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i assume this is a text or some instant messaging service, if so, it usually means he's crying (on the inside!), but different people can mean different things by typing QQ.
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The organism homozygous dominant so the parents could either be  homozygous dominant or heterozygous. 
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No, QQ Games is only for Windows computers. They haven't made a version that can be used on Mac computers yet.
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Yes. According to the calendar that is presently used, 2015 is  slated for next year.
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QQ originally comes from the Blizzard game Starcraft. In the game, you type ALT+Q+Q to quickly quit the games. Players would then talk to each other and say "haha you QQ'd out& noob." Then people looked at it closer and it looked like 2 eyes crying.
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QQ originates from Starcraft, where the control for exiting the game was Control + Q + Q, so when raging, people would quit the game by "QQing", Coincidentally, QQ, Q_Q, and Q&.Q look like eyes with tears in them, so the original meaning has been forgotten and is now thought to have to do with "crying more" or to "quit crying". qq much? oh! pwned!
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 Just go to
and click "register" to just register an account, or "download" to download the QQ Games client.
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"QQ" usually typed out in both capital letters is a symbol for crying. It's meant to look like two large eyes with tears streaming down from them. It's used to convey sadness &(my ice cream fell QQ) or as a taunt (QQ moar) and has several variations: QQ, Q_Q, T_T, etc.
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Depends on which country. For examples 
 In China : $ 3000 + (US dollars) 
 In Chile : $7.300 (US dollars) 
 In Russia : $ 7 990 (US dollars) (fully equipped) 
 In& Singapore : 34,999 Singaporean Dollars 
 In South Africa : R59 900 ( 7,520 US dollars)
+ 4 others
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there isn't one, and i very much doubt there will ever be one. they have made the 'very slow' effort to introduce the international qq messenger, but the qqzone remains in Chi&nese, there isn't even a very simple drop down button to translate the page into English. whilst westerners think about translation for all when developing software, Chinese think about Chinese only, it will always be like that I'm afraid.
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