如何申报anr traces.txt注册

Stacktraces 报 java.lang.NullPointerException_百度知道
Stacktraces 报 java.lang.NullPointerException
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出门在外也不愁Archives for Traditional Music in Laos (Laos)老挝传统音乐档案 (老挝)
项目描述:1.1 Project Name: Archives of Traditional Music in Laos
1.2 Project Purpose: 1) Collecting, documenting, preserving data and making accessible sound and audiovisual recordings conducted on the territory of Laos and in related communities 2) Development of communal infrastructure (access to knowledge resources/facilities for preservation) 3) Training of local archive staff and researchers 4) Research in musicology, ethnography and anthropology and reporting outcomes (amount of items, their quality, new research areas, audiovisual and written publications)
2. Reason for Application: Preserving Traditional Music practiced in present day Laos by the many minorities and the Lao majority is more than a routine task for ethnomusicologists. It is committed to the society in which the project takes place and it involves partners from various areas who show different interests in developing a national cultural heritage and/or traditional knowledge in its most useful and manifold appearances. This project is a model for keeping different interests in balance and to develop sustainable preservation in which core ideas of modern audiovisual archiving, documenting and accessing are kept in high standard. I apply for the award in order to promote the ATML, to further train local staff and researchers to care reliably for the rich treasures of music and dance in this remote, multicultural and often forgotten country apart the main economic streams of global interest. The ATML serves as an example for other small scale audiovisual archives in the region and stands for a policy that deals with all involved cultures and partners in an equally detailed and respectful way. Researchers from all places of the world find unrestricted access and help in carrying out research that mutually benefits all partners, especially the communities that widely contributed to the collections and young musicians who have yet to decide over their future in traditional music.
3. Content of the Project The ancient and rich culture of Laos includes an important heritage in music and dance amongst its many ethnic groups. Along with changes in society, a new need has come to re-search and preserve musical traditions, which were previously transmitted only orally. Research into and preservation of musical and dance heritage are of utmost urgency due to their potential as carrier of traditional knowledge and life strategies. The Archives of Traditional Music in Laos (ATML), originally initiated in 1999 by the German Research Association and the German Association for Technical Development through a two-year project examining internal systematization of music practices found in Laos is by now 15 years old. After the end of the installation project in May 2001, the main project advisor (Gisa J?hnichen) continues to carry out collecting, staff training, and researching through providing private funding and sponsoring important equipment. Thus, a decline of working possibilities, the transfer of staff and the closure of public service could be prevented. Since then, the "Media Section" of the National Library, which consists of this "Archives of Traditional Music in Laos" could be developed, improved and internationally connected through organizational networks of archivists and researchers.In the time of its existence, the ATML faced many challenges in terms of natural and social environment in the context of the National Library, an important authority for scholars in Laos. Being committed to collect, preserve, maintain and to making collections accessible, the archive had to overcome many culturally patterned habits that contradicted these tasks in one or another way. The still ongoing project gives further an insight into the experiences of the staff and the administration of this small archive with quite a big impact on performing arts in the country and tries to find essential solutions for regional audiovisual archives with research focus in a low budget environment. The objectives as declared in "Purpose of the Project" were modified over the time in order to open up to a changing clientele and different types of users. While in the beginning most visitors were foreign researchers or officers from ministries, a few years later more young people, school classes with their teachers, people from remote areas searching for their own cultural traces and researching students were attracted by the archive. However, it is increasingly a source for global researchers in the fields of music, ethnography, anthropology, sociology and languages.
4. Fruits of the Project: The ATML is home to more than 5000 recorded items (sound and video), related photographs, drawings of musical instruments, and music transcriptions. 8 audiovisual archivists were trained who partly serve in other institutions with audiovisual collections. The ATML provides unrestricted access to all its collections on site. Out of the project and related research, more than 20 publications were produced, an extensive database with more than 5000 entries and teaching material for school classes. The ATML is networking with the International Association for Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), with the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) and with Southeast Asia and the Pacific Audiovisual Archives Association (SEAPAVAA).
1. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013). Studies on Music and Dance Cultures in Laos. Norderstedt/Vientiane: BoD / Sengsouvanh. 296 pp.
