保险名词pere vent dryvent是什么意思思

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英语实用词根词缀词根 1.ac-=acid=acr= sharp 拉丁文中 acidus=sour acer=sharp, 变形 acr 单词 1.acute 敏锐的 2.acid 3.acidity/fy 酸味/变酸 4.acidmeter 酸定量器 5.acidulous 微酸的 尖酸刻薄的 词根 2.act=act 拉丁文中 agere=do,driv
e 和 ag-,ig-同类 单词 1.act v./n 2.action active 3.activator 触媒,催化剂 4.actual(ize/ist)实现/实际者 5.actuate v.使活动 6.enact 制定法律、扮演(+ment) 7.exact(ex=out, ly) exacting 苛求的, exaction 勒索 8.inaction 不活动 inactive 9.interact 10.react reactor 原子炉 11.transact(+ion) 12.agency(ag+act=act) 13.agitate(ion/tor) 14.agony(缠绕心头) 1.analgesic (an 否定+algesic)止痛 的 2.neuralgia 神经痛 3.Nostalgia 思乡病3.al=nourish 拉丁文 alere=nourish 滋养,变化型 ol,ul5.alt=high 拉丁文 altus=high7.am=love 拉丁文 amare=love9.angl=angle1.ailment 营养物 2.ailmentotherapy 营 养疗法 3.adolescence(olesc= grow up) 4.adult adulthood adultness 5.prolific(pro=prowar d+(o)li= (nourish)+-fic(adj.)) 1.altar 祭坛 2.altimeter 高度计 3.exalt 提高擢升 4.altitude 高度 5.-itude 抽 象 名 词 字 尾 Longitude,latitude 经纬度 1.amateur -eur entrepreneur 2.amiable 友善的 amicable 和睦的 3.amorous 多情的 4.enemy(en=not+em= am=love)敌人 1.angle angular 有角4.alg=pain6.alter=other 变化形式 altr,ali1.alter .alteration 3.altercate 口角争论 4.alternate 5.alternative 6.alternator 交流发电机 7.alien alienate 8.alienable 可 让 9.adultery(ad+ulter=alter) 通奸 adulterate 8.ang=strangle 1.anger 拉 丁 文 2.angry angere=strangle 勒 3.anguish 死,窒息 4.anxiety 5.anxiousalienation 与 的10.anim=breathe/m1.animal 拉丁文 angulus=angle 变化型为 angul 数字前缀 1=uni/mono 2=bi/di 3=Tri 4=quadr 5=quin/pent 6=sextu 7=octu 8=octu 9=ennedhed 10=decu 常用前五个 11.ann=enn=year 阿丁文 annus=year的 -ar 名词字尾 beggar 2.equiangular 等角的 Equi=equal Equalitarian 平等主义 的 3.quadrangular 四 边 形的 quadra-=fourind 拉 丁 anima=breath animus=mind2.animalcule -cule 表示小的名词字 文 尾 3.animality 兽性 4.animate 使活泼 5.unanimous 意见一致的 Unanimity 全体一致 (只有一种心意) Un-=one13.apt=fit 拉丁文 aptus=fit15.arch=ruler(fir st in power)17.art=art 拉丁文 art=art Arts=skill1.annals 年鉴 2.anniversary 3.annual biannual 一年两次 4.centennial 百年一次 5.millennium 千禧年 1.apt 倾向于适合于 2.aptitude 资质性才能 3.adapt ad-=to adaptive 4.inapt 不适宜的 1.archangel 大天使 2.archbishop 大主教 bishop 主教 3.archenemy=satan 撒旦 4.architech tech=builder 5.anarchy(not+ruler) 无政府主义 6.monarch 君主 1.art artful 巧妙地 狡诈的 2.artistic artificical(fic=make)12.anthrop=man 希腊文 anthropos=man1.anthropocentric centr-=center 认定人为宇宙中心的 2.anthropography 3.philanthropy(phil=love) 博爱14.aqua=water 1.aquarium 水族馆 拉丁文 aqua=water -ium 地点字尾 stadium16.arm=weapons 拉丁文 arme =weapons Armare=arm1.arms 武器 2.armament 军备 3.armour 铁甲 4.disarm19.aud=hear 拉丁文 audire=hear1.asterisk 星号 2.astrology 占星术 3.astronaut astronomy 天文学 Astrophysics 4.disaster 20.aug=increase/m 1.auction 拍卖 auctioneer 1.audible 可听见的 ake to grow 2.audience 2.augment 增大 audiphone 助听器 拉丁文 augere 3.august 威严的 3.audimeter 音波计 =increase make 4.author authority 4.audit 查账 助听课 grow 5.authentic authenticity 程 5.auditor 旁听员 6.auditorium 听众席 18.aster=astr=star 7.inaudible 8.obey disobedient(ce) 21.avi-bird 1.avian 鸟类的 拉丁文 avis=bird 2.aviate 飞行 3.aviculture 鸟类饲养 4.inaugurate 古 代 以 鸟的飞行来判断吉凶 就职 in+augurate 创始 用卜卦算出吉辰 23.bar=bar 1.bar 棒 阻碍 拉丁文 barra=bar 2.barrel 大桶 3.barrier barring prep. 除 … … 之外 4.barrister 律师 25.bat=go 1.acrobat 拉丁文=bainein=go acro=high 变化型 bas 2.abasis a=not bas=go -ia=contion 3.basophobia phob=fear 步行恐怖 1.biochemistry 生 物 27.bio=life 希腊文 bios=life 化 2.biodegradeable De=down grad=rank 3.biographer biology 4.biosphere -sphere=globe 5.autobiography 6.antibiotic 抗 生 素 adj. 7.symbiotic sym=together 共生的 29.calc=lime 拉 丁 文 1.calcic 钙的 calc,calx=lime 石灰 2.calcify 使成石灰 3.calcium 钙 4.calculate calc=lime Ul=表示小 Calculate calculator22.band=bind 1.band 皮带 乐队 拉丁文 bhand=bind 2.bandage n/v 变化型 bond 3.contraband contra=against 4.bound boundary24.bat=beat 拉 丁 battere=beat26.bell=war 拉 丁 bellum=war1.bat n.棒 v 用棒击 文 2.battery n.电池 列炮 殴打 3.battle 战斗 4.abate (a-=off)减少 5.combat 战斗 com-=together 6.debate de-=down 1.rebel n/adj/v 又因其战争=反叛 文 2.rebellion rebellious28.cad=fall 拉丁文 cadere=fall 变化型 cid,cas1.accident ac=to cid=fall ent=n Accidental 2.incidence incident(al) 3.coincide coincidence 4.case 事件 状态 5.casual casualty 6.occasion oc-=ob-=before occasional30.camp=field Campus=plan field1.camp campaign -aign 名词字尾 2.campus encamp(ment)扎营 5.calculus 微积分 –us 拉丁名词字尾,表方 法 31.cand=white/bright 拉丁文 candidus =white/bright 33.cap=head 拉丁文 caput=head 1.candle candid 坦 32.cant=sing 白的 拉 丁 文 2.candidate 穿白衣 canere=sing 变化型 chant,cent 1.capital capitalism 34.cap=take Capitalist capitalize 拉 丁 文 2.captain cabbage capere=hold take 