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副标题要不要飞机上别乱搭讪,坐在你身边的美女可能是个航空安全员飞机上别乱搭讪,坐在你身边的美女可能是个航空安全员不能说的条件百家号邬亚军,95后,安徽人,福州航空安全中队安全员,从业2年,总飞行时间超过1000多个小时。机缘加努力,“意外”成为女安全员都说飞机上最显眼靓丽的是空姐,其实,还有一道隐秘而不凡的风景线——航空安全员。他们又被叫做飞行安全员,负责执行空中安全保卫任务,保卫飞机和机上人员的安全。提到飞机上神秘的安全员,你第一时间是不是想到了制服帅哥?事实上,一些承担安保的空勤人员,他们可能如其他乘务员一样,为你提供乘务服务;也可能就安静地坐在你身边,是你想要搭讪的一位美女。邬亚军(右边)的颜值不输给她的空姐同事2年前,邬亚军参加福州航空面试,当时招聘的职位有空乘和安全员。虽然自己面试的是空乘,但亚军认为自己刚强直率女汉子的性格似乎并不适合空乘这一岗位,反而更适合招聘简介中没有男女性别限制的安全员。亚军身体素质不俗,从小待过武校,进过体工队,主攻散打。作为体育特长生时,就获得过许多体育比赛奖项。于是,在面试中,自己不由自主重点提及了“体育获奖史”,以至于其他面试官疑惑地说:“你是来面试乘务员还是安全员?”就这样,亚军意外被在场参与面试的安全部门经理看中,对方一句“要不你来试试安全员的岗位?”让她兴奋不已,这么阴差阳错,反而如心所愿,加入到了安全员的队伍,幸运地成为福州航空为数不多的女性安全员。“职业不分男女,男的能做,女的也能做”亚军说,经常有人会问“就你这样的姑娘,这么瘦弱的样子,保护得了乘客?”实际上,女性安全员选拔一样非常严格,加入其中绝非易事,为期 75天的集训,是面试成功后,亚军需要面对的第一道坎。合格的安全员,眼观六路,不容许近视眼,自然不用多说。除此,体能、耐力、身体协调性都要达标:跑圈、擒拿、格斗、多种技巧技能训练样样不能少。每天凌晨5点起床,整理内务,开始一天集训,汗流浃背结束训练返回住地已经成为常态。邬亚军与同事训练时的合照考核围绕体力和耐力展开,男女项目内容稍有不同,但亚军一点不比男生弱,她说,最艰苦的一次练习,是30圈万米长跑体能训练,自己也都可以跟得上,咬牙坚持了下来,觉得很自豪。亚军擅长搏击,173cm的个头,体重有65公斤,依然非常高挑显瘦,肌肉含量可见相当之高,力量并不逊于一般的男性。 按照她的话说:“职业不分男女,男的能做,女的也能做。我只要做好我职责所在的事情就行。”邬亚军与同事的格斗训练实况梦想照进现实,肩负使命隐秘而伟大一路走来,亚军算是实现了曾经想要当安全员的梦想。亚军说,在机上自己常遇到的安全问题是,旅客违规使用手机、充电宝,抽烟,抢占行李架,打架等。遇到这类问题,她们有相应的工作流程,如何出面解决,有效监控当事人,移交地面工作人员。作为需要隐藏在旅客之中,低调且略显神秘的职业,安全员的工作,并没有我们看上去坐在位置上那么简单,飞机上的安全员通常着便装,看似乘客,或者身着空乘制服为旅客提供服务,主要职责却是悄悄留意飞机上发生的蛛丝马迹,善于发现异常行为的旅客,针对不安全因素,尽可能及早发现,及早处置。安全员需随时保证良好的体力,警觉和敏锐度,工作压力大。亚军明白,养兵千日,用兵一时,必须时刻把人机安全放在首位。作为福航里少数的女性安全员,邬亚军的工作,用隐秘而伟大来形容并不为过。她正在用日积月累的认真工作,让自己愈发自信、踏实、干练,她一点一点改变着一些人对于女性的职业偏见,刷新大家对于男女职业平等的新认识。相信她的经历,对女性在大胆追求男性居多的职业上,会是一个小小的激励。采访最后,我问到她:“以后在飞机上遇见你这样漂亮的女安全员,可以上去搭讪吗?”“可以啊,闲聊没问题的,但我绝不会承认我是安全员,我还有我的工作要做。”邬亚军笑着回答。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。不能说的条件百家号最近更新:简介:社会是寒冷和温暖,分享一切发生作者最新文章相关文章1.本科及以上学历,30岁以上;2.持有维修人员基础执照;3.至少有5年航线/定检维修工作经验,以及大型MRO结构维修工作经验。
工作地点 Location:北京
您好,请登录 okair.zhiye.com 进行职位申请。工作职责:1.依据市场情况,负责制定营销产品并进行落地宣传;2.&利用品牌宣传,提升各产品的特性及市场销售目标,制定并实施产品阶段性宣传计划,扩大产品的市场知名度,配合完成产品的销售目标;3.&计划并实施有关新产品的问题反馈及老产品的升级改造(改进目标、改进措施、改进方案、激励措施)。4.与客户进行有效沟通和谈判,组织落地活动或策划营销宣传内容应聘资格:1、25岁以下(含)男性,有独立驾车经验2、大学本科学历,英语水平达到CET-4(含)以上水平3、有一定的文字功底和编辑能力,具有较强的沟通能力,能够独立策划和组织活动更多招聘信息请关注微信公众账号“奥凯航空招聘”。
工作地点 Location:北京
工作地点 Location:北京
工作地点 Location:天津、长沙、哈尔滨、烟台、阿拉善、西安
招聘人数 Vacancy:50
您好,请到我公司招聘网站http://okair.zhiye.com/home 进行职位申请。一、岗位职责:负责执行国内航班的空中服务和安全工作。二、任职要求:1. 一年以上或1000小时以上飞行经历;2.大专以上学历,有一定英语基础;&&三、工作地点:天津、长沙、哈尔滨、烟台、阿拉善、西安(一经录用,就近安排)四、执飞机型:波音737(天津、长沙、西安)或新舟60机型(长沙、哈尔滨、烟台、阿拉善)更多招聘信息请关注微信公众账号“奥凯航空招聘”。
工作地点 Location:天津
工作地点 Location:天津
工作地点 Location:天津、长沙、西安
工作地点 Location:天津、西安、长沙
招聘人数 Vacancy:30
您好,请到我公司招聘网站http://okair.zhiye.com/home 进行职位申请。岗位描述:1、确保飞机航线维修工作符合规定的程序和标准;&2、完成指派的生产任务,及时处理检查发现故障隐患;&3、严格按照维修工作单或其它技术文件实施维修工作;&4、严格执行维修工作中的安全和其它各项规章制度;&5、按规定正确签署维修记录;&6、根据授权完成专业签署。任职要求:1、&应届毕业生,航空技术相关专业,大学本科(含)以上学历;(电子信息、机械自动化、电气自动化、通信技术、计算机技术等专业亦可)2、CET6或同等及以上水平,能够熟练使用飞机维护中常用的各种英文手册和资料;3、具备较强的工作责任心和抗压能力,拥有独立工作能力和团队合作精神。
工作地点 Location:西安
您好,请到我公司网页http://okair.zhiye.com/home 进行职位申请。岗位职责:1.协助全体员工的卫生防疫、健康宣教工作及处理危重病症;2.协助核查和回收《空勤人员出勤前健康状况询问表》;3.协助填写航医鉴定,协助局方完成航空人员年度体检鉴定工作,4.协助办理《航空人员体检合格证》,;5.协助监督空勤人员执行体检结论;6.协助空勤人员健康水平的指标监控;7.协助航空人员身体档案的管理;8.协助机上药箱的配置及更换工作;9.协助公司新员工招聘体检工作;10.完成上级领导交办的其它任务。岗位要求:1.年龄区间:&22岁—40岁之间& & &2.学历要求:大学本科及以上3.专业范围:临床医学专业4.相关培训内容和时间:&通过第四军医大学航医系航空航天医学专业培训或中国民航管理干部学院航空医学专业培训及《中国民用航空人员医学标准和体检合格证管理规则》(CCAR-67-FS-R1)培训5.工作经验:需要两年以上相关工作经验6.语言:具备良好的书面与口头表达能力。7.专业知识:医疗航卫8.操作设备:能够使用日常医疗器械9.执照:《中华人民共和国医疗机构执业许可证》、《中华人民共和国医师资格证书》10.能力:善于协调、沟通,责任心强。11.个性特征:诚实守信、沉稳、正直、灵活。
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:2
工作职责:&1、 按照协议标准和生产数据审核国际航线国外费用账单;&2、 对于不符合标准的费用,编制拒付账单,拒付;&3、 做好账单收单付款台账统计,保证台账清晰完整&4、 审核与供货商的往来帐户的核算,确保其他应收款、其他应付款的帐目清楚,清理及时;&5、 编制国外航线成本分析报告,掌握各项成本动态。&任职资格:&1. 本科学历,财会类相关专业;&2. 英语四级及以上水平;&3. 具有1年以上相关工作经验;&4. 良好的英语读写听说能力。
工作地点 Location:天津市东丽区空港经济区东区商务园东二道E13
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作地点 Location:天津
招聘人数 Vacancy:2
工作职责:(1)实施人员资格评估; (2)实施适航性状况监控;(3)协助文件/合同审核和对外部协议/合同单位评估; (4)实施保留故障监控; (5)负责适航指令的接收、下发和监控; (6)参与安全管理工作; (7)完成上级领导交办的其他工作。 应聘资格:(1)26岁—55岁,统招本科以上学历,理工类或民航类相关专业专业; (2)良好的英文阅读和理解能力; (3)4年以上飞机维修经验、1年岗前实习经验; (4)持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员》执照、经过II类机型培训; (5)熟悉民航维修管理法规,具备丰富的质量管理经验; (6)执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,积极的工作态度,良好的沟通能力、团队合作能力和协调能力。
工作地点 Location:天津市
