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#以下评论皆来自reddit#消息时间【7月6日】ON: 马卡透露皇马与波尔图就卡西达成协议、卡西接近加盟 & & & & & & &&【截止发稿之时,卡西已正式确认加盟波尔图】[C]【FC Porto】ImOffside 314 points 2 days ago&Never thought I would see Casillas in a Porto shirt从没想过我能活着看到卡西穿上波尔图球衣[C]【GD Chaves】JBSLB 147 points 2 days ago&it pains me to say this but man does your fucking club know how to do business. Maybe people can stop talking shit about the Portuguese league.虽然这么说我很心痛,但是你们黑店的人真是会做生意。现在大家能别再瞧不起葡超联赛了吧。[C]【FC Porto】ImOffside 92 points 2 days ago&I have know idea what's going on with Porto this transfer window. They're talking about Drogba now. I'm shockedAnd yeah, having a player like Casillas may help our league immensely. I can see it now, the Tondela and U. Madeira guys shitting themselves when they shake Casillas' hand.不知道波尔图这个转会窗是打了什么鸡血了。现在他们还在谈德罗巴。惊呆了嗯是的,有卡西这样的球员对我们争夺联赛能立竿见影。现在我就能想见,通德拉和马德拉那些山炮光是跟卡西握手就屎了一裤子的样子。[C]【Sporting Clube de Portugal】allez77 748 points 2 days ago&Scientists in Porto have found a way to hire declining star players, the MLS hates them, CLICK HERE TO FIND HOW波尔图科学家已经找到了收购暮年球星的方法,大联盟对他们羡慕嫉妒恨,点此查看详情[C]【United States】ShadowofLight15 177 points 2 days ago&You didn't put a link, i can't find out how!!你他妈没放链接我怎么查看详情!![C]aGuyFromReddit 185 points 2 days ago&It's because you have to complete a survey first.因为这个调查根本还没做。[C]AjaxTheJaguarMan 50 points 2 days ago&Do I win a free iPad if I take the survey?我参加调查能赢取免费iPad吗?[C]【Benfica】notsoobviousreddit 44 points 2 days ago&I love jabs at Porto as much as the next guy... but what other declined star players have they hired?我跟楼下那位一样喜欢挖苦波尔图……但是他们还买了什么暮年球星吗?[C]【FC Porto】Skorp 63 points 2 days ago&There's talks about Drogba.有德罗巴的风声。[C]【Sporting Clube de Portugal】ElittistJerk 15 points 2 days ago&And Maxi.还有马克西吧。[C]【FC Porto】Skorp 72 points 2 days ago&He said "declining stars" though, Maxi was never a star to begin with.这里说的是“暮年球星”,马克西算个毛线球星。[C]【FC Porto】pablo-honey 89 points 2 days ago&Last time I saw Casillas playing for Porto I had to edit the teams in FIFA myself.上次我看卡西给波尔图踢球是我自己在FIFA编辑器里改的。[C]【Benfica】BSantos57[S] 336 points 5 days ago&This is so fucking random lool, I'd like to know where the oil fields in Porto are too这也太突然了吧哈哈哈,我只想知道波尔图是哪里发现了新油田[C]【FC Porto】alentejano 41 points 5 days ago&this is up there with the crazy rumour that Rivaldo was close to signing for Porto 6 or 7 years ago这流言的疯狂程度就跟6、7年前说里瓦尔多要加盟我们差不多[C]【Benfica】vardenar 54 points 5 days ago&Remember when Bale was going to be loaned to Sporting Lisbon?还记得消息说贝尔要租借加盟里斯本吗?[C]【Arsenal】dnicol01 173 points 5 days ago&I don't believe this, I will eat a chipotle burrito if this happens.我不信,要是真的发生了我去吃个鸡肉卷。[C]【Arsenal】gooneriffic 59 points 4 days ago&absolute madman哇,你真是疯狂哦[C]【Chelsea】OmastarLovesDonuts 129 points 4 days ago&You should eat one anyways.无论有没有你都该吃一个。【7月9日】ON: 皮尔洛正式加盟纽约城FC & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &[C]【United States】deception42 475 points 2 days ago&Even though NYCFC are the team to hate in MLS right now, you can't deny they are bringing attention to the league.Also, that LA v NYCFC match in August just got a bit more interesting尽管纽约城现在是大联盟的拉仇恨对象,你无法否认他们给联盟吸引了很多眼球。