ATM Coffee 国足臭豆腐怎么加盟?

Coffee is the smell of childhood at my grandma’s house, and the  1 (pleasure) smell spread the house as she told me  2 (story) of being a migrant from Europe after the war — she always said she found not having real coffee  3 (hard) than learning English. Coffee is my dad and mum  4 (watch) ABC News after dinner every night.
It is travelling from Adelaide to Hobart with my brother in his car, camping as we  5 (run) out of money, and spending the money we just earned  6 a bottle of beer at  7 start of our trip. Coffee is me on a Sunday morning, as a little girl, lying  8 (cosy) in bed with my kitties and reading the newspapers. And now it is me going to work in a coffee bar  9 (base) in Tasmania and making people’s days a bit better with my job.  10 is also related to coffee is a saying: First cup you are a visitor, second cup you are a friend and by the third cup you are family.
其他 >> 语法填空
Daisy: Do you have somewhere to stay in London, Peter?
Peter: No, I don’t. In fact, I was about to ask you
 1 you could arrange some place for me to stay.
Daisy: Yes, that’s no problem though I am not in charge of it. I’ll ask someone to arrange
 2 for you. What kind of place are you considering?
Peter: Well, I don’t care if I share it
 3 other people, but I’m not good at housework. Maybe a home stay would be OK,
 4 I don’t like young children. As you know, they’re
 5 (noise) and it’s difficult to study. Hopefully, I can live with a lady
 6 has retired.
Daisy: OK, that’s no problem. But I must warn you that
 7 (live) with a family in London is very expensive. Much more expensive than other small cities.
Peter: That’s not a big problem for I have some money
 8 (save). Besides, I can always get
 9 part-time job. I am working in a supermarket as a cashier now. So I don’t think I will have trouble with money.
Daisy: Sounds good. I
 10 (call) you if I get some information about that.
Peter: OK, that’s great. Thank you very much.
%analytic%什么是ATM Coffee?_百度知道
什么是ATM Coffee?
ATM Coffee 就是自助咖啡机的一个品牌,主要以咖啡文化为中心,构建无人值班新零售平台!


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