3.dcapitation 砍头 catch seize 1.car career cargo carry carriage carrier 2.cart 二 轮 马 车 carter 3.discharge 4.chariot 四轮马车 1.cant 行话 canticle 颂歌 –cle 表小 2.chant enchant 蛊惑 3.accent ac-=ad-=to35.car=run 拉丁文 carrus=car Currere=run37.cast=throw 中古英文 cast=throw1.cast broadcast forecast outcast overcast 多 云 的 telecast 39.cede=go,yield 1.accede 应允 参加 拉 丁 文 2.access(ible,ion) cedere=go,yield 3.antecede 先 行 超 变化型 ceed cess 越(ence,ent) 4.concede 容 许 concessive 让步的 5.exceed 6.intercede 从中调停 7 . precede 前 导 proceed recede 撤 退 retrocede 归 还 succeed 41.celer=swift 1.celerity 拉丁文 celer=swift 2.accelerate 3.decelerate 减速 43.centr=center 1.central (ism,isation)1.capable 2.capacious 大容量的 capacity 3.caption 插图说明 4.captive captivate capture captor 36.carn=flesh 1.carnage 大 屠 杀 carnal 肉 体 的 拉丁文 caro=flesh carnalism carnation 肉色 康乃馨 2.carniferous 生 肉 的 -iferous=bearing 3.carnival carnivalesque -esque=in the manner of 以……风格 Carnivorous 食肉的 4.incarnate 具有肉体的 赋予形体 Incarnation in=in 5.discarnate 无形的 dis=negative 38.cav=hollow 1.cave cavern 大洞 cavernous 洞 拉 丁 文 穴的 cavus=hollow 2.excavate 挖空(-or/ion) 40.ceive=take 拉 丁 文 capere=take 变型 cept cip cipate 1.accept 2.conceive 3.deceive deceit deception deceptive 4.except 5.intercept 中途拦截 6.perceive perception 7.receive 8.susceptive 能感受的 9.anticipate 10.emancipate(e=ex=out+man=manus =hand+cipate=take)解放42.cent=hundred 1.cent centigrade centimeter percent 拉 丁 文 2.century percentage centum=hundred 44.cern=separate 1.concern 拉 丁 centrum=center文 2.centripetal 向心的 3.concentreate 4.eccentric 离心的 古怪的1.chromatic 彩色的 2.chromosome 3.monochromatic 单色的 4.polychromatic 多色的 48.cide=cut 1.concise 简明的 拉 丁 文 2.decide caedere=cut 3.excise 切去 删除 变型 cise 4.herbicide 除草药 5.incise 切割 6.precise 7.scissors suicide 1.circle circuit 49.circ=ring 50.cite=call urge 1.cite citation 拉 丁 文 circus=circs 2.cycle cyclone 龙卷 拉 丁 文 2.excite ring 风 citare=cause to 3.incite 刺激 3.encyclop(a)edia move summon 4.recite 5.solicit 恳求 soli=whole entire 51.claim=cry 1.claim 52.clas=close=clud 1.clause 拉 丁 文 clamare=cry 2.clamour 喧闹 =clus=close 2.close closet closure out 变型 clam 3.acclaim declaim 3.disclose enclose Exclaim 4.conclude exclude include 4.reclaim 教化 53.clin=bend 1.decline 54.cognis=know 1.cognition 拉丁文=clinare=bend 2.incline 拉丁文 cognoscere, 2.diagnose dignosis 3.climax gnoscere=know 变 3.ignore 型 gnoss 4.recognize 45.cert=sure 拉丁文 certus=certain 1.ascertain certain 2.certificate 3.concert 4.disconcert 使惊慌 47.chron=time 1.chronic 慢性的 拉丁文 khromos=time 2.chronology 3.synchronize 同时的 1.commune 面谈 2.communalize 公 有 化 3.munist 57.corp=body 1.corps 军团 拉丁文 corpus=body corpse 尸体 2.incorporate 59.count=count 1.count countdown 拉 丁 文 counter account computare=count 2.discount recount 详述 55.commun=common 拉丁文 communis =common 56.cord=heart 拉丁文 cor=heart 1.accord concord discord 2.courage encourage 3.record拉 丁 文 cernere=separate,si ft 选拔 淘汰 Decree 判定 Observe 观察 变化型 cret 46.chrom=color2.discern 看出 dis=apart 3.discrete 有区别的 4.excrete 排泄 5.secret58.cosm=universe; 1.cosmetics order 2.cosmopolitan 四海为家的 60.cover=cover 拉丁文 cooperire =close,cover 1.cover coverage 2.discover recover uncover 泄露 61.cre=make,grow 拉 丁 文 creare=make crescere=grow 变型 cresc 63.crim=crime 拉丁文 crimen=crime1.create creature recreate 2.concrete 3.decrease 1.crime 2.incriminate 控告62.cred=believe 拉丁文 credere =believe 64.crit=judge 拉 丁 krinein=judge 66.cult=till1.credible in2.discredit 不信任 3.accredit 委派 承认合格 1.criterion 标准 文 2.critic criticism 3.hypercritical 吃毛求疵的 1.cultivate culture agriculture 2.colonycrucial 65.cruc=cross 拉 丁 文 crus,crux=cross 67.cumb=lie down Succumb 屈服 拉 丁 文 cubare=lie Suc=sub=under down1.current 68.cur=run 拉丁文 currere=run 2.concur 协力 excurse 远足 变型 course Incur occur recur 重现 3.course discourse intercourse 69.cure=take care 1.accurate 70.cuss=shak discuss 2.cure e 3.curious 拉丁文 cutere 4.secure =shake 71.cycl=circle Cycle 看 circle 72.deb=owe 1.debt indebted 负债的 拉 丁 文 2.due duty debere=owe 变型 du 73.dei=good 1.deify 神格化 74.dem=people 1.democracy 拉丁文 deus=good 2.deity 神性 法文 demos 2.demography =the people 3.epidemic 75.dent=tooth Dental dentist 76.dic=proclaim 1.abdicate ab-=from 辞职 拉 丁 文 拉丁文 dicare 2.indicate in-towards dent,dens=tooth 3.predicate =proclaim 4.index 75.dict=say 1.diction dictate 76.dign=worthy 1.dignity dignify indignity 拉丁文 dicere=say dictionary 拉丁文 dignus indignant 变型 dit 2.dictator dictatorial =worthy 2.disdain 轻蔑 3.contradict eidct 命令 indict 控诉 interdict 禁止 predict verdict 判决 77.divid=divide 1.divide 78.doc=teach 1.doctor 拉丁 