以及,8月份银河vs纽约城会很有趣[C]【Switzerland】griffin852 187 points 2 days ago&Especially if LA get Dos Santos尤其是如果银河能拿下多斯桑托斯[C]【United States】deception42 299 points 2 days ago&Yep, absolutely. That match actually was moved up by two hours recently. My guess is because it allows the UK audience to see Gerrard v Lampard again说得没错。最近这场比赛时间还前移了2小时。我猜是为了让英国观众能再次目睹双德对决。[C]【Mexico】dcfc_90 136 points 2 days ago&Smart decision! Maybe the EPL should consider playing their games at 1 in the morning so that I don't have to wake up so early!Is there a way that three teams can play each other so that we can get LA v NYCFC v Orlando with Kaka+Chicharito?机智哦!英超也可以考虑下凌晨1点踢比赛吧,这样我就不用早起看球了!有什么可能来个三方混战吗,我们就能看到银河vs纽约城vs有卡卡和小豌豆的奥兰多[C]【Portland Timbers】Willie_The_Pimp 148 points 2 days ago&MLS all-star game should start looking like a European testimonial match pretty soon.大联盟全明星看起来应该会像是欧洲元老赛一样。[C]【Peru】ForgetHype 66 points 2 days ago&Why are they the team to hate? I'm trying to get into MLS but I don't know what team to pick and thought about NYCFC because I'm from NY.为什么他们会拉仇恨?我正打算要入行大联盟,但是不知道要选哪支主队,想着选纽约城因为我住在纽约。[C]【New York City FC】ToTheBattery 188 points 2 days ago&NY sports team + owned by CFG + Yankee Stadium. We're pretty easy targets tbf.Doesn't matter to me, it's been great supporting this team so far. Just got back from Montreal, amazing day out.纽约球队 + 城市足球集团(曼城旗下) + 洋基球场。说实话我们槽点太多了。不过我无所谓,今年追随纽约城经历很棒。刚从蒙特利尔看球比赛回来,这远征太爽了。[C]【Arsenal】HKAGooner 130 points 2 days ago&Although they might be a lot older, a Lampard-Pirlo midfield makes me giddy不过他们可能有点太老了,兰帕德-皮尔洛的中场组合看晕了[C]【Everton】MrDerpsicle 85 points 2 days ago&Lampard, Pirlo,and Diskerud in the middle of a 4-3-3兰帕德、皮尔洛和迪斯克鲁德组成了4-3-3的中场线[C]【FC Dallas】cgcr214 236 points 2 days ago&One of those is not like the others.好像有什么奇怪的人混进去了。[C]【Chelsea】marcellnation 283 points 2 days ago&Still in his 20s and capable of full speed running for 90 minutes? Yes.年方20多,狂奔90分钟没问题?嗯,奇怪的就是他。[C]Sergiokun 97 points 2 days ago&Pirlo and Lampard have dictated games jogging just as much as other players have at full sprint if not more其他球员狂奔的水平,换做皮尔洛和兰帕德只要*河蟹*就能接管比赛了[C]【Juventus】zeshie 538 points 2 days ago&The end of an era. We will miss you Maestro.一个时代的终结,我们会想你的大湿。[C]【Aston Villa】RhodesP90 423 points 2 days ago&Well at least he isn't going to Qatar哎总好过他去卡塔尔啊[C]【Juventus】zeshie 124 points 2 days ago&I would have loved for him to retire with us, and get that last goal to break the free-kick goal scoring record in Serie A.我更希望他能在尤文退役,然后打破他仅仅一球之遥的意甲任意球破门纪录[C]【AFC Ann Arbor】UMVH5 66 points 2 days ago&Maybe he'll return to you on loan after MLS is over and see to that happening!说不定大联盟比赛结束之后他会回租给你们,到时候看![C]【Chelsea】Freddichio 131 points 2 days ago&Nah, he'll go to Inter and score an equaliser against you. Just until the US season starts again...不,他会去国米然后对阵尤文的比赛打进扳平一球。然后大联盟开赛之后走人……[C]【Peñarol】El_Carbonero 175 points 2 days ago&Pirlo and Lampard in the Midfield feeding balls to David Villa. Would have been interesting 5 years ago!皮尔洛和兰帕德在中场给大卫-比利亚喂球。放在5年前倒是很有趣![C]【Chivas】contigo777 526 points 2 days ago&shut up it will still be interesting闭嘴,以后也一样有趣【7月9日】ON: 巴萨签下阿尔达-图兰 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &[C]wmcv 789 points 2 days ago&Until 20 July, Barcelona's new board will have an option to sell Arda Turan back to Atletico for a transfer fee of 30.6M.7月20日之前,巴萨的新董事会都有权将阿尔达-图兰以3060万的介个卖回给马竞。