
仿照五年级下册英语第25,27,28课文写一篇购物短文,要有“妈妈” “女儿” “售货员” 三个人物15—20句是一篇英语短文!是短文!要写好的!_百度作业帮
仿照五年级下册英语第25,27,28课文写一篇购物短文,要有“妈妈” “女儿” “售货员” 三个人物15—20句是一篇英语短文!是短文!要写好的!
1. (形声.从力,埶( yì)声.本义:权力;权势)2. 同本义 [power and influence]富者得势益彰,失势则客无所之.——《史记·货殖列传序》有势家朱丹其门,闻瑞至,黝之.——《明史·海瑞传》3. 又如:势家(有权势的豪家大族);失势(失去权势);权势(权柄和势力);势子(趋炎附势的人);势利(权势和利益);势任(掌握权势的重要职位);势利场(争权夺利的地方)4. 力量;威力 [influence]夫六国与秦皆诸侯,其势弱于 秦.—— 宋· 苏洵《六国论》如此则荆吴之势强,鼎足之形成矣.——《资治通鉴》5. 又如:声势(声威和气势);势耀(势力威望);势倾人主(威风势力压倒了皇帝);势派(气势;气派)6. 形势;情势 [situation]仁义不施,攻守之势异也.——汉· 贾谊《过秦论》今两虎共斗,其势不俱生.——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》7. 又如:势促(形势所迫);势面(世面);势穷力屈(形势窘迫,力量衰竭);大势所趋;守势;势胜(形势优越)8. 姿态 [posture]因摸地上刑械作投击势.——清· 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》9. 又如:装腔作势10. 形状;样式;架式 [form]罔不因势象形各具情态.——《虞初新志·魏学洢·核舟记》11. 又如:势相模样(样子);势况(样子,模样);势沙(势杀、势煞、势霎.样子;模样);势样(样子;姿势)12. 自然界或物体的形貌 [the outward appearance of a natural object]其岸势犬牙差互,不可知其源.——唐· 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》13. 人及动物的睾丸 [male genitals]淫者割其势.——《晋书·刑法志》14. 又如:势不知有无(忘乎所以;由于过度兴奋而忘记了一切.势:指男子生殖器)15. 物理学名词 [potential].亦称“位”.根据它可以算出在某范围内任一点的强度或速度的不同函数中的任一函数16. 势头;趋势;时机 [opportunity]三保见敌势可乘,急挥帜.——《清稗类钞·战事类》然羽非有尺寸,乘势起陇庙之中.——《史记·项羽纪赞》17. 又如:势如破竹18. 姓常用词组2. 势不可当 shìbùkědāng[be irresistible] 来势猛烈,不可抵挡群逆纵逸,其势不可当,可以算屈,难以力竞.——《晋书·郗鉴传》以上可以说明
是 表现出来的情况,样子
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大耳朵英语 & | 京公网安备 20
&&&大耳朵在线聊天关于互联网购物的英语作文-55BBS 我爱购物网
is getting smaller and smaller because of the Internet . It plays a more and more important
role in our daily lives .Many people like shopping online . shopping online does help a lot in many aspects . Such as shopping online is much more convenient because it can't expend time to shopping in the malls .Internet can provide choose shopping onling can get something cheap .But shopping online brings a lot of
.It is difficult to
guarantee the quclity of goods bough onling . it is not safety to pay online .After all .every coin has two sides .we should learn ho make use of the Internet resources correctly译文现在世界正变得越来越小,因为互联网。它扮演着越来越重要的角色在我们的日常生活中。许多人喜欢网上购物。网上购物确实帮助了很多在许多方面。比如网上购物更方便,因为它可以不花费时间去购物在购物中心。互联网可以提供选择onling购物可以买到便宜货。但是网上购物给我们带来很多弊端。例如。很难保证货物onling quclity大树枝。这不是安全的在线支付。毕竟。每枚硬币有两面。我们应该学习如何利用互联网资源正确
Online shopping as a ne to people in their daily lives, is bound to have its attraction. Internet users enjoy online shopping consider using the Internet to complete the shopping not only saves time and eliminates the trouble, there are opportunities at the local market to buy rare commodity. At the same time, the pursuit of novelty for some
group, student group, the consumer can be regarded as a fashionable .