dividere=divide 2.individual 拉丁 docere=teach 2.document 变型 divis Subdivide 3.disciple doctrine 79.dom=house Dome 圆顶 80.dom=rule 1.dominant predominant 拉丁 domus=house Domestic domicile 家 拉丁 dom=tame 驯 2.domain kingdom 服 拉丁 dominus=lord 81.don=give 1.donate donee 82.dox=opinion 1.dogma dogmatic 拉丁 donare=give83.draw=draw 拉丁 trahere=drawdonor 2.pardon dose dosage 3.endow 1.drawback 2.outdraw withdraw希 腊 文 daxa 2.orthodox ortho-=straight dokein=opinion 3.paradoxical 变型 dogma 84.duce=duct=lead 拉丁 ducere=lead 变型 ductright1.durable during 86.dyn=power enduring predure 拉 丁 dynamis=power Ecology 88.ego=i,self 87.eco=house 希腊 oikos=house economy 拉丁文 ego=i 89.electr=electric 1.electric electrify 90.em=take buy 拉 丁 2.electron electronics 拉丁 emere=take electricus=electric 变型 empt amber 琥珀 91.equ=equl=equal 1.equate 92.erg=urg=work 拉丁 acqualis=equal 2.equivalent 3.adequate 93.err=err 1.error 9.ess=be 拉 丁 errare=wander 2.erratic 不稳定的 拉丁 esse=be 存在 err 95.fa=speak 1.fable 96.fac=forehe 拉 丁 fari=speak 2.fabulous ad fabula=story 拉丁 facies=face Frons=forehead 97.fact=do 1.fact factor 98.fall=deceive 拉丁 facere=make do factory 拉 丁 变型 fect Benefactor 施 主 fallere=deceive malefactor 罪犯 2.facility faculty 3.difficult affection effect infect perfect deficient magnificent proficient profit 4.sacrifice affair 5.feat defeat 99.fam=speak 1.fame famous 100.fare=go 拉丁 fari=speak infamous defame 拉丁 Faram=go 2.fate fatal 3.infancy 101.fend=strike 1.fend 抵 挡 fence 102.fer=carry bear85.dur=last 拉丁 durare=last1.abduct conduce 助成 引起 2.conduct deduce 演绎 3.duke educate induce produce seduce 诱惑 subdue 征服 dynasty1.egoism 2.egotist 自负者 1.example exenplify 2.exempt 免除 preempt 预先占有 3.prompt redemption 赎回 energetic1.essence 2.interest 1.facet 2.deface 销毁 preface surface 3.front frontier affront 侮辱 confront 1.fallacy 谬论 2.false falsify 3.fault fault default 缺席 怠慢职 责 de-=intensive1.fare 车费 farewell 2.warfare 战争 welfare1.ferry ferriage fertile 拉丁 Fendere=strike 变型 fest 103.fess=speak Fari=speak 105.fict=feign 虚构 Fingere=feign 假装 107.figur=figur e Figura=shape figure 109.fin=end Finire=end finis=end bound 止境defend Offend 2.manifest confess profess fiction fictiveFerre=carry2.confer defer 延期 differ infer 推断 offer prefer refer suffer transfer .festal festivity104.fest=festival Festum=festival 106.fid=trust Fidere=trust 108.fil=thread spin Filum=thread spin 110.firm=firm Firmus=firm111.fix=fasten Figere=fastenFigure figurative configuration 形 状 disfigure 1.fine 2.final 3.finance 4.finish 5.finite infinite 5.confine define refine 纯练 1.fixate 2.prefix suffix1.Fidelity 忠贞 2.Faith faithful confide 3.defy 蔑视 大胆反抗 File profile1.firm 2.affirm confirm 的infirm in-not 虚弱113.flat=blow Flare=blow 115.flict=strike Fligere=strike 117.flu=flow Fluere=flow112.flam=bu rn Flamma=flame flagrare=burn Inflate inflation 114.flect=bend Deflate deflation Flectere=bend 变型 flex Afflict 使痛苦 116.flor=flower Conflict Flor,flos=flower Fluent fluid flush 118.form=form Affluent 丰 富 的 Formare=form circumfluence flux Influent superfluous Flow inflow overflow 1.fort 堡垒 fortress 堡 垒 2.comfort discomfort 3.effort 4.enforce 5.reinforce 6.perforce 不得已的 1.fraction 2.fragile 3.refrain 1.fuse v/n 融合、保险 118.found=base fundus=base bottom 变型 fund1.flame flammable inflame 2.flagrant1.flexible inflexible 2.reflect reflexive Flora 植物区系 florist flourish Form formal informal Formula formulate Conform inform per-throughout Reform transform multiform 1.found 2.fund 3.profoundperform uniform117.fort=strong Fortis=strong119.fract=frag=break frangere=break 121.fuse=pour120.fug=flee fugere=flee 122.gener=produce1.fugitive 逃亡者 2.refuge 避难所 1.gene fundere=pour丝 2.found 溶 confound 3.confuse 4.diffuse dif=dis=apart 5.refuse123.geo=earth1.geology 2.geography; 解 race generare=produce genus=race gingnere=bear beget 希 腊 文 genesis=origin source 124.ger=carry gerere=carry 变 型 gest 126.grad=walk gradi=walk gradus=step 变型 gress 128.grat=please gratus=pleasing gratia=favour2.general 3.degenerate 4.generic 类的 5.genesis 6.pathogenic patho=suffer,disease 7.gentle pregnant hydrogen oxygen125.greg=herdsegregate se=apart127.gram=graph=writ e 希腊 gramma=letter graphein=write129.grav=heavy gravis=heavy130.hab=have 1.habit habitat habere=have hold 2.inhibit exhibit prohibit keep 变型 hibit 131.hap=luck 1.happen 132.her=heir 1.heir 继承人 古 代 挪 威 语 2.haphazard 偶然 heres=heir 2.heritage happ=good luck 3.perhaps 3.inherit disinherit 133.here=stick 1.adhere cohere 134.horr=tremble horrible haerere=stick inhere 固有 harrere=tremble