工作职责:&1.负责飞机发动机系统相关工程文件的编写;&&2.负责制定发动机/APU送修计划及修理工作范围;&3.负责飞机发动机系统改装方案的评估与制定;&4.负责完成飞机发动机系统的工程技术调查与技术支援;&5.完成上级领导交办的其他工作。&任职资格:&1.60周岁,统招本科以上学历,民航发动机相关专业;&2.CET-4级及以上学历,能熟练用英语工作;&3.至少 5 年飞机发动机维修经验;&4.持有CCAR66部基础执照(ME),相关机型CCAR147部II类机型执照;&5.精通相关机型发动机专业知识及工程管理知识;&6.执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。
工作地点 Location:东丽区
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作地点 Location:长沙市
航线维修技术员-天津(Line Maintenance Technician-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:&依据部门工作程序手册,在各维修基地主管的指导下,完成飞机维修工作。According to the department"s working procedure manual, complete the aircraft maintenance work under the guidance of the supervisor of each maintenance base.&任职资格:&1、22-60岁,中专及以上学历,机电、电子类专业;&2、具备基本的英文阅读理解能力;&3、5年飞机维修工作经验,有787机型维修经验;&4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员执照》,CCAR-147部I类或者II类机型培训证书;&5、熟悉飞机维修知识;&6、严谨、诚实、具有钻研业务的精神和自我学习能力。&1. 22 to 60 years old, Technical secondary school and above, major in electromecha&2. Have basic English r&3. 5 years experience in aircraft maintenance work, including 787 models ma&4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License and CCAR-147 I type or II type &5. Familiar with the aircraft m6.Rigorous, honest, have the spirit of studying the business and self-learning ability.
航线维修技术员-西安(Line Maintenance Technician-Xian)
工作地点 Location:西安市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
& 工作职责:依据部门工作程序手册,在各维修基地主管的指导下,完成飞机维修工作。Responsibilities:According to the department"s working procedure manual, complete the aircraft maintenance work under the guidance of the supervisor of each maintenance base.&& 任职资格:1、22-60岁,中专及以上学历,机电、电子类专业;2、具备基本的英文阅读理解能力;3、5年飞机维修工作经验,有787机型维修经验;4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员执照》,CCAR-147部I类或者II类机型培训证书;5、熟悉飞机维修知识;6、严谨、诚实、具有钻研业务的精神和自我学习能力。Qualifications:1. 22 to 60 years old, Technical secondary school and above, major in electromecha2. Have basic English r3. 5 years experience in aircraft maintenance work, including 787 models ma4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License and CCAR-147 I type or II type 5. Familiar with the aircraft m6.Rigorous, honest, have the spirit of studying the business and self-learning ability.
航线维修技术员-长沙(Line Maintenance Technician-Changsha)
工作地点 Location:长沙市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
工作职责:&依据部门工作程序手册,在各维修基地主管的指导下,完成飞机维修工作。Responsibilities:According to the department"s working procedure manual, complete the aircraft maintenance work under the guidance of the supervisor of each maintenance base.任职资格:1、22-60岁,中专及以上学历,机电、电子类专业;2、具备基本的英文阅读理解能力;3、5年飞机维修工作经验,有787机型维修经验;4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员执照》,CCAR-147部I类或者II类机型培训证书;5、熟悉飞机维修知识;6、严谨、诚实、具有钻研业务的精神和自我学习能力。Qualifications:1. 22 to 60 years old, Technical secondary school and above, major in electromecha2. Have basic English r3. 5 years experience in aircraft maintenance work, including 787 models ma4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License and CCAR-147 I type or II type 5. Familiar with the aircraft m6.Rigorous, honest, have the spirit of studying the business and self-learning ability.
部件放行-天津(Parts Release Operator-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市东丽区
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
&工作职责:1、负责机轮、钢刹车、碳刹车的关键工序检验;2、负责机轮、钢刹车、碳刹车的部件放行工作;3、负责进行外委项目修理返回的检验;4、负责进行索赔鉴定。Responsibilities:1. Responsible for the key process inspection of the wheel, steel br2. Responsible for releasing the parts of the wheel, steel br3. Responsible for the inspection of the returned 4. Responsible for the identification of claims.任职资格:1、具有3年LGR-032(刹车修理)部件维修经验,了解相应部件修理流程和修理技巧,可独立阅读相应CMM;2、身体健康、无色弱色盲、无传染性疾病;3、接受过LGR-032的维修项目147培训并取得证书,持有LGR部件修理执照;4、熟练阅读CMM,具备较强的动手能力及附件维修工作能力,独立工作能力强,协调能力强,工作责任心强;5、无犯罪记录史;6、性格开朗,诚信,热爱民航事业,了解机务工作性质;7、家在天津地区或天津地区周边的人员优先考虑。Qualifications:1.Three years of LGR-032 (brake repair) part maintenance experience, knowing the corresponding parts repair process and repair skills, capability of reading the corresponding CMM2.Good health, no color weakness, no color blindness and no3.Have performed the 147 training of LGR-032 maintenance project and obtained the certificate, and hold the LGR4.Proficiency in reading CMM, with strong hand-on ability and component maintenance ability, strong independent working ability and coordination ability, responsi5.N6.Cheerful personality, good faith, love of civil aviation, familiar with the nature7.Preferred person who live in Tianjin or surround area.
