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Age and cost of treatment are among the top reasons patients leave the hospital early, which can pose dire risks, including further illness and death, researchers say."},{"site_name":"网易-滚动","title":"83岁理发师仍坚持工作 曾给周总理理发","url":"/wb/143/photoview/00AP.html","txt":"日,西安。陈老的理发店和一般有些年头的理发店也没有什么不同之处,要说和别的理发店不同的是镜子上方挂的照片。这些照片是83岁的理发店主人陈友宝年轻时在莫斯科大使馆拍的,那个时候他是大使馆的理发师。[详细]澳洲赛马会代理合作:汉鼎宇佑终止收购上海沃势尽职调查岂可儿戏。视觉中国 资料图澳洲赛马会代理合作:汉鼎宇佑终止收购上海沃势尽职调查岂可儿戏A new poll finds that six out of 10 American mothers say they've been criticized for their parenting skills, a widespread practice called mommy-shaming.;United Press International is a leading provider of news, photos and information to millions of readers around the globe
and its licensing services. With a history of reliable reporting dating back to 1907, today's UPI is a credible source for the most important stories of the day, continually updated??- a one-stop site for U.S. and world news, as well as entertainment, trends, science, health and stunning photography. UPI also provides insightful reports on key topics of geopolitical importance, including energy and security.澳洲赛马会代理合作:汉鼎宇佑终止收购上海沃势尽职调查岂可儿戏A new poll finds that six out of 10 American mothers say they've been criticized for their parenting skills, a widespread practice called mommy-shaming.公园“吸尘器” 时间: 09:37:00&& 来源:天津网&& 作者:吴迪&& 责任编辑:郝英杰"},{"site_name":"合众国际社","title":"Study explains hospitalization odds for autistic youth","url":"/wb/765/Health_News//Study-explains-hospitalization-odds-for-autistic-youth/7/?utm_source=sec&utm_campaign=sl&utm_med","txt":" FRIDAY, June 16, 2017 -- Having a mood disorder significantly boosts the odds that young people with autism will be hospitalized for psychiatric care, according to a new study. People with autism are often hospitalized when their behavior problems overwhelm their caregivers, the study authors said."The demand is far greater than the number of clinicians, the number of programs and the number of beds we have," said study leader Giulia Righi. She is an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior research at Brown University's Warren Alpert Medical School.Righi's team reviewed records of 473 people with autism, aged 4 to 20. The risk of hospitalization was seven times higher for those with a mood disorder.In addition, sleep problems more than doubled the chances of a hospital stay. And those with high scores on a scale of autism symptom severity had a slightly increased risk, the investigators found.Children and teens living with married caregivers were slightly less likely to need hospital care than those living with only one adult caregiver. The researchers said that's probably not about family structure or stability but more likely owes to the resources available to care for a very needy child.Having a high score on a standardized scale of basic life and coping skills lowered hospitalization odds, the study found."One of the biggest issues is the availability of acute care services -- such as day hospital programs and in-patient units -- to support families when their children's behaviors have escalated to the point of making a situation unsafe at home, at school or sometimes both," Righi explained in a university news release.The report was published recently in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.Addressing factors that may lead to hospitalization could help, Righi said, adding that the strongest risk factors are not necessarily linked to autism spectrum disorders, known as ASD."Our results underscore the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with ASD that addresses behavioral, psychological and psychiatric, adaptive, sleep and medical functioning, in order to decrease behavioral crises and the utilization of inpatient psychiatric services," Righi and her co-authors wrote. More information The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health has more on autism.Copyright ? 2017 HealthDay. All rights reserved.澳洲赛马会代理合作:汉鼎宇佑终止收购上海沃势尽职调查岂可儿戏MONDAY, June 19, 2017 -- The rate of opioid addiction among Americans age 25 and under rose nearly sixfold from 2001 to 2014. But few young addicts get medical treatment that might prevent overdose or relapse, a new study finds.A new poll finds that six out of 10 American mothers say they've been criticized for their parenting skills, a widespread practice called mommy-shaming.澳洲赛马会代理合作:汉鼎宇佑终止收购上海沃势尽职调查岂可儿戏June 16 (UPI) -- Researchers at Brown University found that despite previous studies, a common form of eczema does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.Roughly 7 percent of adults have a common form of eczema known as atopic dermatitis, which has previously been linked to an increased risk for heart disease."In our study, people who reported having atopic dermatitis were not at any increased risk for high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart attacks or strokes," Dr. Aaron Drucker, an assistant professor of dermatology at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and a physician with the Lifespan Physicians Group, said in a press release.A new study from Brown University, which was published June 15 in the British Journal of Dermatology, found no association between higher risk of cardiovascular disease and atopic dermatitis.Researchers analyzed the records of 259,119 adults between age 30 and 74 who participated in the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project.They found the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis was associated with a 0.79 times reduced risk of stroke, a 0.87 times reduced risk of hypertension, a 0.78 times reduced risk of diabetes and a 0.87 times reduced risk of heart attack."It's important to make this clear so it doesn't get misinterpreted: Even though we found lower rates of these outcomes with atopic dermatitis, we are not interpreting that as atopic dermatitis decreasing the risk," Drucker said.According to researchers, the prior theory that atopic dermatitis might have been linked with cardiovascular disease may have come from the better-substantiated link between psoriasis and cardiovascular disease."In response to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease discovered for psoriasis, clinicians and psoriasis patients have been encouraged to more actively screen for and manage cardiovascular disease," Drucker said. "It appears that similar measures may not be warranted for atopic dermatitis."当地时间2017年6月,英国肯特郡海斯,圣伦纳德教堂内白骨森森。圣伦纳德教堂收藏有英国数量最大、保存最完善的人类遗骨。一千多个头骨整齐排列在4个拱洞中,而每一个拱洞头骨的高度都超过了1.8米。Nearly two-thirds of U.S. teens support raising the minimum age for purchasing tobacco products to 21 years old, new research finds.(作者系中国人民大学党委书记、教授 原题为《澳洲赛马会代理合作:汉鼎宇佑终止收购上海沃势尽职调查岂可儿戏》)
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