them as energy blasts. Phyla also has cosmic awareness and is a proficient fighter.
Phyla later became an avatar for Oblivion, and renamed herself Martyr. She died to save her comrades in the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Main article:
The fifth Captain Marvel is Khn'nr, a
sleeper agent who is bound with Mar-Vell's DNA to lock itself into Mar-Vell's form and given technological replicas of the Kree Nega-Bands. However, his mental conditioning was botched, causing Khn'nr's personality to be erased leaving the Mar-Vell persona dominant. Though part of the , this Marvel decides to fight against the invading Skrulls. As of now, he is apparently dead.
Main article:
As part of the
storyline Noh-Varr joined the new team the
using the alias Captain Marvel. He subsequently quit the team on discovering they were all villains at which point he was contacted by the Supreme Intelligence, given a copy of the original Captain Marvel's Nega Bands and told he should take his place as the Kree's protector of Earth. This led to Noh-Varr taking the new code name Protector.
Main article:
In July 2012, Carol Danvers, the longtime super-heroine known as , assumed the mantle of Captain Marvel in an ongoing series by written
with art by . Danvers dons a
and explores her own past. DeConnick said at
2012 that her pitch for the series could be described as "Carol Danvers as ". She said the series would contemplate what Captain Marvel's legend means to Danvers, how she will wield it, and how the rest of the
Main article:
introduces a renegade Kree who has been surgically altered to look human and sent to Earth by his people to observe its destruction by the entity , but defects to help the humans. He wears a specially designed combat suit that is activated by his wristwatch. The Kree technology in the suit gives Mahr Vehl increased strength and allows him to fly, create energy shields, turn invisible, view different fields of the light spectrum, and fire energy blasts through the "totalkannon" located on his lower arm.
His real name is Pluskommander Geheneris Halason Mahr Vehl. As with the
character of , he assumes the identity of Dr. Philip Lawson, a scientist working on the space program. He dated the Ultimate version of . The name 'Captain Marvel' arises as a mispronunciation by General
and Carol Danvers. Only the
have bothered to learn how to pronounce his name correctly.
Main article:
In the two-issue
(1995), Captain Marvel is one of the many
prisoners, in a Kree
in . The reservation was placed deliberately on top of a former nuclear test site. As a result of this the majority of the Kree are suffering from various forms of
including Mar-Vell who is the Kree's spokesperson. Mar-Vell gives an interview to
reporter Phil Sheldon regarding the failed Kree invasion of Earth. Mar-Vell recounts how his ship was made vulnerable to a nuclear strike when their cloaking and shielding was affected by cosmic
from a deceased .
Main article:
In the limited series Fantastic Four: The End, the superheroine formerly known as
(now under the name of Ayesha) has apparently taken over the Captain Marvel mantle in the not-too-distant future.
Main article:
In the alternate, -dominated world created by , Carol Danvers ( in mainstream continuity) uses the name Captain Marvel and is one of the few non-mutant heroes with a successful career.
Main article:
Ironically, in the mini-series
Captain Marvel is seen sitting with Vulture and
(both infected) waiting for Iron Man. He is later killed by the Silver Surfer for immediate cause.
In , the main villain is an alternate version of Captain Marvel called Lord Mar-Vell. Unlike his
counterpart, this Mar-Vell colluded with the
to survive his cancer by actually destroying
via the sacrifice of its Avatar.
Main article:
In two issues of
and , Captain Marvel combines with
to become yet another Captain Marvel, sporting the
lightning bolt uniform design but with the original green and white colors of the Marvel version.
Main article:
crossover event
becomes Captain Marvel in an alternate timeline created by the death of . Pym is murdered by a time-travelling Wolverine to prevent the creation of , an artificial intelligence which in a post-apocalyptic future has wiped out most of the Earth's population including most superheroes.
episode "",
lists Captain Marvel as one of the notable heroes of Earth. However, he doesn't specify to which version he is referring.
film is scheduled for release on March 8, 2019, featuring Carol Danvers in the moniker.