horrify 2.hesitate 变型 hes 135.hum=man 1.human humane 人 136.hum=ground humble humanus=human 道的 humus=ground humiliate homo=man 变型 hom 2.homicide 杀人者 137.hydr=water hydrogen 氢 138.idio=personnal 1.idiom hydr,hydro= 2.idographic 个案研究的1.grammar program telegram 2.graph autograph biography geography micrography 显 微 检 查 monography orthography 拼字法 3.photograph telegraphy 1.grave 2.aggravate 3.grief1.gesture 2.congest 充满 3.digest 4.suggest exaggerate ex=out 1.grade degrade upgrade 2.gradual graduate postgraduate 3.ingredient 4.aggress 侵略 progress regress 退 化 回归 retrogress 倒退 1.gratful ungratful 2.gratify ingrate 3.grace gracious 4.agree 5.congratulate 139.insul=island insula=island1.insulate 隔离 2.island 3.isolatedistinct idios=personnal distinct 140.it=go ire=go141.ject=throw jacere=throw cast 变型 jac143.journ=day dies=day diurnalis=daily 法文 journee=day 145.just=right just=law right 变型 jurisconject 推想 142.join=join deject 沮丧 de-down eject 喷出 inject object project reject subject adjacent 近邻的 journal journey 144.jud=judage diary judicare=judge judex=judge just justice justify adjust unjust juridical 裁判上的 jury injury lapse 失误 collaspe elapse 溜走 lateral bilateral multilateral lecture lection collect elect intellect neglect select legend elegance intelligent legal legislate legitimate allege 146.labor=work labour=workambition amb=round circuit cinrcu=round initiate perish per-thoroughly transit transient 过客 join adjoin junction adjunction conjunctionjudge judicial prejudice labor laborious collaborate elaborate147.laps=glide lapsare=slip 149.later=side latus-slide148.late=bring bear latum=bring 与 -er 同根 150.lax=loosen laxare=loosen151.lect=read legere=choose read152.leg=se nd legare=appoint sendrelate translate ventilate delay lax 松弛的 relax release analyse paralyse 中风 legacy 遗产 delegate 派遣153.leg=law lagalis=lawful154.lev=light levare=raise levis=lightlevy 征集 alleviate elevate relevant 155.liber=free liber=free 157.lig=bind ligare=bind159.liqu=fluid liduere=fluid 161.loc=place locus=placeprivilege liberal liberate oblige religion ally rally liable league liquid liquor local locate collocate156.libr=book bibr,liber=book 158.lingu= language lingua= language 160.liter=letter littera=letter 162.log=speak legein=speak logos=word speechrelief library lingual linguistic bilingual163.logy=study of165.lud=play ludere=play167.lust=lucidus=bright lustrare=enlightenanthropology archeology 考古学 biology geology mythology pathology 病理学 theology phychology allude 暗指 collude 共谋 delude 欺骗 elude 脱逃 illusion prelude 序幕 lustrous 光亮的 illustrate lucid 透明的164.long=longliteral illiterate deliterate dialogue monologue logic apology analogy eloquent longevity longitude along belong length prolong166.lumin=light lumen=light luminare=light upluminance illuminate168.magn=great magnus=great169.man=manu=hand manus=hand 变型 manu171.mark=mark boundary marquer=markmanage manifest manipulate 操作 manuscript emancipate 解放 mark remark remarkable170.mari=mar=sea mare=seamagnate 伟人 magnificent magnitude majesty 威严 major majotiry maximum climax marina marine submarine172.matr=mother mater=mothermaternal 母亲的 matron 护士长 173.mechan=machine mechane=machine 175.medi=middle medius=middlemechanic mechanism medium mediate immediate intermediat mental mention comment mind remind reminiscent 回忆的 merge emerge immerse submerge174.med=heal medicus=heal 176.memor =remember memor= remember 178.merc= reward mercari=trade merces=rewardmedical medicine remedy 治疗 memorable memory commemorate 纪念 庆祝 remembrance 记忆177.ment=mens=mindmerchant market mercy commerce179.merge=slip merere=sink181.migr=remove wander migrare=wander 183.min=project minere=jut projectmigrate emigrate immigrate transgrate 移居 eminent imminent prominent180.meter=measure meter metric 测量的 metron=measure centimeter chronometer 计时法 geometry 几何学 symmetry 对称 thermometer 温度计 182.milit=fi militant military ght milit,miles=soldier 184.min=small minutus=small minim minimal minor minority minute minister administer diminish 减少 missile 子弹 message admit commit 委托 犯罪 compromise dismiss emit omit permit promise 汇寄 transmit mode model moderate modern modest modify accomodate monster 醒目的东西185.mir=wonder behold mirari=wonder mirare=beholdadmire miracle mirror marvell186.miss=mit=throwremit187.mix=mix miscere=mixmix premix 预先混合188.mod=manner madus=measure=m anner=kind=way189.mon=advisemonitor190.monstr=show remind monere=advise 191.mor=custom mor,mos=custom 193.mort=death mors=deathadmonish 劝告 summon moral amoral demoralize