
淘宝新规风波刚刚暂时平息,一周未过,此前围攻淘宝大卖家的中小卖家又把矛头指向了支付宝.一个&今天你提了吗&的公告号召淘宝中小卖家集中把支付宝账户中的余额提取到银行账户当中, 这一行为导致人们在购物时一度不能付款.
On the online chat , some Taobao merchants have said that
is making use of user's capital to engage in under-the-table deals. They have called on users to withdraw their money from their Alipay accounts to test the payment system.
Alipay immediately refuted the comments on their official online micro-blog and claimed that they were . A Public Relations Manager from the Alipay Company who didn't provide his name says that the attack won't threaten the financial security of their system.
&The withdrawals won't affect our system at all since we entrust the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to save the capital from the Alipay accounts. We've never touched the money saved in there. So it won't affect the system at all if the users take their money out of it.&
But some customers said that they could not place orders smoothly for quite some time when the protest was happening. Now, many online customers are questioning whether a major surge in withdrawals from Alipay would actually result in a malfunction in its system. The PR manager explains what happened during that period of time.
&We ed the major server during that time, that's why some of the customers found that it wasn't working very well but not every customer had these problems.&
But some IT experts indicate that it's quite rare for E-commerce businesses to reboot their whole system during business hours.
Recently, Alibaba's stock performance was quite , which was mainly due to the previous protest against Taobao. The situation has provoked suspicions as to whether the company has quietly withdrawn money from Alipay to buttress the value of their stock.
Alipay believes those suspicions spreading among merchants are all just part of a smear campaign and they've already reported them to the police office based in Hangzhou, where the company is located. They contend that the anti-Taobao group have violated the normal standards of the financial environment, and have allegedly broken the law.
Based on the accusations from Alipay, the anti-taobao group also retorted that the action was only to test the functionailty of Alipay, and the withdrawals were common practices
done by users. It's also legal for sellers and buyers to deal with their own accounts. But IT expert Qu Xiaodong says it's not wise to do so.
&I think such actions are against the law. The attack is not only damaging Alibaba and Taobao's profits, but also
upon the rights of users.&
It still remains uncertain as to whether, by coordinating a
withdrawal, the small and medium-sized merchants have broken the law. Some commentators say the business models of the E-commerce trading platforms, the merchants and the online consumers are all affecting one another. Rational decisions are required to protect the rights of these groups, as opposed to ill-considered actions in the heat of the moment.
For CRI, I'm Liu Min.
声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网 站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。&沪江英语&高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。“我缺钱,不缺德!”要的就是这么一句掷地有声的宣言。德比钱更重要!2011年支付宝广告-国内最真实广告短片《郑棒棒的故事》【人人网 - 分享】
文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&
淘宝新规风波刚刚暂时平息,一周未过,此前围攻淘宝大卖家的中小卖家又把矛头指向了支付宝.一个&今天你提了吗&的公告号召淘宝中小卖家集中把支付宝账户中的余额提取到银行账户当中, 这一行为导致人们在购物时一度不能付款.
On the online chat , some Taobao merchants have said that
is making use of user's capital to engage in under-the-table deals. They have called on users to withdraw their money from their Alipay accounts to test the payment system.
Alipay immediately refuted the comments on their official online micro-blog and claimed that they were . A Public Relations Manager from the Alipay Company who didn't provide his name says that the attack won't threaten the financial security of their system.
&The withdrawals won't affect our system at all since we entrust the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to save the capital from the Alipay accounts. We've never touched the money saved in there. So it won't affect the system at all if the users take their money out of it.&
But some customers said that they could not place orders smoothly for quite some time when the protest was happening. Now, many online customers are questioning whether a major surge in withdrawals from Alipay would actually result in a malfunction in its system. The PR manager explains what happened during that period of time.
&We ed the major server during that time, that's why some of the customers found that it wasn't working very well but not every customer had these problems.&
But some IT experts indicate that it's quite rare for E-commerce businesses to reboot their whole system during business hours.
Recently, Alibaba's stock performance was quite , which was mainly due to the previous protest against Taobao. The situation has provoked suspicions as to whether the company has quietly withdrawn money from Alipay to buttress the value of their stock.