The first 6 issues were published under the indecia Marvel's Space-Born Superhero! Captain Marvel
, Comics Should Be Good, June 9, 2005
, Comics Should Be Good, , August 18, 2005
; Gilbert, Laura, ed. (2008). "1960s". Marvel Chronicle A Year by Year History. . p. 125.  . Captain Mar-Vell was a Kree warrior sent to spy on Earth, by Stan Lee and artist Gene Colan.
DeFalco "1960s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 138: "Rick Jones...became bonded to Captain Mar-Vell thanks to Roy Thomas and artist Gil Kane."
"1970s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 159: "In March [1973], the first of artist Jim Starlin's many sagas of the Marvel heroes' wars against Thanos began."
DeFalco "1980s" in Gilbert (2008), p. 207: "This title by Jim Starlin was the first of a new series of Marvel Graphic Novels. Running between forty-eight and ninety-six pages, these paperback books were an attempt to compete with the European-style graphic albums."
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #16 (1982)
Captain Marvel (vol. 3) #1 (November 1989)
#5 (June 1996)
New Thunderbolts #9 (August 2005)
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. #1 (March 2006)
#1 (March 2009)
Beard, Jim (March 17, 2012). . <. Marvel 2012.
#1 (Jan. 2007)
. . August 18, 2014.
from the original on October 8, .
at the Comic Book DB
at the Comic Book DB
at the Comic Book DB
at the Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
at the Comic Book DB
at the Comic Book DB
at the Comic Book DB
at the Marvel Universe
at the Marvel Database Project
A history of the many Captain Marvels
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Title: Marvel Heroes 2015
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 4 Jun, 2014
Ten Ton Hammer Game of the Year 2014
Best Overall MMO of 2014
Most Improved MMO of 2014
Play Marvel Heroes 2015
Free to Play
Downloadable Content For This Game
$107.95 USD
"Disclosure: I received a review key.
very fun arpg with tons of different skill sets.
This is made by the same person as diablo 2 and it shows."
Recent updates
Our 51st playable character, Kitty Pryde, otherwise known as Shadowcat has phased into Marvel Heroes 2015!
Kitty Pryde is a Physical / Energy hero who largely fights from melee range, leveraging her mutant ability to phase through solid objects, but can still deal some damage from range with the help of her friend Lockheed!
Sunspot joins the Team-Up roster of Marvel Heroes 2015!
The billionaire businessman from Brazil, Roberto da Costa’s mutant ability allows his body to absorb pure solar energy. Able to channel this energy at will, Bobby assumes a powerful solar form which grants him incredible strength and the ability to project solar energy to scorch his enemies. Supervillains be warned, sunscreen won’t help - if you mess with Sunspot, you’re going to get burned!
Full patch notes featuring many more details about the above:
Our 50th playable Hero
- joins the hero roster of Marvel Heroes 2015!
War Machine is a Physical damage hero with a plethora of melee & range options allowing you to dictate the rules of engagement. Like Iron Man, War Machine utilizes an advanced suit of armor based on StarkTech technology - but while they may look similar on the outside, War Machine's suit is custom-designed to live up to the name!
joins the Team-Up roster for Marvel Heroes 2015! Cletus Kasady’s run-in with an alien symbiote during a prison breakout changed his life forever, merging with the symbiote to become the agent of chaos now known as Carnage. Capable of forming the surface of the symbiote into all manner of deadly weapons to satisfy his appetite for destruction, one would be wise to exercise caution, though he is currently willing to work for the side of good… at least for now.
Cable's design review fleshes him out more and takes greater advantage of his background in the Marvel comics universe. He's no longer just a guy with a gun, but instead has viable ways to play him that take advantage of his psionic abilities and his lesser-known use of a psimitar. For more details about Cable’s Level 52 Review, head over to our ! He's also got a brand new costume just for this occasion, his Marvel NOW! costume is now available.