[C]【Manchester City】domalino 448 points 2 days ago&Imagine how Atletico fans would react to Turan leaving for Barcelona and then being sold back to them because the new president didn't want him.He's have to do a lot of backtracking.想象一下马竞球迷是什么感受,图兰离队去巴萨,然后因为新主席不想要他又被卖了回来。他还要一路倒回到原来的状态。[C]ZZodic 212 points 2 days ago&He'd prob not stay in Atletico. If Barcelona does send him back I believe he will go to PL because he just doesn't want to play in Atletico anymore.他可能不会继续待在马竞。如果巴萨把图兰送回去,我觉得他会去英超,因为他并不想继续为马竞踢球了。[C]【Atlético Madrid】jredbone 161 points 2 days ago&Even if he doesn't stay at Barcelona, he just burned his bridge with Atletico (the fans at least). And our fans are unrelenting. He would get no love anymore at El Calderon.就算他不留在巴萨,他也已经毁了和马竞的关系了(至少和球迷的关系)。我们的球迷很无情。卡尔德隆对他已经没有任何爱可言了。[C]【Atlético Madrid】euyyn 71 points 2 days ago&Tiago did about the same with Chelsea, and it was alright. I certainly love Arda much more than Tiago.蒂亚戈跟切尔西当初就和图兰这一样,其实也没怎么样。比起蒂亚戈我显然更爱图兰多了。[C]【Atlético Madrid】jredbone 492 points 2 days ago&Chelsea is not Barcelona. You can't spend a few years saying you live and sweat Atletico Madrid to then go off to one of the true great rivals in the same league.This is like your girlfriend telling you she loves you but needs some time on her own, but a week later she's dating the guy that used to bully you as a kid.切尔西跟巴萨是两码事。你不能连着几年说自己留着马竞的血液,然后去了联赛里最大的死对头之一。这就像是你女朋友说她很爱你,但是需要一个人静静,结果一周后他跟小时候一直欺负你那货搞上了。[C]【Arsenal】theRagingEwok 724 points 2 days ago&You holding up alright man?哥们儿你还好吗?[C]【Atlético Madrid】jredbone 358 points 1 day ago&I will once i get drunk and end up crying in front of Arda's house at 3am.我会好起来的,有次我喝醉了,然后凌晨3点在图兰家门口大哭。[C]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 138 points 2 days ago&Are you serious? What the fuck, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this in football. Can you even imagine what it'd look like if he was sold by the new board just weeks after joining the club?真的可以吗?这算啥,我从没见过足球界有这样的事情。你能想象他加盟俱乐部没几周就被新董事会卖掉吗?[C]【Manchester United】Alder_ 139 points 2 days ago&Well the Barca board are certainly a special case.当然了巴萨董事会不走寻常路。[C]【VfL Osnabrück】procrastinating_ftw 399 points 2 days ago&I honestly did not see that coming我真心没想到图兰会转会[C]【Southampton】DriesMertens 130 points 2 days ago&Will he even get first team football guaranteed in 2016?他在2016年之前能确保一线队出场机会吗?[C]【Barcelona】aleks points 2 days ago&Depends on if he can outplay Iniesta or Rakitic看他能不能超越白总和拉基蒂奇了[C]【Olympique de Marseille】AbideMan 467 points 2 days ago&So probably not所以他基本没什么机会咯[C]【Atlético Madrid】KaoticKarma 330 points 2 days ago&Arda, thank you so much for a fantastic four years! You gave me memories I'll never forget your goal versus Milan, or when you threw your boot at the official, and especially when you shaved your head after winning the title.Great player, even better person. Best of luck at Barcelona, can't wait to see the signing we make as a replacement!阿尔达,感谢你带来了美妙的4年!你给了我无法忘怀的回忆,你对米兰的进球,你对着裁判扔鞋子,尤其是夺冠之后你剃了光头。伟大的球员,更是一个好人。祝你在巴萨好运,等不及看看我们买谁来取代你了![C]【Atlético Madrid】im2Spooky4you 407 points 2 days ago&Screw that lets kill him说了一通有的没有的,兄弟们一块儿把图兰宰了![C]【Barcelona】jl points 2 days ago&lolwut. it's just so.. random. we weren't linked to him at all until the last two weeks and now we've signed him?哈哈哈什么情况,这也太……随性了吧。我们直到2周前才和他扯上,现在就已经签下来了?