发动机工程师-天津(Engine Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
工作职责:&1、负责飞机发动机系统相关工程文件的编写;&2、负责制定发动机/APU送修计划及修理工作范围;&3、负责飞机发动机系统改装方案的评估与制定;&4、负责完成飞机发动机系统的工程技术调查与技术支援;&5、完成上级领导交办的其他工作。&Responsibilities:&1. Responsible for writing related engineering documents of ai&2. Responsible for setting engine / APU repair plan a&3. Responsible for the evaluation and formulation of the aircraft engine syst&4. Responsible for the engineering technical investigation and technical support of the ai&5. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.&任职资格:&1、24岁—60岁,统招本科以上学历,民航发动机相关专业;&2、CET4或同等级别及以上水平,良好的英文阅读和理解能力,与工作相关内容的表达能力;&3、5年及以上飞机发动机维修经验;&4、具有CCAR66部基础执照-ME专业,相关机型CCAR147部II类机型执照;&5、精通相关机型发动机专业知识及工程管理知识;&6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,积极的工作态度,良好的沟通能力、团队合作能力和协调能力。Qualifications:&1. 24 to 60 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in related c&2. CET4 or equivalent level and above, good English reading and understanding ability, and good expression abilit&3. Minimum 5 years experience for aircraf&4. Hold CCAR66 basic license - ME major and related CCAR147 II&5. Proficient in engine knowledge and engineering management knowledg&6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.
可靠性工程师-天津(Reliabilty Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
& 工作职责:1、负责制定可靠性管理方案;2、负责可靠性数据的收集、整理和统计分析工作;3、负责制定可靠性报告和纠正措施提案;4、负责组织召开可靠性会议,发布可靠性决议,并监督决议的落实情况;5、负责发布可靠性警告通知;6、负责与OEM厂家的联系。Responsibilities:1. Responsible for formulating reliability2. Responsible for the collection, collation and statistical analysis3. Responsible for formulating the reliability report and the correc4. Responsible for organizing a reliability conference, issuing reliability resolution and supervising the implementati5. Responsible for the release of reliab6. Responsible for contact with OEM.&& &任职资格:1、22岁—60岁,统招本科以上学历,机电类/电子类/结构类专业;2、CET4或同等级别及以上水平,良好的英文阅读和理解能力,与工作相关内容的表达能力;3、民航维修及相关工作满4年及以上;4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员执照》,持有相应的CCAR-147部II类机型培训证书;5、熟悉飞机维修工程管理知识;熟悉飞机维修可靠性管理知识;熟悉飞机机身系统原理知识;熟练使用电脑办公系统软件;6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。Qualifications:1. 22 to 60 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in electromechanics / electronics /2. CET4 or equivalent or above, good English reading and comprehension, and expressive ability in 3. Minimum 4 years experience in civil aviation maintena4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License, and the corresponding CCAR-147 II type 5. Familiar with aircraft maintenance project
Familiar with aircraft maintenance reliability
Familiar with aircraft fuselage system Familiar with using computer of6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.
动力系统工程师-天津(Power Systems Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:&1、负责飞机发动机系统相关工程文件的编写;&2、负责制定发动机/APU送修计划及修理工作范围;&3、负责飞机发动机系统改装方案的评估与制定;&4、负责完成飞机发动机系统的工程技术调查与技术支援;&5、完成上级领导交办的其他工作。&Responsibilities:&1. Responsible for writing related engineering documents of ai&2. Responsible for setting engine / APU repair plan a&3. Responsible for the evaluation and formulation of the aircraft engine syst&4. Responsible for the engineering technical investigation and technical support of the ai&5. To complete other tasks assigned by leaders.&任职资格:&1、24-60周岁,统招本科以上学历,民航发动机相关专业;&2、CET-4级及以上学历,能熟练用英语工作;&3、至少 5 年飞机发动机维修经验;&4、持有CCAR66部基础执照(ME),相关机型CCAR147部II类机型执照;&5、精通相关机型发动机专业知识及工程管理知识;&6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。&Qualifications:&1. 22 to 60 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in electromechanics / electronics /&2. CET4 or equivalent or above, good English reading and comprehension, and expressive ability in &3. Minimum 4 years experience in civil aviation maintena&4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License, and the corresponding CCAR-147 II type &5. Familiar with aircraft maintenance project
Familiar with aircraft maintenance reliability
Familiar with aircraft fuselage system Familiar with using computer of&6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.
电子支援工程师-天津(Electronic Support Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
工作职责:&1、负责飞机技术状态监控,包括运行品质监控、不正常事件处理、重复性故障处理和监控等,并向值班经理和相关部门通报; &2、负责对运行不正常事件进行技术分析,编制维护指令、维护提示;&3、负责机队机械专业重复性故障和间歇性故障的处理;&4、负责跟踪观察件、NFF件,减少误拆率,降低维修成本,提高排故效率;&5、负责对维修工程部各分部、维修分基地和外站提供技术支援;&6、负责对飞机在运行过程中出现的技术问题向飞行机组人员提供技术支援;&7、负责重大、疑难、重复性故障排除工作出具排故方案(电子文档),并对机队重大和重复性故障进行整理和总结;&8、跟踪无料到货情况,并及时处理;&9、完成领导交办的其他工作。Responsibilities:&1. Responsible for the technical status monitoring of the aircraft, including operation quality monitoring, abnormal event handling, repetitive fault handling and monitoring, etc., and report to the on-duty manager and&2. Responsible for technical analysis of abnormal running events, preparing maintenance instructions &3. Responsible for the repetitive failure and intermittent fault handling of electr&4. Responsible for tracking the observation parts, NFF parts, reducing the error rate, reducing the maintenance cost, and improving the efficiency of&5. Responsible for providing technical support to the divisions, maintenance sub-base and outstation of the maintenance en&6. Responsible for providing technical support to the flight crew for technical problems that occurred 7. Responsible for making troubleshooting schemes of major, difficult and repetitive trouble (electronic documents), and collate and summarize the major and repetitive f8. Keep track of arrival of goods that are out of stock and de9. To complete other tasks assigned by leaders.任职资格:1、年满18周岁,统招本科以上学历,民航飞机维修类或理工类专业;2、具备英语能力,能够理解、读、写、说与工作相关的内容;3、至少 5 年航线/定检维修工作经验和 1 年在授权人员指导下的岗前实习工作经验;4、持有《民用航空器维修人员基础执照》,接受过至少一种公司运营机型的 II 类培训;5、熟悉民用航空器维修管理法规及行业标准,熟悉本公司和本部门手册体系,理论基础扎实,实际工作经验丰富;6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力;7、接受出差。Qualifications:1. At least 18 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in civil aviation aircraft maintenance or science /2. With English language skills, able to understand, read, write and speak what are3. At least 5 years" work experience in route/scheduled maintenance and 1 year experience in pre-job internship under the guidance of 4. Hold the Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License, receive the type II training of at least one com5. Familiar with the civil aircraf maintenance management regulations and standards, familiar with the manual system of this department and company, with a strong theoretical foundation and rich 6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.7. Accept a business trip.