网上购物作为一种新兴的购物方式出现在日常百姓的生活中,必然有其引人之处。 喜欢上网购物的网民认为,用互联网来完成购物不仅节省了时间,免除了舟车劳顿,还有机会买到在本地市场难觅的商品。同时,对一些追求新奇的白领族、学生族来说,不失为一种时尚的消费方式。
Reluctance to use the online shopping of people are most
about the quality of merchandise it is difficult to guarantee, and the source of this concern comes from the virtual net and the lack of business credit. Secondly, the traditional concept of consumer culture is also more
to make the majority of people at a shopping mall. Moreover, for consumers
a desire to run, can not be pre-experience is a big barrier merchandise. In addition, the security of net transactions is hidden, users
about invasions of privacy and malicious people to steal bank account number and pass. On this basis, eBay, Sohu, Taobao, Dangdang has launched a , such as large-scale personal trading platform.
现代社会是一个信息飞速发展的社会,网络是信息高速公路上的一列快车,它带着我们奔向一个无限广阔的世界。鼠标轻轻一点,世界尽在眼前。天南海北,奇闻轶事,神奇的网络把我们带进了一个梦幻般的世界,小小银屏拉近了我们与世界的距离。看新闻、听音乐、欣赏动漫,网络让我们的生活变得越来越丰富多彩;网上购物、网上聊天、电子邮件,网络让我们的生活越来越便捷;查资料、网络课堂、信息共享,网络让我们的学习越来越方便。曾记得,“非典”肆虐时期,北京中小学无法正常上课,便开展网上教学,学生们都通过网络在家中上课。多么神奇啊!一根线,一台电脑,既保证了师生们的生命安全,又保证了正常的学习。清华大学一学生,突然患上罕见疾病,生命垂在旦夕。同学们情急之下,也抱着试试看的心理,在网上发出求救信息。很快,收到3000多份有关的电子邮件。经过“网上会诊”,终于找到了病因,一个年轻的生命得以延续。网络给人们带来的好处不胜枚举。但是,网络也是一把双刃剑。雨后春笋般冒出的网吧,造就了一大批痴迷的网虫。他们无心学习,在虚拟的网络世界里纵横驰骋,玩得不亦乐乎,荒废了学业,贻误了青春。更有甚者,一些涉世不深、思想单纯的学生,他们经不住网络的诱惑,身心收到了极大的伤害。有的走上了犯罪的道路,有的离家出走,被坏人拐骗,有的付出了年轻的生命,只留下父母一声声泣血的呼唤。某地几名学生上网成瘾,后来,因无钱上网,他们铤而走险,结伙抢劫他人钱财,走上了犯罪的道路。天津一少年沉迷网络游戏“魔兽世界”不能自拔,竟然爬上高楼,把自己幻想成游戏中的角色,纵身一跃,结果坠地身亡。留下伤心犹绝的父母跪地痛苦,让路人扼腕叹息。一朵绽放的生命之花就这样凋零。这些仅仅是冰山一角,网络给人们带来的伤害太多太多了,伤的也太深太深了。它就像一把利剑刺伤了许多青少年的身体,也刺伤了家长和老师们的心,家长和老师们一时都谈网色变。但是,我们不能一叶障目,也不能一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。我们不仅要利用好手中这把网络利剑,并要让它变得更锋利,为我所用,更好地服务于我们的生活和学习。只要我们自我约束自己,真正做到文明上网、安全上网、快乐上网,这把双刃剑就不会伤着自己、伤着他人、伤着社会。Modern society is a rapid development of information society, the net is information on an express high, it took us to an infinite
. Touch of the mouse, all in front of the . In many, anecdotes, magic net brought us into a fantastic
of small screens to narro distance bet us and the . Read the news, listen to music and enjoy the animation, the net so that our lives become mo online shopping, online chat, email,
to make our l to find information, net class, information sharing, net allows us to learn more convenient. Remember, "SARS" epidemic period, Beijing primary and secondary schools can not take the normal classes, they carry out online teaching, students attend classes at home through the net.
ah! A line, a computer, both to ensure the safety of teachers and students, and ensures the normal study. Tsinghua University, a student, suddenly suffering from rare diseases, life hanging in the overnight. Students to panic, but also try holding the psychological, has sent out distress signals. Soon, received more than 3,000 copies of the e-mail. After "online consultation", finally found the cause, the continuation of a young life. Net benefits to people too numerous to mention. Ho, the Internet is a double-edged s. Internet cafes have sprung up, creating a large number of obsessive geek. They are interested in studying the net in the virtual
of dash, having all the fun, abandoned their studies, thereby adversely affecting the youth.
