
  quora上的一个问题“Why do Chinese people always like to point out that China has a 5,000 year old history when in fact it is the same for pretty much everywhere on Earth?  为什么中国人总是说自己有5000年历史,但实际世界其它地方都差不多”。讨论的有中国人,有外国人,比较有意思,我翻过来大家看看外国人怎么看待中国“自古以来”这个问题。  水平有限,并附带原文,水平高的可以略过我的翻译直接看原文,如能给些翻译意见和指导不胜感激。  ==========开始==========  Judith Meyer, Reading Chinese novels and visited China  Living and working in Berlin  一个生活在柏林的能读中国小说并到过中国的德国人  Because the Chinese identify more with their early history than other places do. For example, French students learn about "the Romans", not "the French nation in 50 BC". Already the naming shows that we consider them a people apart, a people that gave us interesting ideas for sure but not a natural part of our own nation states. For China, the history of "our people" really goes back thousands of years.  因为中国比其它地方更能确证(注:原文"identify",应该不是“认同”的意思)他们的早期历史。比如,法国学生学习“罗马史人的历史",而不是"公元前50年的法兰西民族史"。尽管这种叫法表明我们把他们看作是不同的人,是让我们感兴趣的人,但是他们不是我们民族天然的一部分。但对中国来说,谈到"我们"的历史真的就能追溯到几千年前(注:意指“一脉相承”)  One of the unifying bands is the written Chinese language. It has changed less than European languages have. Plus the Chinese language is littered with phrases and expressions that were coined hundreds of years before Christ was born.   一个一脉相承的标志是中文。中文比欧洲语言变化更小。另外中文混杂了成语和固定用法,这些是在耶稣诞生几百年前就创造出来的。  There is also more awareness. Every Chinese child can recite by heart and understand poems that are 1400 years old (try that with Shakespeare, and he's much more recent).  另外还有,每个中国孩子都能背诵并理解那些1400年前的古诗(换莎士比亚试试,虽然他离现在更近)(注:意指欧洲人,尤其是孩子非人人都能读莎士比亚)。  The final reason is that Chinese politicians play it up as a matter of national pride. For example, when China was recently criticized in the foreign news, a Chinese leader said "Whilst monkeys cry incessantly from bank to bank, I have already sailed past a myriad of mountains". This is not just a put-down of the foreign criticism and a declaration that China is already much more advanced, it's also two lines from a Tang dynasty poem that every Chinese person knows (早发白帝城, "Early start from Baidi" by poet Li Bai) - a not-too-subtle hint that China had world class poetry while Europe was overrun by barbarians.  最后一个原因是中国政治家大力渲染民族自豪感。比如,当中国最近被国外媒体批评,一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”。这不只是对国外批评的反驳,同时也声称中国历史上更加先进,也是在中国妇孺皆知的两句唐朝诗句-一个不算太隐晦的暗示,当欧洲还在被野蛮人蹂躏的时候,中国就已经有了世界级的诗歌艺术。(注:译者也很好奇,是谁引用的这两句诗)
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  上面拉了一句:  (早发白帝城, "Early start from Baidi" by poet Li Bai)   (早发白帝城,“很早就从白帝城出发”李白的诗)(注:看来这家伙这能看懂中文,还能写)  ====继续=====  Andy Lee Chaisiri, in Beijing  北京的Andy Lee Chaisiri  Because Chinese identified more by history than by religion  因为中国更认同历史而不是宗教(注:意指中国是通过历史而不是宗教连结起来的)  Westerners traditionally identified themselves by their religious beliefs and traced back their lineage to the creation of the world. When medieval Europeans talked about their identity, they talked about 'Christendom'.   西方人传统上的身份认同是通过宗教信仰并把他们的血统追溯到创世。当中世纪的欧洲人谈到他们的身份时,他们说“基督徒”  Chinese though have traditionally given little thought to creation stories and focus more on social happenings and historic events. Where Abrahemic religions will talk about the coming of messiahs to define their place in time, Chinese will talk about a particular emperor who founded a particular dynasty.  中国人虽然也有点创世传说的传统,但更关心社会变革和历史事件。当Abrahemic(注:字典里都没查到什么意思)教引用弥赛亚的降临来划他们的地盘时,中国人则会讨论某个皇帝所建立的王朝。  In the 21st century though most westerners have moved away from identifying their nation with their religion. As more Westerners seek out a secular measure of their identity though you'll probably see more people talk about how "the Romans never really fell because...", measuring identity like Chinese do today.  在21世纪,尽管大多数西方人已经不再用宗教来划分民族。还是有很多西方人找出一个牧师的身份标志,然后你会看到更多的人说“罗马帝国从未真正消失因为...”,就像今天中国人在身份认定上所作的一样。  (注:这中式英文真难懂啊...最后一句好晦涩)
  Dan Volkman, Lover of Politics, Philosophy, and Life  美国的,爱政治,爱哲学,爱生活  Everywhere there is history.
