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29,324被浏览1,747,658分享邀请回答20K562 条评论分享收藏感谢收起Fragrantica.com。What is Niche Perfumery?12/03/07 13:40:49 by: Thinking about the notion of niche perfumery, we have done some research on that branch of perfume production.Niche perfumery is an alternative to mass perfume production. Niche is limited by the clientele and therefore with a limited sale range, thus the goal of niche houses is not to sell as much as possible.Art and creativity is in first place in niche perfumery, and as it applies to any other kind of arts, there is a possibility that a niche perfume creation will not be recognized and accepted. However, regardless of the risk, niche houses are appearing just like mushrooms after the rain because people, tired of mass perfume production, wish to have an uncommon and, if possible, personal fragrance. And so it seems that the trend today is to oppose the trend. And one more thing: we should bear in mind that the creation impetus of the artists-perfumers is one of the main reasons for establishment of their own perfume houses.Some niche houses are more popular than the others and have no need to balance between the art and profit. Some of those are the houses of , , , Jo Malone, , etc. Some houses stand out even more and create their own niche within the niche perfumery. They differ from others by:某些沙龙香品牌相对其他品牌来说更热门,所以对他们来说,他们无需在艺术和利益之间寻找平衡。他们中的有些是:Annick Goutal(安霓克古特尔),L‘Artisan Parfumeur(阿蒂仙之香),Serge Lutens(卢丹氏),Jo Malone(祖马龙)以及Acqua di Parma(帕尔马之水)等等。而另外有一些沙龙品牌则更加突出,他们在这些特点上与其他品牌区别开来:Using exclusively natural essences(运用独特的自然原料), including alcohol (, ,, )Fragrances of particular places(以某些特定地区为主题)—cities (the New York fragrances of , ), islands (), countries () or empires no longer in existence(或已经不复存在的帝国))Using synthetic materials(运用特殊的合成材料) (, )Focusing on a single note, such as Rose scents(专精于某一种成分,诸如玫瑰) () orVanilla scents(或是香草) ()Capturing the scents of exotic locales(描述某些特殊场景的气味) ().Niche houses are so diverse and it is very hard to categorize them and sometimes even to define the olfactive groups of their creations. However, there are several basic principles that the niche houses adhere to in order to resist mass (luxury) perfumery:Niche houses tend to have their own perfumer in charge of the fragrances of the house, just like it was in former days.【沙龙品牌有自己的调香师来管理其香氛,以往也是一样】Niche houses have a selective approach to the distribution of their products. The fragrances of niche houses can almost never be seen in shops that sell mass fragrance production products, or in big department store chains.