[C]Chupalla90 64 points 2 days ago&we were linked. Arda is Lucho's 2nd option as midfielder. Im curious who #1 is. Prolly Pogba or Koke联系早就有了。图兰是恩里克中场的第二引援选择。我好奇第一是谁,可能是波巴或者科克[C]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 57 points 2 days ago&Verratti probably up there too.可能还有维拉蒂。【7月10日】ON: 斯特林告知利物浦不参加亚洲行以强迫转会曼城 & & & & & & & & & & & &&[C]【Benfica】ratchet570 117 points 23 hours ago&Doesnt he know that its written in the stars that the year gerrard leaves they will win the league?难道他不知道星宿已定,杰拉德离队的那年利物浦就要夺英超?[C]【Liverpool】parzx 43 points 22 hours ago&They came second the year after Carragher left so it's only logical that they finish first the year after Gerrard leaves卡拉离队后他们拿了第二,所以杰拉德离队拿第一是唯一合理的猜测[C]【Liverpool】thrillerv 438 points 1 day ago*&Why hasn't he already handed in a transfer request?Oh right, he'd have to forfeit some bonus money....他为毛还没有提交转会申请?哦对,这样他就要放弃部分奖金了……[C]【River Plate】R1v 74 points 23 hours ago&how exactly does the financial side of transfer request work?转会申请上,经济部分到底是怎么算的?[C]【Liverpool】thrillerv 231 points 23 hours ago&If you hand in a transfer request, you lose out on loyalty bonus.如果你递交转会申请,忠诚奖金就全泡汤了。[C]【Manchester United】Indydegrees2 220 points 23 hours ago&and he said he isn't a money grabber, remember?他说了自己不是钱眼子,你们都忘了吗?[C]Saintvaas 675 points 1 day ago&Jesus what a little wankstain上帝啊你这个小傻逼[C]【Olympique de Marseille】AbideMan 244 points 23 hours ago&He should be loaned to a Moldovan side or something as a timeout应该把他租去个什么摩尔多瓦球队让他好好冷静冷静[C]【Exeter City】chezygo 108 points 23 hours ago&He'll refuse, as he has every right to. The worst thing Liverpool can do to him is put him in the reserves.他会拒绝的,他完全有权利这么做。利物浦能对他做的最糟糕的事也就是下放预备队。[C]【Arsenal】I_hate_small_talk 141 points 22 hours ago&What's wrong with the reserves? He'll get to play against the likes of Falcao.预备队有什么不好的?他还有机会碰到法尔考这样的大牌呢。【7月10日】ON: 天空体育消息,斯特林想离开利物浦因不愿为罗杰斯效力 & & & &&[C]Takley 536 points 23 hours ago&"It's not me, it's you"“问题不在我,在你”[C]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 57 points 10 hours ago&He's gonna run out of excuses soon.他马上就没有借口可用了。[C]【Columbus Crew SC】rcstro 62 points 7 hours ago&"my dog ate my contract"“我的合同不小心被狗吃了”【7月9日】ON: 范佩西将以470万加盟费内巴切 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&[C]【Manchester United】baby_bomb_squad 399 points 2 days ago&Nani and RVP both to fenerbahce for a combined total of less than 20 million....纳尼和范佩西打包加盟费内巴切,总价还不到2000万……[C]【Fenerbahçe】Bunny_Killer 865 points 2 days ago&Thank you come again感谢您又来捐助了[C]【Celtics】leeves points 1 day ago&Those Wages as well. Good job工资也是好价啊。干得好[C]【Eintracht Frankfurt】AMeierFussballgott 137 points 1 day ago&It's relatively easy for turkish clubs because the players only pay like 20% in taxes instead of the 50%+ at most other places.这个对土耳其俱乐部来说相对简单,因为他们只要为球员薪水付20%的税,而不像其他大多数地方那样的50%+。[C]【Celtics】leeves points 1 day ago&I meant good job for Man U for getting good money and releasing two high earners who weren't going to feature. Normally it's hard to move these types on.我的意思是,对曼联来说送走2个过气的工资大户能解放很多薪资空间。一般来说要送走这些人也不容易。[C]【Liverpool】SerSamwell 996 points 2 days ago&In the end, we're all feeder clubs for Fenerbahce.到最后,我们都是费内巴切的卫星俱乐部。