You are right to say that almost every place has a 5000 year history, but for China it has been almost constant.
The Chinese have been relatively in the same place for 5000 years.
They have grown from the same culture for quite awhile as well.
They excelled much throughout their history, inventing things hundreds of years before the Europeans even thought of it.  各地都有历史。你当然可以说几乎世界各地都有5000年历史,但对中国来说,历史几乎是一脉相承的。5000年来,中国人就生活在那块几乎没变过的土地上。他们继承自相同的文化。在他们的整个历史里,他们都是相当的具有优势,甚至他们发明的东西都比欧洲人想到的要早几百年。  Although explaining every single piece of Chinese history would take years, to put is efficiently: they have survived until this point in time through failures of government, colonialism, and even genocide.
They invented gun powder, fireworks, paper (and paper armor, might I add), and knew America existed before Columbus decided to set sail and wipe out thousands of Native Americans for gold.  尽管要解释清楚中国历史的每个片段会花上几年,简单的办法是:他们从政府的垮台,殖民主义甚至种族屠杀中幸存下来。他们发明了火药,纸(纸盔甲,我也许该加上这个)(注:纸盔甲?什么东东?),在哥伦布决定杨帆出海并为了金子屠杀了数千美洲土著前就知道美洲的存在。  Portions of Chinese philosophy and philosophical interpretations still exist today through Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and the intermixing of different cultures.
And if that isn't enough, there are over 50 plus other ethnic Chinese cultures that exist in China that vary so much amongst each other.  中国的哲学思想及哲学解释的遗产仍通过佛教,道教,儒教和其它不同文化的融合而存在于今天的中国。如果这还不够,有超过50个不同民族的文化共存于中国,而每个和每个都那么的不同。  For example, the Uygur are Muslims who are historically Chinese.
The Chinese found in Nei Mongol are actually originally from Mongolia, and still live in the grassland areas (albeit with some electricity).
The Miao people are the only Chinese ethnic group allowed to use and carry guns in China.  比如,维吾尔族是穆斯林,历史上就是中国人。中国的内蒙古族实际上起源于蒙古,仍生活在那片草原。苗族是中国唯一允许持枪的族群。  The problem I have with this question and with you is that you are phrasing it as a way to insult the Chinese.
You are basically asking, "How dare the Chinese brag about 5000 years of history, when other people have histories just as better as they do, if not entirely better."
  对你的问题和你,我有个疑问,就是你的措辞是一种对中国的侮辱。实际上你是想这么说,“中国怎么胆敢吹嘘5000年历史,别人的历史至少也和你们的一样悠久,如果不是更加悠久的话”  So let me take back what I said in the beginning.
You are not right about the 5000 year history.