生产计划工程师-天津(Production Planning Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
& 工作职责:1、制定飞机维修长期中期和短期计划;2、编写EO初始计划单及MP项目过渡方案及MTOP改版文件;3、制定飞机航班计划;4、编写飞机使用数据月度报告;5、持续实施计划维修项目的监控,及时更新数据;6、完成上级领导交办的其他工作。Responsibilities:1. Make the long-term, mid-term and short-term plans for 2. Prepare EO initial plan, MP project transition plan and MTOP3. Make the 4. Prepare monthly report of5. Continuously implement the monitoring of the planned maintenance items and upd6. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.& &任职资格:1、20岁—55岁,统招本科以上学历,航空相关及理工类专业;2、大学英语四级或等同水平,能够进行英语书面和口头沟通;3、3年以上飞机维修工作经验和和1年在授权人员指导下的岗前实习工作经验;4、持有《民用航空器维修人员执照》,至少持有一个机型的147证书;5、熟悉航空法规知识,飞机系统知识。Qualifications:1. 20 to 55 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in aviation related and sci2. CET-4 or equivalent, capable of written and oral communication in E3. More than 3 years experience in aircraft maintenance work and 1 year experience in pre-job internship under the guidance of 4. Hold the Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License, hold at least one model"s 1475. Familiar with aviation regulations and knowledge of aircraft systems.
机械支援工程师-天津(Mechanical Support Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
工作职责:&1、负责飞机技术状态监控,包括运行品质监控、不正常事件处理、重复性故障处理和监控等,并向值班经理和相关部门通报; &2、负责对运行不正常事件进行技术分析,编制维护指令、维护提示;&3、负责机队机械专业重复性故障和间歇性故障的处理;&4、负责跟踪观察件、NFF件,减少误拆率,降低维修成本,提高排故效率;&5、负责对维修工程部各分部、维修分基地和外站提供技术支援;&6、负责对飞机在运行过程中出现的技术问题向飞行机组人员提供技术支援;&7、负责重大、疑难、重复性故障排除工作出具排故方案(电子文档),并对机队重大和重复性故障进行整理和总结;&8、跟踪无料到货情况,并及时处理;&9、完成上级领导交办的其他工作。&Responsibilities:1. Responsible for the technical status monitoring of the aircraft, including operation quality monitoring, abnormal event handling, repetitive fault handling and monitoring, etc., and report to the on-duty manager and2. Responsible for technical analysis of abnormal running events,writing maintenance instructions 3. Responsible for the repetitive failure and intermittent fault handling of mechan4. Responsible for tracking the observation parts, NFF parts, reducing the error rate, reducing the maintenance cost, and improving the efficiency of5. Responsible for providing technical support to the divisions, maintenance sub-base and outstation of the maintenance en6. Responsible for providing technical support to the flight crew for technical problems that occurred 7. Responsible for making troubleshooting schemes of major, difficult and repetitive trouble (electronic documents), and collate and summarize the major and repetitive f8. Keep track of arrival of goods that are out of stock and de9. To complete other tasks assigned by leaders.任职资格:1、年满18周岁,统招本科以上学历,民航飞机维修类或理工类专业;2、具备英语能力,能够理解、读、写、说与工作相关的内容;3、5年以上航空器维修经验;4、具备CCAR66部基础执照(ME)和相关机型CCAR147部II类机型执照;5、熟悉民用航空器维修管理法规及行业标准,熟悉飞机机电系统知识、排故理论,熟悉本公司和本部门手册体系;6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。Qualifications:1. At least 18 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in civil aviation aircraft maintenance or 2. With English language skills, able to understand, read, write and speak what are3. More than 5 years aircraft ma4. Hold the basic license of CCAR66 (ME) and related models license of CCAR147 II;5. Familiar with the civil aircraf maintenance management regulations and standards, familiar with the aircraft electromechanics system and troubleshooting theories, and familiar with the manual system of this de6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.
供应商质量工程师-天津(Supplier Quality Enginner-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:&1、负责航材入库检验;&2、负责保存航材证明文件;&3、负责不定期对航材库房进行监督检查;&4、负责对供应商评估;&5、负责对工具计量的监控;&6、参与安全管理工作;&7、完成领导交办的其他工作任务。&Responsibilities:&1. Responsible for the storage of &2. Responsible for the preservation of materials cer&3. Responsible for irregular supervision and inspect&4. Responsible for&5. Responsible for the monitoring&6. Participate in safety management&7. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.&&任职资格:&1、25岁—55岁,统招本科以上学历,理工类或民航类相关专业;&2、良好的英文阅读和理解能力;&3、3年以上航材管理工作经验、6个月岗前实习经验;&4、经过《维修人员培训大纲》对应岗位所要求的培训;&5、熟悉航材管理相关的民航法规;丰富的航材管理工作经验;&6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。&Qualifications:&1. 25 to 55 years old, Bbachelor degree or above,
major in science and engineering or ci&2. Good English reading and comprehension skills&3. 3 years or above experience in materials management, 6 months pre-job i&4. With required training of corresponding position of Maintenance Personnel Training S&5. Familiar with civil aviation laws
related to aviation materials manage rich experience in aviation &6. With strong execution, strong logical in handling the problem, a certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork and coordination skills.
质量审核工程师-天津( Quality Audit Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
工作职责:&1、执行维修系统内部审核;&2、执行管理制度/工作程序评审;&3、执行外部审核工作;&4、执行专项审核工作;&5、执行SDR报告、SDR调查以及其他质量、安全调查;&6、执行人员维修差错管理;&7、执行外委监修工作;&8、执行重要修理/改装和超出持续适航文件修理/改装实施的监督;&9、实施航材验收,和供应商评估;&10、参与安全管理工作;&11、完成领导交办的其他工作任务。Responsibilities:&1. Perform internal audit of&2. Perform review of management system /&3. Pe4. P&5. Perform SDR reports, SDR surveys and other qualit&6. perform staff maintena&7. Perform fore&8. Perform major repairs / modification, and supervision
the file repair / modification beyond the cont&9. Perform aviation materials acceptance, and&10. Participate &11. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.&任职资格:&1、26岁—55岁,统招本科以上学历,理工类或民航类相关专业;&2、良好的英文阅读和理解能力;&3、5年以上飞机维修经验、1年岗前实习经验;&4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员》执照、《质量体系内审员培训证书》;&5、熟悉民航维修管理法规,具备丰富的质量管理经验;&6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。Qualifications:1. 26 to 55 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in science and engineering or ci2. Good English reading and comprehension skills3. More than 5 years experience in aircraft maintenance, 1 year pre-job i4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License, and Quality System Internal Auditor Training C5. Familiar with civil aviation maintenance ma rich experience i6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.
质量保证工程师-天津(Quality Assurance Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
工作职责:&1、实施人员资格评估;&2、实施适航性状况监控;&3、协助文件/合同审核和对外部协议/合同单位评估;&4、实施保留故障监控;&5、负责适航指令的接收、下发和监控;&6、参与安全管理工作;&7、完成上级领导交办的其他工作。Responsibilities:&1. Perform staff qual&2. Perform airw&3. Assist in review document / contract and evaluation of external agreements /&4. Perfor&5. Responsible for receiving, issuing and monitoring 6. Participate in safety management7. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.&任职资格:&1、26岁—55岁,统招本科以上学历,理工类或民航类相关专业专业;&2、良好的英文阅读和理解能力;&3、4年以上飞机维修经验、1年岗前实习经验;&4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员》执照、经过II类机型培训;&5、熟悉民航维修管理法规,具备丰富的质量管理经验;&6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。Qualifications:1. 26 to 55 years old, Bachelor degree or above,
major in science and engineering or ci2. Good English reading and comprehension skills3,more than 4 years experience in aircraft maintenance, 1 year pre-4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License, with Type II5. Familiar with civil aviation maintenance ma rich experience i6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.