[C]【Manchester United】flaffl21 594 points 2 days ago&You either die an Arsenal or live long enough to see yourself become Fenerbahce要么你在阿森纳英年早逝,要么长命百岁最后加盟费内巴切[C]【Newcastle United】lafindumort 252 points 2 days ago&In the end the little boy inside every football player screams for Fenerbache.最后每个球员内心的小男孩都喊着费内巴切。[C]【Arsenal】return_0_ 92 points 2 days ago&We are also a feeder club for Gala :/ (Eboue, Podolski)我们还是加拉塔萨雷的卫星俱乐部&:/&(埃布埃,波尔蒂)[C]【Galatasaray】kpaulx 103 points 2 days ago&We would appreciate if you guys give us Joel Campbell too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)要是把坎贝尔也让给我们的话那敢情好&( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[C]vinnienine 234 points 2 days ago&It's crazy that he's actually played more premier league games than Thierry Henry, really doesn't seem that way. For a season or two between Arsenal and Utd he was one of the best players in Europe. Capped off by that insane goal in the World Cup.想到就觉得很疯狂地是,他出赛的英超场次比亨利还多,但真的感觉不出来。从阿森纳到曼联的那两赛季,他可是欧洲最好的球员之一。世界杯那个神级进球也是脱帽向他致敬。[C]【Maccabi Haifa】SharksFanAbroad 147 points 1 day ago&RvP and Henry are the top two foreign-born goalscorers in PL history.范佩西和亨利是英超历史上进球最多的两位外籍球员。[C]【Manchester United】samama11 196 points 1 day ago&That's a Rudd thing to say.我很范尼(烦你)这么说诶。[C]AkaBobbyBottleServic 166 points 2 days ago&does chicharito finally get a chance, or will United try to find someone "better"?小豌豆最后终于有机会了?还是说曼联又要去找个“更好的”?[C]【Liverpool】GimmeTacos2 130 points 2 days ago&I'm becoming more and more worried that they'll land Lacazette我越发担心曼联最后要搞到拉卡泽特了[C]【Manchester United】sglandsberg 339 points 2 days ago&Come now, United going after a young, reasonably priced player with a high ceiling? Pfft you'll see them "interested in" or "preparing a bid for" Messi, Suarez, Neymar, Ibra, Cristiano, and Aguero in the next few weeks. Then we'll sign Benteke for 35m pounds.拜托哦,曼联追逐一个年轻,价格合理,上限高的球员?噗,后面几周你看到他们对梅西、苏亚雷斯、内马尔、伊布、C罗、阿圭罗“有兴趣”或者“准备报价”。最后他们3500万胖子签了个本特克。[C]T786 70 points 2 days ago&Premier league legend... Still a class player and imo will be a great signing.英超传奇球星……仍然是顶级球员,个人觉得是一笔很棒的签约。[C]【Liverpool】LDM95 57 points 2 days ago&United fans, do you really think RVP was worth all that money, transfer fee and wages, for one good season?魔蜜们,你们真的觉得范佩西值那么多钱,转会费和工资?就只打出了一个赛季好球?[C]【Manchester United】Feezbull 228 points 2 days ago&Yes. Still did well enough in his season under Moyes with his goals/games ratio but was injured unfortunately.Great dressing room presence too apparently.值得。在莫耶斯手下的第一个赛季他也很棒,场均进球率很高,不幸地是受伤了。更衣室的作用显然也很大。[C]BBQ_HaX0r 130 points 2 days ago&As a Liverpool fan, would you want your club to spend the money on a player who single-handedly changed the title race in your favor? Of course it was money well spent. It's not like it hamstrung us financially when we still were able to bring in Falcao and had Rooney/Welbeck/Chicharito to alternate when he was banged up. He is a bonafide star and a good presence in the locker-room who was up for captaincy last summer.You can't put a price on SAF's farewell title.倒想问问利物浦球迷,你不想你家主队花钱买一个以一己之力改变争冠走势的球员吗?这钱花得当然值得了。这跟我们做冤大头买法尔考不一样,那时候就算范佩西受伤了我们还有鲁尼、黑贝和小豌豆可以替换。范佩西是个正能量球星,在更衣室也能带好头,去年夏天还是队长的候选人。另外,老爵爷的告别之冠,本身就是无价的。[C]【Stabæk】motown_philly 56 points 2 days ago&Wouldn't you like if Liverpool payed £24 million + wages for a league title?让利物浦花2400万+工资换英超冠军你换吗?【6月11日】敲定!