Considering evidence has gone all the way back to 7000 BC of China's historical existence, I would say it is rather a 9000 year history (OVER 9000!!!!!!!!).  所以回到我开始所说的。你说5000年历史是不对的。考虑到公元前7000年前中国历史存在的证据丢失,我要说应该是9000年的历史(超过9000年!!!!!!!)  (注:雷的外焦里嫩,这厮不像是恶搞)
  So let me take back what I said in the beginning. You are not right about the 5000 year history. Considering evidence has gone all the way back to 7000 BC of China's historical existence, I would say it is rather a 9000 year history (OVER 9000!!!!!!!!).  所以回到我开始所说的。你说5000年历史是不对的。考虑到公元前7000年前中国历史存在的证据丢失,我要说应该是9000年的历史(超过9000年!!!!!!!)  (注:雷的外焦里嫩,这厮不像是恶搞)  _________________________________________  这是美式讽刺……讽刺的是欧美的某些有良心的历史学家。。。
  一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”  ——  忒么糟蹋了  (领导?)李白只能出离悲愤了!  o(╯□╰)o
12:31:00  “猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”笑喷了,我在想英文母语的人能体会其中的意境和韵味吗?  —————————————————  中国人的智慧猴子怎么会懂,太有形象了  
  作者:请你吃糖Y 时间: 12:31:17  “猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”笑喷了,我在想英文母语的人能体会其中的意境和韵味吗?  从字面翻倒也无可厚非  但把作者引伸到中国人对自己文化的自豪和对别人无端诬蔑的,有点让人哭笑不得了
  从字面翻倒也无可厚非  但把作者引伸到中国人对自己文化的自豪和对别人无端诬蔑的驳斥上,有点让人哭笑不得了
  当中国最近被国外媒体批评,一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”...  这个太赞了,真想知道是哪位神仙说的...顶
  @遵医嘱不停药 15楼
12:51:45  作者:请你吃糖Y 时间: 12:31:17  “猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”笑喷了,我在想英文母语的人能体会其中的意境和韵味吗?  从字面翻倒也无可厚非  但把作者引伸到中国人对自己文化的自豪和对别人无端诬蔑的,有点让人哭笑不得了  -----------------------------  胡乱引申,文字狱这种东西,外国也是一直都有,尤其在宗教统治的时代,焚书坑儒不比秦始皇差
  Jin Yuna, 君子和而不同 - Confucius  来自江苏的妹妹  Unfortunately, no one here points out that this question itself is incomplete, and even wrong. In addition, history of culture is totally different from history of civilization.  不幸的是,这里没人指出这个问题是不完整的,甚至是错误的。另外,文化史和文明史是完全的不同。  In fact, 5000-years history, often mentioned by Chinese people, is the history of civilization, though the length is still controversial due to different standards.  实际上,中国人经常说到的5000年史,是文明史,但这个历史长度也因不同标准而有所争议。  For me, I agree with the generally accepted view that China has a 5000-year history of culture and a 3600-years history of civilization(from 1600 BC).  对我来说,我同意被普遍接受的观点,中国有5000年的文化是,和3600年的文明是(从公元强1600开始)。  Though China's history of civilization starts from 1600 BC, lastest among the four major ancient civilizations, it is the longest consistent civilization in the human story so far.  虽然中国的文明是是从公元前1600开始的,也是4大文明中最晚的,但却是人类历史上延续时间最长的文明。  Shouldn't Chinese people be proud of our great history of civilization?  难道中国人不应该为我们伟大的文明史感到骄傲?  Note:  This article is helpful for you to understand history of civilization:   这篇文章有助你了解什么是文明史  (注:后面是个链接)
  Matthew Sutton, Artist / Structural Engineer  毕业于斯坦福的一个艺术家/建筑工程师  Because the Chinese people can look back at 5000yrs of (more or less) continuous recorded history. Sure, humans have walked the earth since paleolithic times but the Chinese can tell you the names of kings and capitals older than the Egyptian pyramids--and it's their own history. That's slightly different than Europeans tracing their history back to Italy--&Greece--&Egypt--&Near East.   That a people can draw from that much of their own regional history is pretty astounding when you think about it.  因为中国人能回望5000年(也许长点,也许短点)的持续记录的历史。当然,人类从旧石器时代开始走遍地球,但中国人能告诉你所有国王(注:这里用的是"King",只能译成国王,实际中国历史自始皇开始都叫皇帝)和首都的名字,比埃及金字塔还早--而且这是他们自己的历史。这和欧洲人有些不同,欧洲人这样回溯他们的历史,意大利-&希腊-&埃及-&近东。  (注:最后一句不明其意,不翻了,自己理解吧。)
  一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”。  ------------------------  这句不错,以后外交部可以拿来评价越、菲
  一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”。  ---------------------  这水平还读中国的小说,看过红楼梦不,笑晕
  大家愿看我就争取都翻完,谢谢楼上捧场的。  @awpm4a1mp5,第一句就是人名,国别,爱好,毕业院校等信息,大部分都是老外的回复。我注明这些信息是让大家看看正宗老外和中国人/华裔/生活在国外的中国人在这个问题上的不同看法。  不过我发现越是和中国有关系的(华裔/移民出去的等等)越黑中国,越是老外越能相对客观的看待问题。  难道是爱之深恨之切?亦或距离产生美?