immoral unmoral mortal immortal remorse 后悔monstrare=show 192.morph=form morphe=form 194.mount=mounta in ascend mont=mountain 196.muni=service munus=servicedemonstrate morphine morphology 形态学 mount amount surmount 战胜 municipal 市政的 commune 交流 communisi immune195.mov=move movere=move197.myst=mystery mythos=mystery 希腊move remove mob 暴民 mobilize automobile motion motivate motive emotion promote remote moment mystery 198.nat=born mysterious masci=be born myth aeronaut navy navigate negate negative neglect negligible 200.nect=bind nectere=bind199.nau=ship naus=ship 201.neg=deny negare=denynation native naive 天真 natural innate connect disconnect interconnect neural 神经的 neurobiology nervous unnerve 使没有神经 吓坏 nocent 有害的 innocent nominal nominate renown note notice notify notion notorious connote connotation denote denotation novel innovate renovate 修复 nutrition malnutrition 营养不足 opera -a 名词字尾 operate cooperatre202.neur=nerve neuron=nerve203.neutr=neither neuter=neither 205.nom=partneutral neutron 中子 economy astronomy 天文学 norm normal abnormal enormous supernormal207.norm=norm norma=rule204.noc=harm nocere=harm 206.nomin=name nomin nomen=name 208.not=mark notare=mark209.nounce=report nuntiare=report=give a messageannounce denounce 当众指责 pronounce renounce 211.number=c number numerous ount =拉丁 number inumerable 213.onym=name acronym 头字语 onoma=name acr=beginning210.nov=new novus=novellus=ne w 212.nutri=nourish 214.oper=work oper,opus=work 215.opt=wish optare=wish217.order=order ordo,ordin=order 变型 ordin219.orn=decorate furnish ornare=furnish 221.pact=fasten pacisci=agree pangere=fasten 223.par=prepare parare=preparepseudonym pseudo=false synonym 同义字 syn-same optimism optimum 最适宜的 opt 选择 option adopt order orderly ordinary ordinate 纵 坐 标 coordinate disorder subordinate ornament ornate adj 装饰华丽的 adorn 装饰 ad-=to pact 公约 compact impact im-=push against parade 游行 apparatus prepare repair raparable appear apparent transparent part partage partial participate particle particular partner compart counterpart depart impart 传给 parcel portion proportion passion passionate passive compassion 同情(-ate) dispassion patience impatient compatible 能兼容的 (in-)216.ora=speak,pray oral -al 形容词字尾 orare=speak,pray orate 演说218.ori=begin orient v/n/adj. orientate oriri=rise begin disorientate reorient grow origin originate aborginal220.ortho= orthos=straight right 222.pan=bread panis=breadorthodox 正教 orthography 正确拼字 graphy=writingcompaby companion acompany parity 等价 compare comparison disparity 不同 inparity 不等 pair peer peerless 无双的 parent parentage 出身 -age 抽象名词字尾 pass passage passenger passerby passover passport pastime bypass 绕 道 指 南 针 compass 范 围 com=thoroughly overpass surpass underpass224.par=equal par=qual225.par=appear parere=appear, come in sight 227.part=part partem=part partire=part226.par=bear give birth to 228.pass=pass passus=pace passer=pass229.passi,pati,path=su ffer,feelings230.patr=father pater=fatherpaternal paternity patriot 爱国的 patron 保护者 expatriate 驱逐 231.ped=foot pes=footpathetic apathetic sympathetic sympathize pedal 踏板 pedestrian expedition 远征 pulse pulsatile -ile adj 字尾 compel compulsion compulsory expel expulsion impel impulse propel propulsion repel repulse appeal repeal 撤销 pending 待解决的 appendix 附录 盲肠 depend de=down expend impend im=In=on interdependence suspend pension compensate com=together dispensable 能分配的 ponder 沉思 petition 请愿 appetite compete competent incompetent impetus repeat repetition phase 阶段 fantasy fancy phenomenon emphasize emphatic phobia 恐惧症232.ped=child233.pel=drive pellere=drive234.pen=punish poena=penalty punire=punish 变型 punpedagogue 小学教师贬义 pedophilia pedo=child+phil=love+-ia(表示疾病) 恋童症 penal 刑罚的 penalize penalty punish repent 悔悟235.pend=weigh pendere=hang weigh 变型 pens236.expe=go through periri=go throughexperiment expert expertise237.pet=fly seek petere=fly seek strive238.petr=stone rock petros=stone petra=rock 变型 petro 236.phil=to lovepetroleum oleum=oil petrology 岩石学239.phan=appearance phantazein=appear,sh ow 变型 fan 237.phobia=fearphilanthropist 慈善家 博爱主义者 philanthropic 慈善的 philosophy bibliophile biblio=book 藏书家 phpneme 音素 Phonetic phonics phonology238.phon= speak phone=sound phemi=speak 239.photo=light pho,phos=light 241.plac=please placere=please243.plant=plant planta=plant245.plen=full plere=fill plenus=full247.ply=fold plicare=fold plectere=twist 变型 pli,ple249.polit=state pois=city polites=citizen 变型 poli 251.popul=peoplephonophile phile=love 音响爱好者 homophone telephone prophecy