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龙光电子厂实习总结报告 陈佑林
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龙光电子厂实习总结报告 陈佑林
龙光电子集团 & 新闻中心
& 龙光新闻
&&&&& 日上午,广东龙辉科技有限公司在长安镇沙头社区隆重举行奠基仪式,集团董事长厉雷力、副董事长厉浩、董事陈鸿波、钣金事业部总经理谭学辉等公司领导出席了奠基仪式,同时出席仪式的嘉宾还有长安镇委委员王志明以及住建局、招商局等部门负责人等。  在奠基仪式上,董事长厉雷力先生在致辞中说:“广东龙辉科技有限公司将从事网络/通讯机柜、ATM柜员机、塑胶类等产品研发及组装,为华为、台达、海信等国内外知名企业提供结构件解决方案及生产服务,年产值达到20亿元,将其打造成为龙光电子集团实现转型升级的龙头企业和总部基地。”
&&&& 据了解,广东龙辉科技有限公司包括总部大楼、网络/通讯设备类产品研发中心与总装车间等,总占地面积150亩,建筑面积达到205569平米,建成后实现年产值20亿元,将成为龙光电子集团与华为通力合作、促进产品多元化、增强品牌核心价值的支柱产业。  十年磨一剑,今朝现锋芒!随着龙光电子集团的迅速发展,我们要紧跟着公司发展步伐,不断革新技术和管理方式,加强自我提升,以崭新的精神面貌迎接龙光的美好未来!
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All Rights Reserved. 粤ICP备号上传用户:tunydbmbmm资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)跟着中国参加WTO,中小企业面对更多的机会和挑衅,可否在竞争日益剧烈的情况中生计和成长,症结在于企业能否具有焦点竞争力,而焦点竞争力来自于企业中的人力资本。人力资本治理这一迷信概念引入我国事20世纪90年月中期的工作。固然一些中小企业已熟悉到人力资本治理对企业树立竞争优势和完成可连续成长的主要性,但真正可以或许应用古代治理实际停止体系、迷信、标准的人力资本治理理论,并获得明显成效的中小企业其实不多。是以,中小企业就必需从本身情形动身,采取先辈的人力源治理形式。而人力资本的虚拟化治理恰是为顺应以后企业成长请求而发生的。本文在国际外文献整顿的基本上,整顿相干实际,并自创学者们提出的人力资本虚拟化治理的相干模子,以处理中小企业人力资本治理成绩为导向,构建了本文研讨的重点一影响中小企业实行人力资本虚拟化治理的相干目标身分,以此构建断定中小企业可否实行人力资本虚拟化治理的运用模子。在研讨中将影响中小企业虚拟化实行的相干身分设为一级目标,再依据各一级目标的细分红响应的二级目标,参照IPA(主要性和表示性)剖析法停止排序和比拟,终究得出影响企业实行人力资本虚拟化治理的症结目标身分。为了更好地验证各个变量身分与实行虚拟化运作之间的关系,针对性地选择典范的企业样本(东莞龙光电子团体无限公司,文中简称“龙光团体”)停止实地查询拜访,进一步懂得企业人力资本治理近况和遭受到的成绩,同时对这些材料信息停止一系列的剖析、归结与整顿,得出影响龙光团体实行人力资本虚拟化治理的各身分的表示状况,据此断定龙光团体可否实行人力资本虚拟化,并提出完美该项目标建议和实行该项目标初步计划。关于虚拟化研讨的实际文献已有很多,根本上都是从实际机制和文献综述方面停止解释,而深刻到详细企业中的虚拟化实行研讨却很少,根本上属于空白规模。本文立异点在于应用IPA剖析法联合现实典范案例来研讨龙光团体公司人力资本虚拟化实行的前提身分,并构建出合适年夜部门中小企业断定可否实行虚拟化的评价模子,它是虚拟化实际在“实行”这个角度上的冲破与运用研讨。Abstract:Along with China's accession to the WTO, small and medium-sized enterprises are facing more opportunities and challenges, whether in the increasingly fierce competition in the survival and development, the crux of the problem lies in the enterprise can have the core competitiveness and core competitiveness from in the enterprise human capital. Human capital governance this superstition concept I state in twentieth Century 90 time metaphase work. Although some small and medium-sized enterprises have been familiar to human capital management of enterprises to establish competitive advantage and continuous growth, but really can perhaps the use of modern management theory system, superstition, standard human capital management theory and get significant results in the small and medium-sized enterprises are not actually many. Is the small and medium-sized enterprises, we must start from the source itself, take human form of governance of our ancestors. Virtual management of human capital is incurred to conform to the request after the enterprise growth. This paper at home and abroad literature rectification basically, rectify coherent, and own scholars put forward the human capital virtualization management coherent model to deal with the small and medium-sized enterprise human capital management achievement oriented, build the focus of the purpose of this paper is to study the effect of small and medium-sized enterprises to implement human capital Virtualization Management of coherent target ID, in order to build concluded that small and medium-sized enterprise whether to implement human capital virtualization management use the model. In research will affect the small and medium-sized