【沙龙品牌对于销售地点是有选择的,它几乎从不出现在售卖商业品牌香氛的地点,或是在大型的百货商场中】【笔者注:Bergdorf Goodman和Saks已经彻底把这条给打破了,By Kilian、Penhaligons和香奈儿迪奥在一起是闹哪样?】Niche houses do not recognize advertising, apart from, perhaps, magazine articles and interviews in prominent media. For them, the best ad is their good reputation.【沙龙品牌一般不做广告,也不在杂志或著名媒体上出现,对它们来说,好名声就是它们最好的广告。】===========================================================================最后,对于啥场合用啥香水,窝反正是无所谓的。窝只在乎啥季节用啥香水。BTW,我之前回答过一个有关于外行话的问题,在这里粘贴一下:香水领域外行话基本就是:1.哦我不喜欢花果香,都甜腻腻的 事实是:花香调也有炒鸡小清新的白花什么的好嘛!果香调也有苦橙佛手柑柠檬啥的好吗!!!2.海洋调都好令人反胃 事实是:呵呵你没闻过做的好的海洋调而已→_→ 3.用带麝香的香水会导致不孕嘛? 事实是:一,现在的香水中用的大多是人工麝香,不会有那种效果;二,按照平常人用香的量来说,压根达不到那个效果→_→其实这已经算是入门级的外行话了,我们最常听到别人说的,让我们完全无力吐槽的话有:1.男士香水就是古龙水吧?答:…………2.女生怎么能用男香呢~答:同学你不知道有中性香这一说嘛!3.那个香水好贵哦一定很好闻~ 答:呵呵→_→。 与此同时,还有一些常见的误解我想要给刚入香坑的筒子们普及一下: 1.香调表有参考作用,但是绝不能完全靠香调表来盲买,除非你是壕!同样的香调,不同成分的配比不一样,效果会完全不一样,不合你意的几率非常大。2.别人的香评也是不一定靠谱的,哪怕是大神的香评。因为每个人的鼻子是不一样的,有的人可能对某种气味异常敏感,有的人却对这种气味视若无睹。3.同样的香,喷在纸上和喷在皮肤上的气味是会有区别的。很多香都会出现这种情况,诸如我喜欢的Memoir Man在我皮肤上会呈现出一种类似墨水的奇怪味道。3.3K115 条评论分享收藏感谢收起41,985被浏览6,242,698分享邀请回答1K添加评论分享收藏感谢收起douban.com/photos/album//上海半程马拉松终点线图片:奖牌(净成绩1h59m29s)5K361 条评论分享收藏感谢收起extjs study notes (e) of editable grid: Big Ben Source: blog garden : 01:46 Read: 2487 times the original link [Collection] Most of the time, we just use the grid for display of information, but sometimes also need to edit the information i
我经常会听到这样的回应: &不好意思耶! 我只用 MSN 不用 QQ& 说话的表请就好像用 QQ 是农民一样,我真是去你的担担面 搞清楚好吗?真正懂电脑的不会只用 MSN,会这样说的 90% 都是电脑白痴 QQ 比 MSN 好在哪里?随便列几点 1. QQ 可以很容易的贴大图,MSN 很难,特别是尺寸较大的动画图形. 2. QQ 的捕捉屏幕功能比 MSN 方便,MSN 往往还要传图并且接收以后才能看到. 3. QQ 有离线传送文件的功能,即使对方不在线,不仅可以发送文件,还可以断点续传
MP3 files stored by the frame sequence, the frame data structure as shown below: Frame header of each frame in turn kept (header), the frame side information (side information), the main information (main information). One of the main information by
Mysql in the group by and order by the order of questions: 1: select historyId, userId, date from history group by userId order by historyI More than 1 code, the results of inquiries like this: +-----------+--------+---------------------+ | Hi
不久前,我收到一位网友的来信.经他同意后,把信做了搞录并公开回答关于大龄转行的问题.下面,摘录读者Arthur的部分来信如下: Leo你好: 本人最近在职业生涯中遇到了一些问题,刚好在CSDN上读了你几编文章,觉得阁下对于程序员职业的了解相当充分,而且对其中的一些职业问题分析得比较透彻,所以忍不住打扰阁下,请教几个问题. 在提问前,先向你介绍一下我自己的背景.其实,我并不是一个职业程序员,要自我评价的话,充其量不过是个懂点编程的业余爱好者.而且今年已经32岁了,已婚,有个儿子.在政府部门当个合同
微软来人,在CSDN会议室给我们秀了最新的Expression系列工具.当时蒋涛坐在我左边,韩磊坐在我的右边,秀到精彩处,我跟他们左右对视一下,长出一口气,说:&这一天终于来了.& Expression是微软涉足图形与界面设计工具的一套产品,建立在WPF之上.到底它是什么东西,大家感兴趣自己去找来看. Expression广泛应用之后,程序界面开发将能够与业务与数据逻辑开发明确分离.以后开发应用程序,必须由(至少)两支团队协作,一支专攻GUI建模,而基本无须关注后台代码,一支专攻业务逻