2. J?hnichen, Gisa (2001). Research Report — Archives of Traditional Music in Laos . Vientiane: National Library (ATML limited edition), 431 pp.
3. J?hnichen, Gisa, ed. (2004). NATTASIN - The Art to Dance. [In Lao language]. Vientiane: National Library, Archives for Traditional Music in Laos, 186 pp.
4. Kongdeuane Nettavong (2006). Khen le Siangkhen – Khen and Khen-playing [In Lao language]. Edited by Gisa J?hnichen. Vientiane: National Library of Laos, 86 pp.
Articles and Book Chapters
1. Musib, Ahmad Faudzi, Gisa J?hnichen and Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda (2014). The Audiovisual Research Collection for Performing Arts (ARCPA) at Universiti Putra Malaysia: Negotiating Ethical Issues in Social Sciences. IASA Journal, 43, pp. 53-59.
2. J?hnichen, Gisa and Thongbang Homsombat (2014). Old Music in Young Mind? Musical Intertextuality among Lao Children. Music & Mind. UPM Book Series on Music Research, 6. Edited by Gisa J?hnichen, Made Mantle Hood and Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda. Serdang: UPM Press, 105-116.
3. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013). ] Field Notes: Musical Instruments Used in Rituals of the Alak. Asian Ethnology, Volume 72, Number 1, pp. 119–142.
4. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013). Sound Aesthetics in Lue Pi Performances. Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis (New Series) III. Ed. by Gisa J?hnichen. Münster: MV-Wissenschaft, pp. 143-154.
5. J?hnichen, Gisa & Ahmad Faudzi Musib (2013). Social Scientists as Users: Searching for Recorded Sound in its Environment. IASA Journal, 40, pp. 44-54.
6. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013). “Dances in the Manner of the Other People” and the Way of Educating Minority Cultures in Laos. Dancing Mosaic - Issues on Dance Hybridity. Edited by Anis Nor. Kuala Lumpur: Cultural Centre University of Malaya & National Department for Culture and Arts, pp.148-157.
7. J?hnichen, Gisa (2012). Turning Audiovisual Archives into Scientific Assets. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, No.12/3, pp. 139–146.
8. J?hnichen, Gisa (2011). The Last of their Kind: Khmu Flute Songs. Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis (New Series) II. Ed. by Gisa J?hnichen. Münster: MV-Wissenschaft, pp. 133-146.
9. J?hnichen, Gisa (2011). Audiovisual Documents as Ethnomusicological Sources in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the 2nd ICTM Study Group PASEA Symposium, Singapore, 2010. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. pp. 132-136.
10. J?hnichen, Gisa (2010). Re-Designing the Role of Phalak and Phalam in Modern Lao Ramayana. Wacana Seni, Journal of Arts Discourse,6. Ed. by Tan Sooi Beng, Penang. USM Press: 1-42.
11. J?hnichen (2007). Feldforschung in Theorie und Praxis: Das Archiv für Traditionelle Musik in Laos. Um – Feld – Forschung. Erfahrungen, Erlebnisse, Ergebnisse. Ed. by Julia Ahamer and Gerda Lechleitner. Wien: Verlag der ?sterreichischen Akakdemie der Wissenschaften, pp. 315-331.
12. J?hnichen, Gisa (2006). Local Typology and Individuality of Hmong Song Melodies. Guandu Music Journal, No. 4. Ed. by Schu Chi Lee. (College of Music). Taipei National University of the Arts, June 2006, pp. 161-212.
13. J?hnichen, Gisa (2006). Accessing People through Accessibility of AV Documents, IASA Journal. Ed. by Ilse Assmann. December 2006, pp.42-50.
14. J?hnichen, Gisa (2005). Teaching future specialists on Popular Music & Media in AV-Archiving: Report on an experiment at the University of Paderborn, IASA-Journal. Ed. by Ilse Assmann. December 2005, pp. 66-72.
15. J?hnichen, Gisa (2004). Musikinstrumente in aussereurop?ischen Kulturen, Handbuch der Musikinstrumentenkunde. Kassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag, pp. 351-404.
