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That? What is that?& A beautiful girl while have no reaction to come over, don't know Chen Tianming the cloud. &Is your menstruation, last month to what is time?& Chen Tianming worry beautiful girl said. &This, this,new balance udsalg, is, is the last month of the No. 10,& beautiful girl thinks, red face said to Chen Tianming. &Yes, that's right.& Chen Tianming happily slapped his thigh,adidas sko udsalg, the Yin said: &today is a slogan, that is to say, the number 10 is your menstruation may come tomorrow. &Really?& Beautiful girl don't believe. &You usually that's accurate?& Chen Tianming said. Say these, Chen Tianming was not a layman, in middle school, he often sneaks in through the school of adolescent health, although this course is not open the schools there, but he believes that, own level than the teacher how much, because he has put the book up not like the. &Well, seems a bit quasi.& The pretty girl's face was red. &That is, when menstruation comes, some people will appear in your situation. OK, you go back first, if in two days you still pain, then we find the doctor have a look.& Now Chen Tianming wished the girl immediately. Anyway, this two days, if the girl still pain, see a doctor not to be late again. Chen Tianming own this coup and happy. &Well,toms sko, well, after two days if I have pain, I come to have a look.& Beautiful girl nodded. &OK, you go first, I have some things to do.& Chen Tianming said. &Good bye,toms sko salg, doctor.& Bye. Chen Tianming looked at the beautiful girl had gone out, the heart of stone to fall. He wiped the sweat, sitting in a chair pant. &Morning, just have the patient to the doctor?& Yan sister walked into the room, looked around, no patient, breathed a sigh of relief. &No,new balance sko, absolutely not. I was just here, is a fly also not found.& Chen Tianming a listen to Yan sister asked him, shook his head. He is not so stupid, told Yan Jie of earlier. &Then you give her a favor, okay?& Yan sister smiled at Chen Tianming, said. The seventy-seventh chapter is who suffer? Chen Tianming a listen to Yan elder sister will help him, a little scared,toms sko norge, if a girl goes back to the doctor,toms sko salg, I really do not know how to die. &Why, don't you?& Yan sister looked at Chen Tianming as if embarrassed, asked. &No, what will? Yanjie told me to do, I would be afraid of?& Chen Tianming see Yan sister watched him busy, he beat his breast and said loudly. &Even on daoshan, under the pan,toms dame, I also will not refuse under any circumstances.& &Well, when I come back, see the rain, you help me back to my dorm and collect some clothes. Although my clothes hung in the hallway, but afraid of rain spray it wet.& Yan sister said to Chen Tianming. &No problem.
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&Chen Tianming condemn justly and severely, when he turned around, pretending to have just found out Huang Na around like. &Well, her elder sister, what are you doing here?& He lost his face to Huang Na said: &Nana, you don't listen to him, it is not so, he wanted me to help him find the women here.& &Oh, Hua Dong, you can insult my intelligence, but not an insult to my personality, I am what I tell you? Besides, I was a person like that?& Chen Tianming cried in surprise. Huang Na stared at by one eye and said: &Hua Dong, I bring my friends to play here,toms salg, is not the night here we tonight, you're gonna spend the night playing is your thing,toms sko salg, please don't destroy my friend.& &The word version of the novel reading, updating,billige toms, faster,toms norge, as in the c k literature network, computer stations: Omega Omega Omega. 1
