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Not very impressive. Something had to change.
Time to Get Smart
I finally decided that it was time to really get educated. You know, to throw the magazines away and really learn the physiology of muscle growth and fat loss, and what it really takes to build a big, lean, and strong body.
So I got serious about doing real research. I searched out the work of top strength and competition coaches, talked to scores of natural bodybuilders, and read hundreds of scientific papers…and a very clear picture emerged.
The real science of getting into incredible shape is very, very simple. Much simpler than the health and fitness advice and supplement industries wants us to believe. It flies right into the teeth of almost all the crap that we hear on TV, in magazines, and in the gym.
Here’s a small sampling of what most people will never know about getting into the best shape of their lives:
Lifting light weights for high reps is basically a waste of time. If your routine doesn’t revolve around heavy lifting, you’re doing it wrong.
Getting lean, and even super lean, does NOT require hours upon hours of grueling cardio, or crash dieting that leaves you starving and miserable every day.
If you know what you’re doing, you can gain 20-30 pounds of lean mass (yes, muscle) in your first year of training, regardless of your genetics.
Pretty much every machine in the gym should be avoided, and most exercises are horribly ineffective. Which brings me to the next point…
The idea that you have to constantly change your workout routine or your body will adapt and plateau is a lie. I change my routine once every 2-4 months and consistently get stronger month after month.
You don’t have to exercise for more than 1 hour per day, 5 days per week to be in peak physical condition. I personally lift weights Monday through Friday for about 45 minutes, and do 3-4 cardio sessions per week, with each session running about 30 minutes. And I do the cardio mainly because I enjoy it.
HOW MUCH you eat determines the effectiveness of your diet, not WHAT or WHEN. No matter what you’re doing with your diet, you can always work in cheats and indulgences and achieve your goals.
There are many, many more lessons I’ve learned, but what it all boils down to is building a muscular, lean, and healthy body doesn’t require your life to revolve around it, and can be fit into almost any schedule or lifestyle.
As a result of what I learned, I completely changed the way I trained and ate. And my body responded in ways I couldn’t believe.
My strength skyrocketed. My muscles grew faster than I could ever remember. My energy levels were out the roof.
That was just over 5 years ago, and here’s how my body has changed since:
Quite a difference.
The Birth of My Career
Along the way, my friends noticed the improvements in my physique, and I began training them.
I took “hardgainers” and put 30 – 50 lbs on them in a year. I took people that were absolutely baffled as to why they couldn’t lose weight, and stripped 30 lbs of fat off them in 3-5 months—and helped them build noticeable muscle at the same time. I took people in their 50s, who believed their hormones were too bottomed out to accomplish anything with their bodies, and helped them turn back the clock 20 years in terms of body fat percentage and muscle definition.
After doing this over and over for years, my “clients” (I never asked for money—I just had them come train with me) started urging me to write a book. I dismissed the idea at first, but it began to grow on me.
“What if I had such a book when I had started training?” I thought. I would’ve saved an untold amount of money, time, and frustration, and I would’ve achieved my ideal physique years ago. I really enjoyed helping people with what I had learned, and if I wrote books and they became popular, what if I could help thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people? That got me excited.
So I started with publishing
in early 2012, unsure of what to expect. Within a few weeks of its release, readers were emailing me with high praises. I was floored. I immediately started on my next book, and outlined several more.
I’ve now published 5 books, and sold over 100,000 copies, and I get scores of emails and social media messages every day from readers who are blown away by the results they’re seeing. They’re just as shocked as I was years ago about how simple it is to build lean, healthy muscle, and lose as much fat as you want without ever feeling starved or miserable.
It really is motivating to see the , and I’m incredibly inspired by the dedication of my readers and followers. You guys and gals rock.
Where to Now?
My true love is researching and writing, so I’ll always be working on another book, my blog, and whatever else my writing adventures bring my way.
My big evil masterplan has three major targets:
Help a million people get fit and healthy. “Help a million people” just has a sexy ring to it, don’t you think? It’s a big goal, but I think I can do it. And it goes beyond just helping people look good—I want to make a dent in alarmingly negative trends we’re seeing in disease and mortality.
Lead the fight against broscience and BS. Unfortunately this industry is full of ignoramuses, liars, and hucksters that prey on people’s fears and insecurities, and I want to do something about it. In fact, I’d like to become known as the go-to guy for practical, easy-to-understand advice grounded in real science and results.