图片报透露施魏因斯泰格加盟曼联 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &[C]【Bayern München】derphoenix 1209 points 21 hours ago&FUCK THIS!Today, Bayern lost a legend. What a shame...草泥马!今天,拜仁失去了一位传奇。太耻辱了……[C]【Manchester United】arron77 333 points 21 hours ago&Do you actually think this is true then?你不会真的信了吧?[C]【Bayern München】derphoenix 547 points 21 hours ago&Bild is rather reliable when it comes to transfers and they put it on their frontpage (paywall article)转会消息上片片还是很靠谱的,这消息都上了他们首页了[C]【Manchester United】arron77 262 points 21 hours ago&...fuck, for reals? I'm still highly sceptical but this is interesting……擦,真的吗?我还是非常怀疑但是这下可有意思了[C]【Bayern München】versooo 237 points 21 hours ago&It is true. Bild doesn't make up stories of this magnitude (sport section).真的。这种级别的新闻图片报是不会瞎编的(至少体育版)。[C]【Manchester United】Sabu113 95 points 20 hours ago&We're getting a German!我们要签德国人了![C]【Manchester United】CamelBreath 424 points 19 hours ago&Not just any German.We're getting the German.不是一般的德国人。我们签的是那个德国人。[C]【Juventus】zoidberg10 180 points 18 hours ago&The best German Germany has ever Germaned.德国得过的最好的德国人。[C]【Bayern München】kleptomaniac7 451 points 20 hours ago&(⌐■_■)( •_•)>⌐■-■(•_•)•_•)_•)•))[C]【Bayern München】George297 69 points 17 hours ago&My plan for the next few hours我接下来几小时的计划[C]Ijustwantahotpocket 1073 points 21 hours ago&(正在给你戴绿帽的路上)[C]【Crystal Palace】NickTM 249 points 21 hours ago&Seriously, it's quite a u-turn he's done in the fans affections in the past year or so. Good for him, always thought the flak he was getting was a bit much.好好说,这和他过去1年里的表现相比有点180°大转弯的感觉。为他高兴,一直觉得他被喷的有点过了。[C]【Australia】illyria_ShrmpDmnsn 119 points 21 hours ago&I think it's because it looked really bad for United during the window before last season until he brought in a bunch of player right before the window closed.They spent a lot of time in dire need of players yet signing none.我觉得这是因为上赛季之前的曼联转会窗真的很糟糕,直到他在转会窗关闭前买进了一批球员。他们花了很多时间最后却一无所获。[C]【1. FC Köln】Mrwinkles22 673 points 21 hours ago&Hope he pulls a Deandre Jordan希望他能上演德安德雷-乔丹戏码[C]【Borussia Dortmund】ducidni__ 97 points 20 hours ago&someone pls explain this to me...谁能给我解释一下这个梗……[C]【Manchester United】thebretandbutter 247 points 20 hours ago&Free agent basketball player verbally commits to another team, his current teammates "lock him" in his house and get him to re-sign for current team. Real dick move by DJ, but it spawned the funniest twitter saga I've ever seen, summed up here:小乔丹是NBA自由球员,口头表示了加盟另一支球队,他当时的队友把他“锁在”房子里,强迫他跟现在的球队续约。DJ真是一招臭棋,不过这个引发了我见过的最好玩的推特狂潮,大家可以点这里看:[C]【Barcelona】HippoBigga 123 points 21 hours ago&I didn't know basketball was big in Germany !原来德国人也懂篮球![C]【Aarhus GF】friskfyr32 267 points 21 hours ago&Dirk, Detlef und Dennis...德克、德特雷夫和丹尼斯……[C]【Manchester United】mycousinvinny99 89 points 20 hours ago&thats 3 people?就仨?[C]【Borussia Dortmund】slurpherp 114 points 20 hours ago&Dirk is life tho德克就是绳命好吗[C]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 263 points 21 hours ago&Bild are usually pretty decent with Bayern news aren't they? Or am I mistaking them with Kicker?Regardless, taking this with a grain of salt, so I won't get too disappointed if it ends up being bullshit.片片在拜仁新闻上一直很准是吧?还是我把他们和踢球者搞混了?无所谓啦,别太鸡冻,最后就算是抬价我也不会太失望。[C]【FC Augsburg】nookn 214 points 21 hours ago&Kicker only reports 100% done deals. So it's the best source. Bild has reliable inside information.