photograph 240.pict=paint pictorial 图画的 telephone tele=far 远 picture picture 矩摄影 pingere=paint depict please pleasant 242.plain=beat the plaint 抱怨 displease unpleasant breast complain plangere=beat complaint -t 名词字尾 one’s breast plant plantation 244.plaud=strike applaud plantlet 小树苗 clap applause plausible 似真实的(令人不禁鼓掌 implant in=im=into plaudere transplant plodere=strike clap 的) 变型 plode explode implode 在内部破裂 plenty plentiful 246.plore=flow out deplore 悲痛 v. ample amplify plorare=make flow explore complete implore 恳求 weep completion comply compliment 恭维 deplete implement supple supplement accomplish apply appliance 248.polis=city cosmopolis 国际都市 imply implicit polis=city state metropolis reply 大都会区 replicate 复制 complicate complex complexion 解 说 explicate explicit exploit perplex display employ simple duplicate multiple pleach 编结 polity 政体 250.pon=put component politic politician ponere=put lay postpone policy 变型 pound popular populate 252.port=carry port portable porter变型 phe populus=people 变型 publ253.port=gate porta=gatepublic publicity publish publication population depopulation overpopulation port opportunity passportportare=carrydeport 放逐搬走 export import report sport support transport254.pos=place,put poser=place,set,put255.preci=price prectium=pric257.press=press pressare=press259.pris=seize predere,prehendere=ta ke,seize261.proach=near prope=near proximus=nearestprecious appreciate depreciate praise appaise press compress depress express impress oppress repress 镇压 suppress 抑制 prison imprison enterprise 企业进取心 prize apprehend 逮捕 apprentice comprehend approach(able) approximate reproach 责备pose positive post postal posture compose decompose deposit reposit 贮藏 dispose 处置 expose impose oppose propose purpose suppose presuppose pause 256.preda=plu predator 掠夺者 nder prey praeda=prey,plunde r 258.prim=first prime primus=first primitive primary prince principle premier260.priv=private,de private prive privilege privus=private deprive privare=deprive 使 丧失 262.prob=e xamine probare=test,try.. prove disprove proof disproof probable probe 调查 approve disapprove(val) improve reprove 谴责 psyche 灵魂 psychiatric 精神病的 psychic 灵魂的 psychology(ize) psychotherapist 精神治疗医师 pure purity purification puritan purity263.proper=on e’s own proprius=one’s own 265.punct=prick pungere=prickproper property appropriate mis appropriate264.psych=mi nd psyche=soulpunctual 守住时间上 266.pur=pure 的 一 点 — — 守 时 的 purus=pure purify 267.pute=think putare=think269.qui=rest quiet,quies=quiet,rest(ality) punctuate 加重 加标 点 point appoint disappoint compute computerese 电 脑 用 语 depute 委托 dispute(able,ation) indisputable reputation reputable disrepute quiet quietnessimpure impurity268.quer=complain queri=complainquarrel quarrelsome270.quire=seek quaerere=seek271.quit=release quite=free of release 273.radi=root radis=rootquitquittance272.rad=scrape radere=scrape 274.radi=ray radius=ray275.rap=snatch rapere=snatchradical(ism,ize,ization ) radish deradicalize eradicate eradicable eradicator rape rapist rapture ravage raven 捕食 ravish 强夺query 询问 quest question acquire acquisition conquer conquest exquisite 精美的 inquiry inquest require requisite request abrase 擦去 erase e=ex=out raze 消逝 razor radium radiation radiant radio radioactivity277.rect=straight rectus=right straight279.rept=creep repere=creep 281.rod=rodere =gnaw 咬276.rat=rea son ratio=reackon reason 变型 ratio rectal 直肠的 278.reg=king rectangle 矩形 angle regere=rule 角 rex=king rectifier 修正者 correct incorrect direct erect reptile 卑 鄙 的 爬 行 280.rid=laugh 的 ridere=laugh 变型 ris surreptitiou 秘密的 corrode 腐 蚀 282.rog=ask corrosion rogare=askratify 批准 ratio ration 定量 rational irrational(ity)regicide 弑君 region realm reign regular 正规兵 regularity royal rigid ridicule ridiculous abrogate ab=away arrogance ( 无 礼 地 向 别 人 要 求 ) erode erosion 283.rud=raw rudis=rude raw rude erudite e-脱离 284.rupt=break rumpere=break285.rur=country rur,rus=open land 变型 rus 287.sal=salt sal=salt 289.sal=whole samare=heal286.sacr=sacred sacer=sacred sabcire=render sacred 288.sal=leap salad salire=leap salary 变型 sult salt desalt 脱盐 sane 神智清明的 290.sat=full insanity 疯狂 satiare=fill,full (in)sanitary 卫生的 satur=full scan ascend descend transcend escalade 用梯攀登 scribe scrip 证券 代用纸币 script scripture ascribe 归因 conscribe 征服兵役 inscribe 题记 PostScript 附笔 prescribe 规定 subscribe transcribe 誊写录音 sedate 安详的 sediment 镇定的 sedentary assess obsess 萦 绕 (dis)possess, preside 开会做主席,管理 president reside resident subside 下沉 subsidize 补助 292.sci=know scire=know