Help reform the sport supplement industry. The dishonest pill and powder pushers are the people I despise the most in this industry. The scams are numerous: using fancy-sounding, but w cutting products with junk fille using bogus science and ridiculous marketing claims to co dramatically under-dosing the important ingredients to save money (and using the proprietary blend to hide it); sponsoring steroid-fueled athletes to pretend supplements are the s and more.
Well, I want to be a force for change.
By offering the products they should be selling. That is, products that only use ingredients with scientifically proven ingredients, and that use clinical that have no a and that are marketed in an honest, transparent way. And that’s why I launched my .
Here’s my bold claim: My supplements are the best value on the market today, and they’re going to set a new standard by which all other supplements are judged.
Don’t believe me? Well,
and I think you’ll change your mind…
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What Else?
While I’m a certified, incurable workaholic, there is more to my life than my love for lifting heavy things and counting calories.
I like to hang out with my beautiful wife, Sarah, who runs her own blog , which focuses on health, lifestyle, and fashion, at and my adorable son Lenox.
I’m a pretty avid reader, and am interested in all kinds of stuff from
I usually have one TV show I keep up with.
my current vice, and I like to sneak a movie in here and there.
I enjoy pursuing other writing interests as my “alter ego” (pen name), .
How to Get In Touch
I think it’s incredibly important to stay in touch with readers, followers, and fans, so my inbox is always open.
First off, you can find me on the usual social media haunts:
Stop by, say hi, and Like or Follow if you like and want to follow me and my work.
I spend several hours every day (including the weekends!) reading and replying to as many emails and messages and I can. Please don’t be offended if I can’t get to yours. If only I could read and type faster!
That said, you can increase your chances of getting a reply by doing the following:
Search my website to see if I’ve already written an article that answers your question.
Avoid medical questions. I’m not a doctor and can’t help you treat any type of disease.
I can’t offer free one-on-one coaching, so if you want to know more about how to create a proper diet or training plan to build muscle and lose fat, I highly recommend you read my book
if you’re a woman). These books will give you everything you need to know to achieve your health and fitness goals.
Please keep your emails as brief as possible so I can give my time to as many as possible. The more questions you ask in a single email, the less likely I will be able to answer any of them.
Okie dokie, with that out of the way, use the following form to reach me:
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Welp, that’s it for now.
If you’re looking to get in shape and look and feel great, then I can help you. I hope you enjoy my website and books, and feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions and I’ll do my best to help.
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Bad Astronomy
As promised, today . Not too surprisingly, it’s pretty much as the rumors indicated. There’s a lot to say here, and I have a lot on my mind, so please hear me out.
The Good News
The good news for sure is an increase of $6 billion over the next five years. It stresses new technology and innovation (to the tune of over $1.5 billion), which is also good. A lot of NASA’s successes have been from pushing the limits on what can be done. It also stresses Earth science, which isn’ Obama appears to understand the importance of our environmental impact, including global warming. So that’s still good news.
The very very good news is that half that money — half, folks, 3.2 billion dollars — is going to science. Yeehaw! The release specifically notes telescopes and missions to the Moon and planets. That, my friends, sounds fantastic.
Bye bye Constellation
Now to the other aspects of this budget. , this new budget axes Constellation:
NASA’s Constellation program – based largely on existing technologies – was based on a vision of returning astronauts back to the Moon by 2020. However, the program was over budget, behind schedule, and lacking in innovation due to a failure to invest in critical new technologies. Using a broad range of criteria an independent review panel determined that even if fully funded, NASA’s program to repeat many of the achievements of the Apollo era, 50 years later, was the least attractive approach to space exploration as compared to potential alternatives. Furthermore, NASA’s attempts to pursue its moon goals, while inadequate to that task, had drawn funding away from other NASA programs, including robotic space exploration, science, and Earth observations. The President’s Budget cancels Constellation and replaces it with a bold new approach that invests in the building blocks of a more capable approach to space exploration…
[Emphasis mine.]
I can’t say I disagree with much that’s written there. A lot of it is based on the conclusions of , a blue-ribbon panel of experts appointed by Obama to look into NASA’s future plans and make recommendations.