is more, some inexperienced deep, thought the students alone, they could not stand the temptation of the net, received a great deal of physical and psychological harm. Some took the road of crime, and some ran a from home,
bad abduction, and some to pay his young life, leaving only the parents call the cries Tears of Blood. Internet addiction a place several students, and later, because of money online, they take the risk, gang robbery and other money and embarked on a life of crime. Tianjin, a boy addicted to online game " of ," unable to extricate themselves,
able to climb tall buildings, and imagine their own characters in the game, leap, the results fall to the ground dead. Sad to leave the parents must still kneeling pain, so passers sighed
regret. A blooming flo of life, so die. These are just a tip of the iceberg, the net gave rise to far too many injuries, injuries are too deep. It is like a s stabbed a number of young people's body, but also stabbed the hearts of parents and teachers, parents and teachers about net moment are terrified. But we can not blinders, can not once bitten, t shy. We
not only make good use of the hands of the s of the net, and to make it more sharp, as I used to better serve our living and learning. Self-restraint as long as we ourselves truly civilized, safe online and happy surfing on line, double-edged s
not hurt themselves, hurt others, hurt the community.我自己的原创
According to the above chart, the number of the people
go on the Internet has increased from 620 thousand in 1997 to 58 million in 2002. This indicates that Internet has gained its popularity in china at a very high ’s rapid development in china. First, as a convenient source of information as
as an efficient means of communication, Internet becomes more and more useful to our study and . Second, due to fierce competition computer companies have lo the price of their products. The cheaper computers become, the more users there are.
computer, they can easily have access to the Internet. In addition,
the development of our society and the improvement of our living standard people in china pursue a more colorful life
I some even often do some shopping through the Internet. Internet is also a s
two edges. It brings about troubles for us. One common problem is computer viruses. They spread very quickly through the Internet and cause great damage to computer users. Another is crime committed through the internet. As a result, we feel happy about the rapid development of internet in china but at the same time we should guard against it negative effects.答案补充 根据上述图表,人数谁去的人在互联网上增加了从六十二点○○万1997年的58万美元的2002年。这表明,互联网已经获得在中国的受欢迎程度非常高的速度。 原因是多方面的互联网的快速发展在我国。首先,作为一种方便的信息来源,以及有效率的通讯手段,互联网变得更加有用我们的学习和工作。其次,由于竞争激烈的电脑公司都降低了价格,他们的产品。廉价计算机成为了更多的用户有。与计算机,他们可以很容易地接入互联网。此外,随着我国社会发展和改善我们的生活水平在中国人民追求更丰富多彩的生活与互联网;有些人甚至经常做一些网上购物的。 互联网也是一个剑与两个边缘。它带来的麻烦我们。一个共同的问题是计算机病毒。他们传播很快通过因特网和造成巨大破坏的计算机用户。另一个问题是犯罪通过互联网。因此,我们感到高兴的迅速发展,互联网在我国,但同时要防止它的负面影响
这些有中英文对照的 你参看以下 希望能帮到你网上购物的消费者感知Issues in Information Systems 在信息系统的问题 In conjunction
the increases in Internet 在Internet结合的增加与 capabilities, it is estimated that about 53% of Internet 能力,据估计,约有53%的互联网 users in the United States have made an online 国家的用户在美国在线作出了 purchase [10]. 购买[10]。 Ho, not all consumers are 然而,并非所有消费者都 turning to the Internet for shopping. 在谈到互联网购物。
the 虽然 number of Internet users
have made a purchase 网上购物用户的数量作出了谁 at one time is more than half in the United States, this 一次是成功的一半以上在美国,这 does not explain the disparity bet the number of 无法解释的人数之间的差距 visits
recorded and the number of actual 访问网站的记录和实际人数 purchases made online. 在网上购买。 One report shows that 一份报告显示, although a