scientia=knowledg e 294.sect=cut secare=cutrural rurality rusticar=ad=to nterrogate 讯问 rupture 绝交 断绝 abrupt abruption bankrupt(cy),corrupt disrupt 使破裂 erupt incorrupt 清廉的 interrupt route routine sacred sanctity 神圣 sanctuary 圣殿 saint assail 责骂 insult satiate 使满足 satire 讽刺 讥讽 (dis)satisfy -fy=make saturate 浸透 饱和 science conscience 良心 subconscious 下意识的 潜意识的 omniscience 全知 prescience 先见 sect 宗派 section(al) insect intersect segment291.scan=climb scandere=climb 变型 scend,scal293.scribe=write scribere=write295.sed=sit sedere=sit296.semin=seed semin,semen=seedseminal 种子的 有潜力的 seminar 研讨会 disseminate 297.sen=old sen,senex=oldsiege 围攻 besiege consult senate(or) senior298.sens=feel sentire=feel perceive 变型 sent299.sequ=follow sequi=follow 变型 secut,su301.serv=keep service=serve servare=keep,protect303.simil=same similis=like 变型 semblsequence sequent consequent subquence executive 行政的 persecute 迫害 sue 控告 ensue 随后发 生 pursuit suit 适合 serve service conserve 保存 deserve preserve reserve subserve 裨益 于 simile similar similarity similitude simulate assimilate assemble assemblage resemble300.sert=put serere=putsense sensibility sensor sensuous 感觉的 sentiment sentence assent consent discent resent 愤恨 insensible series serial assert 断言 concert desert dissertation 论文 exert 实行(使出力量于外) insert305.soci= associate socius= associate 307.sol=sun sol=sunsocaiable social(ize) sociology associatesign signal signalize signature signify 表示 有重要性 significant assign consign 交付 design resign assist consist exist insist 304.sist=stand 变型 stitut sta,st persist resist irresistant 衍 生 为 静 止 持 constitute institute substitute superstition stable establish 续 固定 隐忍 stage contrast contra-=against obstacle ob=over,against stance 姿势态度 state(ment),statesman static station(ary) statistics status estate steady destiny destination distant instant substance substantial restore stall install metastasis mata-=变化 system 306.sol=alone sole solely solitary solus=alone solo solemn sollus=entire solid solidify solidarity console desolate solve solute 溶质 solution absolve 赦免 absolute302.sign=mark signare=mark signum=mark tokensolar 仪solarium 日冕 308.solv=loosen 变型 solut sophism 诡辩 sophicticate 使复杂化 sophisticated philosophy(爱好智慧) 311.sort=kind=sort,sor sort sorter 312.spec=look spy espionage 间谍活动 s=lot,chance resort re=again 再 =specere species special 分类 specimen 样品 resort 常去 诉诸 spectacle speculation re=back sort=come scope perspicuous per=through 明白 out 的 despise despite expect inspect introspect 内 省 intro=within perspective prospect respect suspect retrospect sucpicion sus=sub=under 313.sper=hope=sperar desperate 314.spers=scatter=s disperse e despair pargere prosper(ity) 315.spher=ball=sphair sphere 316.spir=breathe=s spirit spiritual e atmosphere pirate aspire conspire 共谋 expire 呼气 熄 灭 perspire 流汗 suspire 叹气 渴望 transpire 排出 318.stell=star=stell stellar 星星的 317.spond=promise=s sponsor respond a pondere 变型 sembl constellate v 成群聚集 responsible correspond(ence) 319.still=drop=stilla distill 蒸馏 320.stinct=prick=st sting instill 逐渐灌输 izein=sting distinguish extingguish instinct stimulate instillation distinct instillment stimulus 321.string=draw string straight 322.stru,struct=buil structure construct reconstruct tight=stringere strait d destroy destruct instruct obstruct 变型 strict,strain,stress stress strict stuere=build constraint constrict district restrict 323.suade=advise persuade 324.sume=take sumptuous 奢侈的 =suadere =sumere assume assumption consume consumption presume resume resumptive 309.son=sound sonus=sound 310.soph=wis dom =sophos-arium 表场所 subsolar 太阳底下 sonic consonant 一致的dissolve resolve resolution 325.summ=highe st =summus 327.surge=rise=surger e 变型 surrect 329.tail=cut=taleasummary summit331.tain=keep =tenere 变型tin333.tect=cover=tegere =sembl326.sur=secur e =securus surge 澎湃 328.tac=silent=tace source resource re 变型 tic tailor 330.tang=touch=ta detail ngere 限定继 变型 tact entail 使负担, 承 retail 零售 tenable 可 守 的 332.techn(o)=sk tenacity 固执 ill=techne tenor 男低音 tenure 保有 contain content continence 节 次 continue detain 阻止 扣押 entertain enter=inter maintain maintenance retain sustain detect protect 334.temper=moder ate=temperateassure assurance ensure insure reassure reinsurance tacit 无言的tangible 可触知的 tact tactful contact contagion 传染病 intact integral integrity attain technics technician technology335.tempor=time=tem pus 337.tend=stretch=tend ere=tens,tent339.terr=earth=trra341.test=witness=testi stemper temperance tempersome 暴怒的 –some 具有…… “ 性质的” distemper 