结构工程师-天津(Structure Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:&1、负责评估结构专业适航指令、服务通告和服务信函;&2、负责制定结构专业工程指令、技术通告和备忘录;&3、负责编写结构专业维修方案条款和最低设备清单条款;&4、负责编制维修工卡;&5、负责完成结构专业工程调查;&6、负责飞机结构损伤和结构腐蚀的控制;&7、负责制定和协调飞机的超手册修理方案;&8、负责对飞机结构专业维护和重大疑难故障的技术支援;&9、负责与OEM厂家的技术联系。&Responsibilities:&1. Responsible for assessing airworthiness directive, service bulletins and service letters in &2. Responsible for formulating structural professional engineering orders, technical ad&3. Responsible for the preparation of
program terms and minimum equipment list terms in s&4. Responsible for the preparation of m5. Responsible for completing the structura&6. Responsible for the control of aircraft structural damage and &7. Responsible for the formulating and coordination of program which beyond ai&8. Responsible for the technical support for the professional maintenance and major problems of th&9. Responsible for the technical contact with the OEM.&任职资格:1、22岁—60岁,统招本科以上学历,机电类、结构类相关专业;&2、CET4或同等级别及以上水平,良好的英文阅读和理解能力,与工作相关内容的表达能力;&3、民航维修及相关工作满3年及以上;&4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员执照》(机械专业)或者《民用航空器维修人员部件修理执照》(结构专业);&5、熟悉飞机维修工程管理知识;熟悉飞机维修可靠性管理知识;熟悉飞机机身系统原理知识;熟练使用电脑办公系统软件;&6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。&Qualifications:&1. 22 to 60 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in electromechanics a&2. CET4 or equivalent or above, good English reading and comprehension, and expressive ability to &3. Minimum 3 years experience in civil aviation maintena&4. Hold CCAR-66 Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel License (Mechanical Major) or Civil Aircraft Maintenance Personnel Component Repair License (Structure Major);&5. Familiar with aircraft maintenance project
familiar with aircraft maintenance reliability
familiar with aircraft fuselage system skillful use of computer of&6. With strong execution, strong logical in handling the problem, a certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork and coordination skills.
工程技术工程师-天津(Engineering Technology Engineer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:&1、负责评估电子专业适航指令、服务通告和服务信函;&2、负责制定电子专业工程指令、技术通告和备忘录;&3、负责编写电子专业维修方案条款和最低设备清单条款;&4、负责编制维修工卡;&5、负责完成电子专业工程调查;&6、负责制定和协调飞机电子专业的改装方案;&7、负责对飞机电子专业维护和重大疑难故障的技术支援;&8、负责与 OEM 厂家的技术联系。&Responsibilities:&1. Responsible for assessing airworthiness directives, service bulletins and service letters in e&2. Responsible for formulating electronic engineering orders, technical ad&3. Responsible for the preparation of maintenance program terms and minimum equipment list terms in e&4. Responsible for the preparation of m&5. Responsible for completing the electroni&6. Responsible for the formulating and coordination of aircraft electronics profession&7. Responsible for the technical maintenance and suport of major failture of aircraft el&8. Responsible for the technical contact with OEM.&任职资格:&1、22岁—60岁,统招本科以上学历,电子、机械类相关专业;&2、CET4或同等级别及以上水平,良好的英文阅读和理解能力,与工作相关内容的表达能力;&3、民航维修及相关工作满5年及以上;&4、持有CCAR-66部《民用航空器维修人员执照》,持有相应的CCAR-147部II类机型培训证书;5、熟悉飞机维修工程管理知识;熟悉飞机维修可靠性管理知识;熟悉飞机机身系统原理知识;熟练使用电脑办公系统软件;&6、执行力强,处理问题逻辑性强,有一定的推理能力和创新能力;稳重,严谨,良好的沟通能力,积极的工作态度,良好的团队合作能力和协调能力。&Qualifications:&1. 22 to 60 years old, Bachelor degree or above, major in&2. CET4 or equivalent or above, good English reading and comprehension, and expressive ability rel&3. Minimum 5 years experience in civil aviation maintena&4. Hold CCAR-66 ”civil aircraft maintenance personnel license”, hold the corresponding CCAR-147 II Type &5. Familiar with aircraft maintenance project
familiar with aircraft maintenance reliability
familiar with aircraft fuselage system skillful use of computer of&6. With strong execution, strong logic of handling problems, certain reasoning ability an steady, rigorous and positive work attitude, good communication skills, teamwork ability and coordination ability.
法务经理-天津(Legal manager-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:&1、建立和完善公司法务制度;&2、健全公司法律规章制度、拟定合同范本;&3、审查文件合同、提供法律意见、参与谈判;&4、解决公司涉诉、涉裁纠纷,维护公司权益;&5、组织公司进行内部控制和风险管理评估;&6、组织内部培训、管理、归档整理相关文件、案卷;&7、完成上级领导交办的其他工作。Responsibilities:&1. Establish and improve the
&2. Improve the company"s legal rules, regulations and formulat&3. Review document contracts, provide legal opinions and partici &4. Solve the lawsuit, dispute, safeguard the rights and inte &5. Organize internal control and risk m &6. Organize internal training, management, filing and collating relevant&7. Complete other tasks assigned by leaders.&&任职资格:&1、10年以上法务工作经验;&2、本科(含)以上学历,法学、法律等相关专业;&3、通过英语CET-4或同等级别;&4、通过国家司法考试,有律师执业证书优先;&5、熟悉公司法、劳动法、以及航空公司所涉及的相关法律及政策规定,并能熟练运用,熟悉相关的理论和专业知识并能熟练运用;&6、5年以上工作经验,3年以上专业经验,有航空企业审计法律事务工作经验者优先。Qualifications:&1. Minimum 10 years work experien&2. Bachelor degree or above, major in law related.&&3. Cet-4 &4. Preferred person who pass the national judicial examination or hold the practice ce &5. Familiar with company law, labor law, skilled in the application, familiar with relevant theories, professional knowledge and proficien&6. Minimum 5 years work experience, minimum 3 years professional experience, and person who have been in aviation enterprise auditing legal affairs are preferred.
航医-西安(Aviation Doctor-Xian)
工作地点 Location:西安市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:&1、负责空勤人员的航前体检工作;&2、协助空勤人员完成年度体检工作;&3、负责办理《航空人员体检合格证》;&4、负责空勤人员健康水平的指标监控;&5、负责航空人员身体档案的管理;&6、负责公司新员工招聘体检工作。&Responsibilities:&1. Responsible for pre-flight medical examin &2. Assist the aircrew to complete annual &3. Responsible for getting Civil Airman Medical C&4. Monitor the health
&5. Responsible for the management of the airman"&6. Responsible for medical examination of the new employees.&任职资格:&1.大学本科及以上学历,年龄不限;&2.中医/中西医结合专业,持执业医师资格证;&3.具备良好的书面与口头表达能力(含英文);&4.能够使用日常医疗器械;&5.善于协调、沟通,责任心强。&Qualifications:&1. Bach &2. Major in clinical medicine, nursing, Chinese and western medicine, and with medical doctor practcing license and &3. Ability to communicate in written and spoken Chinese and E&4. Able to use routine&5. Good coordination, communication and responsibility.