The STASH system has received an overhaul in this patch, with an updated user interface that gives you more customization and convenience. Any S.T.A.S.H. tab in the list can be clicked and dragged to a new position to reorganize the list however you see fit. General S.T.A.S.H. tabs can be edited with a custom name, icon, and background color so you can easily customize your STASH to suit your sorting preferences and much more.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Fortune Card
In celebration of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s 50th Anniversary, we’re introducing a brand new S.H.I.E.L.D. Fortune Card! This new fortune card includes some amazing new S.H.I.E.L.D. related exclusives such as the R.O.B. pet, as well as S.H.I.E.L.D. specific costumes for Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, a variant for Spider-Woman Team-Up, visual artifacts and more!
Some clever players solved our first Mystic Mystery achievement - which means the 63% XP, SIF and RIF bonuses from Mystic Mayhem are extended an additional 24 hours! This is in addition to the A.R.M.O.R Incursion event XP bonus listed below.
This week’s event is the A.R.M.O.R. Incursion! During the A.R.M.O.R. Incursion event a 100% XP bonus is active! This bonus is applied server-side and is further multiplied by other XP boosts you may have active. All the details about the A.R.M.O.R. Incursion event can be found in our !
Full patch notes featuring many more details about the above:
&If you’re looking for a game that effectively meshes elements of both the MMO and ARPG genres and you love (or don’t mind) the Marvel IP, you can’t really go wrong with Marvel Heroes.&
&Offering an unparalleled amount of raw gaming fun, deep progression systems, and a seemingly never ending stream of meaningful gameplay updates, Marvel Heroes 2015 is a game that continues to improve and impress at every turn in the road. ...Gazillion has left no stone unturned in its commitment to make Marvel Heroes 2015 the best it can be. It offers simple enough systems for even the most casual of online gamers to immediately grasp, and enough depth that it was easily one of our most played titles of 2014.&
“Marvel Heroes 2015 is one of the strongest, most energized free-to-play titles out there that is truly free-to-play.”
“Since there is no initial cost, and even other characters and costumes can be unlocked for free, we highly recommend you give it a spin. Even if you ignore all the crafting, and extras, the games’ storyline and artwork are worth experiencing.”
“Marvel Heroes combines the best of the MMO genre with the best of the Action RPG genre.”
&Fun, varied, large and ever expanding, no comic fan should miss trying the relaunch of which may end up becoming one of the leaders of the genre.& (Translated)
About This Game
Marvel Heroes 2015 is the Marvel MMO ARPG that you have been waiting for! Play as Iron Man, Star-Lord, Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Spider-Man, Captain America and many more as they team up to try and stop Doctor Doom from devastating the world with the power of the Cosmic Cube. Marvel Heroes 2015 features a deep leveling system unique to each Super Hero, diverse locations set across the expansive Marvel Universe, a robust crafting system, action-packed player-versus-player (PvP) and much more. Marvel Heroes is a free-to-play Massively Multiplayer Action RPG for PC created by David Brevik, the visionary behind Diablo and Diablo 2 with an extensive original story crafted by Marvel super-scribe Brian Michael Bendis.
About the Author: The story of Marvel Heroes 2015 is crafted by comic book super scribe Brian Michael Bendis (Ultimate Spider-Man, New Avengers, House of M, Secret Invasion, Avengers vs X-Men and many more).
About the Story: The Cosmic Cube is a device of untold power capable of changing the very fabric of reality at the whim of its possessor. The brilliant but malevolent Dr. Doom has the Cube, and with it he aims to reshape the world in his own image. Determined to succeed where the Cube's previous wielders have failed, Doom has lined up villainous allies to prevent the super-heroes from interfering. Can you unravel Doctor Doom's sinister plan and stop him before it's too late?
Marvel Heroes 2015 combines core gameplay elements of Diablo with the expansive library of characters from the Marvel Universe.
Engage in Action-RPG-style gameplay, but in an MMO world.
Team up online with your friends, or play solo.
Randomly generated environments are different every time you play.
Collect and play as your favorite Marvel Super Heroes including Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, Star-Lord, Wolverine, Hulk, Storm, Dr. Strange, and many others.
Choose from a list of fan favorites from the Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Fantastic Four, and every corner of the Marvel Universe.
Build your character using a library of spectacular powers appropriate to your hero.
Play through hours of story content, or try out many of our other numerous game modes such as X-Defense, Holo-Sim, and more!