  马克 菠萝
  @就是随便看看不说 38楼
15:13:52  大家愿看我就争取都翻完,谢谢楼上捧场的。  @awpm4a1mp5
,第一句就是人名,国别,爱好,毕业院校等信息,大部分都是老外的回复。我注明这些信息是让大家看看正宗老外和中国人/华裔/生活在国外的中国人在这个问题上的不同看法。  不过我发现越是和中国有关系的(华裔/移民出去的等等)越黑中国,越是老外越能相对客观的看待问题。  难道是爱之深恨之切?亦或距离产生美?  -----------------------------  速度啊
  Joseph Boyle,Oakland, CA  Joseph Boyle,加州奥克兰  One 19th-century Japanese scholar praised the West for having a 6000 year history while China had 4000 and Japan only 2000. I don't have the name or reference handy though.  一个19世纪的日本学者夸赞西方有6000年历史,而中国有4000年,日本只有2000年。我现在手头查不到那个人的名字。  The West has had an amazing disconnect between different stages of history even counting only the literate civilizations. Cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs were forgotten and only deciphered with modern scholarship. Later division into religious blocs left Europeans not even viewing the rest of the Mediterranean as part of the same Western civilization.  西方对历史不同阶段的断裂感到吃惊,即使只算有文字的历史。锲性文字和埃及象形文字已经被遗忘了,只是被现代学者破译了。后来发生的宗教分裂使得欧洲人都不把地中海同样视为西方文明的一部分了。  Enze Liszt  出生上海的中国人,国外读书,现居纽约  Because growing up in China, people hear the phrase "5000 year old history" so often that it becomes an brainless reflex.   因为在中国,人们从小就总是听到“5000年悠久历史”的说法,都快成无脑的条件反射了。  The general history education in China is heavily censored and tuned to embed patriotism and nationalism. "5000 year old history" is the go-to phase for any context that promotes pride in the country. Growing up in China, you see that phase on books, papers, TV programs, from teachers and elders, over and over again. Therefore despite how little Chinese people know about world history (and probably their own), they instantly point out the "5000 year old history" as a reflex.  在中国,一般的历史教育被审查的很厉害,并且揉进了爱国主义和民族主义。“5000年悠久历史”的说法是为了增强民族自豪感。在中国,你能从书上,报纸上,电视上,老师那,长辈那一遍又一遍的听到这个说法。因此尽管少有中国人了解世界历史(甚至可能包括他们自己的历史),他们还是一遍遍条件反射似的强调“5000年悠久历史”。  (注:作为一个中国长大的上海人,提到中国历史居然说“他们的”,这是有多想和中国做切割啊)
  Faye Feifei Wang  从中国去到美国的  On top of other great answers, I want to add that there're really very few current achievements that we can be proud of without that pride being soured by the fact that it's the fruit of the poison tree called "totalitarian communist regime".   上面的回答都很棒,我要补充下,现今几乎没有什么我们能值得骄傲的成果,而那点骄傲也变了味,因为那是一棵叫“几圈共产主义制度”的毒树所结的恶果。  I'd say majority of Chinese people don't like our government, we don't trust our government and we know (more than any westerner) how corrupted our government is. On top of that, being proud about modern achievement will always get you the unwanted title of being "nationalist" or worse "brainwashed by communist propaganda" or the worst "promoting evil government interests".   我得说大多数中国人不喜欢我们的政府,我们不信任政府,我们知道(比大多数西方更了解)我们的政府有多腐败。在此之上,对当代取的成果感到骄傲会让你得到你不愿意的头衔,比如民族主义者,更差点的是“被共产主义的宣传洗脑”,最坏的是“助纣为虐”  Yes we have supported large portion of population with limited natural resource, but talking about population will undoubtedly lead to the very unpopular subject of one child police.   是的,我们用有限的资源养活了大量的人口,但说到人口无疑会把话题扯到那个非常不得人心的一胎政策。  Yes we're the manufacturer of the world, but there's really nothing so great about producing cheap shoes and computer components without having our own brand.   是的,我们是世界工厂,但生产那些根本没有我们自己品牌的廉价鞋子和电脑配件,这实在没什么可自豪的。  Yes we're one of the largest country in the world, but talking about territory will quickly get you into the argument of Tibet and Taiwan before you can say "9.6 million of square kilometers".   是的,我们是世界上最大的国家之一,但说到领土问题,在你说出“960万平方公里之前”,又会马上让你陷入到西藏和台湾的争论中。  Yes we have maintain the double digit GPD for quite a few years, but at what cost?   使得,我们维持了双数GDP增长很多年,但代价呢?  5000 years of history and that damn wall is about the only thing we can be proud of without being attacked at the same time.  5000年历史和那个该死的墙(注:意指长城)是我们仅有的骄傲,只要是我们没收到攻击。  (注:大家在说历史,他偏扯这些,呵呵...)
  猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山  ----------------------------------------------------  所以说白话文不能写诗啊,看看翻译过来的都是什么笑话
  很多同胞的评论反而让人觉得寒心。。。  他们都是愤青么?
    Sanket Singh,   一个印度哥们  I feel this superb way of showing the evolution of regions/nations/empires captures the reason behind such claims. If you notice, only India and China are the two portions of the histomap which continue from top to bottom. Thick and thin at various points, but continuous none the less.  我感到这是个很好的方式来展示地区/民族/帝国的进化来找到这样问题背后的答案。请注意,只有印度和中国是这张历史图从上到下仅存的唯二的两个部分。不同点上或厚或窄,但依然延续下来。  (注:真是张好图)
11:17:00  quora上的一个问题“Why do Chinese people always like to point out that China has a 5,000 year old history when in fact it is the same for pretty much everywhere on Earth?   为什么中国人总是说自己有5000年历史,但实际世界其它地方都差不多”。讨论的有中国人,有外国人,比较有意思,我翻过来大家看看外国人怎么看待中国“自古以来”这个问题。   水平有限,并附带原文,水平高的可以略过我的翻译直接看原文,如能给些翻译意见和指导不胜感激。   ==========开始==========   Judith Meyer, Reading Chinese novels and visited China   Living a  —————————————————  两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山  
  “这是一个丢失灵魂的年代,快速前行的中国人,现在和将来,拿什么抚慰内心?中国人正在陷入信仰缺失的困境,我却以为我们一直不缺少信仰。它藏在爷爷奶奶讲述的故事里,藏在诸子散文唐宋诗篇中,藏在令人景仰的英雄壮举里,也藏在人们日常的行为礼仪中。所以我们知道敬畏自然。我们知道与人为善,我们知道追求幸福,我们知道适可而止。戴上一个信仰的佛珠手串,它会带给你一份美丽,一份吉祥,我想这也是我们一直坚持佛珠的原因吧,如果我们做的这些能为人们带来一丝丝的心安,我们也就满足了。”  楼主好人一生平安,帮你顶顶!!  