16. J?hnichen, Gisa (2004). Das Bengbong-Spiel der Brau in Laos: Soziale Ideen in instrumentalmusikalischer Praxis. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XIV: Traditionelle Musikinstrumente in Zeiten der Globalisierung Freie Berichte, Bamberg.
17. J?hnichen, Gisa (2004). Pray woman and their musical duties. Shared Musics and Minority Identities. Ed. by Naila Ceribasic and Erica Haskell. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, 93-107.
18. J?hnichen (2002). The Archives of Traditional Music in Laos. 100th anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv. Ed. by Gabriele Berlin und Artur Simon. Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum, SMPK, 330-340. 19. J?hnichen, Gisa (2003). M?nner weinen nicht, M?nner sind nur komisch: Wiegenlieder und die Vorurteile der weiblichen Zivilisation. Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XII: Traditionelle Musik von/ für Frauen Freie Berichte, Bamberg.
5. The Significance and Social Influence of the Project The inclusive approach to any type of further development, especially in a low budget environment, is very important within the communities that co-operated in many ways. The ATML staff has to undertake re-collections not only in order to update local cultural knowledge, but mainly to return results and feedback as ‘assets’ to the community, to empower the people who may develop a great confidence in their cultural values and a resistance to thoughtless modernization through the blessings of consumerism and the supposed freedom providing technology. Digital possibilities such as the use of mobile phones for display and replay as well as digitized copies to be used in Laptops ease the way to connect between thoughtful modernization and tradition. Welcome globalization and technological progress also challenges the ATML: Though working in low budget environment, the ATML staff has to be always aware of the necessity in safeguarding the physicality of original data carriers, especially the many analogue and the early digital tapes, video tapes and CDs, which are at risk to degenerate or even decompose under climatic stress. These items carrying the main information that has to be preserved are witnesses of the archiving process. Though they are fragile or sensitive, they may have under certain conditions a longer life than files with the digitized information they delivered. Also, they represent a tangible connection to the value set they enclose and are object of studies in order to learn more about physical and chemical behavior of audiovisual data carriers. A deconstruction of these carriers is, therefore, an archival sin, so to say. It might be seen as bias to assume that young and trendy media such as diverse internet platforms (soundcloud or youtube) imply somehow also their young death. However, it is fact that these platforms cannot replace in any quality the original recordings in terms of their meaning to society. They can only refer to them, not opposite. This order of causes has to be explained in very simple but convincing ways to all involved stakeholders to ensure the further existence of the ‘real’ archives. Collections in a low budget and locally pioneering environment are in many cases ‘open collections’. In order to complete collections, a number of re-researches and repeated collections have to be made that include each time a more differentiated approach to the recorded subjects, the diverse events and cultural objects presented. This is to prevent a static and unhistorical interpretation of collections and to enhance the communities' understanding of cultural development. Collections cannot just be conducted only once in 50 years. If so, the idea could not have been implemented that preservation in archives has as a precondition the preservation of a living culture. This is a mutual process. The ATML does not strive for documenting the decline of cultural life, but its sustenance, its creative continuation. Insofar, the current work of the ATML is multiplied challenged yet of high importance to a fast growing and changing society.
6. The Project Applicant Prof. Dr. Gisa J?hnichen, born in Halle (Saale), Germany, currently working on musicology, anthropology, and audiovisual archiving, was doing research over more than 25 years in South East Asia. She obtained her Magistra (Bachelor & Master) in Musicology and Regional Studies on South East Asia from Charles University Prague (Czech Republic), PhD in Musicology / Ethnomusicology from Humboldt University Berlin (Germany); University lecturer thesis (Habilitation) in Comparative Musicology from University Vienna (Austria). Extensive field researches lead her to Southeast Asia, East Africa, Southwest and Southeast Europe. Together with her Laotian colleagues, she built up the Media Section of the National Library in Laos, the Archives of Traditional Music in Laos (ATML). Currently, she is teaching at various universities in Europe and Asia, among them Universiti Putra Malaysia, encouraging many of her students in developing their observation and description skills in different research areas. She is an active member of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) and its Study Groups on “Maqam”, “Folk Musical Instruments”, “Music and Minorities” and “Performing Arts in South East Asia”; International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA); and European Foundation for Chinese Music Research (CHIME).
