
联合利华生产冰淇淋已有很长的历史,是世界上最大的冰淇淋生产商。我们所传承的传统,就是不断的创新与改进。我们的冰激凌企业,采用同一心型标志,在全球40多个国家都是知名品牌。不过在不同的国家有不同的叫法,比如在英国和东南亚名为Wall's (中文名字:和路雪),在澳大利亚名为Streets,在巴西是Kibon,在意大利是Algida,德国是Langnese,荷兰是Ola。
可爱多 梦龙 经典口味 奇彩旋等等
Heartbrand ice creams bring a taste of the summer to any day.
Taste the fun side of life
Mention ice cream and most people think of the Heartbrand. The brand with the big red heart logo is behind many much-loved ice cream classics from indulgent treats like Magnum and Cornetto to the refreshing fruit tastes of Solero and family favourites like Viennetta.
Making you happy
Few foods are guaranteed to put a smile on people's faces like ice cream. But while ice cream should always be fun, we've an ever-growing range of lower fat, lower sugar products. Heartbrand now provides lighter versions for those watching the calories and smaller sizes for smaller appetites, as well old favourites – there's something for everyone.
Did you know?
Some ice creams are best as an occasional indulgence, but others can be a regular treat, and eaten sensibly, ice cream can be part of a healthy balanced diet. Heartbrand is developing products that are lower in fat, sugar-free, lactose-free, as well as low-carb options and those with more nutritional 'goodies' like calcium and fruit. For example:
Two scoops of Carte d'Or Light (a 100ml serving) have 79 calories and 2.4g fatSolero Exotic is delicious ice cream coated in an exotic fruit sorbet. It contains no artificial colours or flavours and has 99 calories.In Europe all products are now clearly labelled with energy, fat, protein and carbohydrate values, and from next year they will also be labelled with, wherever possible, fibre, saturated fat, sodium and sugars values Instead of increasing the size of our products, we have made many of our favourite brands such as Cornetto and Magnum available in snack size to help with portion control
Launched in 1989, Magnum was the first ice cream on a stick especially for adults. Today, Magnum is one of the world's leading impulse ice cream brands, selling around 1 billion units a year. Recent successes include Magnum Temptation, Magnum Intense, Magnum 7 Sins, and Magnum Moments.
Our ice cream also offers delicious choice for special dietary needs – including lactose-free options, soy ice cream and ice cream for diabetics. In the US, we've also launched new Light and No Sugar Added ice cream and novelty products, using our proprietary 'cold extrusion technology'. This technology enables us to 'double churn' our ice cream to deliver a higher quality, creamy textured ice cream that is lower in fat.
Unilever is the world's biggest ice cream manufacturer Heartbrand products are sold in more than 40 countries. The Heartbrand operates under different names in different markets (Wall's in the UK and most parts of Asia, Algida in Italy, Langnese in Germany, Kibon in Brazil, and Ola in the Netherlands)As well as creating delicious premium ice creams, Ben & Jerry's has a fantastic social mission: the Ben & Jerry's Foundation
1929年,英国Lever公司与荷兰Margarine Unie公司签订协议,组建Unilever (联合利华) 公司。经过80年的发展,联合利华公司已经成为了世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一,在全球100个国家和地区拥有163,000名雇员。2009财政年度,公司全年销售额约398亿欧元。
Introduction to Unilever
On any given day, two billion people use Unilever products to look good, feel good and get more out of life.
Life partners
With more than 400 brands focused on health and wellbeing, no company touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways.
Our portfolio ranges from nutritionally balanced foods to indulgent ice creams, affordable soaps, luxurious shampoos and everyday household care products. We produce world-leading brands including Lipton, Knorr, Dove, Axe, Hellmann’s and Omo, alongside trusted local names such as Blue Band, Pureit and Suave.
Responsible business
Since Unilever was established in the 1890s, brands with a social mission have been at the core of our business, and now corporate responsibility underpins our strategy.
In 2010 we launched the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan – a set of targets designed to help us deliver our objective of growing our business while minimising our impact on the environment.
To embed sustainability into every stage of the life cycle of our products, we’re working with our suppliers to support responsible approaches to agriculture. We’re also learning from NGOs and other organisations, recognising that building a truly sustainable business is not something we can do without expert advice.
We believe that as a business we have a responsibility to our consumers and to the communities in which we have a presence. Around the world we invest in local economies and develop people’s skills inside and outside of Unilever. And through our business and brands, we run a range of programmes to promote hygiene, nutrition, empowerment and environmental awareness.