site may receive millions of visitors, 虽然一个网站可能会收到数百万的游客, only about 3% of those visits result in a purchase 只有约3%的人购买导致访问 online and according to another study, about 65% 在线。而根据另一项研究中,约65% of online shopping carts are abandoned before a 网上购物车被遗弃在一 purchase is completed. 收购完成后An explanation of these 这些解释的一个 occurrences is that the majority of consumers are 出现的是,大多数消费者都 going online to
plans to make 上网到窗口店,并计划使 their purchases in a more traditional, offline setting 脱机设置他们的购买更传统, There have been several reasons examined in prior 有几个原因在事先审查 studies as to
some consumers have a preference 研究为何部分消费者有偏好 for more traditional, offline means of purchasing 更多的传统,离线方式采购 products and services. 产品和服务。 One study found that 一项研究发现, consumers did not complete online purchases due to 消费者因没有完成网上购物 the intangibility of the purchase [6]. 购买无形的[6]。 Some consumers 一些消费者 have to satisfy certain sensory needs such as touch, 必须满足某些感觉如触摸的需要, taste, or smell, before making a purchase decision. 味觉,或气味,才作出购买决定。 Also, for some consumers, although visual images 另外,对于一些消费者来说,虽然视觉形象 are provided
products or services, their sight 提供的产品或服务,他们的视线 needs may still not be satisfied. 需求可能仍然不会满意。 Another study found 另一项研究发现 that as uncertainty in consumers about purchasing ,由于消费者对购买的不确定性 goods due to an inability to satisfy sensory needs 商品由于无法满足感官需求 increases, perceptions of risk
transactions 增加,风险认知与交易 increase. 增加。 Even
precautionary research into a 即使与预防研究成 good or service and its vending company, every 商品或服务,其贩卖的公司,每 online transaction is perceived to have a basic level 网上交易被认为有一个基本的水平 of risk by consumers due to issues of intangibility 消费者的风险,由于无形的问题 that cannot be avoided, such as hackers and
无法避免的,如黑客,以及是否 the actual purchase choice is satisfactory based on 实际购买的选择是基于满意 information gleaned [12]. 信息收集的[12]。 Consumers have a basic 消费者有一个基本的
about the security and accuracy of their 奇怪的安全性和准确性, online transactions. 网上交易。 Especially for goods or services 特别是对商品或服务 that 该 consumers 消费者 perceive 感知 to 至 involve 涉及 higher 更高 commitments, such as motor vehicles or computer 或电脑的承诺,如汽车 cleaning services provided online, the intangibility of 清洁服务提供联机,无形 goods for some consumers can have a significant 消费者对一些商品可以有一个显着 impact on their online purchasing decisions. 影响他们的在线购买决策。 It has been reported that consumers have a low 据报道,消费者低 perception and trust of online merchants, making 知觉和商家信任网上,使 them un to make purchases online. 他们不愿意让网上购物。 The results 结果 of a survey of 9700 online consumers sho that 一个调查显示,9700网上消费者的 three out of five respondents did not trust
3 5的受访者不信任网 merchants [3]. 商人[3]。 Several studies also reported that 几项研究还报告说, consumers are concerned
their online security 消费者关心他们的网上安全 and privacy as online transactions still possess risk of 和隐私权,以及网上交易的风险仍然具备 information theft and fraud 信息盗窃和诈骗 This may be 这可能是 attributed to the fact that approximately 59% of 原因在于,59%左右 online companies report at least one security breach 在线公司的报告至少有一个安全漏洞 each year 每年 In addition, it has been shown that 此外,它已被证明 approximately 约 t 三分之二 of 的 Americans 美国人 are 是 concerned
possible threats of Internet hackers 关心的网络黑客可能威胁 and are not satisfied
current systems designed to 并不满意目前的系统设计 protect them from such attacks 保护他们免受攻击等 ]。 A study of risk 阿风险研究 perceptions also indicates that consumers are 观念还指出,消费者 concerned
undesirable outcomes and uncertainty 关注不良后果和不确定性 of their purchases after purchasing a product online. 他们购买产品后,网上购买。 Consumers, therefore, are less likely to make 因此,消费者不太可能使 purchases online if they perceive a higher risk [7, 18]. 网上购物,如果他们认为风险较高[7,18]。 Offline settings are not hindered by some of the 脱机设置不阻碍了一些 online perceptions of risk. 网上认识的风险。 Offline settings are better 脱机设置好 able to provide some of the immediate satisfactions 能够提供满意一些即时 and sensory perceptions necessary to various 和必要的各种感官知觉 consumers' 消费者 purchasing 购买 decisions 决定 that 该 lo 降低 associated risk perceptions