失调 temporal temporary 336.tempt=try=tent tempt tempter 诱惑物 contemporary tentative tend tendency 338.term=boundary term teriminal terminator tender tense tensify =terminus terminoloy determine exterminate 消灭 消除 tent attend attention predeterminate 预先决定的 distend 扩张 extend extent intend intense intention portend 预示 superintend 监督 terrace 梯田 340.terr=frighten=t terrible terrify territory errere terror Inter Mediterranean deter 妨碍 test testify 342.text=weave text textile textual attest 证明 contest =texere context pretext 343.thes=put =tithenai345.ton=tone=tonusprotest thesis antithesis hypothesis hypo=under synthesis 综合 tone monotobe 单调 tour tournament attorney 代理人 Detour 绕道 trace trackage tract 区域 tractor trail train trait treat treatise 论 文 treaty abstract attract contract contractile 有收缩性的 detract 降 低 extract subtract portray detrude 推下 intrude obtrude 闯进 threat(en),thrust ultimate344.tim=fear =timeresubtle tissue timid timidity intimidate346.tort=twist =torquere 348.tox=poison =toxicum 350.tribut=best ow347.tour=turn=torn= tornare 349.tract=draw=traher etorture tortoise torment distort retort 反驳 toxic antitoxic intoxicate 使中毒-陶醉 tribute attribute contribute distribute351.trud,trus=to push 353.ultim=last=ultimu s 355.us,uti=use352.turb=to disturb turbare=disturb turba=crowd 354.urb=city=urbs357.vade=to gouse usage 356.vac,van,void useful useless =empty usual utensil 器皿 utilize abuse abusive disuse misuse peruse 精读 evade evasion 358.val,vail=strong pervade 遍布turbulent disturb trouble troublesome urban urbanize suburb vacant vacation vacuum evaculate void avoid inevitable359.var(l)=diverse361.ven,vent=to come360.velop=to wrap vary variabe variant 不 同 的 variety advent 耶稣降临 362.venge=tovaliant 勇敢地 valid validity value valuable avail devaluation 贬 值 equivalent invalid prevail prevalent develop envelop avengeevaluate 363.vent=wind 365.verb=word 367.vers,vert=to turnadventure venture avenge misadventure circumvent 绕 行 convention convenient event invent prevent intervene avenue revenue souvenir sou=sub vent ventilation 364.ver=true verb verbal adverb proverb verse versify version versatile vertical adverse adversary advertise anniversary avert controvert converse convert diverse diversify divert introvert perversion 曲 解 revert reversal subvert transverse 横 的 trans=across universal via,viable voyage convey convoy 护送 deviate 脱轨 invoice Previous trivia trivial visa -a 名词字尾 visage 外貌 visible vision visionary visit visitor advise advisory devise envisage 正视 envision envy envious evident invisible provide prudence revise supervise 366.verg=to incline 368.vest=garmentrevengevery verdical verify verifiable veracious 诚实的 verdict verge converge 集中于一点 diverge vest divest invest369.vi,voy=way370.vict,vinc=to conquervictor victorious convince convict(ion)371.vid,vis=to see372.vig,veg=livelyvigour vigorous invigorate 鼓舞 vegetation 373.viv=to live375.vol=willsurvey televise interview review vital vitalize vitamin(e) vivacity vivacious 活泼的 vivid vivify revitalize revival survive survival vuluntary involuntary malevolence 恶意374.voc,voke=to callvocal vocalize vocation advocate convoke 召集 evoke provoke invoke 祈求 revoke 取消(叫回来) irrevocable 不能取消的376.volve,volut=to rollvolume evolve evolution involve revolve 考虑 revolt 反叛
高中英语常用词根词缀 常用词根词缀:90 个最常用的词根+138 个前缀+328 个后缀 词根 act 做,行动 acid 酸的,尖酸的 ag 移动,做,办理 agri 田地,农田 ali ...常用词根词缀:90个最常用的词根_少儿英语_幼儿教育_教育专区 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 常用词根词缀:90个最常用的词根_少儿英语_幼儿教育_教育专区。...自己总结的常用英语词根词缀_英语_高中教育_教育专区 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档自己总结的常用英语词根词缀_英语_高中教育_教育专区。单词部分: 1. 复合...英语构词法(常用的词根词缀总结) 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 英语词汇构词法及相应的词根词缀 构词法是组成单词的一种方法,它有其清晰严谨的结构形式,本...常用词根词缀_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。...常用词性后缀 名词后缀 -or/er/ess/crat/cis:做某件事情或职业的人或物:worker, debtor -acy, 表示/性质,状态...90个常用词根词缀_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。90 个常用词根,30 个前缀 30 个后缀 英语具有高度的逻辑性和归整的语法, 被确认为当今 世界国际性交往语言。 英...常用的英语词根词缀英文: Root word, Word root 英语单词构成有其规律,很好的掌握了构词规律,才可以很好、很快的、准确的记忆单词。英语单词构词 法的核心部分,...第一部分 常用前缀常用前缀 一 1 a① 加在单词或词根前面,表示&无,非, 不& ② 加在单词前,表示&在…,…的& alive,alone 2 ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示&...英语常见词根词缀_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。第一部分 通过词缀认识单词 (常用前缀一) 1、a① 加在单词或词根前面,表示 “不,无,非” acentric 无中心的(a...河南理工大学 物理化学学院 第一部分 1、a① 加在单词(形容词)或词根前面,...“不足,不够” ③ 表示“副手” 第二部分 通过词缀认识单词 (常用前缀二) ...


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