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和路雪简介联合利华生产冰淇淋已有很长的历史,是世界上最大的冰淇淋生产商。我们所传承的传统,就是不断的创新与改进。我们的冰激凌企业,采用同一心型标志,在全球40多个国家都是知名品牌。不过在不同的国家有不同的叫法,比如在英国和东南亚名为Wall's (中文名字:和路雪),在澳大利亚名为Streets,在巴西是Kibon,在意大利是Algida,德国是Langnese,荷兰是Ola。和路雪(中国)网站:.cn/和路雪母公司联合利华公司网站:.cn和路雪品牌使命真正的快乐如同恋爱或者怀孕,是十分难能可贵的。而组成快乐的时刻,往往是那些与他人分享的瞬间,比如吃一支冰淇淋,给彼此一个微笑。冰淇淋让人快乐。我们鼓励大家多吃冰淇淋,从中享受更多的快乐时刻。我们相信快乐是可以相互感染的,所以和路雪掀起了一阵追求快乐的浪潮,希望能让这个世界充满快乐。从更深层次来说,我们决心成为快乐的倡导者,在这样一个宣扬快乐的运动中,鼓励消费者主动追求这些美好的时刻。其实,人们并不完全知道那些可以让人快乐的事情,而通过这样对“快乐”的诠释,和路雪才能真的带给个体由内产生的变化。并且,一个公司多做一些有意义的事情,比如生产这些令人愉悦的食品、净化冰柜从而保持资源的可持续利用等等,才能让这个星球真正充满快乐。我们的使命是每天看到一亿张笑脸。和路雪历史作为全球冰淇淋市场第一大生产商的和路雪(wall's)生产冰淇淋已有很长的历史,属于联合利华集团旗下。和路雪始终以卓越的技术,严格的品质,创新的精神创造完美的产品一直保持着冰淇淋行业的领导地位。1993年,和路雪正式进入了中国。成立仅仅六个月,和路雪冰淇淋的销售就超过了350万升,创下联合利华全球冰淇淋新公司营运第一年最高销售记录。紧接着,成立上海太仓工厂,建立广州大型冷藏库,并购屈臣氏在华的冰淇淋业务,以8亿人民币代价收购李嘉诚旗下的蔓登琳品牌,通过这一系列的努力开拓,和路雪渐渐成长为全国性的品牌。和路雪冰淇淋不仅带来美味,同时更带来欢乐。和路雪也将秉承一贯的追求,提供更好的产品,鼓励更多人享受生命的乐趣。产品系列可爱多 梦龙 经典口味 奇彩旋等等Heartbrand ice creams bring a taste of the summer to any day.Taste the fun side of lifeMention ice cream and most people think of the Heartbrand. The brand with the big red heart logo is behind many much-loved ice cream classics from indulgent treats like Magnum and Cornetto to the refreshing fruit tastes of Solero and family favourites like Viennetta.Making you happyFew foods are guaranteed to put a smile on people's faces like ice cream. But while ice cream should always be fun, we've an ever-growing range of lower fat, lower sugar products. Heartbrand now provides lighter versions for those watching the calories and smaller sizes for smaller appetites, as well old favourites ? there's something for everyone.Did you know?Some ice creams are best as an occasional indulgence, but others can be a regular treat, and eaten sensibly, ice cream can be part of a healthy balanced diet. Heartbrand is developing products that are lower in fat, sugar-free, lactose-free, as well as low-carb options and those with more nutritional 'goodies' like calcium and fruit. For example:Two scoops of Carte d'Or Light (a 100ml serving) have 79 calories and 2.4g fatSolero Exotic is delicious ice cream coated in an exotic fruit sorbet. It contains no artificial colours or flavours and has 99 calories.In Europe all products are now clearly labelled with energy, fat, protein and carbohydrate values, and from next year they will also be labelled with, wherever possible, fibre, saturated fat, sodium and sugars values Instead of increasing the size of our products, we have made many of our favourite brands such as Cornetto and Magnum available in snack size to help with portion controlInnovationsLaunched in 1989, Magnum was the first ice cream on a stick especially for adults. Today, Magnum is one of the world's leading impulse ice cream brands, selling around 1 billion units a year. Recent successes include Magnum Temptation, Magnum Intense, Magnum 7 Sins, and Magnum Moments.Our ice cream also offers delicious choice for special dietary needs ? including lactose-free options, soy ice cream and ice cream for diabetics. In the US, we've also launched new Light and No Sugar Added ice cream and novelty products, using our proprietary 'cold extrusion technology'. This technology enables us to 'double churn' our ice cream to deliver a higher quality, creamy textured ice cream that is lower in fat.Key factsUnilever is the world's biggest ice cream manufacturer Heartbrand products are sold in more than 40 countries. The Heartbrand operates under different names in different markets (Wall's in the UK and most parts of Asia, Algida in Italy, Langnese in Germany, Kibon in Brazil, and Ola in the Netherlands)As well as creating delicious premium ice creams, Ben & Jerry's has a fantastic social mission: the Ben & Jerry's Foundation联合利华简介多年来,联合利华一直秉持着造福人类、可持续发展的理念,立志于将产品对环境的影响减到更少,希望在未来的几年里帮助超过10亿人改善健康和生活状况。