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support in the K literature, support! I, I do not ah, Nana, where I play here too? You don't listen to your friends.& He shook head. If let Huang Na know that he is a frequently called miss a person, that I should bubble Huang Na is not possible. &My heart to you and you don't know, ever since I told my wife after the divorce, I have always tried to stay out, also, have not touched!& He speaks a little guilty. Chen Tianming literally, said: &can't, Hua Dong, did I hear you say often play here, said here is very cheap, beautiful and fresh, gosh, you what is true?& &Of course behind the saying is true, don't, don't, I've even said such a thing? Mr. Chen, you got it wrong, please don't hurt me.& He hurriedly said. &Alas, her elder sister,adidas udsalg, I don't know how to say, you and talk of Hua Dong, I go somewhere else to try.& Chen Tianming shrugged his shoulders to somewhere else to go. &On, Nana, we talk about,& Hua ideal not to Chen Tianming is on the road, will give him a chance to hit on Huang Na, since it seems to please him to eat meal. Huang Na stared at one eye and said: &Hua Dong, you find you 500000 to talk, I can not chat with you.& Say that finish, Huang Nawang Chen Tianming went over there. She's luck can, win millions, she wanted to ask Chen Tianming how many wins, but had no idea that came to see such a thing. &Morning,toms dame, how much did you win?& Huang Na went to the side of Chen Tianming said quietly: &time is almost up, you play for half an hour,billige toms sko, we'll be down to the first floor to take a rest, I will deal with some boss.& Originally, Huang Na often come here to play, the purpose is to talk business with some of the boss. While other boss is the intention, this is their so-called circle. &Fast one billion, Madonna, this is the 50 of ten million chips,billige toms sko, you take a good, the rest is mine.& Chen Tianming smiled and took out the bag of chips. The casino staff issued a mounted chip bag to each of the guests, Chen Tianming think there is too much, let Huang Na give her. &Oh, you really are so severe?& Huang Na saw himself in bag with
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&You? You don't sit how to play computer games?& Chen Tianming see red to pull ourselves down, puzzled and said. &I, hee hee, I sat in your lap did not go? Stupid teacher.& Voice did not fall, red sitting on Chen Tianming's lap. Oh,prada iphone 5c case, this how line? Chen Tianming in the heart cried. If so, that oneself must suffer the. Red with her little ass down twist their hard up, she went away, and their solutions can not fire, then, that you do not live. &Red, we say,chanel iphone 5s case, you sit down, but don't move, otherwise,prada iphone 5s case, I can't bear.& Chen Tianming bitter face on red said. Red has now without his consent to sit on his lap, I can do, say, now red like a very love cry, always ready to cry himself, be at a loss what to do. Alas,chanel iphone 5 case, who call themselves the most afraid of women cry! &I know, teacher.& She said, leaning forward her own body, and then hand touched the table computer mouse. &Oh!& Chen Tianming in the heart cried,michael kors iphone 5s case, because this red one, her soft and springy little ass his below move. And his below seems slowly upward trend, this let Chen Tianming can not help a bit the teeth, took a deep breath. &Teacher, this file is how to operate?& She didn't seem to feel strange Chen Tianming below, she continued to play with her computer. &Don't move, don't move,& this is Chen Tianming in the heart of their own here,billige toms, but because this red one asked him, he could not help but speak. &Don't move? The teacher,prada iphone 5 case, what meaning is this?& The little red to hear Chen Tianming say so, do not understand. Then, she turned around and asked Chen Tianming. Red body of the turn, the Chen Tianming had in mind dark &don't move& full turn out. Now, Chen Tianming is the little red below made much more pretty than just now, if have to penetrate trousers out angry like. &No, no what mean, didn't I say you, you,louis vuitton iphone 5s case, you play computer games, that file, you pull it down, and then point the right mouse button, property.& Chen Tianming make an ambiguous statement. If this continues, he really is to &fire& of the &teacher, you, you Is it right? Now a bit like that?& Red red in the face and said. At the age of seventeen she in the dorm to her female students say that kind of thing, but the book says, she has felt Chen Tianming below very up. &No, not.& Chen Tianming desperately shook his head. His dirty thoughts of how to make the little red know? She was a child? If it is another beautiful girl, he put her on his desk, took off her pants, to solve their fire. &I, I know, you don't lie to me.& She is low head said quietly. After a while, she continued: &teacher, you, and you can touch me there last time.& Then, her blush as red persimmon like.