很早就想提笔写的什么,但总是因为这因为那的没有如愿,今天得出点空闲,把心里的想法写出来. 我是77年出生的,在农村长大,只有大专文凭.99年毕业的时候,在北方的一个小城里面的一家电脑公司打工.因为那时候毕业想找好工作是要有背景的,另外99年的时候也是IT业在中国刚刚兴起的时候.但是如果我一直在电脑公司打工,现在情况也许会很好,可是我舍弃不了爱情,在2000年去到了另外一座小城.在一家电脑公司干了半年,因为公司亏损,又到一家靠关系承包通讯工程的公司干了半年,因为出差,所以又只干了半年.回来后又到一
写在前面的话 不久前应IT168编辑Michelle之邀写了篇&谈&80后&程序员为什么找不到工作?&主要谈在求职和工作中出现的现象,而这些现象多出现在80后一代身上.文章的初衷只是希望分享事实,提出些解决办法.网上反响强烈,被几个网媒转载后很快出现了驳.再驳等文章.我感觉非常有必要回应一下,于是便有了这篇续文.同时我保证,这是最后一次刺激某些80后们脆弱而纤细的神经. MSN联系人反映看80后的耐性 MSN上有个编辑(就叫FF吧),平时偶有沟通.昨天提到我最近写了&
MP3文件按帧(frame)依次存储,解码时也是逐帧解码,所以我们应该首先弄清MP3帧内的数据的封装形式.帧的结构如下图所示: 图中sync表示帧同步字,每一帧以同步字开始:side info表示帧边信息:main_data_end是帧边信息结构中的一个成员. 每一帧依次存放帧头(header).帧边信息(side information).主信息(main information).其中的主信息由增益因子(scale factor)和主数据(main data)组成. 每一帧的帧头长4字节,如
本篇文章是对关于fpdf的简单应用进行了详细的分析介绍,需要的朋友参考下 今天使用的类叫FPDF,FPDF这个PHP Class允许你采用纯PHP(更确切地说就是不需要使用PDFlib)来生成PDF文件.它以PHP Class展现并且加速PDF文档在编程语言中的进程.它所具有的特点包括:可选择的单元大小,页面格式和页边距:页眉和页脚管理:自动分页:自动换行与文本自动对齐等等. 同时它还支持多种图片格式,如JPEG,PNG,TrueType和Type1等等.试用一下你一定不会失望. 1.从网上下载
今天跟一些朋友在信件里讨论C++的使用.一个还在学习C++的朋友,认为要把重点放在虚函数.多态性.STL上.我认为学习的时候这样考虑肯定是对的,但是真正开发的时候,不能因为你掌握了OO.generic这些先进武器,就非要用上这些东西,以示区别不可.谨慎合理地使用语言的机制是开发良好C++程序的关键,至少在心态上是关键. 下面是信件内容的摘选: 你写C++的时候,一定要想清楚,你是在做基础设施还是在应用.如果是基础设施,比如类库.框架.底层功能的class wrapper,那么可以允许你大胆地使用
高CPU是网站服务器常见的一种故障,很多windbg教程中都拿高CPU做例子.3月份我在公司服务器上也碰到一次,整个debug过程十分顺利且常规,但最终找到的原因却很有意思,与一个挂马行为有关. 现像:网站服务器的w3wp进程经常出现突发性的高CPU,如下图week15-16处所示.修正后的效果还是很明显的. 分析过程: (1)之前在服务器上安装了windbg,在cpu高点时运行adplus.vbs -hang -pn w3wp.exe -o d:ops以产生dump文件, 如果没有条件的朋友,
近期,我收到一位网友的来信.我把网友的关键个人信息陷去,对信做了搞录并公开回答如何有效渡过大学生活的问题. 下面,摘录读者Tom的部分来信如下: Leo,您好! 我是大一新生,现在很迷茫,度过了一个不知所措的大一上学期,感觉这学校里没几个像样读书的--好怕自己也堕落到里面去了.本来我这个学校就不是很好,专业课设置有些乱,老师基本都是兼职的--现在一头雾水. 希望您能给点建议为我指明下方向,我真的不想自己人生就这么完蛋,我也不想等着老师的进度来讲课,我渴望加速加时间加效率的学习,远远的跑在任何人前
今天我想谈谈歧视.经验歧视.学历歧视.英语歧视-- (网友来信一) Leo,您好! 我这周在一口气把你在CSDN上的所有文章看了遍,对于我来说触动很深,感触也非常多. 我目前遇到了这么一个困难,由于我刚工作才2.3年,对于这样的难题,我措手不及. 今天我在公司下班那会,接到了一个猎头公司猎头的电话,说有一个外资的企业有一个销售职位让我去.当时我就举足不定,不知该如何才好.我也未当时就答应她,因为我有太多的疑虑(怎么找到我的?)我想了想我的文凭,个人能力,能胜任对方给出的工作吗?毕竟我还只一个中专
因为上一篇文章&误导程序员的喧嚣:评CSDN引导Java和Ruby之争&,引起了一些争论,我回了一些质疑,不过始终觉得没把问题讲清楚,因此再写一篇. 十几年前,我是从C++开始计算机编程的.(不算那些在课堂上学的FORTRAN,Pascal,Basic,Z80和单片机(51)汇编,因为除了在学校安排下的上机--有的连上机都没有--敲过几行程序,没真正用它们做过软件.)那时我在一个电脑公司兼差.老板是学校的老师,想法挺不一样,看我能写几行程序,就让我专门写点小东西,装在286.386的机器上,卖
在论坛上看到有位朋友希望对中文按拼音进行排序,刚好最近有点空,贴一份原来一个同事写的一个排序类,仅稍微改动了下下,拿出来分享下. 废话不多说,看例子: &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?& &mx:Application xmlns:mx=&http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml& layout=&absolute& fontSize=&