enterprise virtualization implementation of coherent identity set as a target, according to the level of target segmentation red response of secondary target reference IPA (main and said) analysis are sorted and compared, finally obtains the influence of enterprises human capital virtualization management crux of target identity. In order to better verify the identity of each variable and the implementation of the relationship between the virtual operation, for sexual selection model of enterprise samples (Dongguan Dragon Optical Electronic Group Co., Ltd., this paper referred to as the &Dragon Optical Group&) to stop the on-the-spot investigation, to further understand the enterprise human capital management status and subjected to achievement, also information on these materials stop a series of analysis, summed up and rectification, that affect the Dragon light organizations implement human capital virtualization management of the identity of the said condition, accordingly concluded that dragon optical group could implement human capital virtualization, and make perfect the target proposed and implemented the preliminary plan. On Virtualization research practice there are a lot of literature, and all are from the actual mechanism and literature review on stop to explain, and profound to with enterprise virtualization implementation research rarely, basically belongs to the blank size. The innovation point of this article is using IPA analysis method combined with practical example of case to study the Dragon Optical group company human capital virtualization implementation of the premise of identity, and build a suitable for the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) concluded that could implement virtualization assessment model, it is virtual reality in &the implementation of the& on this point break and application research.目录:摘要4-5Abstract5-61 绪论9-17&&&&1.1 研究背景9-12&&&&&&&&1.1.1 "以人为本"是符合时代发展要求的新观念9-10&&&&&&&&1.1.2 企业经营环境的变化对人力资源管理提出的新挑战10-11&&&&&&&&1.1.3 国内封闭式的人力资源管理不能适应市场的变化11-12&&&&&&&&1.1.4 国外人力资源管理出现的新动向—人力资源虚拟化管理12&&&&1.2 研究目的和意义12-14&&&&&&&&1.2.1 研究目的12-13&&&&&&&&1.2.2 研究意义13-14&&&&1.3 技术路线及研究内容14-17&&&&&&&&1.3.1 技术路线14-16&&&&&&&&1.3.2 研究内容16-172 理论综述17-43&&&&2.1 人力资源管理理论的发展趋势17-32&&&&&&&&2.1.1 人力资源概念外延的拓展17-18&&&&&&&&2.1.2 国内外人力资源管理理论的发展18-27&&&&&&&&2.1.3 中小企业人力资源管理现状27-30&&&&&&&&2.1.4 人力资源管理理论的新趋势30-32&&&&2.2 人力资源虚拟化管理理论综述32-40&&&&&&&&2.2.1 内涵及特点32-34&&&&&&&&2.2.2 HR(human resource)虚拟化的范围34-35&&&&&&&&2.2.3 HR虚拟化的理论基础35&&&&&&&&2.2.4 HR虚拟化的动因研究35-38&&&&&&&&2.2.5 HR虚拟化的流程38-39&&&&&&&&2.2.6 HR虚拟化的风险性及控制机制39-40&&&&2.3 关于中小企业HR虚拟化研究的不足40-433. 龙光集团虚拟化实施的研究设计43-57&&&&3.1 研究对象的选择43-44&&&&3.2 问卷设计44-49&&&&&&&&3.2.1 问卷的形式44&&&&&&&&3.2.2 问卷的设计过程44-49&&&&3.3. 调查实施方案49-52&&&&3.4 分析方法设计52-57&&&&&&&&3.4.1 影响虚拟化实施因素的指标设计52-53&&&&&&&&3.4.2 IPA的分析机理53-54&&&&&&&&3.4.3 信效度检验的理论机理54-574. 龙光集团虚拟化实施的实证分析57-69&&&&4.1 HR专家关于各因素指标的"重要性"分析57-59&&&&4.2 影响龙光集团虚拟化实施因素的"表现性"分析59-62&&&&4.3 实证案例的IPA分析62-65&&&&&&&&4.3.1 成熟条件的分析62-64&&&&&&&&4.3.2 存在问题及风险性分析64-65&&&&4.4 信度效度检验65-695 龙光集团实施HR虚拟化的预案69-75&&&&5.1 龙光集团实施HR虚拟化管理的优势条件69-70&&&&&&&&5.1.1 内部条件69&&&&&&&&5.1.2 外部条件69-70&&&&5.2 龙光集团对HR虚拟化实施中存在问题的改进措施70-71&&&&5.3 龙光集团实施HR虚拟化管理预案71-75&&&&&&&&5.3.1 虚拟化范围71-72&&&&&&&&5.3.2 虚拟化的运作流程72-756 研究结论75-77参考文献77-83附录A83-85附录B85-87附录C87-89致谢89分享到:相关文献|


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