航医-天津(Aviation Doctor-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
& 工作职责:1、负责空勤人员的航前体检工作;2、协助空勤人员完成年度体检工作;3、负责办理《航空人员体检合格证》;4、负责空勤人员健康水平的指标监控;5、负责航空人员身体档案的管理;6、负责公司新员工招聘体检工作。Responsibilities:1. Responsible for pre-flight medical examin 2. Assist the aircrew to complete annual 3. Responsible for getting Civil Airman Medical C 4. Monitor the health
5. Responsible for the management of the airman" 6. Responsible for medical examination of the new employees.&& && &任职资格:1.大学本科及以上学历,年龄不限;2.中医/中西医结合专业,持执业医师资格证;3.具备良好的书面与口头表达能力(含英文);4.能够使用日常医疗器械;5.善于协调、沟通,责任心强。Qualifications:1. Bach 2. Major in clinical medicine, nursing, Chinese and western medicine, and with medical doctor practcing license and
3. Ability to communicate in written and spoken Chinese and E 4. Able to use routine 5. Good coordination, communication and responsibility.
航医-长沙(Aviation Doctor-Changsha)
工作地点 Location:长沙市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
& 工作职责:1、负责空勤人员的航前体检工作;2、协助空勤人员完成年度体检工作;3、负责办理《航空人员体检合格证》;4、负责空勤人员健康水平的指标监控;5、负责航空人员身体档案的管理;6、负责公司新员工招聘体检工作。Responsibilities:1. Responsible for pre-flight medical examin 2. Assist the aircrew to complete annual 3. Responsible for getting Civil Airman Medical C 4. Monitor the health
5. Responsible for the management of the airman" 6. Responsible for medical examination of the new employees.&& &任职资格:1.大学本科及以上学历,年龄不限;2.中医/中西医结合专业,持执业医师资格证;3.具备良好的书面与口头表达能力(含英文);4.能够使用日常医疗器械;5.善于协调、沟通,责任心强。Qualifications:1. Bach 2. Major in clinical medicine, nursing, Chinese and western medicine, and with medical doctor practcing license and
3. Ability to communicate in written and spoken Chinese and E 4. Able to use routine 5. Good coordination, communication and responsibility.
航医-南宁(Aviation Doctor-Nanning)
工作地点 Location:南宁市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
工作职责:&1、负责空勤人员的航前体检工作;&2、协助空勤人员完成年度体检工作;&3、负责办理《航空人员体检合格证》;&4、负责空勤人员健康水平的指标监控;&5、负责航空人员身体档案的管理;&6、负责公司新员工招聘体检工作。&Responsibilities:1. Responsible for pre-flight medical examin 2. Assist the aircrew to complete annual 3. Responsible for getting Civil Airman Medical C 4. Monitor the health
5. Responsible for the management of the airman" 6. Responsible for medical examination of the new employees.&任职资格:&1.大学本科及以上学历,年龄不限;&2.中医中西医结合专业,持执业医师资格证;&3.具备良好的书面与口头表达能力(含英文);&4.能够使用日常医疗器械;&5.善于协调、沟通,责任心强。Qualifications:1. Bach 2. Major in clinical medicine, nursing, Chinese and western medicine, and with medical doctor practcing license and
3. Ability to communicate in written and spoken Chinese and E 4. Able to use routine 5. Good coordination, communication and responsibility.
销售专员-天津(Sales specialist-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
工作职责:&1、在销售主管领导下开展销售工作;&2、加强与销售代理人、旅行社的联系,收集竞争对手市场数据并进行分析;&3、向代理人提出销售政策建议,做好航班促销工作;&4、负责辖区内的新的代理人的开发;&5、合理安排时间,按月度工作单走访所有分销商客户并及时完成分销商客户走访记录;&6、负责执行和实施经市场部批准的分销渠道改进工作及市场促销活动;&7、负责本地区中转联程航班的宣传、推广及销售工作;&8、负责收集、总结与反馈有关市场销售信息;&9、负责竞争航空公司沟通与拜访;&10、负责销售政策文件的管理以及Z值的录入,特价政策的录入,销售政策的下发;&11、负责与当地媒体建立紧密联系,配合产品营销;&12、负责公司会员卡里程积分卡的发放;&13、负责所管航线的后返任务的制定、评估;&14、负责所管航线不正常航班旅客的处理工作。Responsibilities:&1. Carrying out sales work under the leadership of the sales manager.&2. Strengthen contact with sales agents and travel agencies, collect market data of competitors and conduct analysis.&3. Put forward sales policy Suggestions to the agent, and do a good job in the promotion of flights.&4. Responsible for the development of new agents.&5. Arrange the time reasonably, visit all the distributor customers according to the monthly work order, complete the customer visit record in a timely manner.&6. Responsible for executing and implementing the distribution channels" improvement and marketing activities approved by Marketing D&7. Responsible for publicity, promotion and sales of the trans-regional f&8. Responsible for collecting, summarizing and feedback relevant mark&&9. Responsible for the communication and visit of &10. Responsible for the management of sales policy documents and input of z-values, input of special price policies, and the issuan&11. Responsible for establishing close relationship with local media and cooperating wi &12. Responsible for the issuance of the company membersh &13. Responsible for the formulation and evaluation of the post-return mi&14. Responsible for the handling of irregular flight passengers.&任职资格:&1、 本科学历,英语通过四级;&2、属地化招聘,本地人,或长期定居该城市;&3、1年以上相关工作经验优先考虑。Qualifications:&1.Bachelor degree or above.&2.Cet-4 or equivalent. &3.Local recruitment, local or long-term settlement in the city.&4.Person with minimum 1 year relevant work experience is perferred.
税务筹划-天津(Tax planning manager-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
& 工作职责:1、负责总公司汇算清缴工作。2、负责跨境支付备案,缴纳税款等跨境涉税事项。3、负责统计、制定、分析公司各个期间各税种缴纳计划与情况。4、熟悉国家相关财税政策,协助科室经理合理规避税务风险。5、参与建议公司合同签订中有关涉税事项的条款。6、负责与所属税务局进行良好的沟通交流。7、负责飞机引进等专项工作税务筹划工作。Responsibilities:1. Responsible for the final settlement of the head office. 2. Responsible for cross-border tax items, including cross-border payment filing and tax payment. 3. Responsible for statistics, formulation ,analysis of various tax payment plans and situations in various periods of the company. 4. Familiar with relevant fiscal and taxation policies of the state, assist to avoid the tax risks reasonably. 5. Participate in the suggestion of the related tax matters in the contract signing. 6. Responsible for good communication with the tax bureau. 7. Responsible for the tax planning of aircraft introduction and other special work.& &&& &任职资格:1. 本科学历,三年以上相关工作经验。2. 英语四级。3. 熟练掌握财务软件,熟练操作计算机,熟悉国家税务总局颁发的各类税务文件。4. 良好的职业操守,有较强的团队合作精神,富有责任心。Qualifications:1. Bachelor degree or above, minimum 3 years relevant work experience. 2. Cet-4 or equivalent. 3. Proficient in financial software, computer operation and familiar with tax documents issued by the State Administration of Taxation. 4. Good professional ethics, team spirit and responsibility.