Project Description:1.1 项目名称:老挝传统音乐档案 1.2 项目宗旨:1) 收集、记录、保存数据并提供老挝地区和相关团体的录音录影 2)开发公共基础设施(访问知识资源/保护设施) 3)培训本地档案员和研究人员 4)研究音乐学、民族学和人类学并报告成果(项目数量、质量、新的研究领域、视听和书面出版物) 2. 保留至今为止老挝许多少数民族和主要民族演奏的传统音乐对于民族音乐学家而言不仅是一份日常工作。它以这些项目发生的社会为依托,包含了来自不同领域的对培养最实用和多样化的国家文化遗产和/或传统知识有不同利益的合作伙伴。该项目是保持不同利益的平衡并开发可持续性保护的一个模型,现代视听材料归档、记录和访问的核心理念保持高标准。我申请此奖项的目的是推广ATML,进一步培训本地员工和研究人员,在这个院全球利益经济主流的遥远、多文化的、常被遗忘的国家对丰富的音乐和舞蹈财产实施可靠的保护。ATML是该区其它小规模视听档案馆的一个标杆,代表着采用同样详细、恭敬的方法处理所有相关文化和合作伙伴的政策。来自世界各地的研究人员在实施研究的过程中可以获得不受限制的访问权限和帮助,实现所有合作伙伴互惠互利,特别是那些致力于收藏的团体和尚未决定其在传统音乐界未来发展方向的年轻音乐家。3. 项目内容:古老丰富的老挝文化包括众多民族团体中流传的重要音乐舞蹈遗产。随着社会变动,诞生了重新研究和保存音乐传统的新需求,而这些传统以前一直仅通过口述传承。研究和保存音乐舞蹈遗产是一项非常紧迫的任务,因为它们是传统知识和生活策略的载体。老挝传统音乐档案(ATML)最初始于1999年,由德国研究协会和德国技术发展协会通过一项检查老挝音乐表演内部系统化的为期两年的项目启动,目前已有15年历史。在2001年5月安装项目结束后,项目总顾问(Gisa J?hnichen)仍通过提供私人资助和赞助重要设备实施收集、员工培训和研究工作。因此可以防止工作潜力的下滑、员工的转移和公共服务的关闭。此后,可以通过有组织的档案管理员和研究人员网络发展、改进包括本“老挝传统音乐档案”的国家图书馆的“媒体部门”,并与国际接轨。在存续期间,ATML面临着国家图书馆 – 老挝重要的学者权威机构 – 带来的自然和社会环境的诸多挑战。档案工作致力于收集、保存、维护和提供收藏品,必须采用各种方法克服阻碍这些任务的多种文化模式障碍。仍在实施中的项目有利于人们进一步了解这家小型档案馆的员工和管理人员的经验,对该国的表演艺术形成重大影响,并尝试为地区视听档案馆寻找一个低预算研究的基本解决方案。“项目宗旨”中的目标将随着时间变动,以便迎接不断变换的客户群和不同类型的用户。起初,大部分访客都是境外研究人员或者部委官员,几年以后,越来越多的搜寻其自己的文化踪迹的年轻人、学校班级及其老师、来自偏远地区的人员和学生被吸引来到这家档案馆。然而,这里已逐渐成为全球音乐、民族学、人类学、社会学和语言学领域研究者的一个研究资源。4. 项目成果:ATML内有5000多个记录项目(声音和视频)和相关的照片、乐器图和乐谱等。这里有8名经过培训的视听材料档案管理员,同时兼职服务于其它视听收藏机构。ATML对其所有藏品提供现场无限制访问。该项目和相关研究共产生20多份出版物,一个有5000多个条目的综合数据库和可供学校教学使用的教育材料。ATML与国际视听档案馆协会(IASA)、国际传统音乐理事会(ICTM)和东南亚及太平洋地区视听档案馆协会(SEAPAVAA)联网。 书籍: 1. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013).老挝音乐和舞蹈文化研究Norderstedt/万象:BoD/Sengsouvanh. 296 pp. 2. J?hnichen, Gisa (2001).研究报告 – 老挝传统音乐档案馆()。国家图书馆(ATML限量版),431 pp.3。3. J?hnichen,Gisa等人(2004)。NATTASIN – 舞蹈艺术。[老挝语]。万象:国家图书馆,老挝传统音乐档案,186 第4页.Kongdeuane Nettavong(2006年)。Khen le Siangkhen-Khen和Khen-playing[老挝语]。 Edited by Gisa J?hnichen.万象: National Library of Laos, 86 pp. Articles and Book Chapters 1. Musib, Ahmad Faudzi, Gisa J?hnichen and Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda (2014).马拉西亚Putra大学表演艺术视听研究收藏品(ARCPA):在社会科学协商伦理问题。 IASA Journal, 43, pp.53-59. 2.J?hnichen,Gisa和Thongbang Homsombat(2014)。年轻思想中的旧式音乐?老挝儿童中的音乐互交性。音乐与思想。 