  @就是随便看看不说 50楼
16:01:45    Sanket Singh,  一个印度哥们  I feel this superb way of showing the evolution of regions/nations/empires captures the reason behind such claims. If you notice, only India and China are the two portions of the histomap which continue from top to bottom. Thick and thin at various points, but continuous none the less.  我感到这是个很好......  -----------------------------  好个屁,印度文明早断裂了,有几个印度人能完整背出孔雀王朝的人物和事件,印度有几本记录一千年前历史的书籍,
  @秘籍+20楼++13:02  当中国最近被国外媒体批评,一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”...  这个太赞了,真想知道是哪位神仙说的...顶  -----------------------------  不得不说汉语的强大,  
  Kevin Mann  电脑极客,教师,游戏人  Honestly, it has more to do with their incredible records that they have meticulously compiled throughout the transition of power. However, in the West we believe the victor writes the history. Largely this is due to the fact that from the time of ancient Western civilization - Mesopotamia, Babylon, Rome, Byzantium, Persia, etc. the victor of a conflict destroyed most of their adversary's libraries. They quite literally attempted to bury their opponents and any record of their independence. You can either call this man's first attempt at either "scorched earth" policy or man's first attempt at COIN (counter insurgency).   老实说,这与他们那难以置信的历史记录有很大关系,他们事无巨细的编纂了整个权力变迁的过程。然而,在西方我们相信胜利者书写了历史。很大程度上是因为从西方古典文明开始-美索不达米亚,巴比伦,罗马,拜占庭,波斯等等,冲突中的胜利者摧毁了对手大部分的图书馆。他们在纸上尝试埋葬对手和任何他们独立的记录。你既可以把这些叫做人类的第一次焦土政策,又或是第一次反叛镇压。  The Han are approximately 95% of the populace of modern China. The records documenting transition of power from one dynasty to the next does go back several thousand years. So although Eastern history does largely resemble Western history - their history is much more seamless due to their preservation of their libraries and archives.  汉族占今天中国的95%。那些记录证券变迁的文献可以追溯几千年前。所以虽然东方历史与西方历史非常相像-但因为他们注重保护图书馆和文献,他们的历史比我们的要连贯的多。  =========  Zhang Wen Han,  南京人,留学新加坡  Not true that it is the case for any other country in the world (or perhaps I've been influenced to think so). I believe you would agree that European or American history wouldn't date so far back. For the other ancient civilisations on earth, they either declined totally or was appropriated by another country/culture at some point of time in history. The former would include the ancient Babylon and Mayan, the latter would include Egypt and India. India, although preserving the culture and tradition, was colonised by Britain thus the integrity of the history can be said to be curtailed. Whereas for Egypt, while the history was not interrupted, the ancient civilisation is pretty much unfathomable to present-day Egyptians as if it were a totally different culture. Only China has no history of invasion (if you view Mongolians who ruled during Yuan as Chinese, which is probably debatable) and has managed to preserve a culture to this day. We could still study the inscriptions on ancient metal wares and make out its message.  对世界任何其它国家来说,这都是不对的(或者我是受了影响才这么想)。我相信你们都同意欧洲或者美国历史没这么长。对其它几个古老文明来说,要么就彻底衰落了,要么就在历史某个点上被其它国家或文化侵吞了。前者包括古巴比伦和玛雅,后者有埃及和印度。印度,尽管努力保持着文化和传统,被英国殖民了,于是他们的历史完整性可以说是完结了。而埃及历史没被打断,但古文明对今天的埃及人来说太高深莫测了,倒是显得像另外一个完全不同的文明。只有中国没有被入侵的历史(如果你把元朝的统治者看作中国人的话,当然这是有争议的)并且设法把文化一直保持到今天。我们仍能学习古代金属器皿上的文字并能理解其意义。
12:31:00  “猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”笑喷了,我在想英文母语的人能体会其中的意境和韵味吗?  —————————————————  笑呆  
  当中国最近被国外媒体批评,一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”...  +++  真给力。。。
  Min Zhao  北邮学生  I'm Chinese so I think I have the right to answer it. We care a lot about our 5000-years history only because we were stronger in ancient than now. So we like to show off our long history to increase our sense of proud.  我是中国人所以我想我有资格回答这个问题。我们非常在意5000年历史只是因为我们古代比现在要强大。所以我们炫耀历史是为了增加自豪感。  Paul Denlinger, Have lived in China, Taiwan or Hong K fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken)  在大陆,台湾,香港都生活过  Same reason some American people like to say that the US is the "greatest country in the world".  和美国人老爱说美国是世界上最伟大的国家一个道理  (注:哈哈,言简意赅)