Marvel Heroes 2015 features the first ever raid in an Action-RPG, gather friends and take on Surtur!
Customize your character with a library of costumes from Marvel’s rich history.
Summon other heroes to fight along side you with Team-Ups, such as Falcon, Firestar, Drax, Gamora, and Groot.
Discover an endless variety of gear to increase your hero's power.
Explore the Marvel Universe in a story crafted by comic book super-scribe Brian Michael Bendis.
Visit famous locations from the Marvel Universe, from Avengers Tower to Mutant Town to the Savage Land.
Smash through hordes of iconic Marvel enemies, such as the dreaded Purifiers and the legions of HYDRA.
Face off against dozens of super-villains.
And It's All free-to-play With Marvel Heroes!
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista 32/64, Windows 7 32/64, Windows 8 32/64, Windows 10 32-bit
Processor: Core 2 DUO 2.1 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.1 GHZ or better
Memory: 3GB
Hard Disk Space: 30GB*
Video Card: Shader Model 3.0 Compatible with 512MB VRAM (Nvidia 8800 Series, ATI HD3800 Series, Intel HD 3000)
*30GB is required for installation. After installation, Marvel Heroes will require 15GB of storage.
OS: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Current Generation Quad Core (Intel Core i7, Core i5 or AMD FX Series)
Memory: 8GB
Hard Disk Space: 30GB*
Video Card:Discrete video card with 2GB of VRAM (Nvidia GTX 600 or 700 Series, AMD R9 or HD7900 Series)
*30GB is required for installation. After installation, Marvel Heroes will require 15GB of storage.
OS: OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4GB
Hard Disk Space: 30GB*
Video Card: Discrete or Onboard GPU with 512MB VRAM (Nvidia 9600m GT, Intel HD 4000)
*30GB is required for installation. After installation, Marvel Heroes will require 15GB of storage.
OS: OSX 10.10 Yosemite
Processor: Current Generation Quad Core (Intel Core i7, Core i5, Xeon)
Memory: 8GB
Hard Disk Space: 30GB*
Video Card: Discrete GPU with 2GB of VRAM (Nvidia GTX Series, AMD FirePro Series)
*30GB is required for installation. After installation, Marvel Heroes will require 15GB of storage.
(C) 2013 Gazillion, Inc. All rights reserved. (C) MARVEL
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5 people found this review funny
160.3 hrs on record
Full disclosure here, I've been in this game since alpha (through beta and launch) before it was even on Steam. I quit the game in early 2014 because it was a clustercluck of awful optimization, no end-game content, bland heroes and nonstop grind and I just couldn't take it anymore. The groundwork for a good game was there, and the developers were some of the coolest in the industry and they actually listened, but I just couldn't handle it anymore so I took a hiatus.I came back in 2015 and I am SO GLAD that I did. I knew the developers listened to it's community so I had high hopes, but they absolutely shattered my expectations for the game. Their &52 reviews& (where they rework older characters to stay on par with newer characters) has added a ton of depth to the bland older heroes, end-game content is still a bit off but they've added raids and are constantly adding more end-game material to play around with so there's actually content now. They have daily login rewards and multiple events every month to reward their playerbase, and most importantly they still listen to their community. The best comparison I can think of for this company would be early Riot games, before they started focusing on the LCS and drifted away from their community and playerbase.Anyways lets finish up this review, I was rambling a bit. Think of this game was a Diablo MMO that focuses more on playstyle diversity and playing a well-rounded roster of heroes than grinding out 1 character until he's a god. Graphics:Graphical fidelity is the weakest spot imo, it's really tough to see what's going on with so many flashy spells going on. You're basically forced to turn off the effects from other players, and even then on some heroes its nearly impossible to see what's going on. For example if you're playing Human Torch you literally light the entire ground in a giant blaze of fire and it becomes really hard to follow what's going on.Early Game Content: Early game content is very diverse, which makes leveling a breeze. Mondays you'll find yourself grinding out Midtown because every Monday they have an event where you get bonus loot and experience from Midtown, but they also have different types of challenge modes (never ending wave matches are one of the more popular, where each level you defeat increases the difficulty and rewards of the next level, and you go after floods of enemies until you die). Then there's also terminals and legendary