大众汽车集团中国公司中国集团的Assessment Center是怎样的?都测些什么

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Assessment Center for
Dairy Farm Dairy Farm Owner/Manager
Dairy Farm Owner/Manager
Assessment Center
Assessment CenterDeveloped in Developed in ? Grant from University of Wisconsin Dairy
Grant from University of Wisconsin Dairy
- USDA Funding
- USDA Funding? Modeled from Ohio State University program
Modeled from Ohio State University programTraining from Ohio State University staff
Training from Ohio State University staff? Gail Gunderson
Gail Gunderson? Bill R. Hayes
Bill R. HayesTrained Assessors
Jerry Clark
Associate Lecturer, Chippewa County
Bob Cropp Professor, Pepin County
Carl A. Duley Associate Professor, Buffalo County
Gregg Hadley Assistant Professor,
Tim Jergenson
Associate Professor, Barron County
Randy Knapp
Professor, Chippewa County
Jenny Vanderlin Senior Information Processing Consultant, CDP
Jonathan Zander Associate Professor, Trempealeau CountyHistory of Assessment Centers
History of Assessment Centers
1. An Assessment Center is not a building, a
1. An Assessment Center is not a building, a
group of people or a location.
group of people or a location.
2. It is an assessment approach different from
2. It is an assessment approach different from
most other methods of measurement and
most other methods of measurement and
assessment approaches.
assessment approaches.
3. Characterized by:
3. Characterized by:? Multiple assessment techniques
Multiple assessment techniques? M Mu ullt tiip plle e a as ss se es ss so or rs sSituational testsSituational testsStructured procedures for making observationsStructured procedures for making observationsHistory of Assessment Centers
History of Assessment Centers
Early 1900’s
German military
Adopted by British,
officer selection
American, Australian,
and Canadians
around WWII
Adapted by AT&T and
becomes the model used
for business and
industrial applications Why Assessment Centers?
Why Assessment Centers To help select qualified people for
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发些关于assessment center的面试资料
  感觉中文的AC的系统资料很少,现在看到一个大概流程的东西,贴出来大家看看.  Selection methods at a glance  Type of excercise What they’re  looking forWhat they’re NOT  looking for Group exercise  (can take many forms  but fundamentally  a discussion with  a group of other  candidates)  People who can work  with others to reach a  suitable outcome  People who hog the  discussion or people  who contribute nothing  Presentation  (giving a talk about a  topic)  The ability to prepare  and to communicate  to a fair-sized audience The aplomb of a  cabinet minister or a  nervous breakdown Panel interview  (involving 2 or more  interviewers, probably  investigating some  issues in some depth)  Someone who can  communicate well in  a three-(or more)way  conversation  involving a variety of  personalities  Much the same as the  one-to-one interview Lunch or dinner  (yes, these can be  tests too!)  Someone who can  communicate coolly  and calmly under for  example, the stress of  eating peas  Aristocratic table  manners or food fights Personality profile  (quiz-like exercise to  find out what sort of  person you are) There are no right  answers so there’s no  point in cheating Your deepest, darkest  secrets Aptitude test  (normally verbal,  numerical and  possibly diagrammatic  reasoning) People who are  reasonably numerate,  literate and spatially  aware. Prepare by  practising Einstein Case studies/intray/  e-tray exercises  (examples or  simulations of dayto-  day working  situations) Common sense  solutions and bright  ideas.  MBA-level analysis  (unless you have just  completed an MBA!) Technical interviews  (can take many forms,  including practical  tasks)  People who really do  have the technical  abilities they list on  their CVs  People who have been doing the job for 40  years
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随着国际贸易不断促进多边合作与多国合作的深化发展,与以往任何时候相比,众多企业与机构实现了更多的专业技术与知识共享。与 ETS 全球测评中心 (Center for Global Assessment) 以 ETS 的悠久传统为基础,在全球范围内促进学习并创造机会。
ETS Global Institute
作为 ETS 的国际培训与技术支持的分支机构,ETS Global Institute 为国际客户提供各种与考试相关的培训、咨询以及教育解决方案,其中包括超过 35 个国家的教育部、大学、测试机构以及其他教育机构。
The Center for Global Assessment
The Center for Global Assessment 帮助全球客户开发、管理并实施大规模测评项目,此类客户包括国际机构、政府机关和部门、私人基金会以及学术机构等。
由 ETS Global Institute 与全球测评中心 (Center for Global Assessment) 联合组成的中央资源可为全球各地的教育者与研究者提供服务。
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近几年来,ETS 一直协助 NAEP 计划引入大量的心理和评估设计创新。
ETS 已通过 National Quality Assurance (NQA) 的 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) 验证。BCMS 为 ETS 的关键操作和系统以及委托给机构的信息的完整性提供保障。


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