UPM Book Series on Music Research, 6. Edited by Gisa J?hnichen, Made Mantle Hood and Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda. Serdang: UPM Press, 105-116. 3. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013).] 现场注释:Alak仪式上使用的乐器。亚洲民族学,第72册,第1号,第119-142页。 119–142. 4. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013).Lue Pi表演中的声音美学 Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis (New Series) III. Ed. by Gisa J?hnichen. Münster: MV-Wissenschaft, pp.143-154. 5.J?hnichen,Gisa与Ahmad Faudzi Musib(2013)。作为用户的社会科学家:搜索在其环境中记录的声音。 IASA Journal, 40, pp. 44-54. 6. J?hnichen, Gisa (2013).“采用其他人的方式舞蹈”和老挝少数民族文化教育方法。舞蹈马赛克 – 舞蹈混杂性问题。编辑 Anis Nor。吉隆坡:马来亚文化中心大学与国家文化艺术部,第148-157页。将视听档案转化为科学资产。知识管理实践期刊,No.12/3,第139-146页。 139–146. 8. J?hnichen, Gisa (2011).同类幸存者:Khmu长笛歌曲。 Studia Instrumentorum Musicae Popularis (New Series) II. Ed. by Gisa J?hnichen. Münster: MV-Wissenschaft, pp. 133-146. 9. J?hnichen, Gisa (2011).作为东南亚民族音乐学资源的视听文件。第二届ICTM研究小组PASEA讨论会会议记录,新加坡,2010。 University of Malaya Press. pp. 132-136. 10. J?hnichen, Gisa (2010).重新设计Phalak和Phalam在现代化的老挝罗摩衍那的角色 Wacana Seni, Journal of Arts Discourse,6. Ed. by Tan Sooi Beng, Penang.USM报刊: 1-42. 11. J?hnichen (2007).Feldforschung in Theorie und Praxis:Das Archiv für Traditionelle Musik in Laos。Um–Feld–Forschung。 Erfahrungen, Erlebnisse, Ergebnisse. Ed. by Julia Ahamer and Gerda Lechleitner. Wien: Verlag der ?sterreichischen Akakdemie der Wissenschaften, pp. 315-331. 12. J?hnichen, Gisa (2006).Hmong歌曲的本土类型学和个性化。 Guandu Music Journal, No. 4. Ed. by Schu Chi Lee.(音乐学院)。台北国立艺术大学,2006年6月,第161-212页。 161-212. 13. J?hnichen, Gisa (2006). Accessing People through Accessibility of AV Documents, IASA Journal. Ed. by Ilse Assmann. December 2006, pp.42-50. 14. J?hnichen, Gisa (2005).教育未来的流行音乐与媒介的AV归档专家: Report on an experiment at the University of Paderborn, IASA-Journal. Ed. by Ilse Assmann. December 2005, pp. 66-72. 15. J?hnichen, Gisa (2004).Musikinstrumente in aussereurop?ischen Kulturen, Handbuch der Musikinstrumentenkunde。 Kassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag, pp. 351-404. 16. J?hnichen, Gisa (2004).Das Bengbong-Spiel der Brau in Laos:Soziale Ideen in instrumentalmusikalischer Praxis。Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland,Bd.Traditionelle Musikinstrumente in Zeiten der Globalisierung Freie Berichte,Bamberg。 17. J?hnichen, Gisa (2004).祈祷的女人及其音乐职责。 Shared Musics and Minority Identities. Ed. by Naila Ceribasic and Erica Haskell. Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, 93-107. 18. J?hnichen (2002). 老挝传统音乐档案。 100th anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv. Ed. by Gabriele Berlin und Artur Simon. Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum, SMPK, 330-340. 19. J?hnichen, Gisa (2003). M?nner weinen nicht, M?nner sind nur komisch:Wiegenlieder und die Vorurteile der weiblichen Zivilisation。Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, Bd. XIITraditionelle Musik von/ für Frauen Freie Berichte, Bamberg. 5. 项目的重要性和社会影响:实现各类进一步发展(特别是在低预算环境中)的包容性方法在各种合作团体中是非常重要的。ATML员工必须承担重新收集的工作,不仅要更新本地文化知识,更主要的是将结果和反馈作为“资产”返还给社区,使得人们对其文化价值形成较高的自信心,阻挡通过消费者主义和假定的技术供应自由实现轻率的现代化。数字发展潜力,例如使用移动电话进行展示和播放以及在笔记本上使用数字化副本,为全面的现代化和传统之间提供了便利的连接方法。迎接全球化和技术进步同样挑战ATML:尽管在低预算环境中工作,ATML员工必须始终了解保护原始数据载体的物理实体的重要性,特别是许多模拟磁带和早期的数字磁带,、录像带和CD,这些载体在气候压力下可能会退化,甚至分解。这些承载着需要保存的主要信息的物品是归档过程的见证者。尽管它们或脆弱或敏感,在特定条件下仍可能比其交付的数字信息文件存在时间更长。它们也代表着它们内附价值的有形连接,是学习更多视听数据载体物理和化学特性的研究对象。因此,拆解这些载体可以说是档案馆的罪过。假设不同的互联网平台等年轻的流行媒体(soundcloud或youtube)就预示着它们的早亡似乎有些偏颇。但实际情况是这些平台无法取代原始记录对社会的意义。它们只能将其作为参考,而非对立。必须采用非常简单但又令人信服的方式对所有利益相关者解释这些原因,以确保“实体”档案的继续存在。在低预算和当地首创环境中实施的收藏在很多情况下都是“开放式收藏”。为了完成收藏,必须完成大量研究和重复性收集工作,包括每次采用更具差异性的方法展示记录的对象、不同的事件和文化对象。这是为了防止对收藏品的静态脱离历史的解释,从而加强社区对文化发展的了解。不能仅仅50年进行一次收集。否则将无法落实档案馆的保存措施是保护活态文化的前提之一理念。这是一个相辅相成的过程。ATML没有争取记录文化生活的衰落,而是在记录其维系力量和它创造性的延续。ATML目前的工作受到多重挑战,但是对于快速发展变化的社会而言仍具有很高的重要性。6. 项目申请人 Gisa J?hnichen博士与教授,出生于德国Halle(Saale),目前从事音乐学、人类学和视听材料归档工作,在东南亚已经从事研究超过25年。她在布拉格(捷克共和国)查尔斯大学获得东南亚音乐学和地区研究学士和硕士学位,在柏林洪堡大学(德国)获得音乐学/民族音乐学博士学位;在维也纳大学(奥地利)发表了比较音乐学大学讲师论文(获得大学授课资格)。她在东南亚、东非、欧洲东南部和西南部实施了丰富的现场研究。她与老挝同仁一起建造了老挝国家图书馆的媒体部门 – 老挝传统音乐档案馆(ATML)。目前,她在欧洲和亚洲的多所大学授课,包括马拉西亚Putra大学,鼓舞了很多学生培养不同研究领域的观察和描述能力。她是国际传统音乐理事会ICTM)及其“Maqam”、“民谣乐器”、“音乐和少数民族”以及“东南亚表演艺术”研究小组;国际视听档案馆协会(IASA);和中国音乐研究欧洲基金会(CHIME)的一名积极成员。
支撑材料简介:1. Text I refer to the publication list given in point 4 of the previous category.