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&Why? Xiao Dan to you?& Lao Yang to see Guo Xiaodan immediately jumped up when he saw Guo Xiaodan Chen Tianming in the back of his face changed. It seems that Guo Xiaodan is not willing to save her brother. &Yes we came. Lao Yang and I'll give you a chance you get Guo Haifang,billige toms sko, you get more than one bargained for.& Chen Tianming thought he had enough &civilized law enforcement&. &Fuck you brats you don't know whose house is? You dare to come here to make trouble Is it right? Jieyu ah?& Lao Yang see Chen Tianming sat two strong man he was on fire. Mother was strong and how their people! Chen Tianming said: &if you don't listen to by you.& &Somebody fuck guy who wants to break the& Lao Yang when their urban management team is in jail. But he still has a lot of men under his command from the back with batons running out of a dozen men. Look at their untidy head Huang Youhong had a wearing earrings bad don't wear nose looked like these are temporary urban management team to play by. Tiger church member and another soldier they look happy to fight rushed forward blocking said Chen Tianming in front of them: &you Is it right? Wanna fight?& Guo Xiaodan and sister-in-law scared white if not tiger hall the players they rushed up to them may have soft pour on the ground. Chen Tianming pulled Guo Xiaodan greeted the sister-in-law went to the back benches. Said: &you don't let them do it! Anyway,michael kors iphone 5 case, in their hands itch to do.& &And they are the underworld?& Sister afraid said two people fight a dozen individuals which can win? The two men how to play also call some people and bring the guy! Chen Tianming smiled and said: &Oh,toms salg, they not only like to fight. All right you beside the theatre's line of these people are too defy laws human and divine if today does not punish them they don't know that who is the day?& Guo Xiaodan has seen Chen Tianming's powerful she had heard Chen Tianming say not so afraid. Guo Xiaodan thought Chen Tianming was a frail scholar not how? And his hand is not the same as the last time is a play a dozen hits those who call dad called Niang! Lao Yang at the tiger hall players they have only two people still empty red boxing wants to play his heart with their music. It seems this world head has a problem of many people! &You two go to squat on the ground,louis vuitton iPad case, both hands to hold the head don't move or I blow your head let you taste the police roll.& Lao Yang said proudly. The 1136th chapter of your alarm. &You have a try& tiger hall players coldly. Another ally the next person is not tiger hall players just forces in order not to show people. They opened a local brand car or clothes. Of course when they work ocean going on. &Hey you think urban management teams to save Guo Hai is such kind of people still want to play our urban management team we killed you deserve it and we can win the prize.& Lao Yang said. &You are the police?& Lao Yang think carefully ask.
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&Feng and his entourage turned around and asked the other tiger hall. Not Yang Guiyue neuroticism thought is Chen Tianming coming back? &We don't see& several other tiger hall players shook his head and said. Yi Xing Feng and martial arts are still above them Feng couldn't see he is not see. Yang Guiyue hurriedly said: &really,louis vuitton iphone 4s case, I see a person is now more clearly. I want to have a look. To help me prepare for the boat.& Yang Guiyue took the intercom said loudly. Feng and his entourage to see Yang Guiyue seems very seriously. He said solemnly: &I sure you have?& &Yes. I'm sure I have absolutely no wrong.& Yang Guiyue nodded his head. &Well,toms sko norge, we have a look together in the past.& Feng and his entourage also dare not careless he took out his walkie talkie &we call headquarters in front of the sea as if someone please give us two boats shall we go have a look and sound the alarm.& Feng and his entourage not trust Yang Guiyue to he thought a few people together in the past but also on the island are sounding the alarm the rest comrades will also enter the state of war. Chen Tianming is preparing in a sneaky way to hook island and then slipped back into his little room to wear a suit to see can not think ahead to the two boats he jumped overboard peeps out a head. As he did not wear clothes now is not punishment. In order to show their identity of Chen Tianming at the two boats shouted: &I am Chen Tianming,toms norge, who are you?& If the person is the wood country people that he would not show mercy to them to kill again. &I am as you are Cui dawn?& In a speedboat on Cui ball know Chen Tianming not dead yet heard Chen Tianming's voice. He hated not now on the rush to kill Chen Tianming. But he did not determine the Chen Tianming has not hurt when he is not. According to Chen Tianming's martial arts a few of them are not Chen Tianming opponent. &I'm Chen Tianming you Cui leader?& Chen Tianming heard the man is Cui ball they not from the heart anxi. He had physical injury and was still the sea flight so long is also very tired. Now they come to meet his own Cui ball can be on a yacht to rest for a while not so tired. Chen Tianming where the thought of unexpectedly is old a Cui Cui ball ball wanted to kill him as long as he was on the boat when he finished. &And how are you? There has been no news of you can take us to worry about the bad.& Cui Qiu deliberately said. Today there are two chapter please hit flower! The seventh the 1706th chapter chapter 17o6 (scapegoat) &what is the six person in a group?& Cui ball asked. Fortunately,chanel iphone 5c case, just call me Mr. or their passive point. Now he has to deal with a situation not afraid of Chen Tianming. &From now on a ship sent a personal B ship sent one tiger hall two dragon group of two people to form six groups where are you going to have six people in a group and can not go far. I took the a captain,lifeproof iphone 5 case, Captain B and two members began checking instrument.
