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The same thought crossed the minds of all in that moment. They remembered
the Aurelian’s men and the opportunity they had.
If they had come upon Frank and made him a prisoner, there was no telling
what the villain Parker might do with him.
“Golly!” cried Pomp, “if dey hab done Marse Frank any harm dey bettah say
dere prayers, fo’ dey will pay fo’ it as suah as I is a bo’n niggah.”
“That is right, Pomp,” declared Clifford. “We are all with you to a man. It
shall be so. But we will continue to hope that he is all right.”
“Yas, sah!”
At once preparations were made for resuming the search for the sunken
It was not so very difficult to locate her.
Bearings were obtained and then the Dolphin sailed down for the spot. As
she drew nearer the reef nothing was seen of the Aurelian’s divers.
But traces of their visit were discovered.
In the sand there were spades and other tools left by them. This would seem
to be evidence that they meant to return.
“On me worrud as a gintleman,” cried Barney, “I belave they’ve done harrum
to Misther Frank.”
“Let us hope we will find him in the galleon’s cabin,” said Clifford.
“Anchor the boat, boys.”
The Dolphin was quickly set down and anchored. Then lots were drawn to see
who were to be the favored ones to visit the galleon.
50It fell to Hartley and Pomp. This seemed just enough, as they had
previously remained aboard the Dolphin.
“All right,” cried Clifford. “I find no fault. Only bring Frank back with
“Golly! we done do dat if we can, yo’ bet,” cried the darky.
In a few moments they had donned their diving suits and left the Dolphin.
They crossed the intervening distance to the deck of the galleon.
The sand had been excavated, and the hatch was open.
One moment the two explorers paused at the head of the cabin stairs.
Then Hartley said:
“Follow me, Pomp!”
“A’right, sah!”
Down the stairs they went. The sight which they met appalled them.
The floating corpses was more than Pomp could stand.
If there was one thing the darky had a horror of it was a corpse.
“Massy Lordy!” “de debbil am down dere fo’ shuah! He done git
dis chile!”
“Nonsense!” cried Hartley, impatiently. “Come along, you black rascal!”
But no amount of persuasion could induce Pomp to enter the dead men’s
Hartley gave up the task.
“Well,” he said, “I must go alone. Keep guard at the hatchway, then.”
“I do dat,” agreed Pomp.
Down into the cabin Hartley went. He pushed the floating bodies aside.
He passed from one part of the ship to another. There were marks of a
former visit plain enough.
Someone had entered before him.
But the object of his quest—Frank Reade, Jr.—could not be found.
There was no trace of him to be found anywhere.
It was very mysterious.
To the reader this will seem strange, as we left him securely bound and the
hatches closed by the departing divers of the Aurelian.


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