
- 日本商法典 王书江,殷建平译
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英文翻译commercial code of japan&&&&Japan&&&& mercantile l ...&&&&japanese trademark law&&&&japan merchant marine&&&&japan chamber of commerce and industry&&&&japanese trading company&&&& nippon shogyo&&&&japan china economy a japan-china economy and trade assoc ...&&&&nigeria japan nigeria-japan chamber of commerce&&&&japan chamber of c japanese chamber of commerce and indus ...&&&&japan commercial arbitration association&&&&japan business federation&&&&nippon business consultant co., ltd&&&&the changing direction of japan business policy&&&&japan business automation co., ltd&&&&japan business computer co., ltd&&&&[法律] law merchant
海商法 ma ...&&&&japan busin japan business automation company&&&&they mainly trade with japanese firms&&&&maritime law◇海商法规 comm 海商法外交会议 diplomatic conference on m ...&&&&civi civilandcommerciallaw&&&& co commercial code&&&&commercial law&&&&quotient rule&&&& basic commodity
例句与用法As directors of corporate , architect should bear the personal tort liability and violations alleged responsibility of the directors建筑师为事务所(公司型)董事,则个人侵权责任与日本商法中所谓的董事责任竞合。 However , there is no specific and clear rights and liability scope for directors and supervisors , they should improve it , make it more standard and more specific as to perfect the corporate law因为, 《日本商法典》已有约100年的历史, 2002年的最新修改只是其链条的一个环节而已。要理解这一个环节必须再验证其漫长的历史轨迹。 It can be found in the provisions of 641st terms of japanese commercial law which gives insurer exemption when the covered perils happen because of insurance applicant or insurant ’ s malignant acts or gross faults日本商法典第641条是有关保险人责任免除制度的规定。对于投保人或被保险人恶意或重大过失招致的保险事故,保险人免除责任。 In this thesis , from a comparative law angle , i attempted to discuss mitigation of directors " liability in the legislation of 《 japan commercial code 》 . i hope it will be helpful to the perfection of chinese corporate law因此,笔者从比较法入手,旨在探讨《日本商法典》中“减轻董事责任”的立法新变化,希望对于中国公司制度的完善有积极的借鉴意义。 The difference mainly lies in the minimum registration capital , foundation principle , the composing number and tenure of board of supervisors and board of directors , categories of bond , consolidation and merge , and spit of the corp本论文后半部分由四个方面组成,重点为《日本商法典》最新修改的减轻董事责任的内容,探讨其变革趋势对于中国《公司法》的启发。 An insurance contract is a conditional contract with money payment . if the conditional terms occurred , the contract should give force . but it is regarded as never appear since it is the result of the malignant act or gross fault of insurer ’ counterpart与之和我国的法律相比较发现,我国《保险法》第二十八条第二款以及《合同法》第四十五条的规定与日本商法典第641条之规定有异曲同工之作用。 This paper is divided into two parts . in the first part , i discuss the development of the corporate law , the classification of corporations and the specific stipulations in japan and china , so as to analyze and compare their advantages and disadvantages以次作为本文研究的开端,作者探讨了其差异的产生原因和两国公司法的共同课题,也是希望就《日本商法典》的修改内容成为完善中国公司制度提供一种参考。 The scope of these items is decided by the balance between the company efficiency and the increasing shareholder participation in company governance . this section makes a detailed research on the matters inquiried by shareholders at a general meeting , and makes proposals in respect of the perfection of chinese company law指出股份公司立有法还应设置股东质询权的禁止性条款,然后结合德国股份公司法和日本商法以及我国法律的规定,对股东质询权的禁止事由进行了分析研究,并提出了完善我国相关立法的建议。 In the second part , firstly , i make a detailed introduction about the new changes of the " alleviation the liability of directors " in the legislation of 《 japan commercial code 》 : " mitigation of directors " liability " . the 2002 year " s amendment is only one part of the chains in the past第五和第六部分,侧重于日本的“减轻董事责任”的产生背景及其内容,兼析“减轻董事责任”与“股东派生之诉”之间的关系及其产生的必然性。在日本,自2001年开始,对于《日本商法典》进行了三次修改。 " mitigation of directors " liability " is the key part of the modification of 《 japan commercial code 》 . since directors are executors of decisions in the operation of a company , to regulate the scope of the liability of the directors properly will contribute much to the sound development and flourish of the company“减轻董事责任”是《日本商法典》最新修改的核心内容之一。董事作为公司经营决策的执行者,对其责任的合理规范关系到公司健康发展的重要举措。 &&
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