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Now Chen Tianming is in the country of Z rich even in the official world rankings in their first ten Ministry of commerce can not &concerned& about Chen Tianming? In last year's economic blockade of beauty group is the biggest winner is annexed by Chiang Kai Shek group also acquired C,toms dame, some enterprises. And ANN An Baoquan,new balance sko, The Glorious Inn,new balance b?rn, Yiu computer and tandem investments are to beauty group can now say beauty group move may affect the tendency of many businesses to invest. Behavior of Z country economy as long as Chen Tianming is what people will be back. &Yeah Chen Tianming this person is reliable?& Yan Qichang put forward his own question. &He has so much money but also a National Tiger hall manager don't say those players tiger hall is his own safety security companies also have many master some money if he really revolt but a great harm to our country.& Here is not only strict Qichang worry and other ministers face looked sad. They also knew Chen Tianming. And when they knew that Chen Tianming had so many assets have now put business to foreign to the heart is uneasy. The dragon of CMC vice chairman Lou Zedong said: &Lou vice chairman Chen Tianming is your soldiers tell us your opinion what kind of man is he?& Although dragons will believe that Chen Tianming is now the opposition he cannot alone set the tone. Stability in the country and he the president cannot hold hand day. Lou Zedong says seriously: &according to my personal understanding of Comrade Chen Tianming is a good comrade previously for the national implementation of so many tasks many times go through fire and water in this dragon head should be deep he in order to complete the task regardless of life we cannot doubt his personality.& &Chen Tianming and I in the wood in contact over a period of time if not him I probably don't come back. I feel he is loyal to the country.& The dragon will very happy Lou Zedong said good words Lou Zedong tiger hall is in charge of his comments is very important to Chen Tianming. &And although Chen Tianming rich but he donated a lot of money in the country when he has no tiger in the hall we know he is doing business at that time we also allow him to have his own business. That really was not Xu Dacu pulled him into if tiger don Chen Tianming or don't want to. I also started to him so young tiger hall served as general manager doubt if he can not do but he did very well every time to complete the outstanding tasks.& Lou Zedong said. Yan Qichang not to regard it as right said: &some things can not see the surface I feel he is a bit too arrogant to think I have the ability to fly and he now has a master at least one thousand people these figures are terrible!& Yan Qichang thought of Chen Tianming and the dragon and Tiger Group everywhere on church now show much better than group. Lou Zedong smiled &at this point I can explain an security company inside the master a lot because we were understaffed to borrow Chen Tianming Chen Tianming also talked to Xu Dacu. So the safe preservation company's master is our tiger hall peripheral tissues they give us a lot of help. For example,billige toms sko, the last thing in Huashan if not peace preservation company master we tiger hall may not complete the task.
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&I generally like this is just a little something.& Lin Guobian looked at the beautiful Shen Zizhen side turned to want to go out. &Pa& Lin's head against the door. He did not see the door mistakenly think that open door is the door so struck. Shen Zizhen Wu wear the mouth smile &s brother you nothing?& This big head shrimp walking with no eyes who told him to walk and see themselves? Thought of here and Zizhen face red. &Didn't I how can something?& Lin country wanted to cover their pain hit head but now heard Shen Zizhen ask he is intentionally puffed out his chest pretend nothing not even touch his sore head. &You really have no matter? I like to see your forehead swollen.& Shen Zizhen was a little worried and asked. Lin's forehead almost swollen into an egg stone how he said nothing? Don't they will be fighting human body is very tough? &I really have nothing to.& Lin country studies Chen Tianming used that trick desperately patted his chest to chest film Dangdang ringing. Shen Zizhen said: &well,lifeproof iphone 5 case, you can go back and rest! The afternoon I went to the workshop,chanel iPad case, will you go with me?& &Good& happy forest country really want to jump thirty feet high. &So the purple really goodbye we see you in the afternoon.& Lin country turned to go out. &Pa! () &forest country and hit on the door and hit or that place. Yao data last man electronics factory in Shen Zizhen under the assistance of synthesis. The workers bustling with activity and began production of the final product immediately. Because as long Yuexin said now is not confidential work produced products factory and do well and not what suspicious people play the project data. Lin country also very seriously at Shen Zizhen he longs for twenty-four hours watching her he was more and more like the beautiful girl is not only beautiful culture and work very serious and responsible attitude towards others is very good. If you get this daughter-in-law he mother must be happy to death. We are looking forward to new products released only after verification of relevant departments such as the plan confirmed what effect they will immediately press the launch of new products. After Yiu Technology Company is a national leading enterprises,prada iphone 5c case, many people rely on it to make money. __ history falls very happy today he received Chen Zhong phone said haven't had dinner together with him. Chen Zhong today and their joint company two beauty Bai Dongmei and Jiang Yuanyuan together eat with him but a very high enjoyment. And is mainly the history of the long time haven't played once just outside the play hard. Chen Zhong also said to have something to talk to him several times before the history series with Chen Zhong after dinner that he is gracious even they want from their course is to go. At some hotel History Series let his bodyguards waited below him. The hotel he had been and the one time or Ye Dawei asked his. This hotel is the Cao Jianliang and the Wang Junyan two people &* *& where they now the hotel door aV is still in the hands of Ye Dawei and they are involved in smuggling activities have been completely subject to Ye Dawei Ye Dawei.