而对待自己的员工,联合利华更是给出了一个良好的晋升机制,真正做到企业的可持续发展。联合利华正是有着如此美好的愿景,才令得在其中工作的员工感到快乐与自豪。每天,在全世界,人们都会接触到联合利华的产品。我们的品牌受到各地的消费者的信赖,我们已成长为全世界最成功的日用消费品的生产商之一。事实上,每天有1.6亿人次选用联合利华的产品。1929年,英国Lever公司与荷兰Margarine Unie公司签订协议,组建Unilever (联合利华) 公司。经过80年的发展,联合利华公司已经成为了世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一,在全球100个国家和地区拥有163,000名雇员。2009财政年度,公司全年销售额约398亿欧元。我们的14个品类的400个品牌畅销全球170多个国家和地区,我们是全球最大的冰淇淋、茶饮料、人造奶油和调味品生产商之一,也是全球最大的洗涤、洁肤和护发产品生产商之一。每天有1.6亿多人次在世界各地选购联合利华的产品。我们的品牌受到各地消费者的信赖,家乐、立顿,、奥妙、力士、多芬、舒耐、和路雪冰激凌等都已经成长为销售额超过10亿欧元品牌。我们的产品使您心情愉悦、神采焕发、享受更加完美的生活,让您的生活更具活力。联合利华2009年在前沿研发领域投资近8.91亿欧元。设立于英国、荷兰、美国、印度和中国的全球六大研发中心,正在不断探索革新产品的新技术和新理念,为消费者提供更物超所值的品牌和产品。作为世界最大的广告主之一,联合利华每年的全球广告营销总支出超过50亿欧元。我们在六大洲拥有264个生产基地。它们不断追求在安全、高效、优质与环保方面更优异的表现,执行联合利华全球的标准与管理体系。联合利华相信成功的企业必须要以负责任的态度对社会产生积极的影响。我们与社会共同创造财富、分享财富,支持当地经济发展,为社会培养人才,并积极担负企业社会责任。2009年,联合利华在全球公益事业上共计投资8900万欧元。联合利华在中国的业务主要分为两块:家庭及个人护理用品:主要品牌包括奥妙、中华、力士、旁氏、清扬、多芬、夏士莲和舒耐。食品:主要品牌包括家乐、立顿、和路雪等。经过多年的大力培植,这些品牌都已家喻户晓,成为中国消费者日常生活中的常用品牌。为实现公司在中国长期发展的承诺,从2000年起,联合利华开始了在中国的新的战略布局:以上海为管理和科研中心,以安徽合肥等地为生产加工基地。联合利华在合肥的生产基地自2002年投产,生产范围涵盖家庭及个人护理产品、以及茶叶加工。目前合肥工业园已成为联合利华全球最大的生产基地之一,现出口14个国家,成为了真正的全球供应中心。随着中国加入世贸组织,联合利华在上海成立了全球采购中心,依托中国丰富的资源,向联合利华全球出口原料及成品。2006年,联合利华在长宁区临空园区的总部办公楼正式落成,作为其大中国地区总部,一批联合利华亚非区及全球的管理机构也落户上海,使得上海地区总部真正具有全球功能。2009年,联合利华全球研发中心紧邻中国地区总部大楼正式落成。该中心占地3万平方米,投资近1亿美元,注重将中国传统科学所倡导的天然成分引入联合利华的产品中,以使联合利华的产品更适合中国消费者。同时,利用中国丰富的中草药资源和中医药理论为全球新产品研发提供方向。成功的本地化离不开员工的本地化。本地化的优秀员工队伍及管理层更能理解中国消费者的需求,联合利华90%的经理级员工是在本地招募并培训的。联合利华相信要实现可持续发展,必须积极担负在中国的社会责任:公司在中国资助建立了20所希望小学,并与他们定期组织互动活动,每年两次组织员工带薪前往进行一周的支教;开展“联合利华希望之星”项目,为200个边远穷困地区的优秀学生提供4年的大学学费;公司还在复旦大学设立奖学金,奖励品学兼优的学生。2008年7月,国务院总理访问了联合利华中国总部,对联合利华在中国的发展表示肯定。联合利华对中国有长远的承诺,我们愿与中国的消费者、客户、供应商以及我们的员工共同实现可持续的发展与成功。Introduction to UnileverOn any given day, two billion people use Unilever products to look good, feel good and get more out of life.Life partnersWith more than 400 brands focused on health and wellbeing, no company touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways.Our portfolio ranges from nutritionally balanced foods to indulgent ice creams, affordable soaps, luxurious shampoos and everyday household care products. We produce world-leading brands including Lipton, Knorr, Dove, Axe, Hellmann’s and Omo, alongside trusted local names such as Blue Band, Pureit and Suave.Responsible businessSince Unilever was established in the 1890s, brands with a social mission have been at the core of our business, and now corporate responsibility underpins our strategy.In 2010 we launched the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan ? a set of targets designed to help us deliver our objective of growing our business while minimising our impact on the environment.To embed sustainability into every stage of the life cycle of our products, we’re working with our suppliers to support responsible approaches to agriculture. We’re also learning from NGOs and other organisations, recognising that building a truly sustainable business is not something we can do without expert advice.We believe that as a business we have a responsibility to our consumers and to the communities in which we have a presence. Around the world we invest in local economies and develop people’s skills inside and outside of Unilever. And through our business and brands, we run a range of programmes to promote hygiene, nutrition, empowerment and environmental awareness.
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