踢球者只报100%成了的事儿。所以是最好的消息源。片片的内部消息也很准的。[C]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 118 points 21 hours ago&So if it's on a Bild paywall article it's good, but on Kicker it's pretty much true barring official confirmation?所以上了图片报头版就是好兆头,上了踢球者基本就等于官宣了?[C]【FC Augsburg】nookn 69 points 21 hours ago&Yeah exactly this.是的完全正确。[C]【Chelsea】ugallu 232 points 21 hours ago&I am confused as to why he would agree on a move, as well as to why would Bayern sell him.我完全弄不明白地是,为什么他会同意转会,以及为什么拜仁会卖了他。[C]【Bayern München】VitricTyro 291 points 21 hours ago&He has always said he wanted to play in another league. He is a legend to the club, the only way they'd sell is if he wanted to leave. But if he wanted to go, we would completely respect his wishes.他一直有说想要去别的联赛闯荡。他是俱乐部传奇,唯一可能卖走他的情况就是他自己想走。如果他真的要走,俱乐部会完全尊重他的意愿。[C]【Bayern München】Hauptbahnhof 134 points 21 hours ago&he'll be back in a few years, without a doubt, to work in Bayern management.毫无疑问,过几年他会回来,到拜仁管理层工作。[C]【Chelsea】DawdlingDaily 26 points 21 hours ago&How many more years playing at the top does he have?他还能保持顶级水准多少年?[C]【Germany】cptSMU 125 points 21 hours ago&Depending on his injuries. He is constantly injured for 3 years now. His ankles are basically done. I would be very surprised if he ever managed to play more than 30 games a season. Especially without a winterbreak in a more physical league. Also, Bayern dominates the games in the BuLi. Playing for ManU will be more exhausting aswell.要看他的伤病情况了。过去3年里他不断有伤。脚踝基本已经报废了。如果他一赛季能打30+比赛我肯定会很意外。尤其是在一个没有冬歇期又非常力量型的联赛。同样,拜仁在德甲可以主导比赛。为曼联踢球则要累得多。[C]【Manchester United】acornmuscles 187 points 20 hours ago&Constantly injured hmm? Sounds perfect for us!伤病不断,嗯?听起来正是我们的菜![C]【Manchester United】omegaxLoL 70 points 21 hours ago&I can think of a couple of reasons why he'd agree to a move...good relation with LVG, pretty much guaranteed starter at United, moving from one massive club to another, new experience for him before retiring. Why Bayern would sell him though, I'm not sure.我可以想到几个他同意走的原因……跟范加尔的良好关系,在曼联几乎保证首发,从豪门转会到另一家豪门,退役前能有一段新的经历。为什么拜仁要卖他,我就不清楚了。[C]【Bayern München】versooo 74 points 21 hours ago&He is the club's legend and the club won't make any problems if he wants to leave.他是俱乐部传奇,如果他要走的话俱乐部不会为难他。[C]【Werder Bremen】balle17 148 points 21 hours ago&First Kroos, now Schweinsteiger. Even as someone who does not really like Bayern, I don't like the way they and Guardiola are going.先是克罗斯,现在又是小猪。即使作为一个不太喜欢拜仁的球迷,我也不喜欢他们现在和瓜玩的这套路。[C]【Bayern München】Questigy 46 points 21 hours ago&I just hope we sign some quality replacements for everyone who is leaving and getting older.我只是希望我们能为离开的,还有正在老去的球员签一些高质量的继任。【7月11日】ON: 拜仁CEO鲁梅尼格确认小猪离开拜仁加盟曼联 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &[C]【England】nayimhittingalongone 1430 points 5 hours ago&Astute work by Moyes.Not signing Thiago and allowing him to go to Bayern, which enabled Kroos to go to Real, which meant Alonso could go to Bayern, so now Schweinsteiger can go to Utd.The merry-go-round had to do two laps, but it was all worth it.莫耶斯太精明。当年不签蒂亚戈好让他去拜仁,所以克罗斯就去了皇马,这使得阿隆索去了拜仁,于是现在小猪可以来曼联了。虽然绕了2个大圈,但这一切都是值得的。[C]【Manchester United】MyVinylOffer 549 points 5 hours ago&I love it when a plan comes together.计划圆满落成总是让我心情舒畅。