quests which give upgraded rewards. Cannot complain about early game content at all.Late Game Content:It's not the best, but it's being actively worked on. Raids are really fun and require a lot of coordination to be pulled off if you're doing them in higher difficulties. I thought Raids would be really tough to pull off in this type of game but Gazillion did a great job. Late game is mediocre but improving.Characters:The characters are great, they spend a lot of time making the playstyle of each hero feel fluid and accurate to their comic book counterparts. As of now there's more than 40 characters to choose from, with each one having variable costumes from their different comic book appearances. (The new Age of Ultron Hulkbuster costume, for example, is SO sick). There's still a few outdated heroes that need their 52 review, but they're coming up. In the next couple months we can expect Thing, Cable and Deadpool to all be updated and brought up to par with newer heroes. Not much else to say here, you can check out their roster online, you're pretty much guaranteed to find characters you like or would enjoy playing.Cost:It's free to play, why would I talk about cost? Because this game is expensive if you want to play multiple characters. You get one starter hero for free and are able to unlock all heroes either by VERY RARE in game drops or by using an in-game currency known as Eternity Splinters to unlock them. The heroes go in tiers and cost either 200, 400, or 600 Splinters to unlock. Your login reward for your second day playing is 400 splinters so getting your first hero is an absolute breeze, but the drop rate for these is guaranteed and happens about once every 6-8 minutes, which means worst case it could take you from 26-53-80 hours of grinding to unlock 1 hero. Which is high, but it honestly does add up pretty quickly as time does seem to fly in this game. You'll want to use your 400 splinters from the login reward on your favorite hero, and then use the rest on random unlock tokens, which only cost 175 splinters and have an equal chance of giving you a 200, 400, or 600 splinter hero. not so bad.Overall:If you like both Marvel and ARPGs (dungeon crawlers)? Absolutely download this game right now and get into it, you'll love it.If you're impartial about Marvel but like ARPGs? You'll probably like this game, it's a fresh take on ARPGs and it's free, you should do yourself a favor and download the game and at least give it a shot.Dislike Marvel but like ARPGs? You can ignore the IP and play the game, at least download it and give it a shot, as said above its a fresh take on ARPGs by the makers of Diablo 2, arguably the best ARPG of all-time.Like Marvel but dislike ARPGs? I'd at least recommend trying it for 2 days, using your log-in reward on your favorite hero and giving it a shot that way, you may or may not get hooked.Dislike Marvel and ARPGs? You can probably avoid this game altogether, but downloading it and giving it a shot is free and couldn't hurt.Chances are if you've played it before and quit because you didn't like the state of the game it's probably much better than when you left, the devs listen and the game is constantly improving. Highly recommend at least giving it a shot.
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21 people found this review funny
2,519.2 hrs on record
i played it a little bit, its not bad
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295.8 hrs on record
It's been a couple of months since I posted this review and decided to do an update.I played this game back in beta and I couldn't really get into it but they revamped the game last year and apparently made it much better, so i decided to give it another shot.
What a great decision that was!
The game's a hell of a lot more fun than the first time I tried it.
If you don't know what Marvel Heroes is, Marvel Heroes is free-to-play, dungeon crawling action-rpg with a cash shop that features non-stop action, fun, and of course LOOT.
If you're familiar with Diablo or Torchlight you'd be familiar with the type of gameplay Marvel Heroes has to offer.
If you never played either of those games, but you're familiar with a little game called Marvel Ultimate Alliance, you may enjoy this.
Before, when you created a new account, you were only able to choose a starter character from a given list that included:
Captain America, Black Panther, Punisher, Black Widow, Luke Cage, Human Torch, Colossus, Cyclops, Storm, Hawkeye, Rocket Racoon, and DareDevil. The developers changed that and now you can play ANY of the currently released heroes up until level 10 and with a new account, you can unlock any one of these as a starter.
The only exception would be the newly released hero of the month.