transactions, such as 与交易相关的风险的看法,如 personal shopping assistance by personnel and 个人购物的人员和援助 immediate rights to a product or service. 或即时服务的权利的产品。 The 该 availability of face-to-face interaction
business 互动提供面对面面对面与业务 personnel to address consumer concerns is less 人员,以解决消费者的关注较少 prevalent and immediate in the online environment. 流行,立即在网上的环境。 Retailers are also finding that some consumers still 零售商还发现,一些消费者仍 prefer the offline ability to feel the immediate 喜欢脱机能力的切身感受 benefits of products rather than having to
产品的优点,而不必担心 about a product or service
for 关于产品或服务,而他们等待 satisfaction via delivery by mail. 通过邮件传递的满意度。 This can increase 这可以增加 the level of perceived risks
online transactions 交易水平线上的知觉风险 and affect the consumer's purchasing decision 并影响消费者的购买决策 process [6]. 过程[6]。 The perception of risk associated
a 在一种观念与相关的风险 company and their online presence can also be 公司和他们的网上业务也可以 affected by previous encounters and also affect their 受以前遇到,也会影响他们的 decisions to complete purchases
sensory 决定购买不完全感觉 perceptions available in traditional brick-and-mortar 在传统观念提供砖和砂浆 stores. 商店。 Consumers' previous experiences
online 以往的经验与网上消费者 purchases, or lack thereof, can be a significant 购买,或缺乏,可显着 influence of levels of risk perception by consumers 知觉风险水平影响消费者 and their purchasing decisions [8]. 和他们的购买决策[8]。 Negative 负 experiences increase levels of risk perception
经验增加认知程度的风险 online purchasing and hamper not only a businesses 网上购物,阻碍不仅是一个企业 likelihood of retaining customers but can make it 留住顾客的可能性,但它可以使 more difficult for other online businesses to gain 更难获得其他在线业务 initial customers [5]. 最初的客户[5]。 In order to identify the differences bet 为了找出之间的差异 consumers
prefer online shopping and those
谁更喜欢网上购物的消费者和那些谁 prefer offline shopping, this study examines how 喜欢离线购物,本研究探讨如何 consumers perceive online shopping and
消费者认为网上购物,其中 factors are perceived differently bet consumers 不同的因素被认为与消费者
prefer online shopping and consumers
谁更喜欢网上购物和消费者谁 prefer offline (physical store) shopping. 喜欢脱机(实体商店)购物。 The findings 调查结果 from this study
allo businesses to be 这项研究将让在线业务将 Page 3 第3页 Consumer Perceptions of Online Shopping 网上购物的消费者感知 Volume VII, No. 2, 2006 第VII卷,第2, Issues in Information Systems 在信息系统的问题 better informed of
draws consumers or prohibits 更好地了解什么吸引消费者或禁止 them from coming to their . 他们从自己的网站来。 The better an 较好的一 online business understands the perceptions of these 在线业务理解这些的看法 shoppers, the higher the chance that they can attract 购物者,较高的机会,他们可以吸引 and retain customers. 并留住客户。 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 研究方法论 A direct survey
used to collect the data for this 一个直接的调查,以便收集有关数据 study. 研究。 It
administered to random shoppers at 这是管理上的随机购物 local malls and to students at a south United 本地商场和学生在美国西南部 States university. 国家大学。 The survey questions
该调查的问题是 compiled from previous study questions pertaining to 过去的研究编制问题有关 the electronic commerce shopping behaviors 电子商务购物行为 These questions
designed to 这些问题的目的是 gather data on the subjects' perceptions to online 在线数据收集与知觉上趋向 shopping, especially their
to transact 购物,特别是他们愿意交易 online. 在线。 To validate the clarity of these questions, 为了验证这些问题清晰, three professors and three researchers
asked to 三位教授和研究人员要求3 read through the survey questions. 通读调查问题。 Revisions to the 的修改 survey
made based on the feedback received. 调查的基础上,提出了反馈意见。 The survey consists of 39 questions. 调查包括39问题。 Besides 19 除了19 questions on demographics, the remaining 20 关于人口问题,其余20 questions
designed to examine subjects' 问题的目的是审查当事人
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on Internet
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believed implicitly. In conclusion, many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable


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