[C]【Manchester United】aaazzz000 168 points 4 hours ago&smokes cigar雪茄点起[C]【Manchester United】fisherpriceman 271 points 4 hours ago&You missed the bit where he intentionally got sacked so we could appoint LVG who is BFFL with Schweinsteiger.你还漏了重要一环,他故意让自己被解雇好让范加尔上任,而后者是小猪一生的挚友。[C]【Manchester United】clayzerg 64 points 4 hours ago&Good guy David莫耶斯好人一生平安[C]LarsChristian 570 points 5 hours ago&First ever german player to play for Man Utd, and what about that for the first player.有史以来第一位为曼联效力的德国球员,以及以这名球员来开头是有多赞。[C]9las 501 points 5 hours ago&First german ever and most german ever.第一个德国人,也是最德国的德国人。[C]【Manchester United】ballepung 405 points 5 hours ago&[C]idiotseparator 245 points 5 hours ago&Nasri lookalike in the background.背景里那比好像纳斯里。[C]【North Korea】desmondao 78 points 5 hours ago&:0[C]【Manchester United】CCUJJ 791 points 5 hours ago&hi bastian do u need picking up in the morning pal?嗨巴斯蒂安,好哥们儿早上要不要我顺路接你?[C]【England】Clark-Kent 470 points 5 hours ago&Wayne is thinking ahead,asking people how do you say Uber in German鲁尼总是机智有远见,已经在问别人德语里Uber(打车软件)怎么说了[C]【Catalonia】bballdeo 204 points 5 hours ago&That's assuming he knows how to say it in English.说的好像鲁尼知道英语怎么说一样。[C]TheAwakened 311 points 5 hours ago*&Fuck me! Unbelievable!Honours -Bundesliga: 04C05, 07C08, 12C13, 14C15DFB-Pokal: 04C05, 07C08, 12C13, 2013C14DFB-Ligapokal: DFL-Supercup: UEFA Champions League: 2012C13UEFA Super Cup: 2013FIFA Club World Cup: 2013FIFA World Cup: 2014草!难以置信!荣誉榜 - (这个我就不翻了……)[C]【Manchester United】Selgin 603 points 5 hours ago&I guess we could send him out on loan for a season so he can get some experience.我想我魔应该把他租出去一赛季好让他积累点经验。[C]【Manchester United】DigimonFantasy 141 points 5 hours ago&A year or two at Crystal Palace should sort him out.去水晶宫待1-2个赛季他应该能懂事起来。[C]【Crystal Palace】ToAllAGoodNight 66 points 4 hours ago&:3往期传声筒:&
That's a Rudd thing to say.
引用9楼 @ 发表的:
引用9楼 @ 发表的:
[C]【England】nayimhittingalongone 1430 points 5 hours ago
Astute work by Moyes.
Not signing Thiago and allowing him to go to Bayern, which enabled Kroos to go to Real, which meant Alonso could go to Bayern, so now Schweinsteiger can go to Utd.
The merry-go-round had to do two laps, but it was all worth it.
That's a Rudd thing to say.
[C]【England】nayimhittingalongone 1430 points 5 hours ago
Astute work by Moyes.
Not signing Thiago and allowing him to go to Bayern, which enabled Kroos to go to Real, which meant Alonso could go to Bayern, so now Schweinsteiger can go to Utd.
The merry-go-round had to do two laps, but it was all worth it.
采访一下@ 范大将军去土超这事你本人怎么看?
引用3楼 @ 发表的:
引用3楼 @ 发表的:
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引用9楼 @ 发表的:
[C]【Atlético Madrid】jredbone 358 points 1 day ago
I will once i get drunk and end up crying in front of Arda's house at 3am.
引用13楼 @ 发表的:[C]【Atlético Madrid】jredbone 358 points 1 day ago I will once i get drunk and end up crying in front of Arda's house at 3am. 我会好起来的,有次我喝醉了,然后凌晨3点在图兰家门口大哭。 这句应该是:等我喝醉了,凌晨3点跑到图兰家门口大哭,我就好了…… (是将来时不是过去时)这里的I will是对别人“兄弟你还好么”的回复:D
修改:不好意思没看见是get[ 此帖被阿琪酱在 14:04修改 ]发自手机虎扑
引用3楼 @ 发表的:
引用15楼 @ 发表的:
这里的I will是对别人“兄弟你还好么”的回复:D
[C]【England】Clark-Kent 470 points 5 hours ago
Wayne is thinking ahead,asking people how do you say Uber in German
[C]【Catalonia】bballdeo 204 points 5 hours ago
That's assuming he knows how to say it in English.
& 允许多选


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