You will have to either buy the newest hero from the cash shop or from the NPC that sells characters for in-game currency/tokens called Eternity Splinters.As mentioned, there's a cash shop in this game since its free-to-play.
You'll find characters, costumes, team-up characters (characters that fight alongside your character), and items such as XP boosts, rarity boosts, pets, and random item boxes in the shop.
The characters and team-up characters found in the cash shop can also be earned in-game by collecting a token that drops off mobs about every 8 minutes called an &Eternity Splinter.&
These let you buy characters from the Eternity NPC for different amounts.
A worthwhile note:
You receive 400 Eternity Splinters as a day 2 login reward.Some characters (like The Thing, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, X-23, Hawkeye for example) will cost you about 200 Splinters.
These same characters cost about $5 in the cash shop.
Most characters however, can be bought for 400 Spinters, which costs around $9 if you buy from the cash shop.
Some characters like Iron Man, Spider-Man, Rogue, Doctor Doom, just to name a few, will cost you quite a bit.
They can be bought for either 600 Splinters or ~$13 in the cash shop.
If you're feeling lucky, you can try your luck with a Free Hero Box that costs you 175 Splinters.
These let you have a chance at a random hero unlock that can get you one of the more expensive heroes, including newly released ones!The cash shop isn't the main attraction for this game.
You can save yourself some cash on shiny new characters or costumes if you wait for sales (which come pretty frequently).
The summer sale for example, saw a 50% discount on a lot of stuff.
So it's sometimes better to wait, or earn things yourself. Gameplay is the main attraction here and it's very fast paced and extremely FUN.
Each character plays differently and with the amount of characters, it feels like there's over 50+ different classes.
Some are debuffers/support, others are DPS or tanks.
Some of the newer characters work better than the older ones but Gazillion is doing updates every month to older characters.
Even after hitting the level 60 level cap, you're going to get sucked into going after loot, and boy is there a lot of loot.
Until then, there's plenty to do before hitting the cap.
Players can participate in a variety of game modes including: story mode, patrols (Midtown and Industry City), Terminals, One Shots, X-Defense (group survival mode), Holosim (single player or two player survival), Age of Ultron, raids (Currently 3 raids), and Player vs. Player (have yet to try PvP).
At level 60, the Cosmic level difficulty unlocks for both Patrols and Terminals.
This difficulty mode is basically for the hardcore player becuse it offers a greater amount of challenge but also best opportunity for loot.
Also at level 60, you can join in on a 10 man raid and take part in some of the endgame content that the game has to offer.
Currently, there are three raids and each one scales up in difficulty, so in order to do the next, you'll have to work hard on getting the necessary gear.
If you happen to like a character a lot, you can prestige them, which restarts your character at level 1. This gives you a fancy new chat color (not that great) and the ability to buy a new pet, which can be used to gain bonus stats for your character.
Prestiging doesn't add any bonus stats so you don't have to do it if you don't want to.The support for this game is tremendous.
Gazillion really cares and they listen to their players when it comes to new content.
There's always suggestions for costumes or characters that Gazillion considers making for the game.
The support services are also fantastic.
I bought a character and the very same went on sale a couple of days later, submitted a ticket and they refunded me the difference!
They have a 7 day price guarantee.
You don't see that EVER on a f2p game with a cash shop.
You know what else you don't see a lot of on a f2p game? A good community, and this game really has a great one.If you like Diablo or Ultimate Alliance, give this game a try. It's free, so the only thing you'd miss out on is time.
Watch out for your wallet if you become addicted though!
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253.5 hrs on record
Diablo in Marvel Style ^^Even the Cow Level Exist here, great gameplay, no need to wait long for group, casual or hardcore, both is ok here. BTW, Ghost Rider ROCK ^^
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13.5 hrs on record
An excellent point and click style mmo. Would recommend this for solo and co-op play with buddies/family. From my 12+ hours of playtime and level 24 Black Widow as of writing this review, I can say that this mmo is quite relaxing to play and the community as a whole from my expereince is a good one. If looking for a unqiue point and click mmo with your favorite marvel heroes then Marvel Heroes 2015 is that game you are looking for. So far, I give this game a 9 out of 10 from what I've played.
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