2. Pictures a) Playing the idiochord tube zither "gongding" for a village festival, Taivan (26 year old)in Vangjiang, Phuvong, Attapeu Province. Photo: Gisa J?hnichen, 1 April, 2001. b)Door leaves at Vat Pa Khe. The two guardians are blowing conches. One is standing on a deer, the other on a tiger (E.F.E.O. 1930). This old photo allowed for reconstruction of the door and the way how conches were played. c)Folksong competition in Primary School, Ban Koen, Vientiane Province, March 2008.Photo: Gisa J?hnichen,25 March, 2008. d)Repairing a digital audio tape machine in 2004 by trained staff Thongbang Homsombat. Photo: Bounmy Phonsavanh, ATML, August, 2004. e)Recordings in Thesaban, Samuai, Salavan Province: Miss Ia (24) surrounded by Mr. Taniludoe (45), Mr. Loem (33), and Mr. Khampian (42) on 28 March, 2001. Audio recordings: Thongbang Homsombat, Video recordings: Gisa J?hnichen. The repertoire recorded belongs to the Kado community living in the villages of this area. f) Newspaper Vientiane Mai featuring ATML on 28 April 2001.
3. Video This video (9 Min) is an excerpt from a longer video named "And don't forget your shoes" made to promote further fieldwork in Laos. It shows examples of music (not in full length) and activities closely related to daily routine in fieldwork situations. All persons in the video are also listed in the database. The video was realized at SMPK Berlin (Museum for Ethnology) by Gisa J?hnichen, assisted by Regina Knapp, in 2003.
4. Awards and honors - Grant of the by the German Research Association (Research work), 1999 - Grant of the German Association for Technical Development (Technical equipment)2000 - personal grant of Jim Lindner and Adrian Wood, SEAPAVAA, 2002 - travel grant for IASA World Conferences in , 2012 - grant for workshop participation of Lao staff at Vienna Phonogrammarchiv in 2007
Support material introduction:1. 文本I参见前一分类第4点中提供的出版物清单。2. 图片a)在台湾(26年前)Vangjiang,Phuvong,Attapeu省的乡村节上演奏idiochord管筝“gongding”。 Photo:GisaJ?hnichen,日。b)Vat Pa Khe的门扉。两个守门人在吹奏海螺。一个站在鹿上,另一个站在老虎身上(E.F.E.O。借助这张老照片可以重建这扇门并了解海螺的演奏方法。c)2008年3月万象省Ban Koen小学的民歌竞赛。照片:Gisa J?hnichen,日。d)2004年训练有素的员工Thongbang Homsombat在修理数字音频带。 Photo:Bounmy Phonsavanh,ATML,2004年8月。e)Thesaban,Samuai,Salavan省录制:Ia女士(24岁)在Taniludoe先生(45岁),Loem先生(33岁)和Khampian先生(42岁)的环绕之中,日。Thongbang Homsombat,视频记录: Gisa J?hnichen. 录制的节目属于该地区村落内生活的Kado社区。f)日万象Mai报关于ATML的报道。视频 这段视频(9分钟)节选自一个比较长的名为“不要忘记你的鞋子”的视频,目的是进一步推广老挝的田园工作。它显示了与日常田园工作密切相关的音乐(不完整)和活动的示例。视频中的所有人都被列入数据库。 这段视频由Gisa J?hnichen 在Regina Knapp的协助下于2003年在SMPK柏林(人文学博物馆)完成。奖项和荣誉 – 1999年德国研究协会奖励(研究工作) – 2000年德国技术发展协会(技术设备)奖励 – 2002年Jim Lindner和Adrian Wood的个人奖励,SEAPAVAA – ,2012年IASA世界大会差旅补助 – 2007年维也纳Phonogrammarchiv老挝员工研讨会参与补助。
b old-Laos4
Vientiane Mai, 28 April 2001 SWScan00015
c Folksong competition in Primary School, Ban Koen, Vientiane Province, March 2008
d repairing replay unit - 2149-07
Kado 03312-35


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