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processed in 0.045 (s). 9 q(s)揭先正达转基因玉米MIR162安全评估造假欺骗
德国科学家揭先正达转基因玉米MIR162安全评估造假欺骗 ( 15:22:04)
&&& 德国“生物技术影响独立评估研究所”(TestBiotech)科学家揭露揭先正达转基因玉米MIR162安全评估造假欺骗18个问题,批准这样的转基因作物颁发“安全证书”是残害中国人民法西斯行为!:1)转基因玉米MIR162 MIR162234VIP 3APMI4MIR16256MIR162MIR1627MIR162VIP3Aa20VIP8MIR162VIPVIPDNADNA9MIR162VIPVIPVIP10:Cry1AbVIP3AVIP3AVIP3A11…90MIR16212VIP3ABt… MIR16213MIR16214BtCry1AbMIR162VIP3A15VIP3ACryVIP3A16MIR16217MIR16218MIR162
&& MIR162<span style="FONT-SIZE: 14 COLOR: #
Testbiotech comment on EFSA Scientific Opinion on application (EFSA-GMO-DE-2010-82) for the placing on the market of insectresistant genetically modified maize MIR162 for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No
from Syngenta
德国《测试生物技术》(Test Biotech)
Molecular data
The data as provided by Syngenta make it evident that there is a year-to-year and site-to-site variation in the content of the additional proteins expression, and therefore shows that environmental conditions will impact the level of gene expression.
Nevertheless, the expression of the gene construct and the functional stability of the gene construct were, for example, not tested under extreme climate conditions such as drought and flooding which are likely to occur under present ongoing climate change.
Investigations under controlled environmental conditions should have been performed to determine the actual range of variation and to identify relevant impact factors.
Further, the effects of the additional genes on the activity of the plants′ genome and the plants′ metabolism should have been investigated using methods such as metabolic profiling.
The methods for measuring the content of VIP3A toxin and the phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) enzyme in parts of the plants were not evaluated by independent laboratories. Hence, the data by Syngenta should not be considered as reliable.
Comparative assessment (for compositional analysis and agronomic traits and GM phenotype)
The data as provided by Syngenta show several significant differences between MIR162 and its conventional counterparts in composition and agronomic performance. These differences have been declared irrelevant by referring to historical data from the ILSI Database, which is known to be unreliable.
Instead of using these historical data, the actual differences should have investigated further under various environmental conditions and by applying methods such as metabolic profiling.