工作地点 Location:天津市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
& & 工作职责:1、 按照协议标准和生产数据审核国际航线国外费用账单;2、 对于不符合标准的费用,编制拒付账单,拒付;3、 做好账单收单付款台账统计,保证台账清晰完整4、 审核与供货商的往来帐户的核算,确保其他应收款、其他应付款的帐目清楚,清理及时;5、 编制国外航线成本分析报告,掌握各项成本动态。Responsibilities:1. Review international shipping cost bills according to protocol standards and production data. 2. Prepare the refusal of non-conforming fee. 3. Check the bill collection and payment, ensure the account is clear and complete.4. Audit the accounts with suppliers, ensure the receivables and accounts paym 5. Prepare the cost analysis report of foreign airlines and master the cost dynamics.&& & 任职资格:1. 本科学历,财会类相关专业;2. 英语四级及以上水平;3. 具有1年以上相关工作经验;4. 良好的英语读写听说能力。 Qualifications:1. Bachelor degree or above, major in finance or accounting.2. Cet-4 or equivalent.3. Minimum 2 years relevant work experience.4. Good command of English reading and writing.
销售专员-长沙(Sales specialist-Changsha)
工作地点 Location:长沙市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
& 工作职责:1、在销售主管领导下开展销售工作;2、加强与销售代理人、旅行社的联系,收集竞争对手市场数据并进行分析;3、向代理人提出销售政策建议,做好航班促销工作;4、负责辖区内的新的代理人的开发;5、合理安排时间,按月度工作单走访所有分销商客户并及时完成分销商客户走访记录;6、负责执行和实施经市场部批准的分销渠道改进工作及市场促销活动;7、负责本地区中转联程航班的宣传、推广及销售工作;8、负责收集、总结与反馈有关市场销售信息;9、负责竞争航空公司沟通与拜访;10、负责销售政策文件的管理以及Z值的录入,特价政策的录入,销售政策的下发;11、负责与当地媒体建立紧密联系,配合产品营销;12、负责公司会员卡里程积分卡的发放;13、负责所管航线的后返任务的制定、评估;14、负责所管航线不正常航班旅客的处理工作。Responsibilities:1. Carrying out sales work under the leadership of the sales manager.2. Strengthen contact with sales agents and travel agencies, collect market data of competitors and conduct analysis.3. Put forward sales policy Suggestions to the agent, and do a good job in the promotion of flights.4. Responsible for the development of new agents.5. Arrange the time reasonably, visit all the distributor customers according to the monthly work order, complete the customer visit record in a timely manner.6. Responsible for executing and implementing the distribution channels" improvement and marketing activities approved by Marketing D 7. Responsible for publicity, promotion and sales of the trans-regional f 8. Responsible for collecting, summarizing and feedback relevant mark 9. Responsible for the communication and visit of
10. Responsible for the management of sales policy documents and input of z-values, input of special price policies, and the issuan 11. Responsible for establishing close relationship with local media and cooperating wi 12. Responsible for the issuance of the company membersh 13. Responsible for the formulation and evaluation of the post-return mi 14. Responsible for the handling of irregular flight passengers.&& & 任职资格:1、 本科学历,英语通过四级;2、属地化招聘,本地人,或长期定居该城市;3、1年以上相关工作经验优先考虑。Qualifications:1.Bachelor degree or above.2.Cet-4 or equivalent. 3.Local recruitment, local or long-term settlement in the city. 4.Person with minimum 1 year relevant work experience is perferred.
销售专员-南宁(Sales specialist-Nanning)
工作地点 Location:南宁市
招聘人数 Vacancy:1
工作职责:1、在销售主管领导下开展销售工作;2、加强与销售代理人、旅行社的联系,收集竞争对手市场数据并进行分析;3、向代理人提出销售政策建议,做好航班促销工作;4、负责辖区内的新的代理人的开发;5、合理安排时间,按月度工作单走访所有分销商客户并及时完成分销商客户走访记录;6、负责执行和实施经市场部批准的分销渠道改进工作及市场促销活动;7、负责本地区中转联程航班的宣传、推广及销售工作;8、负责收集、总结与反馈有关市场销售信息;9、负责竞争航空公司沟通与拜访;10、负责销售政策文件的管理以及Z值的录入,特价政策的录入,销售政策的下发;11、负责与当地媒体建立紧密联系,配合产品营销;12、负责公司会员卡里程积分卡的发放;13、负责所管航线的后返任务的制定、评估;14、负责所管航线不正常航班旅客的处理工作。Responsibilities:1. Carrying out sales work under the leadership of the sales manager.2. Strengthen contact with sales agents and travel agencies, collect market data of competitors and conduct analysis.3. Put forward sales policy Suggestions to the agent, and do a good job in the promotion of flights.4. Responsible for the development of new agents.5. Arrange the time reasonably, visit all the distributor customers according to the monthly work order, complete the customer visit record in a timely manner.6. Responsible for executing and implementing the distribution channels" improvement and marketing activities approved by Marketing D 7. Responsible for publicity, promotion and sales of the trans-regional f 8. Responsible for collecting, summarizing and feedback relevant mark 9. Responsible for the communication and visit of
10. Responsible for the management of sales policy documents and input of z-values, input of special price policies, and the issuan 11. Responsible for establishing close relationship with local media and cooperating wi 12. Responsible for the issuance of the company membersh 13. Responsible for the formulation and evaluation of the post-return mi 14. Responsible for the handling of irregular flight passengers. 任职资格:1、 本科学历,英语通过四级;2、属地化招聘,本地人,或长期定居该城市;3、1年以上相关工作经验优先考虑。Qualifications:1.Bachelor degree or above.2.Cet-4 or equivalent. 3.Local recruitment, local or long-term settlement in the city. 4.Person with minimum 1 year relevant work experience is perferred.
销售专员-南昌(Sales specialist-Nanchang)
工作地点 Location:南昌市
招聘人数 Vacancy:99
工作职责:1、在销售主管领导下开展销售工作;2、加强与销售代理人、旅行社的联系,收集竞争对手市场数据并进行分析;3、向代理人提出销售政策建议,做好航班促销工作;4、负责辖区内的新的代理人的开发;5、合理安排时间,按月度工作单走访所有分销商客户并及时完成分销商客户走访记录;6、负责执行和实施经市场部批准的分销渠道改进工作及市场促销活动;7、负责本地区中转联程航班的宣传、推广及销售工作;8、负责收集、总结与反馈有关市场销售信息;9、负责竞争航空公司沟通与拜访;10、负责销售政策文件的管理以及Z值的录入,特价政策的录入,销售政策的下发;11、负责与当地媒体建立紧密联系,配合产品营销;12、负责公司会员卡里程积分卡的发放;13、负责所管航线的后返任务的制定、评估;14、负责所管航线不正常航班旅客的处理工作。Responsibilities:1. Carrying out sales work under the leadership of the sales manager.2. Strengthen contact with sales agents and travel agencies, collect market data of competitors and conduct analysis.3. Put forward sales policy Suggestions to the agent, and do a good job in the promotion of flights.4. Responsible for the development of new agents.5. Arrange the time reasonably, visit all the distributor customers according to the monthly work order, complete the customer visit record in a timely manner.6. Responsible for executing and implementing the distribution channels" improvement and marketing activities approved by Marketing D 7. Responsible for publicity, promotion and sales of the trans-regional f 8. Responsible for collecting, summarizing and feedback relevant mark 9. Responsible for the communication and visit of
10. Responsible for the management of sales policy documents and input of z-values, input of special price policies, and the issuan 11. Responsible for establishing close relationship with local media and cooperating wi 12. Responsible for the issuance of the company membersh 13. Responsible for the formulation and evaluation of the post-return mi 14. Responsible for the handling of irregular flight passengers. 任职资格:1、 本科学历,英语通过四级;2、属地化招聘,本地人,或长期定居该城市;3、1年以上相关工作经验优先考虑。Qualifications:1.Bachelor degree or above.2.Cet-4 or equivalent. 3.Local recruitment, local or long-term settlement in the city. 4.Person with minimum 1 year relevant work experience is perferred.