  “比如,当中国最近被国外媒体批评,一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”。”笑翻在地  两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。。。
  Formula Zhao  中国人  China has a 5,000 year old history , it is the same for pretty much everywhere on Earth.  What you said seems reasonable.But how many countries can you finger out that last for 5000 years and their people ,their culture ,their land ,their life style almost be well preserved ?Roman ?Egypt ?   “中国有5000年古老历史,地球上其它地方也都差不多”  你说的看起来有道理。但是你能说出几个国家能延续5000年,且他的人民,文化,土地,生活方式几乎被完好保留下来?罗马?埃及?  We have large difference to the west for many many years till the First Anglo-Chinese War. After then Chinese culture
face the danger for the other culture .   在相当长的一段时间里,我们和西方有着巨大的不同,直到第一次盎格鲁-中国战争(注:应是指第一次鸦片战争)。自那以后中国文化开始面临危险。  We had faced the dangerous that the nomadic cause.But it doesn't matter indeed,they could ruin our government ,but can't ruin our culture,because they don't real have a culture that could replace ours.  我们曾经面对游牧民族带来的威胁。但那根本不重要,他们可以摧毁我们的政府,但不能毁灭我们的文化,因为他们根本没有可以能替代的文化。  Then,more western countries ,then Japanese ,then ,the CCCP,then, the Cultural Revolution.but we still alive .  然后是西方列强,然后是日本,然后CCCP,再然后文.革。但我们仍活着。  We use the character that last for thousand year,speak the language last for thousand year,act what our ancestors act .of course ,it have changed more or less,but I dare to say the changes didn't ruin the original things .  我们用着已经使用了几千年的文字,说着延续了千年的语言,依照祖先的方式行事,当然,多少会有变化,但我敢说这些变化没有破坏文化传统的根基(注:"original things ",我猜他是想要表达这意思吧)  So,when we talk about our 5000 years history ,it doesn't only mean the fact that we exist for a longtime ,but the proud that our culture NEVER be replaced .  所以,当谈到5000年悠久历史,不单单指我们生存了这么久,更是自豪我们的文化从没被取代过。  =======  Chiky Yui  中国人  The issue does not make sense at all in fact,  unless you can tell us more things which could match with what you asked—" ...in fact it is the same for pretty much everywhere on Earth"  so...  你这问题根本没意义啊,除非你能告诉我谁能配的上你问题里的“实际上地球上其它地方也都差不多”
  @司马爹 68楼
16:58:22  “比如,当中国最近被国外媒体批评,一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”。”笑翻在地  两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。。。  -----------------------------  +10086
  @司马爹 68楼
16:58:22  “比如,当中国最近被国外媒体批评,一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”。”笑翻在地  两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。。。  -----------------------------  说实话,不搞文字狱,是怎么也想不出这个引申的。  而且,不是现代人搞文字狱,也是想不出这个引申的。
  @就是随便看看不说 64楼
16:43:59  Min Zhao  北邮学生  I'm Chinese so I think I have the right to answer it. We care a lot about our 5000-years history only because we were stronger in ancient than now. So we like to show off our long history to increase our sense of proud.  我是中国人所以我想我有资格回答这个问题。我们非常在意5000年
是为了增加自豪感。  ......  -----------------------------  吹历史的很多,有希腊、埃及、三哥、美索不达米亚,巴比伦,罗马,拜占庭,波斯、还有蒙古和咱中国等等等  吹现在就有米国、毛子、西方列强、小日本等等等  吹未来仅仅是大寒棒国一家!NB
  @看山似猴 55楼
16:20:14  求HISTOMAP高清无码图  -----------------------------  http://t.cn/Rv0UkGk
11:17:00  quora上的一个问题“Why do Chinese people always like to point out that China has a 5,000 year old history when in f  -----------------------------  “一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”  这个说的是:两岸猿声啼不断,轻舟已过万重山。?看来唐诗真是不能翻译成英语啊!这意境简直是没法比。  
  这个也比较有趣  Matthew A Biltz  老外  Yes, we all have history.
But the claim is actually about "culture" not "history."
If we go back 5,000 years no one was speaking English.
In Europe they were speaking a proto-indo european language that originated in Turkey.
The timing of this language migration is still debated but we can be sure that no modern european languages and writing system existed then.  是的,我们都有自己的历史。但是这个说法实际上是指“文化”而不是“历史”。如果回退5000年,没人说英语。当时在欧洲人们应该说的是一种proto-indo语言,源自土耳其。这种语言的传入时间仍在争论,但是可以肯定的是没有任何现代欧洲语言和书写系统在当时是存在的。  New evidence from carbon dated millet show that the Chinese were farming 8,000 years ago.
Cliff carvings in China using over 8,000 Chinese characters have been dated to 6,000 to 5,000 BCE, which would make actually their culture 8,000 to 7,000 years old.