The data as presented by Syngenta does not represent the relevant geo-climatic regions where this maize will be grown. The data from Brazil, for instance, lacked basic information on relevant plant constituents. But instead of repeating the trials in Brazil, additional data were generated in the US. As a result, relevant data from other regions (beside the US) are missing.
The VIP3Aa20 toxin as produced in the plants was never assessed by pesticide authorisation. EFSA assumes that humans and animals, and even consumers might have been exposed to VIPs before:
&&&& One biopesticide contained an immunoreactive protein with a molecular weight equal to that of Vip3Aa20 as present in maize MIR162. This leads the EFSA GMO Panel to conclude that the data indicate that humans and animals, including consumers and agricultural workers, may already have been exposed to low levels of Vips.“
&&&& MIR162 Vip3Aa20EFSAVip
However, this is not only a very vague but also an inadequate assumption, with no factual basis for the risk assessment of VIPs as produced in the plants.
There are several important differences between the toxin as produced in the plants and its usage in traditional mixtures.
In contrast to the very targeted use of traditional sprays, the toxin is applied throughout the whole period of vegetation, thus the exposure in the food chain will be different. Further, for the toxin to be effective it has to be used in higher concentrations than traditional mixtures: In the mixtures, additive and synergistic effects will require only a low level of the single compounds. Additionally, several details of the DNA sequence were changed during the process of transferring the DNA into the plants′genome.
It should also be acknowledged that the mode of action of VIP proteins is still unknown and simply based on preliminary assumptions derived from the outcome of just a few studies. Particular details that render selectivity and toxicity of the VIP proteins are not understood. Without such knowledge, no conclusion can be drawn upon its (long time) effects for the food chain.
It should be a matter of concern that in comparison with Cry1Ab the toxicity of VIP3A does not appear to depend upon specific receptors. As Lee at al., 2003 explains:
BtCry1AbMIR162VIP3A Lee at al., 2003
&& Planar lipid bilayer experiments validate and extend the conclusions from our isolated midgut voltage clamp data in that processed Vip3A demonstrates the ability to form distinct ion channels in the absence of any receptors.”
Specific receptors in the gut of insects are used in the case of Cry toxins to assume selectivity and safety for mammalians. Since toxicity of VIP3A does not appear to depend these receptors, selectivity cannot be assumed.
The toxicological studies as performed in vivo and in vitro are in no way sufficient to prove selectivity of the toxin and safe use in food and feed. These investigations cannot be seen as a replacement for missing data under EU pesticide regulation.& Based on the existing data, no conclusion can be drawn on the safety of the toxin and the genetically engineered maize.
In the Council Conclusions on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) from the Council meeting on 4 December 2008, Member States requested a revision of current EU regulations to close the loopholes between the pesticide regulation and the regulation on genetically engineered plants. This demand is in no way confined to the usage of the genetically engineered plants in agriculture, but includes all relevant products, which might be authorised on the market [1]
<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #08<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #[1]
&&&& (...) the mandate includes examination of the criteria and requirements for assessing all GMPs, including GMPs that produce active substances covered by directive 91/414/EEC and herbicide-tolerant GMPs with a view to reviewi (…) RECALLS that the use of plant protection products implies authorisations at national level and EMPHASISES THE NEED for competent authorities involved with the implementation of Directive 2001/18/EC and of Council Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market, within the Commission and at national level, to coordinate their actio“
&&& …<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #/414/EEC…<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #01/18/EC<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #/414/EEC
EFSA risk assessment completely ignores these demands.
Looking at the comments made by experts from Member States, it is evident that the outcome of the in vitro and in vivo studies can be interpreted in different ways. For example, there are several significant findings in the 90 days study such as tumors and a lower number of cell counts in the group fed with the genetically engineered maize. These findings should have been investigated further.
<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #MIR162
There are also several publications indicating that Bt proteins such as VIP3A are likely to show synergies and interactions with other Bt toxins, other stressors and plant enzymes (for overview see Schnepf et al., 1998; Then, 2010). But no tests were performed to determine potential combinatorial or accumulated effects of the toxins, nor of any other factors such as other toxic compounds, bacteria, plant enzymes and pesticides in mammals.