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Now Feng Yunxi smoke is her through the special processing, and there she secretly add the mihun incense, the mihun sweet with the general mihun incense is not the same, as long as Feng Yun is sucked into a certain weight, Feng Yun will be in the maze of poison, just listen to the command of the casting mihun incense. And this mihun sweet cannot suddenly sucked into the body, or poisoning will poison hair died, only one day a little, slowly sucked into a certain weight. This evening, it is time that the weight just fine, as long as Feng Yun smoked the smoke,gucci iphone 5s case, even if can be done. By then, Feng Yun will listen to himself, he said that what Feng Yun would think is right. &Yun, do you think you are a day of work, tired?& Fang Cuiyu looked at Feng Yun had smoked a cigarette, she said excitedly. &I,toms sko artist, I seem to have a little tired,cheap iphone 5 case, jade elder sister, I'm going to take a warm bed!& Said Feng Yunyi exhausted. &Yun, you look at me.& Said Fang Cuiyu suddenly. Feng Yun a listen to Fang Cuiyu said, she looked up into Fang Cuiyu. Fang Cuiyu waved a hand, the palm face in front of swing Feng Yun, &Yun, you must remember, I love you, you must listen to me, what do I do things is good for you, you know?& &I know, you are the one I love most,michael kors iphone 4s case, I will listen to you.& In the palm of your hand swinging Fang Cuiyu, Feng Yun slowly a bit confused, she is now in a maze of poison, just listen to the party Alexandrite words. &Well, you go to take a shower, and then we go to sleep.& Fang Cuiyu saw that he was successful, said the delighted. See Feng Yunjin take a shower take a shower, she immediately took out a small, inside poured a little spring powder, tonight, she will have a good and Feng Yun happy. Feng Yun is not only themselves, or their most powerful weapon against Chen Tianming. Not before long, Feng Yun wearing pajamas out, Fang Cuiyu looked at Feng Yun's charming body, not from excitedly swallowed a mouthful of slobber. &Yun,louis vuitton iphone 4s case, you drink some water!& Fang Cuiyu, in the hands of the glass. &Cui Jie, I'm not thirsty, I drink a lot of wine.& Feng Yunyao shook his head and said. Fang Cuiyu said: &listen, Cui sister is good for you.& Feng Yun nodded to the water in the cup and drank it, and then said: &Cui Jie, you don't take a bath?& &I have been washed, Yun,chanel iPad case, come, we go to bed!& Fang Cuiyu waved at Feng Yun, let Feng Yun go to bed. On the bed, with the palm of the hand swinging at Feng Yun Fang Cuiyu. &Yun, you must remember, your brother of the eldest brother Chen Tianming is a bad guy,burberry iPad case, you don't believe him, he not only want to harm you, want Cui sister, you shouldn't be with him, and,michael kors iPad case, must have the opportunity to kill him, don't let him kill us.& &I know&, in the palm of your hand swinging Fang Cuiyu, Feng Yun lost her mind. Hand swinging Fang Cuiyu's command, she put Fang Cuiyu's words in mind the action. Now, no matter what Fang Cuiyu said, the depths of Feng Yun's mind will put Fang Cuiyu's words in the inside, remember.
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