Alipay believes those suspicions spreading among merchants are all just part of a smear campaign and they've already reported them to the police office based in Hangzhou, where the company is located. They contend that the anti-Taobao group have violated the normal standards of the financial environment, and have allegedly broken the law.
Based on the accusations from Alipay, the anti-taobao group also retorted that the action was only to test the functionailty of Alipay, and the withdrawals were common practices
done by users. It's also legal for sellers and buyers to deal with their own accounts. But IT expert Qu Xiaodong says it's not wise to do so.
&I think such actions are against the law. The attack is not only damaging Alibaba and Taobao's profits, but also
upon the rights of users.&
It still remains uncertain as to whether, by coordinating a
withdrawal, the small and medium-sized merchants have broken the law. Some commentators say the business models of the E-commerce trading platforms, the merchants and the online consumers are all affecting one another. Rational decisions are required to protect the rights of these groups, as opposed to ill-considered actions in the heat of the moment.
For CRI, I'm Liu Min.
声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网 站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。&沪江英语&高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。
川普希拉里掐的火热 他俩的女儿竟是闺蜜?!
Barry Duncan constructs a palindrome in a scene from Michael Rossi's documentary The Master Palindromist. &I happen to believe that I can change the world with reversibility,& Duncan says.
&Was it a cat I saw?&是一个回文句(反过来读也是Was it a cat I saw,单词的分界处要重新设定)。回文是一种文字游戏。一个回文句是正读反读都能读通的句子。Barry Duncan是一个回文作家。他写过的最长的回文包括800个单词。
声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。&沪江英语&高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息 包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。初中英语_【CRI】支付宝风波:今天你提了吗(有声)_沪江英语
淘宝新规风波刚刚暂时平息,一周未过,此前围攻淘宝大卖家的中小卖家又把矛头指向了支付宝.一个&今天你提了吗&的公告号召淘宝中小卖家集中把支付宝账户中的余额提取到银行账户当中, 这一行为导致人们在购物时一度不能付款.
On the online chat , some Taobao merchants have said that
is making use of user's capital to engage in under-the-table deals. They have called on users to withdraw their money from their Alipay accounts to test the payment system.
Alipay immediately refuted the comments on their official online micro-blog and claimed that they were . A Public Relations Manager from the Alipay Company who didn't provide his name says that the attack won't threaten the financial security of their system.
&The withdrawals won't affect our system at all since we entrust the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to save the capital from the Alipay accounts. We've never touched the money saved in there. So it won't affect the system at all if the users take their money out of it.&
But some customers said that they could not place orders smoothly for quite some time when the protest was happening. Now, many online customers are questioning whether a major surge in withdrawals from Alipay would actually result in a malfunction in its system. The PR manager explains what happened during that period of time.
&We ed the major server during that time, that's why some of the customers found that it wasn't working very well but not every customer had these problems.&
But some IT experts indicate that it's quite rare for E-commerce businesses to reboot their whole system during business hours.
Recently, Alibaba's stock performance was quite , which was mainly due to the previous protest against Taobao. The situation has provoked suspicions as to whether the company has quietly withdrawn money from Alipay to buttress the value of their stock.
Alipay believes those suspicions spreading among merchants are all just part of a smear campaign and they've already reported them to the police office based in Hangzhou, where the company is located. They contend that the anti-Taobao group have violated the normal standards of the financial environment, and have allegedly broken the law.
Based on the accusations from Alipay, the anti-taobao group also retorted that the action was only to test the functionailty of Alipay, and the withdrawals were common practices
done by users. It's also legal for sellers and buyers to deal with their own accounts. But IT expert Qu Xiaodong says it's not wise to do so.
&I think such actions are against the law. The attack is not only damaging Alibaba and Taobao's profits, but also
upon the rights of users.&
It still remains uncertain as to whether, by coordinating a
withdrawal, the small and medium-sized merchants have broken the law. Some commentators say the business models of the E-commerce trading platforms, the merchants and the online consumers are all affecting one another. Rational decisions are required to protect the rights of these groups, as opposed to ill-considered actions in the heat of the moment.
For CRI, I'm Liu Min.
声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网 站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。&沪江英语&高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。


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