销售专员-珠海(Sales specialist-Zhuhai)
工作地点 Location:珠海市
招聘人数 Vacancy:999
工作职责:1、在销售主管领导下开展销售工作;2、加强与销售代理人、旅行社的联系,收集竞争对手市场数据并进行分析;3、向代理人提出销售政策建议,做好航班促销工作;4、负责辖区内的新的代理人的开发;5、合理安排时间,按月度工作单走访所有分销商客户并及时完成分销商客户走访记录;6、负责执行和实施经市场部批准的分销渠道改进工作及市场促销活动;7、负责本地区中转联程航班的宣传、推广及销售工作;8、负责收集、总结与反馈有关市场销售信息;9、负责竞争航空公司沟通与拜访;10、负责销售政策文件的管理以及Z值的录入,特价政策的录入,销售政策的下发;11、负责与当地媒体建立紧密联系,配合产品营销;12、负责公司会员卡里程积分卡的发放;13、负责所管航线的后返任务的制定、评估;14、负责所管航线不正常航班旅客的处理工作。Responsibilities:1. Carrying out sales work under the leadership of the sales manager.2. Strengthen contact with sales agents and travel agencies, collect market data of competitors and conduct analysis.3. Put forward sales policy Suggestions to the agent, and do a good job in the promotion of flights.4. Responsible for the development of new agents.5. Arrange the time reasonably, visit all the distributor customers according to the monthly work order, complete the customer visit record in a timely manner.6. Responsible for executing and implementing the distribution channels" improvement and marketing activities approved by Marketing D 7. Responsible for publicity, promotion and sales of the trans-regional f 8. Responsible for collecting, summarizing and feedback relevant mark 9. Responsible for the communication and visit of
10. Responsible for the management of sales policy documents and input of z-values, input of special price policies, and the issuan 11. Responsible for establishing close relationship with local media and cooperating wi 12. Responsible for the issuance of the company membersh 13. Responsible for the formulation and evaluation of the post-return mi 14. Responsible for the handling of irregular flight passengers. 任职资格:1、 本科学历,英语通过四级;2、属地化招聘,本地人,或长期定居该城市;3、1年以上相关工作经验优先考虑。Qualifications:1.Bachelor degree or above.2.Cet-4 or equivalent. 3.Local recruitment, local or long-term settlement in the city. 4.Person with minimum 1 year relevant work experience is perferred.
机场商务员-天津(Commercial Officer-Tianjin)
工作地点 Location:天津市
工作职责:&1、与机场各部门协调,做好旅客的购票,值机,安检等服务工作;&2、配合公司部门做好销售产品的维护和推广工作;&3、对各种不正常情况,并正确处理;&4、做好中转旅客,重要旅客及其他特殊旅客的服务工作;&5、做好旅客行李,公务行李及文件的监管和交接工作;&6、具体实施现场航班地面保障和旅客服务管理,确保调度信息符合航班地面保障的安全、安保要求;&7、监控机场代理单位按照手册和规章实施地面旅客服务保障,确保安全和安保;&8、根据情势变化,及时提出保障规范的修改意见;&9、根据其他部门要求,做好统计和协调沟通工作;&10、做好非正常事件的调查和取证工作。Responsibilities:&1. Coordinate with the departments of the airport for the passengers" tickets, check-in and security services.&2. Cooperate with the company departments to maintain and promote sales products.&3. Handle all kinds of abnormal situations correctly.&4. Provide services for transit passengers, VIP and other special passengers.&5. Supervise passenger luggage and documents.&6. Specifically implement the ground guarantee and passenger service management of the on-site flight, ensure that the dispatching information is in line with the safety and security requirements of the flight ground guarantee.&7. Supervise airport agents to implement the ground passenger service guarantee according to the manual and regulations, ensure safety and security.&8. In accordance with the change of situation, the revision of the guarantee standard shall be submitted in a timely manner.&9. Make statistics and coordinate communication work according to the requirements of other departments. 10. Investigate and obtain evidence for abnormal events.&职资格:&1、本科及以上学历,35周岁以下;2、通过英语四级,能用英语做简单交流;&3、沉稳谦和、严谨细腻、担当、创新;&4、如过往工作经验丰富,条件可适当放宽。Qualifications:&1. Bachelor degree or above, under 35&2. Cet-4 or equivalent,able to communicate in E&3. Modest, meticulous, meticulous, responsible and innovative.&4.The conditions may be relaxed with relevant experience.
工作地点 Location:天津市
&工作职责:1、服从车队统一调派,满足用车部门的用车需求,认真做好对公司各部门的驾驶服务;2、提倡敬业精神,讲究职业道德,端正驾驶作风,工作积极主动,服从分配,同事之间搞好团结互助;3、根据车队安排出车,与用车部门搞好协作,未经批准不得用公车办私事;4、出车前、行车中、收车后要做好司机”三检项目”;5、爱护车辆,保持车辆清洁。Responsibilities:1. Obey the unified dispatching of the team, meet the demand of the user departments, and provide driving service to all departments of t 2. Advocating professionalism, professional ethics, regular driving style, active and active work, and unity and mutual supp 3. Arrange vehicles according to the team"s arrangement, cooperate with the user department, and the private affairs is prohibi 4. Before and after the car, the driver should be done ”three inspection items”; 5. Take care of the vehicles and keep the vehicles clean. 任职资格:1、初中及以上学历,45岁以下;2、持有A1(大客本)驾驶证,正规驾校毕业,10年以上实际驾驶经验;3、具有较强的政治责任感和良好的职业道德,作风正派、遵纪守法;4、身体健康、无不良嗜好、无劣迹;5、具有良好的驾驶操作应变能力,无职业禁忌症,吃苦耐劳,爱岗敬业。Qualifications:1. Junior high school or above, under 45 years old. 2. Hold A1 (bus driving license) driving license, normal driving school, more than 10 years of practica 3. Have a strong sense of political responsibility and good work ethics. 4. Good health, no bad habits. 5. Good driving operation and adaptability, no contraindications, hard work and dedication.
工作地点 Location:南宁市
&工作职责:1、服从车队统一调派,满足用车部门的用车需求,认真做好对公司各部门的驾驶服务;2、提倡敬业精神,讲究职业道德,端正驾驶作风,工作积极主动,服从分配,同事之间搞好团结互助;3、根据车队安排出车,与用车部门搞好协作,未经批准不得用公车办私事;4、出车前、行车中、收车后要做好司机”三检项目”;5、爱护车辆,保持车辆清洁。Responsibilities:1. Obey the unified dispatching of the team, meet the demand of the user departments, and provide driving service to all departments of t


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