
论文案,我只服nike某博客评价最棒的22个slogan,nike"Just Do It"力压apple的think different排名第一22 Companies With Really Catchy Slogans & Brand Taglines在我心中唯一能媲美just do it的slogan只有奥巴马08年的那句YES WE CAN历年美国总统竞选的slogan也有很多经典句子,请见后文Adidas的文案中规中矩,郎朗上口"Impossible is nothing" 已经名扬四海,是最知名的一句鸡汤All in and nothing...这个跟UA一样,得失心太重单纯从英文文案的角度来分析一下为什么我说NIKE的slogan非常优秀,对比一下adidas的impossible is nothing(也非常好,只是对比)1 词汇Just Do It三个词都非常简单直白,任何学过英语的人都明白什么意思,而impossible is nothing中的impossible有些门槛2. 语法方面just do it是命令语态的祈使句,简单有力impossible is nothing是倒装+双重否定用法,在语法上有门槛,但读起来很有诗意NIKE的just do it胜在日常口语经常会提到,非常占便宜 (想象一下一个教练在汗流加倍(linux的鬼畜输入法哟)的运动员耳边高声大喊just fucking do it!!!)3. 音节方面just do it三个词都只有一两个音节(just的t不发音),重音强,it的t是爆破音,读起来有韵律感impossible is nothing第一个词太长,读起来头重脚轻,nothing结尾不是爆破音,读起来没有清脆的节奏感4. motivation方面just do it 强调不找接口,说做就做,比较接地气impossible is nothing 比较鸡汤,鼓舞人心二者各有千秋相比之下Reebok的slogan很一般I am what I am跟运动完全不沾边be more human感觉更加搞笑了under armour的英文文案槽点太多Protect this house, 太绕嘴了Perform like a teammate (别拖后腿?)I will what I want 这个更是让人一头雾水NIKE家的其他文案也很棒,励志系列YESTERDAY和TOMORROW的对比很强烈,突出主语是YOUTRAINING和LOSING的节奏感很棒补两张16春季新款slogan文案优点:强调YOU,突出客户主体明星个人款JAMES的这个we are all witnesses(我们一起见证) 强调we,和明星产生紧密联系,非常燃,我记得这是当年的获奖文案C罗的这个更燃,特别是文案的排列有比较整齐的对仗WORLD 和 IMPROVEMENT都是爆破音结尾2013年的 I will make it count这个也是很燃的一个系列,UA同样玩过I will what I want的文字梗,但读起来完全不如I will make it count带感吹了半天NIKE也没有广告费拿 不开森附赠历年US Presidential campaign slogans我把我比较喜欢的都加粗了非常不喜欢希拉里的I am with her1840
William Henry Harrison
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too1844
James K. Polk
54-40 or Fight1844
James K. Polk
Reannexation of Texas and Reoccupation of Oregon1844
Henry Clay
Who is James K. Polk?1848
Zachary Taylor
For President of the People1856
John C. Fremont
Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, and Fremont1860
Abraham Lincoln
Vote Yourself a Farm1864
Abraham Lincoln
Don't Swap Horses in the Middle of the Stream1884
Grover Cleveland
Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine1884
James Blaine
Ma, Ma, Where’s my Pa, Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha1888
Benjamin Harrison
Rejuvenated Republicanism1896
William McKinley
Patriotism, Protection, and Prosperity1896
William McKinley
Good Money Never Made Times Hard1900
William McKinley
A Full Dinner Pail1916
Woodrow Wilson
He Kept Us Out Of War1920
Warren G. Harding
Return to Normalcy1920
Warren G. Harding
Cox and Cocktails1924
Calvin Coolidge
Keep Cool With Coolidge1928
Herbert Hoover
A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage1952
Dwight Eisenhower
I Like Ike1956
Dwight Eisenhower
Peace and Prosperity1960
Richard Nixon
For the Future1964
Lyndon B. Johnson
The Stakes are too High for You to Stay at Home1964
Barry Goldwater
In your Heart you Know he’s Right1968
Richard Nixon
Nixon's the One1976
Gerald Ford
He’s Making us Proud Again1976
Jimmy Carter
Not Just Peanuts1976
Jimmy Carter
A Leader, For a Change1980
Ronald Reagan
Are you better off than you were four years ago?1984
Ronald Reagan
It’s Morning Again in America1984
Walter Mondale
America Needs a Change1988
George Bush
Kinder, Gentler Nation1992
Bill Clinton
Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow1992
Bill Clinton
Putting People First1992
Ross Perot
Ross for Boss1996
Bill Clinton
Building a Bridge to the 21st Century1996
Bob Dole
The Better Man for a Better America2000
Al Gore
Prosperity and Progress2000
Al Gore
Prosperity for America's Families2000
George W. Bush
Compassionate Conservatism2000
George W. Bush
Leave no Child Behind2000
George W. Bush
Real Plans for Real People2000
George W. Bush
Reformer With Results2000
Ralph Nader
Government Of, By, and For the People...Not the Monied Interests2004
John Kerry
Let America be America Again2004
George W. Bush
Yes, America Can!2008
John McCain
Country First2008
Barack Obama
Change We Can Believe In2008
Barack Obama
Change We Need2008
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Yes We Can!2012
Barack Obama
Mitt Romney
Believe in America2016
Donald Trump
Make America Great Again2016
Hillary Clinton
I'm With Her2016
Hillary Clinton
Stronger Together


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