
America's 'Lost
Colony': A Story Whose Ending Remains to Be Written
Island is off the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, in North
Carolina. In fifteen eighty-seven, more than one hundred people
arrived from England to live on the island. Three years later, they
were gone. Today we revisit the mystery of whatever happened to
America's "Lost Colony." &
first settlement of families in America was supposed to be along
the Chesapeake Bay. The colonists, however, settled on Roanoke
Island instead of sailing farther north. No one knows why. Roanoke
is a low, narrow island between the mainland and the islands of the
Outer Banks. The island has thick wetlands, tall oak trees and a
lot of wildlife. Today it appears much as it did when the colonists
United States stamp of 1937
honoring Virginia Dare, the first English child born in an American
The one hundred seventeen men, women
and children were not the first white people to try to live on the
island. A group of more than one hundred Englishmen had arrived two
years earlier, in fifteen eighty-five. But they arrived too late in
the year to plant crops, and their supplies nearly ran out. They
also fought with Indians. The Englishmen returned home the
following year. Then came the families of what would become the
Lost Colony. Governor John White led this group to the New World.
Soon, he recognized that the settlers would need more supplies and
weapons to survive. So, after only a few months, he decided to
return to England.& Ten days before he sailed, his
daughter Eleanor Dare had a baby girl. Virginia Dare became the
first English child born in America. John White would never know
his granddaughter. The last time the governor saw his family was
just before he returned to England.
When he arrived in England, John
White found himself trapped by the situation there. Britain had
declared war with Spain in fifteen eighty. All the ships were sent
to battle. Finally, in fifteen ninety, Governor White returned to
Roanoke Island. But he did not find the small settlement busy and
growing. Instead, it was empty. Where could the people have gone?
The only evidence was cut into a tree and a fence: the letters
C-R-O and the word Croatoan,
1584 map of Chesapeake Bay to
Cape Lookout by John White
John White thought the colonists had
gone to live with the Croatoan Indians south of Roanoke. He was
ready to investigate. But a great storm damaged some equipment on
his ships. He was forced to return again to England. The governor
tried several more times to go back to America. He never succeeded.
John White never knew what happened to the colony or his
Historians have theories. Native
Americans may have killed the colonists. Or the British could have
been killed by Spanish troops who came up from what is now Florida.
Or perhaps the settlers went farther inland. There, they might have
met friendly Indians and married into their tribes.
The most interesting theory about
the Lost Colony started with a rock found in nineteen thirty-seven.
The rock was discovered less than one hundred kilometers from
Roanoke Island. It was covered with writing. Many people thought it
was a message from Eleanor Dare to her father, telling him the
colonists fled the island after an Indian attack. Almost forty
other rocks were discovered over the next three years. Together,
they told a story of how the colonists traveled, and how Eleanor
Dare died in fifteen ninety-nine.& Many historians
did not believe the story. But many reporters did. In time,
however, an investigative reporter discovered that the whole story
was a lie.
As time passed, the settlement
itself disappeared. Trees and bushes started to cover the
buildings. In about sixteen fifty-three, a trader named John Farrar
and three friends landed on the island from Virginia. Some
historians say the group found objects from the Lost Colony and
left with them. In the eighteen sixties, during the American Civil
War, Union soldiers won a battle on Roanoke Island. While there,
the soldiers apparently dug for evidence of colonial life. In the
nineteen forties, professional archeologists started to investigate
the island. But little has been found in recent years.
The Institute for International
Maritime Research, based in North Carolina, is looking for more
objects from the colonial period. But its director, Gordon Watts,
is not digging for the artifacts. Instead, the archeologist is
diving for them. The research is part of a project to search on
land and in the water for remains of the Lost Colony. A North
Carolina lawyer named Phil Evans organized a group called the First
Colony Foundation to raise money for this purpose. In the nineteen
eighties, Mister Evans worked at the Fort Raleigh National Historic
Site. During that time, he found what was left of an old well from
colonial days. He made this discovery in Roanoke Sound.
Gordon Watts says the sea, over
time, may have worn away areas of land. As a result, he says other
objects from colonial life may be under the waters of the Roanoke
Sound. Some other experts reject this erosion theory. But National
Park Service archeologists did underwater research in two thousand.
They found more than two hundred places that might contain
historical objects. Mister Watts and his team have begun work on
the northeast side of Roanoke Island. In October of two thousand
five, the divers explored an area close to shore. So far, their
findings have included pieces of a brick that could be from
building materials used in colonial times.
Visitors to Roanoke Island can learn
more about the Lost Colony. At the northern end of the island is
the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. This park was developed on
the same land used by the colonists. Objects from the colonial
period include an Indian smoking pipe. There are pieces of iron
farming equipment. And there are metal counting devices used for
keeping financial records.& A model fort is the
only structure in the park built in the exact place as the first
building. The model was designed to look the same as when those
first Englishmen arrived. The fort was mainly a square building
with pointed structures called bastions. A bastion is a secure
position used for defense against attack.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Inside the visitors center at the
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site is the Elizabethan Room. It has
wooden walls and a stone fireplace. The fireplace is from a
sixteenth-century British home. The Elizabethan Room is similar to
rooms in the home of Sir Walter Raleigh. He was a wealthy British
investor who supported the settlement of Roanoke Island. Outside
the visitors center are the Elizabethan Gardens, created by the
Garden Club of North Carolina. Beautiful paths lead visitors among
flowers and plants. People visiting the Elizabethan Gardens can
enter through a sixteenth-century garden house.
During summer nights, visitors to
the island can see a play called "The Lost Colony." The Roanoke
Island Historical Association has been performing this play since
nineteen thirty-seven. Music and dance tell the mysterious story of
the colonists. The show is performed in a historic outdoor theater
near the Elizabethan Gardens.
Questions about Eleanor Dare and the
other lost colonists continually bring historians and other
researchers to Roanoke Island. They hope to discover new evidence
about what happened to the young mother and her baby. For now,
the mystery of America's Lost Colony is a story whose ending
remains to be written.
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。(日 水信息网)切萨皮克湾基金会日前继续就一项政府管理的海湾清洁计划对政府展开批评,他们认为政府对于被污染包围的海湾所作的清洁工作乏善可陈,几乎可以说是束手无策。
“真是令人沮丧,” 杰夫·卡宾说。他目前是维吉尼亚基金会的资深科学家,“海湾的污染状况令人担忧,它与《清洁水法案》的目标背道而驰。”
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