  新的粟的碳年代测定证据表明中国人8000年前就开始了耕种。一个中国的摩崖石刻用了8000个字符,已被鉴定为是公元前年的,这实际就表明在7,8000年前他们据开始了文化。  In other parts of the world cultures arose, died out, or evolved into something extremely different. Chinese culture has remained very close to its origin.
This is the reason for the claim in your question.  在世界的其它地方,文化出现,消亡,或者进化为别的完全不同的文化。中国文化一直与其起源时的面貌保持着非常紧密的关系。这就是你问题的答案。
  @gab-06-18 13:59:09  一个中国领导人说“猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山”。   ---------------------   这水平还读中国的小说,看过红楼梦不,笑晕  -----------------------------  这个水平看红楼梦,一定认为那是一部一个少男和n个少女的故事。  
  谁特么关心外国人怎么看  爱怎么看怎么看
11:17:00  quora上的一个问题“Why do Chinese people always like to point out that China has a 5,000 year old history when in f  -----------------------------  两岸猿声谛不住,轻舟已过万重山。李白的诗  
  猴子们在岸边不断叫喊着,而我已经驶过无数的群山  ---------------------------------------------  猴子们,我们,果然是不同境界,呵呵,这硬译够狠,让我又多了一种理解
  @susie320 49楼
15:51:10  很多同胞的评论反而让人觉得寒心。。。  他们都是愤青么?  -----------------------------  我感到恶心~ 一个什么样子的人会如此的说自己的祖国呢? 不觉得很丢人吗?  我与自己的中国朋友在一起时,有时也会发一发牢骚。  但与外国人在一起时,却绝对不会说一句中国的坏话。
  @就是随便看看不说 38楼
15:13:52  大家愿看我就争取都翻完,谢谢楼上捧场的。  @awpm4a1mp5
,第一句就是人名,国别,爱好,毕业院校等信息,大部分都是老外的回复。我注明这些信息是让大家看看正宗老外和中国人/华裔/生活在国外的中国人在这个问题上的不同看法。  不过我发现越是和中国有关系的(华裔/移民出去的等等)越黑中国,越是老外越能相对客观的看待问题。  难道是爱之深恨之切?亦或距离产生美?  -----------------------------  楼主加油,我看好你,加油加油--------龙腾上有没有?
16:20:14  求HISTOMAP高清无码图  -----------------------------  @微点评 75楼
17:09:18  http://t.cn/Rv0UkGk  -----------------------------  非常感谢
15:13:52  大家愿看我就争取都翻完,谢谢楼上捧场的。  @awpm4a1mp5
,第一句就是人名,国别,爱好,毕业院校等信息,大部分都是老外的回复。我注明这些信息是让大家看看正宗老外和中国人/华裔/生活在国外的中国人在这个问题上的不同看法。  不过我发现越是和中国有关系的(华裔/移民出去的等等)越黑中国,越是老外越能相对客观的看待问题。  难道是爱之深恨之切?亦或距离产生美?  -----------------------------  @淡蓝色的天空2014 89楼
20:47:47  楼主加油,我看好你,加油加油--------龙腾上有没有?  -----------------------------  这个是原创,龙腾上没有,那边发帖还要晋升到什么组里先,太麻烦就不在那边发了。
16:43:59  Min Zhao  北邮学生  I'm Chinese so I think I have the right to answer it. We care a lot about our 5000-years history only because we were stronger in ancient than now. So we like to show off our long history to increase our sense of proud.  我是中国人所以我想我有资格回答这个问题。我们非常在意5000年
是为了增加自豪感。  ......  -----------------------------  @遵医嘱不停药 74楼
17:08:27  吹
的很多,有希腊、埃及、三哥、美索不达米亚,巴比伦,罗马,拜占庭,波斯、还有蒙古和咱中国等等等  吹现在就有米国、毛子、西方列强、小日本等等等  吹未来仅仅是大寒棒国一家!NB  -----------------------------  你错了,未来是三哥的,宇宙是属于寒国人的。。。
  @电牛 28楼
13:23  中国一直说的是五千年文明史,要说历史,那应该是非洲人最长吧  -----------------------------  得有完整的历史记录。完整的,连续的,可证明的历史记录。  


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