The Space Station
The budget calls for extending the International Space Station beyond the 2016 timeline, perhaps for four more years. I would say this is a bad idea, BUT the budget also asks for extending the ISS’s scientific capabilities. I would
ISS is very limited as a science platform. However, the dang thing is already built and in orbit, so it makes sense to spend a little bit more (I was surprised to see only about $180 million for this) to make it useful scientifically. If that becomes the case, then a lot of the issues I have with ISS go away.
Incidentally, the budget calls for a guaranteed $600 million for the next five Shuttle missions to ISS, even if a launch slips into FY11.
Back to the Moon?
So, where does this leave us as far as going back to the Moon? It leaves us delayed, again. That sucks. However, as I have pointed out before, Constellation was already a mess. Behind schedule, over budget, and starved of funding. It was a mandate from the Bush White House, but never got the money it needed from them or Congress to ensure it could be done (this didn’t work when it was attempted from the Bush Sr. White House/Congress either).
I don’t want a repeat of the Apollo program: a flag-and-footprints mission where we go there, look around, and then come home for another 40 years. I want to go there and stay there. Apollo was done as a race, and the goal of a race is to win. It wasn’t sustainable. We need to be able to figure out how to get there and be there, and that takes more than just big rockets. We need a good plan, and I’m not really sure what we had up until this point is that plan.
Building a heavy-lift rocket that can take us to the Moon, Mars, and near-Earth asteroids is not really easy. It’s not like we can dust off the old Saturn V plans and start up the factories again. All that tech is gone, superseded, and we might as well start from scratch with an eye toward newer tech. This budget is calling for that, as well as relying heavily on private companies.
Commercial space
And about that. I’ll say this again: private companies have not yet put a man in orbit, but , as an example, is close to doing so. Once the Shuttle retires later this year, private companies will be putting humans in space before NASA will have the capability to do so again [UPDATE: ; the above statement about companies beating NASA is correct]. I am no fan of paying the Russians or other countries to do this for us, and going the route of civilian space makes sense.
Now, Space X doesn’t have the heavy lift capacity that an Ares 5 or other planned NASA rocket might have had… but with routine launches to space covered by private companies, NASA can concentrate on what it should: innovation, pushing the limits, paving the road. Once the road is laid, let others use it.
So I don’t see this as doom and gloom. I see this as 1) putting science and innovation first, and 2) freeing NASA up to do what it does best: explore the boundaries.
Here’s what I think. Warning: political complaining ahead.
Remember: the way we’ve been doing things for 40 years has gotten us literally in circles. It’s perhaps long past time to shake things up and try something different. In my previous posts on this (see
at the bottom), people are complaining that Obama is killing our Moon plans and gutting NASA. That’s simply not true. I think this may very well save NASA and our future manned exploration capabilities, if this is all done correctly.
As for that, and having said my piece that I think this is a good idea, it may not matter: the other thing to remember is that this must pass Congress first. I honestly don’t think that will happen. For one thing, two many Congresscritters have too big a stake in NASA if you don’t believe me, . When Republicans whine about privatizing something, you know you’re in for a fight, and it’s not like Congressional Democrats haven’t been all that useful in backing up Obama’s plans.
We’ll see how this goes. If it’s business as usual with Congress, then I suspect it may be a lot like the health care plan all over again: lots of spin and noise, lots of knee-jerk reactions because it’s Obama’s plan, lots of &compromise& that’s really just watering down something to make it worse, and then a budget will be passed that won’t be able to get anything done.
I’m pretty damn tired of that, and I’m going to do something about it. I’ll write my Congressmen, and I’ll tell them that the time for bending over backwards is long gone. It’s time to grow a spine, time for boldness, time for innovation. Whether people like it or not, this is the new budget being proposed, and if Congress wheedles over it, then yeah, NASA really will be screwed, and we’ll spend the next four decades circling our planet and gazing at the Moon, wondering when we’ll ever go back.
Perhaps it’s fitting that this news is released on the anniversary of the loss of Columbia — it’s been seven years since that day when the orbiter broke up upon re-entry.
that complacence played a big role in that event. When it comes to space exploration, we must never rest on our laurels, we must never have the arrogance to think we have it all under control, and we must never forget that to explore means to push ahead into unknown territory. That is the lesson of Columbia.
The Moon, Mars, and all of space await us. This new budget may not be perfect, but I strongly suspect it’s the best we can do, and far, far better than the course we currently have laid out. If we don’t push for this now, we may never go back.
A ship may be safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.
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