VIP3ABtBtSchnepf et al., 1998; Then, 2010
Since these plants will be used in food and feed and might be mixed with other genetically engineered plants, further tests need to be carried out to determine potential accumulative or combinatorial effects.
Data is also missing on the effects that processing has on the proteins produced in the plants. Since there might be some interactivity between the stability of the proteins and their surroundings in the plants, the experiments on the heat stability of the proteins should have been conducted using whole plants.
Lee, M.K., Walters, F.S., Hart, H., Palekar, N., Chen, J.-S. (2003) The mode of action of the
Bacillus thuringiensis vegetative insecticidal protein Vip3A differs from that of Cry1Ab δ-
endotoxin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69(8): .
Schnepf, E., Crickmore, N., van Rie, J., Lereclus, D., Baum, J., Feitelson, J., Zeigler, D.R. & Dean, D.H. (1998) Bacillus thuringiensis and its pesticidal crystal proteins, Microbiol Mol Biol Rev., 62
(3): 775–806.
Then, C. (2010) Risk assessment of toxins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis-synergism, efficacy, and selectivity. Environ Sci Pollut Res I 17(3):791-7.
Allergenicity was assessed by applying a pepsin digestion assay. But it is known that these studies are insufficient to judge on the degradation of the protein under real conditions. For example, Cry1Ab toxins are shown to be degraded quickly in pepsin digestion, but can nevertheless can survive the passage through the intestine under real conditions, (Chowdhury et al., 2003; Walsh et al., 2011). But no tests were performed to investigate the degradation of the additional proteins under real conditions.
MIR162VIP3ABtCry1AbChowdhury et al., 2003; Walsh et al., 2011
Furthermore, besides potential allergic reactions, no targeted investigations were performed to investigate the impact on the immune systems. Since proteins from bacteria are, in general, likely to cause immune responses in humans, the additional proteins should have been subjected to more detailed testing. For example, VIP3A might act like an adjuvans as known from some Cry proteins, and could, therefore, boost immune reactions to the plants′ endogenous proteins. If this were the case then allergic reactions to the maize proteins could be significantly enhanced.
No investigations were conducted to find out whether the content of allergenic proteins in the maize plants is changed in comparison to its comparators.
Chowdhury, E. H., Kuribara, H., Hino, A., Sultana, P., Mikami, O., Shimada, N., Guruge, K. S., Saito, M., Nakajima, Y. (2003) Detection of corn intrinsic and recombinant DNA fragments and Cry1Ab protein in the gastrointestinal contents of pigs fed genetically modified corn Bt11. J. Anim. Sci., 81: .
Walsh, M.C., Buzoianu, S.G., Gardiner, G.E., Rea M.C., Gelencsér, E., Jánosi A., Epstein M.M., Ross, R.P., Lawlor, P.G. (2011) Fate of Transgenic DNA from orally odministered Bt MON810 maize and effects on immune response and growth in pigs. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27177, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027177.
Environmental risk assessment
EFSA states that the exposure to the environment of maize MIR162 would be through manure and faeces from animals. However, no data are given or assessed about the fate of the additional proteins during digestion, their content in manure and its fate in the environment. Thus EFSA completely fails to conduct the required environmental risk assessment.
As a recent legal dossier compiled by Professor Ludwig Kraemer shows, the decision not to monitor any health effects violates the requirements of EU regulations: Directive 2001/18 and Regulation
both require that potential adverse effects on human health from genetically modified plants are controlled during the use and consumption stage, including those cases where such effects are unlikely to occur.
<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #01/18<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12 COLOR: #29/2003
Thus EFSA’s opinion that monitoring health effects is unnecessary, is wrong.
Kraemer L. (2012) The consumption of genetically modified plants and the potential presence of herbicide residues, legal dossier compiled on behalf of Testbiotech,
Conclusion and recommendations: The opinion of EFSA should be rejected.


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